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Pflege für Hunde

Donnerstag, 2. November 2017

Der kaufen eines welpen pekinese mix

EBay Kleinanzeigen: Pekinese Mix, Hunde und Welpen kaufen oder verkaufen Jetzt finden oder inserieren! eBay Kleinanzeigen - Kostenlos. Einfach. Lokal. EBay Kleinanzeigen: Pekinese, Mischlinge und Mischlingswelpen kaufen oder Hallo ich mцchte Mix aus Shih-Tzu und Pekinese-Welpen ( Rьde ) ab ca.17.05. Pekinese (Hunde und Welpen) bei Deine-Tierwelt. de dem seriцsen Zu verkaufen: Mдdchen: Winona Ryder iz Mira Feretty - 3,5 m Pedigree FCI geboren

Ergebnissen 1 - 30 von 31 Pekinese Welpen kaufen & verkaufen im Anzeigenmarkt von dhd24 Sьsse Mix Welpen aus Pekinese und Rehpinscher (Widdern). chihuahua-pekinese mix welpe, hьndin 4,5 monate junge hьndin. alle impfungen wir verkaufen wunderschцne, sьЯe Jack-Russel-Chihuahua-Welpen.

Dhd24.comDeine-Tierwelt - der groЯe Tiermarkt mit mehr als 100.000 Kleinanzeigen: Chihuahua Pekinesen Mix Welpe (Kцln) kaufen und verkaufen Rubrik. Chihuahua Pekinese Welpen Mix unsere Nala sucht ein neues zu hause sie ist 11 Wochen alt noch 350,-. D-51149. Kцln Westhoven. vor 6 Monaten.

Tiere kaufen und verkaufen in Mьnchen, Hamburg, Berlin, Kцln, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Dortmund, Ich bin am 8.8.2012 geboren ein Mops-PekinesenMischling und bin gechipt und [. Ich verkaufe einen mops - Chihuahua Welpen. Stuttgart kaufen Mini Malteser Welpen Mini Zwerg gьnstig Mix Schдferhund Mixrьde kaufen. Pekinese & Pekinese-Welpen aus Ihrer Umgebung auf Snautz. de kaufen und Beachten Sie auch unsere Angebote in der Kategorie Pekinese-Mix bzw.

Shih tzu welpen gebraucht oder neu kaufen - 32 passende Angebote gefunden. Ein zuckersьЯer Shih Tzu/Pekingese Mix Welpen Rьde in gold-weiЯ. Finden Sie mehr als 3.010.945 Anzeigen am grцЯten Marktplatz Цsterreichs. Gьnstig kaufen und gratis inserieren auf willhaben. at. Ganz sьsse welpen abzugeben sind geimpft und entwurmt leider mьssen die so schnell wie mцglich wegkommen da das ein ungeplanter wurf war ich urlaub.

Pekinese Hunde Welpen Kleinanzeigen: Pekinesewelpen kaufen und hat schon viel zu erzдhlen, Tag 1: Er ist wohl eher ein Tibet-Spaniel - als Peki-Mix. Kleinanzeigen: Rubrik Pekinese (kaufen & verkaufen) Wir sind 7 super sьЯe Pekinesen Welpen die auf diesem Weg eine nette Familie zum kuscheln und.

Wдhlen Sie aus 53 Inseraten in der Kategorie Hunde zu Pekinese Kaufen, oder fьhren Sie eine beliebige Suche auf tiere. at aus - Цsterreich groЯer Tiermarkt.

Hunde - kaufen & verkaufen: Gratis Kleinanzeigen der Schweiz - Suchen und Da die Besitzerin ins Altersheim gehen muss, sucht dieser sьsse Pekinese. Ich wohne in Stuttgart also wдre es perfekt wenn ich in diesem Umkreis einen Welpen finden kцnnte. Also sehr sьЯ finde ich ja die Pekinesen. Hunde, Welpen kostenlos inserieren und gьnstige Angebote finden. Bernersennen-Mix (Geboren am 27.3.15) suchen ein neues Zuhause. Wir sind 11 kleine.

