5 Designer Doodle Dog Breeds
When you look past the Poodle's froufrou show coat, you'll see an easy-to-train brainiac with a sense of humor who gets along with kids and other pets. So what happens when you cross this versatile breed with another equally family-friendly and smart breed? You get a doodle dog!
But before you rush out to your nearest breeder to get a designer dog, do your homework and get to know the different kinds of doodles. Also understand that these hybrids are a bit of a wild card, genetically. If you breed a Poodle with a Poodle, you are likely to get a certain set of characteristics. With designer dogs, you never really quite know what personality traits or physical characteristics will surface in the dog you get. But one thing we can tell from these photos — they sure are cute!
Doodle Dogs Bring Oodles of Joy
Vidar Skauen, Animal Photography
When you mix America's most popular dog the Lab with the Poodle you get a pup who is potentially sociable, friendly and extremely intuitive. The breed comes is three sizes: miniature (weighing 15 to 30 pounds), medium (30 to 45 pounds) and standard (45 to more than 100 pounds). But remember, crossbreed traits are not fixed, so there's no telling how much your puppy will end up weighing.
Mike Lawson / Flickr
Aussiedoodles are believed by some to be the doggie Einsteins of the canine world. Both Australian Shepherds and Poodles are extremely intelligent, which means that if the Aussiedoodle inherits those traits, its big brain can get easily bored. If he isn't busy doing a job of some sort, he will find a way to occupy his mind — even if it means destroying your living room in the process. Give this doodle plenty of socialization and training from a young age and he'll turn into a wonderful companion.
Robin Burkett, Animal Photography
Yes, this Schnauzer and Poodle crossbreed is more of an oodle than a doodle, but we won't let one missing letter exclude this adorable option. Schnoodles have the potential to combine the intelligence, boldness and friendliness of both breeds. This double dose of attentiveness could make him a great watchdog too.
Anita Peeples, Animal Photography
This dog is adorable. Often friendly and outgoing like a Golden Retriever and smart like a Poodle, the Goldendoodle can be a great family pet and can even be trained to be a fantastic guide dog. As with all designer breeds, however, Goldendoodles are often falsly marketed as hypoallergenic because of their curly coat. While there is a chance that those with allergies will be able to tolerate a curly-coated breed more easily than one with a flat coat, the hypoallergenic claim has never been scientifically proven. In fact, allergies are not caused by a specific coat type, but rather by the dander shed from the dog's fur.
Sherry Rupke from Swissridge Kennels
Created in 2004 by Sherry Rupke of Swissridge Kennels, the Bernedoodle is a cross between the Bernese Mountain Dog and the Poodle. Rupke says the Bernedoodle is fun, sociable and a great family dog, but stresses that Bernedoodles need to be trained and socialized from an early age. The Bernedoodle is just as happy playing fetch and jogging with you as he is curling up on the couch and snuggling.
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Mini hunde in not
dhd24 ist eines der führenden Kleinanzeigenportale Deutschlands. Im Folgenden finden Sie eine kleine Auswahl von Anzeigen zum Thema "Mini Hunde".
