Glucosamin til hunde
Glucosamin til hunde
Glucosamin til hunde (det samme som til mennekser og heste) er et aminosukker, som naturligt findes i organismen, specielt i knogler, knoglebrusk og ledvæske. Hunden har gennem hele livet brug for den rette mængde Glucosamin i kroppen for at opretholde sunde led, sener og disses funktioner.
Man har senere erfaret at Chondroitin er et godt supplement til Glucosamin. Sammen kan disse to præparater være med til at lindre smerter ved symtomer på gigt, især på ældre hunde, samt være med til at hindre nedbrydningen og derved forlænge hundens liv og ikke mindst livskvalitet.
Glucosamin til hunde gives normalt i form af piller, men anvender du Command Performance, får din hund automatisk tilført den rette mængde Glucosamin hver dag. Måske har du aldrig givet din hund dette tilskud, men det er aldrig for sent at begynde.
Det hjælper på meget aktive hunde med vedligeholdelse af led, brusk og sener og på hunde der har fået konstateret gigt eller har dårlige led. Adskillige videnskabelige studier har dokumenteret at Glucosamin og Chondroitin har en gavnlig effekt på led og ledfunktioner.
Det er dokumenteret at tilførsel af Glucosamin til hunde kan nedsætte nedbrydningen af knoglebrusk som øges med alderen. Dog er det ikke helt klart om Glucosamin også kan genopbygge mistet brusk. Glucosamin har i mange år været brugt til behandling af ledproblemer hos specielt ældre heste.
Ligesom for Glucosamin til hunde kendes ingen skadelige bivirkninger af Chondroitin til hunde.
Hvis du bruger Command Performance hundefoder med Glucosamin fra hunden er hvalp, sikrer du din hund de bedste betingelser for et langt og sundt liv ved dagligt tilskud af Glucosamin, Chondroitin og MSM.
Læs hvad Danske dyreinternater mener Glucosamin til hunde og hvad Netdyredoktoren skriver om fodring af Seniorhunde og hunde med gigt samt hvordan de skriver om slidgigt
MSM til hunde
MSM virker smertelindrende ved at fjerne betændelseslignende tilstande. MSM styrker og smidiggør derved muskler, sener og ledbånd i forbindelse med slidgigt, leddegigt og andre degenerative led- og muskelsygdomme samt i forbindelse med overanstrengelse.
Hvor Glukosamin og Chondroitin er vigtige byggesten i brusk og ledvæske, er MSM altså vigtig for leddets bløde dele som muskler, sener og ledbånd. Findes i vores hundefoder med Glucosamin
En stærk trio
Kombinationen af de tre præparater giver den mest effektive og sikre kur når de er i fodret fremfor at give det ved siden af som tilskud. i forbindelse med slidgigt og forebyggelse af gener i led, muskler, sener og led.
Glukomax Glukosamin
Glukomax Glukosamin från ION Silver- innehåller glukosamin som bidrar till en normal ledfunktion hos både hästar och hundar.
- Registrerat fodertillskott
- Fördelaktigt för hästars och hundars ledfunktion
- Glukosaminsulfat
ION Silver - Glukomax Glukosamin kan användas av hästar och hundar inte endast vid påfrestningar och monotona arbeten utan även i samband med ökad ålder. Glukosaminet stöder den normala ledfunktionen hos dina fyrfotade vänner. Många använder en kombination av Glukosamin och MSM under starten av en behandling och fortsätter sedan med en ”underhållsdos” av MSM. Glukomax Glukosamin är registrerat som fodertillskott hos Jordbruksverket.
Häst: En häst på ca 500kg: Räkna med ca 15g (3 teskedar). En ponny ger man en något mindre dos.
Hundar: Dosen baseras på hundens vikt.
- 10 kg: ca 1 gram/dag (1ml)
- 10-20 kg: ca 1-2 gram/dag (1-2 ml)
- 20-30 kg: ca 2 -3 gram/dag (2-3 ml)
- 30-40 kg: ca 3 – 4 gram/dag /3-4 ml
- 40-50 kg: ca 4 – 5 gram/dag (4-5 ml)
- 50kg och uppåt ca 5 gram/dag (5ml)
1 kryddmått = 1 ml =1 gram. 1 tesked = 5 ml = 5 gram
Observera att vi inte ansvarar för innehållet i omdömen publicerade på siten. I omdömena beskrivna resultat och effekter är individuella och kan inte generaliseras.
Hjälper mig mot ledvärk, stor skillnad mot innan.
Tanja T. 9 maj 2013
Fungerar kanonbra på mina 2 corsos o på boerboeln, en hade hdE ad3 o en har artros. rekomenderas
Lena B. 21 januari 2009
Glukosamin Pharma Nord, 90 kapslar
Alavis MSM-1000H, 1kg
MSM Lignisul
Perfekt att ge bort!
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© 2018 Health and Sports Nutrition Group HSNG AB
Glukosamin til hunde, katte og heste
Glucosamin Sulfat til hunde, katte og heste. Glucosamin opfattes af mange som et godt middel, og bruges ofte sammen med MSM.
Glucosamin Sulfat til hunde, katte og heste
Glukosamin findes naturligt i vores organisme, specielt i brusken og knoglerne. Derfor kan det også være nødvendigt for vores dyr, at få et ekstra tilskud af glukosamin, for at opretholde depoterne af glukosamin i kroppen. Iflg. dansk lovgivning må disse produkter ikke anprises, så derfor kan vi desværre ikke oplyse om alle de gode egenskaber dette produkt har. Så vi håber du har mulighed for finde disse oplysninger på anden måde. Glukosamin bruges ofte sammen med kosttilskuddet MSM (varenr. Dal28)
BEMÆRK: 120 g er fra Svensk Dyreapotek og 500 g, 1 kg og 5 kg er fra Stroh Medico.
Daglig dosering vedr. 120 g spande fra Svensk Dyreapotek:
Katte/ små hunde op til 10 kg: 1 måleske pr. dag (rækker til ca. 150 dage)
Hunde mellem 10-25 kg: 2 måleskeer pr. dag (rækker til ca. 75 dage)
Ingredienser i Svensk Dyreapotek: glucosaminsulfat fra skaldyr 2 kcl, inulin, kalciumascorbat (C-vitamin)
Daglig dosering vedr. 500 g, 1 kg og 5 kg spande fra Stroh Medico:
Ønsker du yderligere oplysninger vedr. Stroh Medico produktet, sidder kundeservice i Stroh Medico klar til at besvare dit spørgsmål - på tlf. 45866712
Derfor kan du trygt handle hos DYRELAGERET.DK:
- Leveringstid: 1-3 hverdage for lagervarer.