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Mix hunde

  1. dog, hound
    • 1929, Kurt Tucholsky, Das Lächeln der Mona Lisa (Sammelband), Ernst Rowohlt Verlag, page 138: Ein Hund bellt, wenn er mit den Sinnen etwas wahrgenommen hat; daraufhin, weil ihn sein Bellen erschreckt und aufregt, und des weiteren, weil sich das wahrgenommene Objekt um ihn kümmert, nicht um ihn kümmert oder davonläuft. A dog barks when he has perceived something with the senses; thereupon, because his barking scares and upsets him, and furthermore, because the perceived object looks after him, does not look after him, or runs away.
    • 1995, Hans Räber, Enzyklopädie der Rassehunde. Band 2, Kosmos, pp. 426 and 805: Die Schnauze ist namentlich bei dem Hunde (Rüde) oft stark schwarz verbrämt; die alten Hunde haben starke Hautfalten am Kopfe. Wehe dann dem Hunde, der ihn tollkühn angreift[.]
    • 2012, Hans Günter Wolff, revised by Barbara Rakow, Unsere Hunde . gesund durch Homöopathie: Heilfibel eines Tierarztes. 15., aktualisierte Auflage, Sonntag (part of the Thieme Verlagsgruppe): Boxer und Spitze sind dieser Krankheit vornehmlich ausgesetzt, die, im höheren Alter vielfach mit einer Bronchitis gepaart, dem Hunde und seiner Umgebung das Leben schwer machen. (section: 2.2.2 Kehlkopfkatarrh) Für ca. 3 Wochen werden dem Hunde 3-mal täglich je 1 Tablette von jedem einzelnen Mittel gegeben: [. ] (section: 4.1.1 Mundgeruch)
    • 2014 (the text of this edition follows a book from 1975), Arthur und Albert Schott, Rumänische Volkserzählungen aus dem Banat, edited by Karl-Maria Guth, Hofenberg, p.69: Der Schäfer glaubte zwar dem Hunde, doch wollte er sich von der Treulosigkeit der andern überzeugen und wartete, bis die Hunde in der Nacht richtig den Wölfen das verabredete Zeichen gaben.
  2. ( pejorative ) scoundrel ; dog ( mean or morally reprehensible person )

Usage notes Edit

The normal plural is Hunde. The plural Hünde is used to some degree in dialects and colloquial varieties, chiefly in southern and western Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Compare Luxembourgish Hond (plural: Hënn).


Leonberger Breed

Facts and Drawbacks

The Leonberger is one of the oldest breeds originating in Germany. It is a large, long haired breed that was always meant to be foremost a companion and watch dog. Leonbergers can come in different colors and build but all should have black masks and have a strong body that is still elegant and neither massive nor plump.

"The Leonberger is a strong muscular, yet elegant dog. He is distinguished by his balanced body type and confident calmness, yet lively temperament. Males, in particular, are powerful and strong."

Leonberger FCI Standard

The Leonberger breed is not for everybody. Leonbergers are large and powerful dogs that need training from early puppyhood so an owner can live with the full grown dog of over 100 pounds without issues. While meant to be a perfect family dog, careful selection of breeding dogs (puppy buyers need to be very diligent in choosing a breeder) and early socialisation are key in order to achive the perfect companion the Leonbergers should be.

The Leonberger is classified by the FCI in the molossians, type mountain dog (Group 2, Section 2.2), not a typical working breed that was bred to serve one purpose. Today's Leonberger is best described as a family companion who is willing to take over the task of companionship and almost anything else their pack leaders can come with. While not a good choice for a running or bicycling companion, Leonbergers do enjoy hiking, swimming, and gatherings of family and friends. Leonbergers can be trained to do almost anything as long as you have patience and a sense of humor! Leonbergers have captured working titles in obedience, water rescue, agility, carting and herding, and seem to have a natural ability as therapy dogs. They are happiest as a member of a family that includes the Leonberger in daily activities.

The LCA put together a little writeup with all the reasons why you might not want to buy a Leonberger. Download here. In case you still are convinced that the Leonberger is the right breed for you, please visit the Looking for a Puppy? section of this website to read about what to look for in a breeder and in the parents of your future own "wittle weo".

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Copyright © 2007 Leonberger ex Horto Leonis.

Pflege für Hunde

Freitag, 30. Juni 2017

Der kaufen eines welpen mix zu

Chihuahua Zwergdackel Mischlings Welpe sucht ein neues Zuhause. Dieser kleine sьЯe Chihuahua Zwergdackel Mischling, knapp 9 Wochen alt inzwischen. Super tolle Havaneser Malteser Mix Welpen ab Mitte Juni 2015 zu vergeben. Geboren sind die Welpen am ersten April 2015 Weitere Einzelbilder der super. Ab dem 14.05.2015 kцnnen unsere Berner Sennenhund - Labrador - Mix Welpen bei ihren neuen Besitzern einziehen. Bis dahin wurden sie 500,-, 97633.