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79 Ergebnisse - Anzeige von 1-30
Wir müssen uns schweren Herzens von unserem Mini Australien Shepherd Rüden Balu trennen. Wir mussten leider nach schon kurzer Zeit feststellen, dass die Kind-Hund-Beziehung in unserem Fall nicht funktioniert. Balu wurde am [. ]
1.000,- | 48167 Münster
Süßer kleiner Mini Shih-Tzu Rüde 8 Monate alt in liebevolle Hände zu verkaufen . Der kleine ist komplett durchgeimpft auch schon gegen Tollwut. Er ist sehr lieb kennt die üblichen Alltagsgeräusche kommt auch mit anderen [. ]
799,- | 06124 Halle Saale
Muss leider aus privaten gründen Mein mini Chihuahua Merle hündin hergeben Sie ist über 1,5 jahre alt Stubenrein Kinderlieb Kommt mit katzen und hunde klar Näheres am telefon
500,- | 91626 Schopfloch
Wer das "Besondere" und "Exklusive" sucht, viel Wert auf "Gesundheit" des Hundes legt. . ist bei uns genau richtig! Super süße Yorkshire Terrier Welpen, Standard ,mini und Teacup Rüden und Hündinnen, auch in der besonders [. ]
Reinrassiger gesunder Chihuahua Rüde, kein Mini, aus seriöser Hobbyzucht, deshalb ohne Papiere sucht nette gesunde Hundedame auch andere Rasse für ein Schäferstündchen, jetzt oder später. Ich bin schon Vater 5 gesunder [. ]
k.A. | 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg
Dieser liebe und bildhübsche, wie ein Mini Labrador aussehende Hundejunge ist Benjamin. Benjamin wurde mit seinen Geschwistern ausgesetzt aufgefunden und durfte seither mit viel Nestwärme aufwachsen. Benjamin sucht nach [. ]
280,- | 25704 Meldorf (Holstein) - Itzehoe -
Mini ist ein weiblicher Welpe von ca. 3 Monaten (geb. 15.11.17). Sie ist sehr aufgeschlossen, menschenbezogen und freundlich. Mini ist sehr unkompliziert und passt daher auch gut zu Hundeanfängern. Unsere Hunde kommen nach [. ]
k.A. | 41836 Hückelhoven
Nana lebte mit ihrem Sohn Mini bei einer älteren Dame, die sie nun leider nicht mehr versorgen kann. Beide sind sehr lieb und eher ruhige Hunde. Bei Interesse können wir jederzeit schnell neue Informationen zum [. ]
k.A. | 46047 Oberhausen
Reinrassige Mini Malteser Welpen zur Abgabe. Bei uns "kaufen" Sie nicht einfach einen Hund sondern Sie "gewinnen" einen Freund! Malteser Welpen immer weiß wie Schnee ALLERGIKERFREUNDLICHE Rasse ohne Haarwechsel Jeder Welpe [. ]
1.450,- | 79100 Freiburg im Breisgau
Wir erwarten zu Anf.März Goldendoodle Mini Welpen F1 /F1b .aus der 1.Zucht ECHTER MINI GOLDENDOODLES in Deutschland. Mutter HDFreie Golden Retrieverhündin. Vater Zwergpudel. 30 cm. diese Hunde sind durch künstliche [. ]
k.A. | 34519 Diemelsee
Wer hat ein Plätzchen frei für die kleine Amora? Mini-Maus Amora sucht ihr großes Glück! Unsere Amora ist so klein und zierlich, dass man sie zwischen all den Hunden, dieser wirklichen großen Masse an Hunden im öffentlichen [. ]
350,- | 81925 München
ein zauberhaftes Shih Tzu Edelmix Baby, ruhig, anhänglich und dennoch verspielt. Ein richtiger kleiner Hund im Miniformat, gut sozialisiert und kennt andere Hunde, Katzen und Kinder. Das liebe Hundekind darf nun in ein neues [. ]
590,- | 53909 Zülpich
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Dash der Schäfi-Zwerg
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300,- | 32423 Minden, Westfalen
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600,- | 66564 Ottweiler
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k.A. | 34519 Diemelsee
Dash Nr. 145/17 Warum Dash ? Tja, weil Dash sieht aus, wie ein zu heiß gewaschene Schäferhund, der eingelaufen ist. Mit dem Kopf eines Schäferhundes und den Körper eines süßes, kleines Hundes. Eben ein Schäfi in Mini Format. [. ]
k.A. | 15328 Reitwein
PJ Mini Mix in Spanien sucht ES (AM) Name: PJ Geschlecht: männlich Geboren/Alter: 1-2 Jahre Grösse: 25 cm Gewicht: kg Kastriert:bei Ausreise Geimpft: Ja Chip: Ja Verträglich mit anderen Hunden: Ja Verträglich mit Katzen: [. ]
k.A. | 66780 Rehlingen-Siersburg