- Fragt: Levering til GLS Pakkeshop kr. 36,00
- Fragt: Levering til din adresse med GLS (hvis varen må stilles) kr. 59,00
- Fragt: Samlet bestilling for over kr. 499,00, gratis levering
- Skriv gerne i kommentarfeltet hvor varen må stilles, hvis du ikke er hjemme - så undgår du forsinkelser i leveringen.
- Fragtfrie varer: Hundefoder (små sække dog undtaget)
- Fragtfrie varer: Vital Animin
- BEMÆRK: Hvis du har betilt en fragtfri vare - kan du altid supplere din ordre med andre varer - og din ordre er STADIG FRAGTFRI.
- Returret: 60 dage
- Prisgaranti
- Fysisk Lagerbutik på Nejstdalen 3, 9850 Hirtshals
Er din hund eller kat begyndt at blive stivbenet og har svært ved at rejse sig?
Lidt fakta her om glukosamin – Og hvorfor et tilskud af glukosamin kan være en god ide.
Hunde og katte vil være aktive og det er naturligt for dem. Men de fleste hunde og katte bliver stive i leddene med alderen og for de fleste kommer det snigende. Måske får de sværere ved at rejse sig og/eller hoppe ud/ind af bilen eller mindre arbejdsvillige og glade. Dette er en hel naturlig proces og tegn på aldring. Men når rørligheden formindskes vil et daglig tilskud af Glucosamin være meget værdifuldt.
En gang havde vi glemt at give ham det og han faldt helt tilbage til sit gamle jeg med stive led og vaklen. Så det glemmer vi ikke mere. Kan klart anbefale at prøve det. MVH Christian.
Hvad er glukosamin?
Foruden glucosamin indeholder Biopet Glucosamin også mangan og methionin. Manglende methionin kan hæmme opbygningen af brusk og mangan er et spormineral, der er nødvendig for bedre at assimilere tilskud af glucosamin. Biodistra Glucosamin indeholder også inulin som øger optagelsen af mineraler, herunder kalk. En forøget optagelse af calcium er positivt, fordi det forhindrer osteoporose, dette er af særlig betydning for ældre personer. Den unikke kombination af ingredienser i Biodistra Glucosamin giver høj biotilgængelighed,.Biodistra Glucosamin er en sikker, effektiv og meget overkommelige produkt.
Indhold og dosering Biopet Glukosamin
Glukosamin er et slags omvandrende sukkermolekyle, som tillverkas genom kroppens egna celler. Kroppen framställer glukosamin genom att kombinera en sockerart (glukos) med kväve (amin).
Biopet Glucosamin er kun baseret på komponenter af høj kvalitet og producenten i SE er en GMP certificeret fabrik. At fabrikken indeholer GMP standarden indebærer at den er certificeret af lægemiddelstyrelsen i Sverige.
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Dasuquin with MSM for Dogs
Step 1. Select an Option:
Dasuquin with MSM is a comprehensive joint health supplement for dogs containing proprietary ingredients, which goes above and beyond standard glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate supplements. It has the same ingredients as Dasuquin, but with the addition of MSM, which helps to relieve pain and inflammation.
- Comprehensive joint support health
- Contains glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, and ASU
- Protects cartilage
- Helps relieve pain and inflammation
- Allows pets to have a healthy lifestyle
- No adverse side effects
Dasuquin contains avocado/soybean unsaponifiables (ASU), which have shown to help protect cartilage and improve joint function. The ASU also helps potentiate the activity of Glucosamine and chondroitin. The combination of all three ingredients supports cartilage production and blocks enzymes that break down cartilage in your pet's body. Glucosamine is a natural compound that is found in healthy cartilage in both humans and pets. It helps hydrate healthy joints by increasing the production of molecules that bind and hold water in the cartilage. Healthy cartilage provides cushioning which helps protect a pet's joints while exercising. Further research on the effectiveness of glucosamine is still needed, but many of our customers find it to be very beneficial to their pets. Dasuquin with MSM for Dogs also contains methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), which has been shown to be helpful in relieving pain and inflammation.
Dasuquin with MSM for Dogs (Nutramax)
Dasuquin with MSM for Small to Medium Dogs (under 60 lbs): Glucosamine Hydrochloride (600mg), Methylsulfonomethane (MSM) (400mg), Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate (250mg), Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiables (45mg). Also contains Microcrystalline cellulose, dextrose, natural flavor, dried brewers yeast, magnesium stearate, gum resin, soy protein isolate, soy lecithin, tea, silicon dioxide, natural and artificial flavor, and mixed tocopherols.
Dasuquin With MSM for Large Dogs (60 lbs and over): Glucosamine Hydrochloride (900mg), Methylsulfonomethane (MSM) (800mg), Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate (350mg), Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiables (90mg). Also contains microcrystalline cellulose, natural flavor, dextrose, dried brewers yeast, magnesium stearate, gum resin, soy protein isolate, soy lecithin, tea, silicon dioxide, natural and artificial flavor, and mixed tocopherols.
Dasuquin with MSM is a comprehensive joint health supplement for dogs containing proprietary ingredients, which goes above and beyond standard glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate supplements.
Dasuquin with MSM for Dogs is a non-prescription (OTC) product available as chewable tablets.
Dasuquin with MSM for Small to Medium Dogs for the initial 4 to 6 week administration period for dogs weighing less than 10 lbs give 1/2 chewable tablet daily. For dogs weighing 10 to 29 lbs give 1 chewable tablet daily and for dogs 30-59 lbs give 2 chewable tablets daily. The suggested maintenance level for dogs less than 10 lbs is 1/2 chewable tablet daily, for dogs 10 to 29 lbs give 1/2 chewable tablet daily and for dogs 30 to 59 lbs give 1 chewable tablet daily.
Dasuquin with MSM for Large Dogs (60-120 lbs) for the initial 4 to 6 week administration period give 2 chewable tablets daily. The suggested maintenance level is to give 1 chewable tablet daily.
Dasuquin with MSM chewable tablets can be given as a treat or crumbled and mixed with food.
Contact your veterinarian or veterinary emergency room.
There are no reported side effects.