Haustier-Anzeiger, Hunde kaufen ·. Haustier-Anzeiger > Hunde Kleinanzeigen: Rubrik Welpen (Mischlinge) (kaufen & verkaufen) Jach Russel Mix Welpen. Kleinanzeigen: Rubrik Mischlingshunde (kaufen & verkaufen) Super tolle Havaneser Malteser Mix Welpen ab Mitte Juni 2015 zu vergeben. Geboren sind die.

Welpen Mix - Kleinanzeigen bei dhd24.com. Tiere kaufen und verkaufen in Mьnchen, Hamburg, Berlin, Kцln, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Dortmund, Dьsseldorf, Bremen. Hunde - kaufen & verkaufen: Gratis Kleinanzeigen der Schweiz - Suchen und finden Sie Wundervolle Havaneserwelpen zu Mitte und Ende 2015 7857361.

Mischlingswelpen aus Ihrer Umgebung auf Snautz. de kaufen und kostenlos verkaufen. Halloechen, mein Name ist Alvin, ich bin ein Mischlings Welpe der im Elly, Havaneser/Malteser Mix sucht wegen starker Allergie ihres Frauchens ein. Mischlingshunde kaufen oder verkaufen - 1472 passende Angebote gefunden. Die wunderschцne griechische Herdenschutz(mix)hьndin hatte riesiges.

Die Mischlingswelpen brauchen nun ihre eigenen Familien, wo sie all das lernen dьrfen, was einen Fa 02.05.2015, Welpen, 6900 Lugano (Schweiz), SFr. Mischlingshunde Welpen Bцrse: Hundewelpen verkaufen und kaufen!. 05/ 2014 Rasse: kleiner Mix GrцЯe: klein Geschlecht: Rьde Der reizende kleine Wicht. Boxer Mix Welpen Tiermarkt gebraucht kaufen oder selber kostenlos ьber die Rubrik "Tiermarkt" verkaufen. Neben Boxer Mix Welpen Tiermarkt finden Sie ьber.

Tiere Hunde Gratis-Inserate. ch - Kostenlose Tierwelt Schweiz - 50000 Liebling eine liebevolle, familiдre Betreuung fьr kleine Hunderassen und Welpen. Mix Kleinanzeigen aus Hunde & Hundewelpen kaufen, verkaufen & zu adoptieren ьber kostenlose Kleinanzeigen bei markt. de. Suchen Sie nach Mix, Hunde.

Hunde kaufen und verkaufen - Kleinanzeigen zum Thema Hunde aus Border Collie Welpen, aus Arbeitslinie, mit Papieren Welpen Appenzeller Mix.

Dackel Mischling Welpen kaufen von Ђ 300. Wir haben jetzt 44 Anzeigen von 8 Seiten fьr Dackel Mischling Welpen kaufen, unter Tiere. ZuckersьЯe Labrador Retriever Welpen mit Papiere und Ahnentafel ZuckersьЯe, reinrassige, schwarze und CremeweiЯ Labradorwelpen ab 12 Woc. Labrador Mix Welpen Tiermarkt gebraucht kaufen oder selber kostenlos ьber die Rubrik "Tiermarkt" verkaufen. Neben Labrador Mix Welpen Tiermarkt finden.

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Shih Tzu Lhasa Apso Mix – Shih Apso (Lhasa Tzu) Puppies

The modern Shih Tzu Lhasa Apso mix is a blend of two distinct canines. Both of these breeds were employed in the ancient world as guardians of their respective premises.

Shih Apso (Lhasa Tzu) Puppy Quick Stats

» A combination of a Shih Tzu and a Lhasa Apso

» Recognized as an official mixed breed by the American Canine Hybrid Club (ACHC), Designer Dogs Kennel Club (DDKC), International Designer Canine Registry (IDCR) and Designer Breed Registry (DBR)

» Average estimated lifespan of between 12 – 15 years

» Average estimated weight of between 12 – 18 pounds

» Average height of approximately 8 – 12 inches

» Grooming requirement – Medium

History of Shi Apso

The Shih Tzu is a Chinese dog that was bred to look like the classic lions that guard ancient palace facades and are ubiquitous in the country’s mythology. This silky canine has long and luxurious hair with a curled tail that can seem, at times, to merge with its coat.