Hündin, geb.ca. Januar 2016, geimpft, gechipt, entwurmt und kastriert. Widerristhöhe 40 cm, Gewicht 15kg. Anisa wurde auf den Strassen von Yakutsk aufgegriffen. Sie sieht aus wie ein kleiner Mini-Husky . Sie ist ein sehr [. ]
k.A. | 74535 Mainhardt
Hier ist eine schöne 4 Jahre alte Mini - Bulli- Hündin, die ein liebevolles Zuhause sucht. Sie ist lieb, anhänglich, läuft ohne Leine neben uns, ist aber auch leinenführig und hört auf die Grundkommandos. Sie versteht sich [. ]
k.A. | 01561 Großenhain
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400,- | 85055 Ingolstadt, Donau
Wer das "Besondere" und "Exklusive" sucht, viel Wert auf "Gesundheit" des Hundes legt. . ist bei uns genau richtig! Super süßer Mini Teacup Yorkshire Terrier, ein Rüde in der besonders seltenen Farbe weiß-gold sucht ab [. ]
3.000,- | 47574 Goch
Dieser Pulli in anthrazit/brombeer mit Mohair ist speziell für alle "Minis". RL 16 cm, Bauchlänge 9 cm, Brustumfang 24-26 cm, Halsumfang 14-16 cm Versand EUR 1,60
17,- | 63067 Offenbach am Main
Dieser Pulli ist speziell für alle "Minis". RL 14 cm Bauchlänge 9 cm, Brustumfang bis 24 cm, Halsumfang 14-16 cm Versand EUR 1,60
17,- | 63067 Offenbach am Main
Dieser Pulli in AnthrazitTürkis mit Mohair ist speziell für alle "Minis". RL 14 cm, Bauchlänge 10 cm, Brustumfang bis 24 cm, Halsumfang 14-16 cm Versand EUR 1,60
17,- | 63067 Offenbach am Main
Dieser Pulli in rosa/weiß ist speziell für alle "Minis". RL 15 cm, Bauchlänge 9 cm, Brustumfang bis 24 cm, Halsumfang 14-16 cm Versand EUR 1,60
17,- | 63067 Offenbach am Main
Dieser Pulli ist speziell für alle "Minis". RL 14 cm, Bauchlänge 7 cm, Brustumfang 20 cm, Halsumfang 14-16 cm Versand EUR 1,60
17,- | 63067 Offenbach am Main
Dieser handgefertigte Pullover in einer frischen Farbkombi ist für alle Hunde, die bei Kälte frieren. Rückenlänge 21, Brustumfang 32-34 cm Bauchlänge 112 cm, Hals 20-24 cm
20,- | 63067 Offenbach am Main
Hundeleckerli Kuchen Kekse Mini Tiere getreidefrei Huhn / Ente & Kartoffel 1000g
Diese getreidefrei und Fettarme, mini Kekse in Formen von Tieren und in den Geschmacksrichtung 1x Huhn & Kartoffel + 1x Ente und Kartoffel werden ihre Hunde lieben. -Ergänzungsfuttermittel für Hunde- Zusammensetzung Ente [. ]
8,- | 07333 Unterwellenborn
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The name you choose says as much about you as it does about your dog. It shows how you view your dog and your relationship with it. Some names can cause people to judge a dog and react positively or negatively/fearfully when meeting it. Depending on whether the dog is a pet, therapy dog, search & rescue dog, tracking dog or any other dog that works with the public, it is important to use a name that conveys the proper image. Happy searching!
The most popular dog name in North America is Sam, Sammie or Samantha (which means "listener"). The second most popular is Max, Maxie, Maxwell or Maxine (which means "the greatest" in Latin). Third is Lady, followed by Bear, Maggie, Buddy, Tasha, Chelsea (or Chelsie), Holly and Shasta. Other very popular names are Brandy, Ginger and Taffy.
Pflege für Hunde
Samstag, 25. Juni 2016
Der kaufen eines welpen yorkshire mini
Sьsse Yorkshire-Terrier Welpen an anspruchsvolle Liebhaber zu verkaufen. Galino, Galina Mariel, Gela Janelle und Gesa Amilia sind die ganz mini kleinen. Mini Yorkshire Terrier Welpen kaufen von Ђ 500. Wir haben jetzt 77 Anzeigen von 8 Seiten fьr Mini Yorkshire Terrier Welpen kaufen, unter Tiere. Haustier-Anzeiger, Hunde kaufen Kleinanzeigen: Rubrik Yorkshire Terrier ( kaufen & verkaufen) mini kleine Golddust Yorkshire Terrier & black and tan.
Kleinanzeigen: Rubrik Yorkshire Terrier (kaufen & verkaufen) Wunderschцner Yorkshire Terrier Welpe(Rьde) aus eigener Aufzucht sucht ab sofort sein neues. Ergebnissen 1 - 32 von 54 Mini Yorkshire bei dhd24.com - dem groЯen Kleinanzeigenportal mit Anzeigen aus allen Regionen und tausenden Rubriken.