This product is for animal use only.
Store in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight. Keep lid tightly closed to ensure freshness. Keep bottle out of reach of children.
- Allow 4-6 weeks to note a response, though some dogs may respond sooner.
- If desired, the number of tablets may then be reduced to a maintenance level.
- Once consistent improvement is noted at the maintenance level, administration may be further reduced to every other day.
- The maintenance level can also be used long-term on healthy dogs to help support their joints.
Diabetic dogs should have their blood glucose monitored when taking glucosamine supplements.
MSM: Does Your Dog Need It?
MSM or Methylsulfonylmethane is an organic sulfur containing compound that is well known for its joint health benefits.
MSM’s value as a dietary supplement began mostly from work led by Stanley W Jacob MD, Professor of Surgery at the Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland. Dr Jacob studied MSM’s therapeutic benefits in more than 15,000 patients and was the senior author of The Miracle of MSM and MSM: The Definitive Guide.
In this book, Jacob reveals how MSM can significantly decrease the discomfort associated with arthritis, back pain, headaches, athletic injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome and a myriad of autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma, lupus and fibromyalgia.
MSM has been so effective in helping patients with these problems since its introduction into the natural products marketplace that it has almost surpassed glucosamine and chondroitin as an analgesic dietary supplement, as well as for allergy relief and as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Where Does MSM Come From?
MSM is an organic form of sulfur. In nature, microscopic phytoplankton living in the oceans eventually die and begin to decompose. As it decays, it creates a gas called dimethylsulfide (DMS).
Both oxygen and sunlight react with DMS; that causes DMS to go through a series of oxidation steps that include the formation of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) and other sulfates. Studies on how clouds form have demonstrated that microscopic particles of sulfate are required for water vapor in the atmosphere to form clouds.
Water droplets then absorb DMSO and MSM since both are highly soluble in water. Eventually, when the clouds release their water droplets as rain, trace amounts of these compounds drop to the earth to be used by plants or returned to the sea to repeat the process.
Is MSM A Natural Product?
Most commercially produced MSM isn’t from a natural substance made from phytoplankton; it’s the product of chemical industries and manufactured from petroleum waste and methane gas.
Commercially available MSM is synthesized by the catalytic reaction of hydrogen peroxide with DMSO. All DMSO is formed by the reaction of nitrogentetroxide and oxygen with DMS. The oxygen atoms for these reactions come from the atmosphere, the same source used in nature.
DMS is made commercially in one of two ways.
The most common method, in simplified terms, is the reaction of sulfur with natural gas (methane). Methyl alcohol made from natural gas is combined with sulfur in the form of hydrogen sulfide or carbon disulfide in a vapor phase catalytic reaction to form DMS and methylmercaptan (MM). MM is primarily used to make the amino acid methionine, another dietary supplement. DMS is sold for various industrial uses or converted to DMSO. This process is generally favored due to high conversion yield, low energy consumption and its independence from a paper mill waste stream. It is the least “natural” of the two processes.
The second method for manufacturing DMSO, which is used in the production of MSM, combines sulfur with paper mill pulping liquids to make DMS. Sulfur is added to black liquor and heated to about 460 F under high pressure. Crude DMS is stripped from the liquor after about an hour. This process is very energy intensive and limited by low yield and pulping capacity. The black liquor is burned in a recovery boiler to dispose of the remaining organic material from the wood and to reclaim the inorganic chemicals for recycle to make fresh pulping liquor. Crude DMS is purified by a series of extraction and distillation steps to make a product for sale or conversion to DMSO.
If MSM is not manufactured properly, or is produced in a facility that makes multiple products with improper sanitation procedures, contamination is likely. There may also be a chance that impurities (such as heavy metals or chlorinated hydrocarbons) from the water used in the synthesis and crystallization process will remain in the final product.
Other factors that determine the purity of synthesized MSM is consistent product formulation and strict process control procedures. A good MSM manufacturer uses in-process control and rigorous product testing to ensure the product is indeed pure.
What Can MSM Do For Your Dog?
Deficiencies in biological sulfur can result in the less than optimal functioning of each cell, tissue and organ in the body. Inorganic sulfur is poorly assimilated. Organic, biologically active sulfur is therefore extremely important for the health of every living organism. MSM is the natural source of biological sulfur to which we are adapted through our evolution. MSM has been reported to have the following benefits:
Chronic Pain
MSM is a natural analgesic and blocks the transfer of pain impulses through the nerve fibers. MSM also blocks the inflammation process by enhancing the activity of cortisol, a natural anti-inflammatory hormone produced by the body.
MSM is considered a potentiator of most vitamins and other nutrients, such as vitamin C, Coenzyme Q10, all B- vitamins, vitamin A, D and E, amino acids, selenium, calcium, magnesium en many others. MSM improves the cellular uptake of these nutrients, and prolongs their lives.
MSM is a strong antioxidant, capable of binding and inactivating harmful free radicals. Overproduction of free radicals is caused by physical and mental stress, malnutrition, air pollution, heavy metals and organic contaminants in drinking water and food and radiation.
MSM dissolves in many organic and inorganic compounds and reacts with toxins, affects inactivation and speeds excretion. Furthermore, MSM enhances the permeability of cell membranes, making it easier for nutrients to be taken up by the cells and for waste products to be eliminated.
Neurological Diseases
The brain is extremely sensitive to the effects of toxic materials such as heavy metals and organic compounds. Many of these compounds tend to accumulate in nerve cells where they can cause severe oxidative damage. Neurological disturbances may be the result. MSM is one of the few antioxidants which can easily pass the blood-brain barrier. It prevents and repairs oxidative damage and restores cell membrane elasticity and permeability. This allows the nerve cells to start excreting waste products.
MSM alleviates the symptoms of a large number of allergies, including food allergies, contact allergies, inhalation allergies, and others. The major anti-allergic characteristic of MSM caused by its ability to bind to the mucosa and present a natural blocking interface between hosts and allergens. Besides, MSM alleviates allergies through detoxification and elimination of free radicals, and improvement of cell permeability.
Autoimmune Disease
MSM very effectively fights inflammations resulting from autoimmune reactions (in which the body’s immune system turns on itself). For example, people who suffer from arthritis often benefit greatly from MSM. Several studies have shown that supplementation with MSM significantly reduces joint degeneration and inflammation. In one study, 24 people with symptomatic osteoarthritis were treated with either a regular (NSAID) drug, or with 3 grams of MSM daily. After one month, both groups noted equal improvements in pain and stiffness.