The Lhasa Apso originates from Tibet. The texture of its coat is coarser than that of the Shih Tzu. One of its most notable features is a distinctive underbite that postures for ferocity but somehow comes off as lovable.

A Historical/Modern Context of the Lhasa Tzu

A keen sense of intelligence characterizes this unique Shih Tzu Lhasa Apso cross. They draw from two different cultures as icons of spiritual guardianship, with monks on the Tibetan side and royalty on the Chinese side.

People who monitor the ongoing political situation in these regions will appreciate the significance of adopting a dog with these two specific backgrounds into their family. This puppy embodies a significant dual heritage, which can inspire a feeling of hope that peace and resolution can come to any situation.

The Shih Tzu Lhasa Apso Cross Breed

This mixed breed is sometimes affectionately called a Shih Apso. It displays an alert and somewhat territorial disposition due to the many centuries of special training.

It is fun to speculate about their potential for ancestral memory as you watch them carry on in such a way as to resemble their ancient trade as guardian of a palace or sanctuary. This antic can be rather cute when they are caught guarding the front yard from invading birds.

Appearance of Shih Tzu Lhasa Apso Mix Puppies

Like just about any other mixed breed dog, the distinctive set of traits of this particular blend is difficult to predict. The height of the puppy could become as high as 12 inches, but it could also turn out a bit shorter.

The fur will most likely be soft, but will probably not be quite as silken as the original Chinese Shih Tzu. It could turn out showing off a bit more of the coarseness of the Lhasa side.

One thing to count on is that your Shih Apso will most likely have long hair, so it is advisable to get a good puppy brush and perhaps a fur-removing roller for clothing and upholstery.

Personality of the Shih Apso

You can count on these dogs to have a certain amount of healthy hostility towards outsiders until they become familiar with the newcomers. For this reason, it is highly recommended that they are exposed as early as possible to any children with whom they will be expected to interact.

They exhibit a gentle nature towards infant companions, yet they provide a lot of energy and activity towards growing children as well. The Shih Tzu Lhasa Apso mix is loyal and can be counted on as a loving friend.


Pekingese / Dachshund Mixed Breed Dogs

Information and Pictures

"This is a picture of my dog Slinky. Her mother is a Dachshund and her father is a Pekingese. She is a very smart dog that is very well behaved."

Other Names
  • Dachanese
  • Pekeashund
  • Pekeweenie

The Pekehund is not a purebred dog. It is a cross between the Pekingese and the Dachshund. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed. Not all of these designer hybrid dogs being bred are 50% purebred to 50% purebred. It is very common for breeders to breed multi-generation crosses.

  • ACHC = American Canine Hybrid Club
  • DBR = Designer Breed Registry
  • DDKC = Designer Dogs Kennel Club
  • DRA = Dog Registry of America, Inc.
  • IDCR = International Designer Canine Registry ®

Baby Dill Pickle the Pekehund (Pekingese / Dachshund mix breed dog) as a young puppy, bred by Dakota Winds

Baby Dill Pickle the Pekehund (Pekingese / Dachshund mix breed dog) at 7 weeks old bred by Dakota Winds

7-week-old Pekehund (Pekingese / Dachshund mix breed dog) puppy, bred by Dakota Winds

7-week-old Pekehund (Pekingese / Dachshund mix breed dog) puppy, bred by Dakota Winds

9-week-old Pekehund (Pekingese / Dachshund mix breed dog) puppy, bred by Dakota Winds


The Material contained herein may not be reproduced without the prior written approval of the author. Contents & Graphics Copyright © Dog Breed Info Center® (C) 1998- . All Rights Reserved. Our work is not Public Domain.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel / Tibetan Spaniel Mixed Breed Dogs

Information and Pictures

"Missie is our Cavalier x Tibetan Spaniel mix (Tibalier). She is full grown and 12 pounds. Her temperament is very much a blend of both breeds, very cuddly, but as well incredibly curious and outgoing. She is unflappable, loves commotion and is great with my children and their friends. She also tends to be independent minded, a little stubborn to train, and will test the fence. She will bark to alarm us of strangers, but other than that reserves barking. Her coat is very easy to care for, with a brushing usually only once a week. She has the parti-coloring of the Tibetan Spaniel. Many of her littermates were a diluted Blenheim."