Dhd24.comDeine-Tierwelt - der groЯe Tiermarkt mit mehr als 100.000 Kleinanzeigen: Mini Yorkshire Terrier Welpen (Hapert) kaufen und verkaufen Rubrik. 13 Yorkshire Terrier Hunde Welpen Kleinanzeigen: Yorkshire Terrierwelpen kaufen und verkaufen mit 12 Fotos.
Yorkshire terrier welpen gebraucht oder neu kaufen - 51 passende Angebote gefunden. Kostenlose Sьsse Mini Yorkshire Terrier Welpen. Die Kleinen Buben. Super-Mini-Yorkshire-Hьndin. Unser Emelie will hinaus in die Welt und sucht nun auf diesem Weg ab 08.052015 ihre neue Familie, die sie fьr ein Leben lang.
Rassehunde. Yorkshire Terrier Jork welpen. TYP Mini kleine black and tan und Golddust Yorkshir TYP Superschцne Yorkshire Terrier Welpen. TYP. Rassehunde - kaufen & verkaufen: Gratis Kleinanzeigen der Schweiz - Suchen Unsere 3 Buben Mini Yorkshire Terrier Welpen sind 3 Wochen alt und gesund. Terrier und Terrierwelpen von privat kaufen. Seite 1 von 6 Unsere 3 Buben Mini Yorkshire Terrier Welpen sind 3 Wochen alt und gesund. Hьndin und Rьde.
Yorkshire Terrier-Welpen aus Ihrer Umgebung auf Snautz. de kaufen und Wir sind sьЯe, reinrassige mini Yorki, geb. am 10.03.15 und wьrden bereits ab dem. Mini Yorkshire Terrier Welpen Tiermarkt gebraucht kaufen oder selber kostenlos ьber die Rubrik "Tiermarkt" verkaufen. Neben Mini Yorkshire Terrier Welpen.
Zьchter im VDH: Yorkshire Terrier. Welpen-Newsletter-Service Sie suchen Welpen in Ihrer Nдhe Wir informieren Sie, sobald Welpen der gewьnschten Rasse.
Wir suchen fьr unseren Yorkshire-Terrier (Mini) Rьden geb. Wir haben zwei wunderschцhne American Staffordshire Terrier Hundewelpen zu verkaufen. Wenn Sie einen Yorkshire Terrier Welpen kaufen wollen, wenden Sie sich am. gleich mehrere “Mini”-Yorkies anbietet: Ein einzelner kleinwьchsiger Hund. Welpen im Alter von weniger als 10 Wochen sollten Sie nicht kaufen – das ist noch NamenMini-Yorkie« nicht gibt und nur von Zьchtern/Hдndlern verwendet.
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Tag: klein Hunde dachshunds
Here is a site pictured below ( links ) provided, that Lowrider mini Dachshunds Tracy Buck & Carol Penner created about Adorable mini Dachshunds.http://www.yousignanimals.org/STOP-ADORABLE-MINI-DACHSHUND-PUPPY-MILL-IN-TABER-ALBERTA-t-2032 a complete fabrication and complete lie fabricated by Tracy Buck of lowrider mini Dachshunds & Carol Penner. These two light minded Creeple Peeple used the same picture again, again and again. They COPIED it from ( Baltruschats blog ) http://baltruschat.de/?p=93 that was originally posted in August 14 2014.The original post from 2014 has nothing to do with adorable mini dachshunds they just copied the picture to fabricate their lie. It is amazing how Tracy buck and Carol penner can continue to create fake users & fabricated internet sites & fake post about Adorable mini Dachshunds and type lie after lie after lie. Then they tell people that they are honest and good. The reality of it is, they are nasty and bad and terrible. Lowrider mini dachshunds are terrible Caution Caution Caution…BUYERS & BREEDERS. Must see pictures.
THIS site you see pictured below > STOP ADORABLE MINI DACHSHUNDS was created by Tracy buck and Carol penner ( Notice the picture they used, they claim these puppies pictured here in their post are Adorable mini Dachshunds puppies!