Several experiments have shown that oral administration of MSM can protect rats against the onset of cancer.
In one study, rats specially bred to be susceptible to breast cancer when given certain carcinogenic compounds were fed a diet containing MSM for a period of eight days. The control group did not receive MSM. Following this preliminary period, all rats were given oral doses of cancer-causing agents.
There was no statistical difference in the number of tumors developing in the two groups. However, the MSM diet rats developed their first tumors some 100 days later than the control rats, and these tumors became cancerous some 130 days later than those in the control group. Considering a two-year average life expectancy of rats, 100 days are the equivalent of about ten years in human life.
One of the most amazing discoveries on MSM is its antiparasitic action against Giardia, Trichomonas, roundworms, nematodes, Enterobius and other intestinal worms. Animal studies include laboratory mice determined to have pin worms by fecal cast examination. They were given commercial food and drinking water, both containing 2% MSM by weight. After 17 days, fecal examination indicated the feces were free of worms and eggs.
The sulfur containing B vitamin biotin is a critical part of glucokinase, the enzyme involved in the utilization of the sugar glucose. Sulfur is also a component of insulin, the protein hormone secreted by the pancreas that is essential to carbohydrate metabolism. Lack of nutritional sulfur in the diet can result in low production of biologically active insulin.
Studies indicate that MSM improves cellular glucose uptake by improving cell permeability, thus balancing blood sugar level and returning the pancreas to normal functioning.
Are There Natural Sources Of MSM?
MSM and its precursors return to the earth in rainwater, which contains a lot of MSM. Fruits and vegetables will absorb this rainwater and MSM can be found in most plants, with a content ranging from 1 to 4 mg/kg.
When animals eat these plants, they also assimilate MSM. Raw cow’s milk from pastured animals contains a considerable amount of MSM: about 2 to 5 mg/kg. Due to the volatile nature of MSM, it is rapidly lost when consumables are heated during food preparation or pasteurization. Pasturized milk therefore contains less than 0.25 mg/kg MSM, roughly the same amount found in milk from cows fed dried, artificial food. Milk from goats and other animals contains a lesser amount.
Cooking and heating will destroy most MSM in plants and meats. MSM is also lost when vegetables and fruit are frozen for a lengthy period of time, or when they are irradiated. Due to the realities of the modern food industry, in which a great portion of everything we feed out dogs is either heated, irradiated, or frozen for a period of time, it’s no wonder that dogs and humans both suffer from a chronic shortage of MSM.
Is Your Dog Getting Enough MSM?
The therapeutic dosage for dogs is about 50 to 100 mg MSM per 10 pounds of body weight. Even dogs fed a raw, whole food diet might not be getting enough of this supplement, thanks to the industrialization of farming.
Toxicity is not usually an issue with MSM; in fact, it’s similar in toxicity to water. The lethal dose for humans is more than three pounds.
Quality Matters
If your dog suffers from a chronic inflammatory condition or joint pain, you might wish to feed him MSM. Because it’s a synthesized product, extensive distillation is crucial to remove impurities such as heavy metals. Unlike most other supplements, MSM can be manufactured in the US, so look for US made sources.
If you prefer to rely on food sources of MSM, make sure your dog’s diet is raw and organic to keep as much of the naturally occurring MSM intact. Smaller amounts of naturally occurring MSM would be needed, so it might be possible for your dog to get enough MSM from diet alone.
Adding sulfur rich foods to your dog’s diet might also help, since MSM is organic sulfur. Sulfur also plays an important role in the production of glutathione, another important antioxidant.
Sulfur rich foods include meats with a lot of collagen, such as bones, trachea and connective tissue.
Raw, organic meats and bones are best.
Herschler, R.J.: Methylsulfonylmethane and Methods of Use. United States Patent 4,296,130: 1981.
Herschler, R.J.: Methylsulfonylmethane in Dietary Products. United States Patent 4,616,039: 1986.
Herschler, R.J.: Dietary Products and Uses Comprising Methylsulfonylmethane. United States Patent 4,863,748: 1989.
Herschler, R.J.: MSM: a Nutrient for the Horse. Eq. Vet. Data, 1986.
Mindell, E.L.: The MSM Miracle. Enhance Your Health with Organic Sulfur. Good Health Guides, Keats Publishing, Inc, Connecticut, USA: 1997.
Ley, B.M.: The Forgotten Nutrient MSM: on Our Way Back to Health with Sulfur. Health Learning Handbooks, BL Publications, California: 1998.
Owen, B.: Ask Dr. Bob?? Why MSM?? Health Hope Publishing House, California, 1997
Jacob, S.W: The Current Status of MSM in Medicine. Am. Acad. Med. Prev., 1983.
Jacob, S.W. and Herschler, R.J.: Introductory Remarks: Dimethylsulfoxide after Twenty Years. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.: 1983.
Moore, R.D. and Morton, J.I.: Diminished Inflamatory Joint Disease in Mice Ingesting Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) or Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). Fed. of Am. Soc. for Exp. Biol., Proceedings 69th Ann. Meeting 1985: 692.
Richmond, V.L.: Incorporation of Methylsulfonylmethane into Guinea Pig Serum Proteins. Life Sciences 1986, vol. 39, pp 263-268.
Morton, J.I. and Siegel, B.V.: Effects of Oral Dimethylsufoxide (DMSO) and Dimethylsulfone (MSM) on Murine Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Disease. Proc. Of the Soc. for Exper. Bio. and Med. 1986, vol. 183, pp. 227-230.
Munck-Khoe, L.K. de: Vitaminen, Hardware of Software? Deel 1. Ortho 14(5), 1996: 204-211.
Munck-Khoe, L.K. de: Vitaminen, Hardware of Software? Deel 2. Ortho 14(6), 1996: 252-261.
Vos, R. de: De Magie Van Het Leven Zit in De Chemie. Folia Orthica 1998 (1): 7-10.
Lamers, H.J.: Ferdinand Huneke, Ontdekker en Grondlegger van de Neuraaltherapie. Tijdschr. Voor Integr. Geneesk. 1996; 12(1): 18-22.