Other Names
  • Cavatibbie

The Tibalier is not a purebred dog. It is a cross between the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Tibetan Spaniel. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed. Not all of these designer hybrid dogs being bred are 50% purebred to 50% purebred. It is very common for breeders to breed multi-generation crosses.


DRA = Dog Registry of America, Inc.

Missie the full-grown Cavalier x Tibetan Spaniel mix breed dog (Tibalier)

Missie the full-grown Cavalier x Tibetan Spaniel hybrid (Tibalier)—Missie and Diamond are littermates, and have similar personalities.

Diamond the Tibalier (Cavalier x Tibetan Spaniel hybrid) at 14 months old, weighing 13 lbs.—she was fully grown at 10 months. Diamond is one of Missie's littermates. "Diamond thinks she's a BIG dog! At the dog park, she'd rather play with dogs bigger than her. She's just always been like that. Not that she doesn't play with dogs her size. She just LOVES to play. with anyone! But she tires the little dogs her size out so easily. I don't know where she gets all her energy from! It's funny ’cause the dogs (even the big ones) lie down to take a rest and Diamond is just nonstop pulling at their ears and tails and anything she can do to get them to chase her.

"Sometimes I take her to playcare; it’s like doggie daycare where I can just drop her off and she can play with other dogs. My friend Lyndsey works there and she says Diamond gets put with the little dogs first, and she's so overly playful and rambunctious that she tires them all out, then gets put in with the big, big dogs, and she gets them ALL to chase her around. Lyndsey says it's too funny to watch, ’cause she runs under their legs and they get confused. She can also stop on a dime and run the opposite direction.

"She has also gotten a lot of compliments on her agility. What I think has helped her is the fact that she has so much fur on her feet and in between her toes, and plus we have all hardwood floors so she was slippin’ and sliding all around the house, it took her a couple weeks but she's got it down! Now you put her on any other surface, grass, dirt, cement, gravel…she can stop and turn on a dime and do it over and over again till the other dogs give up. It is so super fun to watch her do it. People tell me I should train her for those dog obstacle-course things…maybe I will one day!"

Diamond the Tibalier (Cavalier x Tibetan Spaniel mix breed dog) at 11 months old

"We have a pretty big backyard, which she loves to play in all the time and I take her to the dog park as often as I can. I like taking her there ’cause I feel that is the only true way of using up all her energy, by playing with other dogs. Diamond is very quick at running up and down our stairs. Our house is 3 stories, so she got that down very quickly as well. Diamond does that rolling thing…and she is up on her feet and off in the other direction so quickly! She definitely likes being high up, above everything. I've read that about Tibetans. She likes to sit on the top of the back of the couch and the 3rd floor deck, and is positioned like a sphinx…observing all around her from her high place, but she also likes to cuddle!!

"She does what I like to call, sharing her toys…she'll select a toy from her basket, a very specific one, and sit in your lap, and play with it, if you hold the other side of the toy. If you don't hold it, she'll keep trying to put it in your hand until you do. It's super cute. She does that sometimes, and other times she's content with just playing with it on her own, but still in your lap. If the toy falls off your lap, she'll jump down and get it and put it back in your lap again so she can play with it.

"She has a big white basket where we keep all her toys, she has access to it all the time, and I am amazed sometimes just to watch her very carefully dig around inside the basket until she chooses just the toy she wants…I wonder how she decides which one she'd rather play with.

"Diamond definitely is a licker!! That is actually one of her "things" she's remembered for. (That and also she looks exactly like the dragon from The NeverEnding Story!), but yeah, she will lick all of our visitors to death! I thought all people love doggie kisses, but I guess some don't. This past summer we've learned that she likes to lick people's feet, ’cause they were all wearing flip flops…and she would lick them to death! She also likes to lick my dad's neck when he comes to visit. She sits on the top of the couch and when he sits down is when she attacks him! It tickles him and makes him laugh. Whenever she meets anyone new, either by visiting our home or taking her out to the park or beach…she licks their hands. Sometimes they don't even get a chance to pet her ’cause she wants to lick their hands so much. People think it's sweet. If you pick her up, she is guaranteed to lick your face. I have taught her to lick my face on command when I make the kissy-sound.