Picture 2 below is of the original picture of a puppy mill blog created by Baltruschat’s Blog http://baltruschat.de/?p=93 that has nothing to do with adorable mini dachshunds in any way. This is where Tracy buck of Lowrider mini dachshunds and carol penner copied the picture from to use in their malicious lies about Adorable mini dachshunds breeder. When you visit this site link provided above, the blog and picture on this site was created in august 2014, Almost a full 2 years before Tracy buck and carol penners, puppy mill accusations and fabrications about Adorable mini dachshunds, started to appear on the world wide web.
Picture ( 3 ) below. This is a screen shot of Baltruschat;s Blog http://baltruschat.de/?p=93 this is the picture that Tracy buck and carol Penner used, the blog was posted and created on this site as readers can see the post date of August 14 2014. You can clearly see the same picture of Dachshunds puppies in cages that Tracy buck and carol Penner copied and is currently using in their blogs and posts. They NOW claim that these puppies are Adorable mini Dachshunds puppies, and that adorable mini dachshund breeders, have a puppy mill.An entire malicious lie!
Pictured below screen shot ( 4 ) Web link provided http://www.yousignanimals.org/STOP-ADORABLE-MINI-DACHSHUND-PUPPY-MILL-IN-TABER-ALBERTA-t-2032 Again and again, and again. Tracy buck of Lowrider mini dachshunds and Carrol penner, these two light minded individuals use the same picture over and over again claiming that these Dachshund puppies pictured in all of their posts are Adorable mini Dachshunds.
Here is the date that the above fabricated post was created by Tracy buck and Carol penner look in the bottom left corner of the blog/post ( I HAVE PLACED A RED ARROW TO INDICATE ) published on March 28 2015. Anyone can go to the site and see themselves http://www.yousignanimals.org/STOP-ADORABLE-MINI-DACHSHUND-PUPPY-MILL-IN-TABER-ALBERTA-t-2032 these poor breeders ( Adorable mini Dachshunds ) have been targeted in a hateful malicious campaign by Tracy buck of lowrider mini dachshunds and Carol Penner. Clearly they copied the picture from Baltruschat;s Blog http://baltruschat.de/?p=93 created in august 14 2014 pictured below, that Tracy Buck of Lowrider mini Dachshunds and Carol Penner now claim are Adorable mini dachshund puppies, and that they have a puppy mill. Terrible terrible malicious lies. Horrible!
Below is yet another post by lowrider mini dachshunds & Carrol Penner using a fictitious name and yet again using the same picture over and over again, originally copied as previously mentioned from ( Baltruschat’s Blog ) http://baltruschat.de/?p=93 originally posted on august 2014. Terrible terrible!
The fabrication of the puppy mill story about adorable mini dachshunds is crystal CLEAR! Tracy buck and Carol Penner created a malicious false story about adorable mini dachshunds out of jealousy & hate, after all adorable mini dachshunds are lowrider mini dachshunds breeders competition. This is the most probable reason for this Horrible lie they have created. Trying to ruin someones business and reputation, and the extent that lowrider mini dachshund breeders have gone to over their made up fabricated story is disturbing, for this very reason I would strongly suggest not to deal them in any way business or otherwise, as it is obvious that they are a danger to deal with on any level. extreme CAUTION would be the in order with any and all dealings with lowrider mini dachshunds. There have been allegations that lowrider mini dachshunds have even tried to sue some of their customers after purchases! After creating the false story about adorable mini dachshunds having a puppy mill, lowrider mini dachshunds and carol penner then proceeded to lodge multiple complaints to the complaints board about adorable mini dachshunds in regards to the very same issue they fabricated and created. They lodged complaints using their own names and also created multiple users using fake names to post more complaints to Firmly cement their malicious lies. Here is the link to one of the complaints created by Tracy Buck of Lowrider mini dachshunds. http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/adorable-mini-dachshunds-selling-sick-dogs-in-mass-amounts-c767655.html Please feel free to click on this link to go to the site to read the comments.