Nieuwenhuis, R.A.: Anti-oxidanten, De Effectieve Beschermers van Onze Gezondheid. Orthos Media, Den Haag, 1993
About the Author Dana Scott
Dana Scott is the Founder and CEO of Dogs Naturally Magazine. She also breeds award winning Labrador Retrievers under the Fallriver prefix. Dana has been a raw feeding, natural rearing breeder since the 90's and is a sought after speaker and outspoken advocate for natural health care for dogs and people. Dana works tirelessly to educate pet owners so they can influence veterinary medicine and change current vaccine, food and preventive health practices. Visit Dana's Labradors at Fallriver Labs
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Cosequin Joint Health Plus MSM Dog Supplement
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Cosequin Joint Health Plus MSM Dog Supplement
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Attributes / Specifications
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Additional Details
Cosequin DS Maximum Strength with MSM and Boswellia Professional Line Joint Health Supplement
- Cosequin Joint Health Supplement is the #1 veterinarian recommended retail joint health supplement brand* formulated to support and maintain the health of your pet's joints and cartilage *Source: Among retail brands. Survey conducted in February 2016 of small animal veterinarians who recommended oral joint health supplements
- Active Ingredients: Glucosamine Hydrochloride (600 mg), Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) (400 mg), Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate (300mg*), Boswellia Serrata Extract (30 mg) *Reported on a hydrous basis. Other Ingredients: Glycerin, green tea extract, mixed tocopherols (preservative), natural flavor, rosemary extract, silicon dioxide, starch, and vegetable oil.
- Supports Mobility for a Healthy Lifestyle in a tasty, easy-to administer soft chew
- Contains Glucosamine Hydrochloride, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate, and Boswellia to help support joint health and mobility
- Use Cosequin to help your pet Climb stairs, Rise, and Jump!
- SKU 2310424
- Lifestage Senior
- Primary Brand Cosequin
- Days to Ship Usually Leaves Warehouse the Next Business Day
The recommended initial administration period is four to six weeks; however, some dogs may respond sooner. The number of soft chews may then be reduced to the maintenance level. Initial 4-6 Week Administration Period: 10 - 29 lbs: 1 daily 30 - 59 lbs: 2 daily 60 lbs. and over: 3 daily Maintenance Level: 10 - 29 lbs: 1 every other day 30 - 59 lbs: 1 daily 60 lbs. and over: 1-2 daily
Glycerin, Starch, Vegetable Oil, Natural Flavor, Mixed Tocopherols, Rosemary Extract, Green Tea Extract, And Silicon Dioxide.
Glucosamine Hydrochloride (min.) 600 mg*, Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate (min.) 300 mg*, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) (min.) 400 mg*, Manganese (min.) 5 mg
Support your pet's joint health with Cosequin Joint Health Plus MSM Dog Supplement. Cosequin for dogs is a patented, scientifically researched nutritional supplement recommend by veterinarians to support and maintain joint cartilage in dogs. It features a unique blend of ingredients that have been scientifically formulated to support and maintain your dog's health and quality of live. Cosequin DS is available in tasty, chewable tablets. If your dog is experiencing joint stiffness or decreased mobility, it may be caused by a breakdown in joint cartilage. When joint cartilage between bones breaks down, the joints are put under great stress and cannot always work as well as before or recover as fast. For dogs, a variety of factors including age, injury and over-activity can contribute to cartilage breaking down faster than it can be restored naturally. That is where Cosequin for dogs can help. Cosequin Joint Health Plus MSM Dog Supplement gives your dog a unique combination of special ingredients formulated to support and maintain your dog's joints.
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Contents of the Swag Bag change monthly so you and your pet can be surprised. You can manage your Swag Bag delivery on the Repeat Delivery page in My Account.
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Öl Wirkung
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethan) Wirkung
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethan) Wirkung
Der Mensch nimmt normalerweise über die Nahrung ausreichend Schwefel zu sich. In besonderen Situationen kann es jedoch sinnvoll sein, zusätzlichen Schwefel in Form von MSM zuzuführen. Insbesondere bei bekanntem Schwefelmangel sowie diversen Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates (Rheuma, Arthrose, Arthritis) oder auch besonderen Belastungen und Stress kann der Einsatz von Methylsulfonylmethan zu einer merklichen Verbesserung der Beschwerden führen.
Schwefel ist ein chemisches Element und ein lebensnotwendiger Mineralstoff. Schwefel ist in praktisch allen lebenden Organismen an zahlreichen Stoffwechselwegen beteiligt und deshalb überaus wichtig für das körperliche Wohlbefinden.
Schwefel und seine Verbindungen kommen in allen Lebewesen vor und hat zahlreiche Funktionen. Der Schwefel wird in Form von Sulfiden und Sulfaten von Bakterien und Pflanzen aufgenommen und in organische Schwefelverbindungen umgewandelt. Diese organischen Schwefelverbindungen werden dann von Mensch und Tier mit der Nahrung aufgenommen und weiter verstoffwechselt. Schwefel ist unter anderem Bestandteil der einzigen schwefelhaltigen und zugleich essentiellen Aminosäure Methionin sowie der nicht-essentiellen Aminosäuren Cystein, Cystin und Homocystein. Essentiell bedeutet, dass unser Körper nicht selbst in der Lage ist, diese Aminosäure zu bilden. Diese muss daher unbedingt in ausreichender Menge mit der Nahrung aufgenommen werden. Somit ist Schwefel auch automatisch Bestandteil aller Peptide und Proteine, die die Aminosäure Methionin enthalten. Ferner ist Schwefel Bestandteil der Cofaktoren Biotin (Vitamin B7, Vitamin H), Pyridoxalphosphat (Vitamin B6) sowie von Coenzym A. Diese Cofaktoren sind an zahlreichen biochemischen Körpervorgängen beteiligt und daher für ein reibungsloses Funktionieren dieser Stoffwechselwege unerlässlich. Die Aminosäure Cystein ist in der Lage, sogenannte Disulfidbrücken auszubilden. Diese Disulfidbrücken tragen unter anderem zur Stabilisierung von Proteinstrukturen, wie zum Beispiel den Keratinen, bei. Keratine sind der Hauptbestandteil von Haaren, Federn, Zehen- um-Fingernägeln, Hufen, Klauen und Hörnern sowie Schnäbeln und ähnlicher Strukturen. Das Keratin im Horn von Pferden enthält bis zu 5% Schwefel. Schwefel ist auch Bestandteil der an der Blutgerinnung beteiligten Heparine sowie dem am Knorpelgewebe beteiligten Chondroitinsulfat. Der Gesamtschwefelgehalt des menschlichen Körpers beträgt ca. 0,25%, wobei sich die Gewebearten sich in ihren Schwefelgehalten unterscheiden. In den sauerstofftransportierenden Globinen beispielsweise liegt der Schwefelgehalt beim Menschen bei 0,6%. All diese Stoffwechselvorgänge, an denen Schwefel beteiligt ist, zeigen auch deutlich, dass es sich hierbei um ein wirklich lebenswichtiges Element handelt.