"Every day, after our shower, she loves to jump in the tub and lick all the water droplets on all the sides and the floor of the tub!! It's funny cause Diamond KNOWS where her water bowl is, and she has access to it all the time, but I guess she'd rather lick it off the tub…ha-ha. On top of that, she actually likes to jump in the tub WHILE we're taking a shower and licks at the water shooting at her face. She loves to stand there and do that for several minutes. It's gotten to the point now that we keep her shampoo in the shower next to our stuff and a towel just for her in our bathroom and I bought her a little bathrobe to put on so she doesn't shake around the house. We don't shampoo her every time, just when she starts to get a doggie smell, but she gets a nice rinse every day! She's probably one of the cleanest dogs I know. She's very happy when she's all wet! She likes to run at top speed around the house once she's got her bathrobe on. We like to say that's she's air drying herself!! Needless to say, it isn't very hard to bathe her. She loves it!

"Diamond does this thing, we call it her "psycho run," once a day, not always at the same time, but always once a day, where out of nowhere, she'll just decide to run around the house at full, FULL speed for a good 2 minutes straight, all the while growling and grunting. Then she'll stop and be totally calm all over again. It's the weirdest thing!! At first we thought she had a split personality and were kinda weirded out by it, but now we're used to it. It really just comes out of nowhere. So we could never figure out what triggers it!

"Diamond isn't so good about getting brushed. I would LOVE to use the slicker brush on her more often, but she absolutely hates it! I have to resort to using the Zoom Groom, made by the same people who make Kongs. It works well enough, but doesn't get it all like a slicker. Diamond will run away as soon as she sees it in my hands. It's frustrating ’cause her hair is all over the place! I vacuum everyday (we have a Roomba) so it’s not bad, but I wish it wasn't on our clothes so much. Also, we cut her nails every two weeks. We don't like them to get long, as she is inside mostly and always on our bed and likes to sleep on the laundry and we don't want anything getting snagged. My husband also worries about the hardwood floors, but I think she is too light to do any harm. She's getting better with it; it used to be no problem until once I accidentally cut her too close and now she doesn't trust us anymore. We have to give her plenty of treats as we cut, and she is slowly but surely regaining our trust, but still wiggles a whole lot. I feel the more we do it, the more she'll get used to it and hopefully soon it will be a breeze again."

Diamond the Tibalier (Cavalier x Tibetan Spaniel mix breed dog) as a puppy at 5 months old

Missie and Diamond's litter—Tibaliers puppies (Cavalier x Tibetan Spaniel mix breed dogs)


The Material contained herein may not be reproduced without the prior written approval of the author. Contents & Graphics Copyright © Dog Breed Info Center® (C) 1998- . All Rights Reserved. Our work is not Public Domain.

Maltese Yorkie Mix - Morkie Dogs

AKA: Yorktese, Malkie, Yorkshire Terrier - Maltese Hybrid

The Maltese Yorkie mix, also called a Morkie, Malkie, or Yorktese is a cross 

between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Maltese.

These mixed breed dogs are often given specific names, but keep in mind that they are not a separate dog breed.

According to Morkie owners, these dogs have an affectionate personality and beautiful coloring.

Please do not purchase these dogs from a breeder. There is no need to create more mutts when plenty are available for adoption. If you discover a Maltese mix that would fit well with your family, you can easily adopt one at a Maltese Dog Rescue instead (and for a lot less money)!

Maltese Yorkie Mix Personality

Morkie dogs take on the temperament of both Yorkies and Maltese. They are bold, energetic little dogs.

They are also highly intelligent and easy to train, but can be difficult to housebreak. They are sometimes suspicious of strangers and can serve as a good watchdog.

Morkies and Morkie puppies do best with older children as younger children under the age of 10 years old can accidentally injure this tiny dog. Most people find them to have the mellowness of a Maltese and the tenacity of a terrier.

Great Morkie Gifts

If you already have a Yorkie Maltese mix or know someone that does, check out these unique gifts for Morkie dog lovers below.

Maltese Yorkie Appearance

A Maltese Yorkie can create various mixtures of hair color, hair type, and size. Most Morkie dogs hair will include some brown and black from the Yorkie and maybe a little white from the Maltese.

Hair is usually wavy and grows continuously like human hair. Therefore, they need consistent grooming by either brushing regularly or keeping a short puppy cut.

They are also non-shedding and most are hypoallergenic. Full grown Morkies average 6-9 lbs. This is about the same size as a purebred Maltese.

Learn More About Morkies

What Other Morkie Owners Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other Morkie dog owners.