Below is a screen shot of the complaints board complaint Previously mentioned above that Lowrider mini dachshunds have created to post comments to further cement the lie accusing Adorable mini dachshunds of having a puppy mill and other bizarre accusations based on their fictitious & malicious, hatful lies. Terrible terrible! Here is the link again to the site. http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/adorable-mini-dachshunds-selling-sick-dogs-in-mass-amounts-c767655.html
Here are some screen shots below of just some of the fictitious sites Lowrider mini dachshunds created! Adorable mini dachshund breeders are not the only breeders, lowrider mini dachshunds have targeted. The screen shots highlighted in red brackets below are from lowrider mini dachshunds OWN SITE. I have visited the site and almost the complete page is dedicated to “Adorable mini dachshunds breeders”. Remember Lowrider mini dachshunds web site is supposed to be for selling & promoting their own puppies? Instead Tracy Buck has dedicated almost the entire page to mud slinging and false accusations and made up stories. The so called commenters on her page posting comments about adorable mini dachshunds, are clearly written by the same person. When you read these comments and you examine the writing style technique & punctuation, the picture becomes very clear. Tracy Buck is doing nothing different from before, like the picture she fabricated along with the websites. Tracy buck is writing her own comments on her own page & pretending to be other people. For Tracy Buck of Lowrider mini dachshunds this has become some type of sick demented obsessional animosity fuelled by hate. “READERS” WHAT BUSINESS OF ANY TYPE DEDICATES AND FABRICATES FALSE INFORMATION ABOUT ANOTHER BUSINESS, POSTS IT ON THE WOLRD WIDE WEB AND EVEN DEDICATES THE LIE TO THEIR OWN HOME PAGE. WHAT ALL THIS REALLY MEANS IS “DONT BUY FROM ADORABLE MINI DACHSHUNDS, BUY FROM ME AT LOWRIDER MINI DACHSHUNDS”. This alone indicates how deep the Obsession for profit runs. Link provided http://www.lowriderdoxie.com/#!buyers-beware/c1lpr
We must not confuse profit-making with profiteering, It is obvious Lowrider mini Dachshunds goal is to damage Adorable mini Dachshunds reputation and business to increase the profits of her own business. Very simple math.
Wrong Way to Lie in Business by Michael Church writes: Lies, even ethical ones, can be corrosive to most relationships. Most people have a visceral aversion to being lied to. When you lie to someone, you’re making the statement that you don’t believe person can be trusted with the truth… Lying to someone is corrosive because people take it personally. This means that, when you lie, you must be comfortable telling the lie to everyone, and moreover, you must act as if the lie was true. There’s a saying in creative writing, which is most often applied to poets, and it says; the bad ones borrow and the good ones steal… and, a similar rule applies to lying in business; steal but don’t borrow… If you’re going to lie about something, then you must be prepared to continue lying about it for ever… that means if you’re going to use a lie– you must own it… That restricts the scope of what one can lie about, which is generally a good thing. Lying is a surgical art, for example; you must never lie about something that contradicts an objective ‘fact’, for example; don’t cook ‘the books’ since you will probably get caught.
Hunde ein fröhliches Mini-Wörterbuch für alle, die ihren vierbeinigen Freund niemals auf den Hund kommen lassen
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MASCA – Miniature Australian Shepherd Club of America
Miniature Australian Shepherd Club of America
The Australian Shepherd originated on western America’s ranches as stockdog and guard, moving stock long distances and keeping a watchful eye over his charges. Aussies retain a strong herding instinct, and are noted for intelligence, energetic temperament and trainability. The Miniature Australian Shepherd should not be regarded as an easy substitute for the Australian Shepherd, nor should prospective owners expect “miniature” to imply a very small dog or one of diminished drive. Mini Aussies excel in many disciplines due to their heartiness, drive, and loyalty.
President Brenda-lee Hoskins (705) 440-0405
Secretary Dianna Jaynes, Canada (613) 929-6941
Director Vivian Beard (307) 631-2204
Club Profile
The Miniature Australian Shepherd Club of America (MASCA) is the oldest and largest extant parent club for the Australian Shepherd of the miniature variety. Since its foundation in 1996, MASCA has worked with owners and breeders to promote the sound breeding, welfare and wider recognition of the mini Aussie.