Schwefel wird seit Jahrtausenden von den Menschen genutzt. Bereits um 5000 v.Chr. nutzten ihn die Ägypter und Chinesen als Bleichmittel für Textilien, als Desinfektions- und Arzneimittel. Schon im Papyrus Ebers wird die Behandlung von bakteriellen Augenentzündungen mit Schwefel beschrieben. Im alten Griechenland kam Schwefel als Desinfektionsmittel zur Verhütung von Infektionskrankheiten und zur Schwefelung von Wein zum Einsatz. Schwefelpulver bildet auf der Haut unter anderem bakteriostatische Sulfide. Auch eine fungizide (pilzabtötende) und Parasiten tötende Wirkung ist bekannt. Früher wurde er in Form von Salben und Cremes auch zur Behandlung von Akne und Pilzinfektionen (Mykosen) der Haut eingesetzt. Er ist im Europäischen Arzneibuch zur äußerlichen Anwendung aufgeführt und eine der vierzehn homöopathischen Grundsubstanzen.
Gute Schwefelquellen unserer täglichen Nahrung sind unter anderem: Nüsse und Samen, Milch und Milchprodukte, Käse, Hülsenfrüchte, Fleisch, Eier, Kohl, Zwiebeln und Knoblauch.
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethan bzw. Dimethylsulfon) ist eine organische Schwefelverbindung, die zu ungefähr einem Drittel aus Schwefel besteht und in der Lage ist, den Körper effektiv mit dem wichtigen Mineralstoff Schwefel zu versorgen. MSM kommt von Natur aus im menschlichen, tierischen und pflanzlichen Organismus vor und ist aufgrund seiner guten Eigenschaften unter anderem zur Behandlung von Schmerzzuständen ein sehr gut geeignetes Nahrungsergänzungsmittel.
MSM wirkt unter anderem schmerzlindernd. Die Wirkungen von MSM gehen vermutlich auf vier Faktoren zurück: Hemmung von Entzündungen, Entspannen der Muskeln, Erweiterung von Gefäßen und antioxidative Eigenschaft. Methylsulfonylmethan wird daher gerne als Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zur Unterstützung der Behandlung von Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates (u.a. Arthritis und Arthrose) eingesetzt. Hierbei kann häufig auch die Kombination von MSM mit Glucosaminen (z. B. in Form von Präparaten, die Grünlippmuschelextrakt enthalten) und Chondroitin oder auch die zusätzliche Gabe von Vitaminen und weiteren Mineralstoffen sinnvoll sein.
Bei Tieren kommt MSM in erster Linie ebenfalls zur Behandlung von Gelenkbeschwerden zum Einsatz. Pferde erhalten MSM häufig auch bei Fell- und Hufproblemen.
Anwendungsgebiete von MSM
Die Zufuhr von MSM wird unter anderem empfohlen bei:
Gelenkbeschwerden (z. B. Arthritis, Arthrose)
Rheuma, Fibromyalgie, Karpaltunnelsyndrom
Muskelschmerzen und Muskelkrämpfen
Brüchige Nägel und Haare
Eine positive Unterstützung bei zahlreichen weiteren Beschwerden wird diskutiert:
Verstauchungen, Zerrungen, Bänderverletzungen, Bandscheibenprobleme, Tennisellbogen, Entzündungen der Schleimbeutel und Sehnenscheiden, Entspannung verhärteter Muskeln, Muskelkrämpfe und -schmerzen, Steigerung der Blutzirkulation, Durchblutungsstörungen, Rückenschmerzen, Förderung des Knorpelaufbaus, Linderung von Gichtbeschwerden, Kopfschmerzen und Migräne, Narbenschmerzen, Stärkung der Schleimhäute (Magen-Darmtrakt, Harnwege), Verdauungsprobleme, chronische Verstopfung, Infektionen mit Helicobacter pylori, beschleunigte und verbesserte Wundheilung, Sodbrennen, Gastritis, Vorbeugung von Erkältungen, Autoimmunreaktionen, Stärkung des Bindegewebes, unterstützt den Kollagenaufbau, Reduktion der Faltenbildung, verbesserte Hautelastizität, verlangsamter Alterungsprozess der Haut, Akne, trockene Haut, Ekzeme, Krampfadern, Hautschäden, Verbrennungen, Geschwüre, Neurodermitis, Ödeme, Bindegewebsschwäche, Haarausfall, Kräftigung der Haare und der Nägel, brüchige Haare und Nägel, stumpfes Haar, Förderung des Haarwachstums, Parasiten und Würmer, Diabetes, (chronische) Erschöpfung und Müdigkeit, Candida-Pilzinfektionen, Blasenentzündung, verbesserte Mineralstoffversorgung, Senkung des Homocysteinspiegels, prämenstruelles Syndrom, Autoimmunerkrankungen, Alzheimer, ADS (ADHS), Multiple Sklerose, Mukoviszidose, Colitis, entzündungshemmend bei akuten Infekten, Atemnot, Bronchitis, Asthma, Schnupfen, bakterielle Infektionen, Radikalfänger…
Darreichungsformen und Einnahme von MSM
Methylsulfonylmethan kann problemlos über einen längeren Zeitraum eingenommen werden und ist arm an Nebenwirkungen. Es steht zur Einnahme in Form von Tabletten, Kapseln oder als Pulver sowie zur äußerlichen Anwendung als Gel zur Verfügung. Pulver bietet hierbei den Vorteil der besten Dosierbarkeit – abgestimmt auf den individuellen Bedarf. Kapseln wiederum sind ideal für Menschen, die den Eigengeschmack von MSM nicht mögen. Erhältlich ist MSM in Apotheken, Drogerien und Reformhäusern sowie in zahlreichen Online-Shops. Achten Sie auf Methylsulfonylmethan mit einem möglichst hohen Reinheitsgrad. Es ist hierbei unerheblich, ob Sie MSM biologischen Ursprungs oder synthetisch hergestelltes MSM kaufen. Je höher die Prozentzahl des Reinheitsgrades (maximal 100%), umso höher die Reinheit und damit auch die Qualität. MSM-Produkte sind in der Regel frei von tierischen Bestandteilen, Lactose (Milchzucker), Gluten, Stärke, Konservierungsmitteln, Farbstoffen, weiteren Hilfsstoffen, sowie künstlichen Aromen und Geschmacksverstärkern. Für die Anwendung bei Pferd, Hund und Katze stehen spezielle MSM-Produkte zur Verfügung.