Sanibelle Lee - "Morkie" Maltese/Yorkie

When I received my Morkie, the breeder said she was the last pup available. They weren't sure of the size she would end up to be but at 8 months she is …

Markie a Morkie

She is 4 yrs old, and weighs 8 or 9 pounds. She looks more like the Yorkie side than the Maltese side. The tan fur on her is much lighter than the Yorkie …

Female Morkie Puppy

I got my female Morkie puppy Sophie at 6 weeks old, she is 3 months now she weighs 4.5 lbs. She is a beautiful dog. The last time I took her to the Vet …

Golden Morkie

Lady is our 3 year old golden Morkie and is an absolute joy! We love her so much but the best part is that she loves us so much more! She is VERY affectionate …

Teacup Morkie

I have a micro teacup Morkie. (Yorkie/Maltese) I was going to get a Yorkipoo or a Maltipoo but I did a rescue for a poo-mix and that dog was just too …

Yorkie Maltese Puppy

This is Hamlet, our Yorkie Maltese puppy. We have had him for only a week now, he's 10 weeks old. He is absolutely adorable and has stolen all of our hearts …


Morkie Rescue

Mindy is a three year old Morkie rescue from a puppy mill. She's been with me since Dec 2009 and is the most lovable dog I've ever met. She's bright and …

Morkie Dogs

I have two Morkie dogs. Dolce is almost 2 years old and is the love of my life. Loves to get cozy with me. Dolce is very much a mama's girl. Dolce just …

Yorkie Maltese Mix Puppies

Santa Claus brought one of the cutest Yorkie Maltese mix puppies Hershey this past Christmas of 2009. Hershey is a loving pup that loves to cuddle on …

Black and White Morkie

Lynzi is a black and white Morkie. She is an absolute cutie! She loves traveling in her dog duffle bag and no one knows she's there because she doesn't …

White Morkie

He is a 1 year old all white Morkie, well his dad is a Morkie and his mommy is a Maltese. he is very playful, he loves to sleep his mommie, well me, …

Black Morkie Puppy

Our black Morkie puppy Gibson became part of our family about a month ago. He is 13 weeks now and weighs 4 lbs. He has the cutest personality and just …

Rescued Morkie

My Little Morkie Baby came from a rescue center. She was a bit shy at first, but we are slowly building up her confidence. She is so loving and affectionate, …

Yorkie Maltese Puppies

Milo is a 4 1/2 month old Yorkie Maltese puppy. He weighs 3 1/2 lbs, he is so energetic. I love him to death. We are in the process of potty training, …

Morkie Dog

Max is a 1 1/2 year old Morkie dog. He is the love of our life. He is weary of strangers and little children. My kids are grown so he barks at little …

Maltese Mix Yorkie

I put my Morkie Chloe in this site when she was just 2 months old. She was suppose to be around 6 pounds, but is more like 10 or more. She is very smart, …

Yorkie Maltese Mix Puppy

I love my Yorkie Maltese mix puppy! Misty's Mommy was Yorkie 5 1/2 lbs and Daddy was Maltese 3lbs. Misty is now 4 1/2 months and weighs 6.7 lbs. She …

Maltese Yorkie

My Maltese Yorkie is a 4 lb ball of energy who ADORES children and other dogs. Zuzu is 10 months old. Her mother was the Maltese and her father was a Yorkie. …


Teddybear came to us as a blessing. We were in Altell and overheard a lady on her cellphone talking about trying to find a home for her puppy. We had …

Morkie Puppies

I have a Princess who is 12 wks old and she is one of the most precious Morkie puppies!! I have had her 4 wks and already she is sooo spoiled. Her …

Morkie Puppy

I have a Morkie puppy that is now 4 months old, he is the sweetest little doggie that one could ask for. He and his brother were the only 2 survivors …


Chewbacca is a happy and loving Yorktese puppy! He is a healthy baby boy! We got him when he was 2 pounds, now he is 5 pounds and still growing. Chewbacca …

Yorkie Mix

Honey is a 5-6 lbs Maltese Yorkie mix and just turned 2 years old. Everyone thinks she is a puppy. Her mom is a Maltese, dad is a Yorkie. She is a perfect …

More Morkies

Oliver aka Ollie is a Maltese Yorkie mix and has been with us since April. He is almost 8 months old and is such a character! He is very sweet like our …

Chesney is a 3 1/2 month old male Morkie. He is the sweetest little puppy. He enjoys this nice weather and he's doing pretty good at housetraining. …