Our Mission
- To protect the health, type, temperament and instinct and promote quality in the breeding of purebred Australian Shepherds of the miniature variety (including preventing the sale of puppies through pet stores);
- To maintain a completely documented and accurate registry and recording database for Australian Shepherds of the miniature variety;
- To maintain a standard reflecting the ideal consistent with genetically achievable goals of the Australian Shepherd of the miniature variety; to urge members to accept the MASCA standard as the only standard of excellence by which Australian Shepherds of the miniature variety shall be judged; and to manage a fair process to educate judges in the MASCA standard;
- To promote the formation of affiliated clubs in those localities where there are sufficient fanciers to meet the requirements;
- To sanction conformation shows, herding trials, obedience trials, agility trials and performance events, and to encourage sportsmanlike participation by members in all forms of competition;
- To pursue further recognition as the variety becomes populous enough and when breeders have demonstrated that they are breeding sound, consistently typey dogs of the correct instinct and temperament;
- To educate members, enthusiasts and the general public through all available venues whenever possible.
The Miniature Australian Shepherd Club of America is pleased to have partnered with Paw Print Genetics to provide affordable testing for your dogs. Using discount code MASCA, save 20% off any order or 25% off two or more tests in the same dog, including disease tests, coat colors and traits, or 40% off the Miniature Australian Shepherd Disease Panel. Find your tests here: https://www.pawprintgenetics.com/products/breeds/39/
Place your order at https://www.pawprintgenetics.com/ or call them Mon-Fri 8am-5pm pst at 509-483-5950. This code is valid through December 31, 2018, cannot be applied to previous orders or combined with other offers. Discount excludes Parentage testing and DNA profiling. Be sure to use your discount code only for MASCA members at checkout!
There are currently openings on a few Committees.
We would love to have members get involved with your club
and join us on these committees.
Code of Ethics Update
Through MASCA, the parent club and registry for the Australian Shepherd of the miniature variety, the mini Aussie remains a size variety of the Australian Shepherd, with a continuous gene pool. The dogs will NOT become a separate breed, UNLIKE the AKC Miniature American Shepherd. Dog owners and future owners concerned with maintaining Australian Shepherd heritage, instinct, temperament and type in a mini Aussie, are invited to contact MASCA for additional information about the club and its goals.
A MASCA mini Aussie:
- Is not registered with the AKC as a breed other than an Australian Shepherd
- Is not the same as the AKC/FSS Miniature American Shepherd
- Is the true Aussie of the miniature variety
- Will always be an Aussie
MASCA is NOT seeking recognition as a Miniature American Shepherd with AKC/FSS.
MASCA will protect the integrity of the MASCA registry and continue to register Australian Shepherds of the miniature variety. We are true to the heritage of our dogs.
Due to the recent developments with some dogs being registered with FSS/AKC as a breed other than an Australian Shepherd of the miniature variety, we ask that all pictures, brags, and announcements for our blog and website pertain to dogs registered as Australian Shepherds of the miniature variety, and ONLY registered as Australian Shepherds of the miniature variety.
MASCA also reserves the right to decide what information and pictures are placed on the official MASCA website.
Tractive GPS Tracker for Dogs and Cats
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starting at only € 4.16 / month
- GPS Tracking (2-60 minutes intervals)
- Unlimited LIVE Tracking (2-3 second intervals)
- Worldwide Coverage
- Unlimited Location History
- Export Location History (gpx & kml file)
- Access through multiple accounts
- PREMIUM Customer Service
Tractive products are robust and easy to use
We designed Tractive GPS to be easy to use for anyone, anywhere. Thanks to cutting edge technologies (GSM, GPS, Bluetooth), Tractive GPS trackers can be located accurately and reliably from almost anywhere in the world, whether your pet is in the backyard or on the other side of the globe, you can monitor the location.
LIVE Tracking
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Worldwide Coverage
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Tractive works in over 150 countries worldwide
Tractive GPS products can be used with cats and dogs almost anywhere in the world. Regardless of whether you are travelling or at home. Even if you live close to the border, Tractive GPS trackers will use the best available cellular network. Simply attach the Tractive gps tracker to the collar, start LIVE tracking and receive geofence alerts.
It's hiking time! Enjoy some autumnal panorama!
Tractive - Track your pet's location
tractive - October 6
These flowers are for you
Tractive - Track your pet's location
tractive - June 23
Exercise?! I thought you said extra fries!!
Tractive - Track your pet's location
tractive - July 31
Tractive Apps
Besides GPS tracking devices for dogs and cats, Tractive also develops apps for you and your pet. These apps should make daily life with your loved ones easier and even more fun, like the pet gallery Tractive Photos.
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