MSM hat – wie zahlreiche Studien zeigen konnten – eine lindernde Wirkung insbesondere auf entzündliche Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparates wie zum Beispiel Arthrose, Osteoarthritis und Rheuma. Der wertvolle und an unzähligen biochemischen Reaktionen im Körper beteiligte Schwefel wirkt hierbei entzündungshemmend und schmerzlindernd. Hiervon profitieren Mensch, Pferd, Hund und Katze. Vorteilhaft sind außerdem die verschiedenen erhältlichen Darreichungsformen als Tablette, Kapsel, Pulver sowie Gel und die Möglichkeit, dem Körper so nahezu nebenwirkungsfrei zusätzlichen Schwefel zur Verfügung zu stellen.
MSM Lignisul
MSM Lignisul är ett svavelhaltigt tillskott av ren MSM som upptas snabbt av kroppen.
- 100% ren MSM av farmakologisk kvalitet
MSM Lignisul är ett kosttillskott som ger kroppen ett tillskott av organiskt svavel som är en viktig beståndsdel i proteinen kollagen och keratin som bygger upp bland annat brosk, senor, hjärna, bindväv, muskler, skelett, hud, hår och naglar. MSM, MetylSulfonylMetan, ger organiskt svavel och metyl till kroppen. Dessa ämnen används i sin tur för att producera aminosyror, dopamin, serotonin, endorfiner, enzymer och andra viktiga ämnen i kroppen.
Lignisul MSM-pulver är ett godkänt kosttillskott och finns att köpa i flera olika storlekar. En på 200 gram och en på 500 gram och även i en kilograms burk (MSM Alavis). Alla burkarna innehåller MSM-pulver som blandas i dryck eller i salva. Du kan också göra din egen spray med MSM-pulver. En 200 grams burk räcker i cirka en och en halv till två månader (vid en teskeds intag om dagen för människa). Den kilogramstora burken (MSM Alavis) har en förpackningsstorlek lämpad för djur och doseringen är där litet annorlunda än för människor, följ anvisningarna på etiketten. Köper du ändå den större burken (MSM Alavis) för eget bruk så skall doseringen vara likadan som den för 200g och 500g (MSM Lignisul). De olika burkstorlekarnas innehåll stämmer dock exakt överens med varandra.
MSM kan starta utrensningar i kroppen och därför bör man trappa upp doseringen. Första veckan tar du en kvarts tesked (ca 1 kryddmått) per dag löst i ett glas vatten eller juice. Efter en vecka kan du sedan varje vecka öka dosen med en kvarts tesked upp till det att du nått optimal dos som brukar vara ca en halv till en tesked per dag (2-4 gram). Skulle du inte få önskad effekt på denna dosering, prova en dos om ett par teskedar per dag och se om det ger ett bättre resultat. Doseringen kan variera stort mellan olika individer. Dosen kan fördelas över ett par tillfällen per dygn om så önskas. Upptaget ökar betydligt om det tas tillsammans med liposomalt C-vitamin, typ LipoCell.
MetylSulfonylMetan (organiskt svavel).
Detta är ett kosttillskott och bör ej användas som ett alternativ till en varierad kost. Den rekommenderade dagliga dosen bör ej överskridas. Förvaras oåtkomlig för små barn. Tänk på vikten av en mångsidig och balanserad kost och en hälsosam livsstil. Produkten är avsedd för friska personer över 18 år. Om Du är gravid, ammande, lider av sjukdom eller behandlas med läkemedel bör Du alltid kontakta läkare innan Du använder produkten.
Observera att vi inte ansvarar för innehållet i omdömen publicerade på siten. I omdömena beskrivna resultat och effekter är individuella och kan inte generaliseras.
Omdömen 1 till 10 av 44 totala
Är så glad att jag provade detta! Min första burk är slut nu och jag ska köpa en ny direkt. Jag har fått mycket bättre hy, och värk jag ofta haft i muskler och leder har försvunnit. Jag får aldrig spänningshuvudvärk längre efter jobbet. Dessutom märkte jag stor skillnad på ork när jag varit ute och sprungit, orkar galet mycket mer än förut. Värt att prova säger jag bara! Trappa upp långsamt ett kryddmått i taget. Jag har dock väldigt svårt att få i mig dom 3 tsk jag skulle vilja äta, smaken är ju inte så rolig hehe, blandar med proviva eller brustablett C-vit.
Sara 19 januari 2018
Kan inget annat än att hylla den här produkten och ska nu köpa andra burken innan ens den första är slut. Äter i syftet till att håret ska växa bättre, märkte först på ögonfransarna som blev längre och naglarna som blivit starkare! Löshåret brukar jag sätta om var sjätte vecka men fick ta ur det efter tre denna gång efter jag ökat dosen till en tesked på fjärde veckan. Är mycket nyfiken på vad produkten kan göra för håret på kommande halvåret om det fortsätter växa i denna takten. Har redan rekommenderat till vänner!
Liine 23 oktober 2017
Min seborre försvann efter 3 dagar-i ansikte och hårbotten. Tyvärr kom det tillbaks igen efter 1 vecka. Märkte inte något annat förrän efter 6 månader, då kom utrensningen. Började kännas mer o mer i levern, förstod inte vad det var. Sökte på akuten trodde jag fått någon parasitorm i levern, kände hur den rörde sig. På akuten fattade de inget, jag fick göra ultraljud på levern. En läkare jag känner var den som kom med rätt diagnos. Jag har för mycket gifter i min lever så jag ska inte ta svavel och har slutat. "Ormen" försvann. Konstig upplevelse!
Karin A. 11 oktober 2017
Nej det är fortfarande inte gjort av tallar som vuxit i Nordamerika , utan av natur gas från Kina .Tycker verkligen att ni bör ändra produktbeskrivningen då den är vilseledande. Skulle inte ge detta till hästen ens.