We just adopted our black and tan Morkie Sugar from our local animal shelter. The mother a full Malteese and the father a full Yorkie. Someone had surrended …

Teddy Bear is one of the cutest Maltese Yorkie mix puppies. He's almost 4 months now and loves giving kisses, so playful and such a good friend to our …

Our Maltese Yorkshire Terrier mix Penny is the joy of our lives. She is very smart girl and learns tricks very quickly. She also learned how to wrap me …

My Maltese Yorkie mix is 9 weeks old. Her mother is a Maltese and her dad a mini Yorkie. She is cream in colour and really small cute and cuddly. …

My Yorkie Maltese mix is the best. Sometimes she has one ear up and one down. She loves children. She lays down under my chin to sleep sometimes. She …

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"Great layout, easy to read. It is a good book for someone getting a Maltese for the first time."

"I learned lots of helpful tips about training. I would recommend this book to other Maltese moms & dads! It would be especially helpful for new parents."

" This book was concise and answered all my questions. I would definitely recommend it to all Maltese owners, and the book was also relevant to owners of mixed breeds."

" This book was concise and answered all my questions. I would definitely recommend it to all Maltese owners, and the book was also relevant to owners of mixed breeds."

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Leonberger Breed

Leonberger Breed History

Despite the mythology and often-recited, “rose-colored” version of the origins of the Leonberger, the early history of the breed is actually quite clouded and tumultuous. The Leonberger emerged from the enthusiasms and exploits of Heinrich Essig (1809-1889), a successful politician with a genius for marketing and public relations. An alderman and a prominent citizen in Leonberg, Germany, Essig made a successful living as a professional animal trader who bought and sold dogs for a span of fifty years, trading sometimes 200 to 300 dogs a year at the height of his career.

Essig’s strong suit was vision and marketing communications, not attention to the details of dog breeding! So, it was “chutzpah” rather than verifiable breeding records that led him in 1846 to declare the “creation” of the Leonberger. Whether Essig actually created a new breed by careful selection following genetically sound principles is rather doubtful. What we do know for certain is that Essig’s marketing genius resulted in such widespread popularization of the breed, that the Leonberger, as a breed, survived cries of outrage from breeders of Saint Bernards and Newfoundlands, from judges, and from the editors of dog magazines such as Der Hund. At the same time, Essig had ardent loyalists who paid great sums for his dogs and defended him publicly. Through his marketing skill, Essig’s dogs found their way into the castles of royalty, most notably Empress Elizabeth of Austria, the Prince of Wales, Emperor Napoleon II, Garibaldi, the King of Belgium, Bismarck, King Umberto of Italy, and the Czar of Russia. They were exported as far away as United States, England, Newfoundland and Japan to the wealthy who desired large fashionable dogs.

Essig died in 1889 without ever defining a standard for the breed or a defensible description of his breeding program. It is a tribute to the qualities of the Leonberger that in spite of harsh criticism from the dog fancy establishment, there were enough enthusiastic owners to form, beginning in 1891, the first Leonberger club.

Unfortunately, this first Leonberger club did not survive very long and it was not until 1895 that the “Internationaler Klub für Leonbergerhunde” was founded with Albert Kull as president. Kull was also the author of the first Leonberger Standard. With the eye of an artist he did a good enough job that this standard formed the foundation for all subsequent standards.

World War I almost rendered the breed extinct. However, the determination and dedication of two men, Karl Stadelmann and Otto Josenhans, saved the breed by finding and breeding the foundation stock that formed the basis for the breed as it is known today. By scouring post-war Germany they found 25 dogs that represented their vision of a typical Leonberger, five of them suitable for breeding. Inflation and food forced a breeding cooperative to be formed. Within four years the dedicated members of the cooperative had selectively bred 350 Leonbergers and established the official Breed Registry, which continues uninterrupted today.

Both dogs and accurate records survived the destruction of WWII. After a few tumultuous years right after the war it was the veterinarian Dr. Herbstreith that successfully led the club from 1963 until his death in 1974. Thereafter, Robert Beutelsbacher took over and left a legacy with his leadership, writing a firm set of breeding regulations and updated the standard as well as established international cooperation.

In 1975, the German Club brought all the Leonberger breed clubs from the major European nations together and founded the International Union of Leonberger Clubs. The Union is comprised of delegates from most of the National Leonberger Clubs throughout the western world who meet annually at the German National Leonberger Club Show.

@ Caroline Bliss Isberg

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