Caroline 5 oktober 2016
lider av fibromyalgi och har använt mig av detta under något år och mina skov är otroligt mycket lindrigare inte behövt ta en sjukdag från jobbet pga av smärta
Hanna 4 juli 2016
Ätit detta pulver i över 2 år. börja med kryddmått och ökat sakta. Har hjälpt mig oerhört mycket i min träning. Jag har mindre värk i leder och orkar dubbelt så mycket på löpbandet. Ja blandar med vatten och en halv pressad lime varje morgon. Hår hud och naglar är bättre också. Fått tjockare hår. Mitt liv blev mycket enklare men man kan inte öka för snabbt dosen då man får starkare symtom på sina krämpor som man redan har,rensar ur kroppen kallar jag det för. Kanske inte passar alla men är värt ett försök.
Nina H. 20 april 2016
Åh vad jag är kär! Ätit 1 tesked i 1.5 vecka och det har hänt mycket!
* Inga nya finnar
* Knallblåa/lila BREDA bristningar har blivit svagt rosa/vita/borta. Upplever också att magen har blivit mer slim, kommer absolut köpa mer
Sanna 26 februari 2016
Både jag och min man fick hudsprickor på händerna som sved. Fick sluta efter ca 10 dagar och huden läkte inte förrän efter ca 14 dagar. Märkte ingen positiv effekt. tyvärr.
Veronica 19 augusti 2015
Sara T. 11 augusti 2013
Omdömen 1 till 10 av 44 totala
Alavis MSM-1000H, 1kg
MSM 100%, Destillerad Metylsulfonymetan, 500 g
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Dasuquin, in formulations for both dogs and cats, is a nutritional supplement containing proprietary ingredients, which goes above and beyond other supplements with glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate to maintain healthy joints. It is considered the "next generation Cosequin."
- Comprehensive joint support health
- Contains glucosamine, chondroitin and ASU
- Protects cartilage
- Allows pets to enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle
- Dasuquin for Dogs is available in a tasty, easy to administer chewable tablet
- Dasuquin for Cats is available in a sprinkle capsule with tasty natural chicken and tuna flavors
- No adverse side effects
Dasuquin's active ingredients include avocado/soybean unsaponifiables (ASU) which have shown to help protect cartilage and improve joint function. The ASU also helps potentiate the activity of Glucosamine and chondroitin. The combination of all three ingredients supports cartilage production and blocks enzymes that break down cartilage in your pet's body. Glucosamine is a natural compound that is found in healthy cartilage in both humans and pets. It helps hydrate healthy joints by increasing the production of molecules that bind and hold water in the cartilage. Healthy cartilage provides cushioning which helps protect a pet's joints while exercising. Further research on the effectiveness of glucosamine is still needed, but many of our customers find it to be very beneficial to their pets.
Dasuquin for Cats: Glucosamine hydrochloride (125mg), Sodium chondroitin sulfate (100mg), Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiables (25mg). Also contains Gelatin, soy protein isolate, natural chicken flavor, natural tuna flavor, gum resin, water, tea, mixed tocopherols, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide, natural and artificial flavoring, sodium lauryl sulfate, FD&C Yellow #5, FD&C Blue #1. Dasuquin Small to Medium Dogs (under 60 lbs): Glucosamine Hydrochloride (600mg), Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate (250mg), Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiables (45mg). Also contains natural liver flavor, dextrose, dried brewers yeast, microcrystalline cellulose, gum resin, soy protein isolate, tea, magnesium stearate, mixed tocopherols, natural and artificial flavoring, and silicon dioxide. Dasuquin Large Dogs (60 lbs and over): Glucosamine Hydrochloride (900mg), Sodium Chondroitin Sulfate (350mg), Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiables (ASU) Powder (90mg). Also contains natural liver flavor, dextrose, dried brewers yeast, microcrystalline cellulose, gum resin, soy protein isolate, tea, magnesium stearate, mixed tocopherols, natural and artificial flavoring, and silicon dioxide.
Dasuquin, in formulations for both dogs and cats, is a nutritional supplement containing proprietary ingredients, which goes above and beyond other supplements with glucosamine/chondroitin sulfate to maintain healthy joints.
Dasuquin for Cats is non-prescription (OTC) product available as natural chicken and tuna flavored sprinkle capsules. Dasuquin for Dogs is a non-prescription (OTC) product available as liver-flavored, chewable tablets.
Dasuquin for Cats: For the initial 4 to 6 week administration period for cats under 10 lbs sprinkle the contents of 1 capsule on food daily. For cats 10 lbs or over, sprinkle the contents of 2 capsules on food daily. Once the desired response is achieved, capsules may be given every other day. Mix contents with 1 tablespoonful of moist food to ensure your cat gets the full amount. If your cat is fed dry food, the food may be moistened with a small amount of water so that the powder sticks. Dasuquin for Small to Medium Dogs (under 60 lbs): For the initial 4 to 6 week administration period for dogs weighing less than 10 lbs give 1/2 chewable tablet daily. For dogs weighing 10 to 29 lbs give 1 chewable tablet daily and for dogs 30-59 lbs give 2 chewable tablets daily. The suggested maintenance level for dogs less than 10 lbs is 1/2 chewable tablet daily, for dogs 10 to 29 lbs give 1/2 chewable tablet daily and for dogs 30 to 59 lbs give 1 chewable tablet daily. Dasuquin for Large Dogs (60 lbs and over): For the initial 4 to 6 week administration period give 2 chewable tablets daily. The suggested maintenance level is to give 1 chewable tablet daily. Dasuquin chewable tablets can be given as a treat or crumbled and mixed with food.
There are no reported side effects.
This product is for animal use only.
Contact your veterinarian or veterinary emergency room.
Store in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight. Keep lid tightly closed to ensure freshness. Keep bottle out of reach of children.
Dasuquin Directions:
- Dasuquin for Small to Medium Dogs and Dasuquin for Large Dogs are flavored, chewable tablets.
- The chewable tablets can be fed directly to your pet or crumbled and mixed with food.
- Dasuquin for Cats is a sprinkle capsule that is meant to be opened and the contents sprinkled on your pet's food.
Diabetic dogs should have their blood glucose monitored when taking glucosamine supplements.
Dasuquin Dosage for Dogs: (Small to Medium) - Maintenance dose (after 4-6 weeks)
Should be stored in a cool, dry place. Keep container tightly closed.
*For the first 4-6 weeks give double the amount, except for Dogs under 10 lbs, give same amount.
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