Engelsk cocker spaniel
En Engelsk Cocker Spaniel er fuld af livsglæde og energi og har en konstant logrende hale. Den er blid og hengiven over for alle i familien og venlig mod fremmede. Velegnet som selskabshund, blot man hele tiden har i tankerne, at der bag det indtagende væsen gemmer sig en beslutsom og selvstændig jagthund med et stort behov for aktivitet.
Den Engelske Cocker Spaniel er aktiv og behøver en hel del beskæftigelse og motion, helst med mulighed for at bevæge sig frit og bruge næsen. Den har et stort kontaktbehov og trives ikke med at være længe alene.
Vildtinteressen er specielt rettet mod fugle, og den ligger lige under huden, så den engelske Cocker spaniel skal tidligt lære grundlæggende lydighed med hovedvægt på indkald. Den røde cocker har erfaringsmæssigt den stærkeste jagtlyst og kan også være noget vagtsom.
Den silkeagtige pels er glat tilliggende, ikke for rigelig og aldrig krøllet. Den skal trimmes og klippes jævnligt og kræver en del arbejde med kam og børste. Væn tidligt hunden til pelsplejen, så den bliver en daglig hyggestund for begge parter. Fjern hår i ørerne.
Den Engelske Cocker Spaniel er generelt samarbejdsvillig og let at opdrage. Udnyt dens sprudlende energi og træn kvikt og opfindsomt med hurtige skiftende belønninger. Brug gerne søge- og apporteringsøvelser som afveksling i træningen. Glad for vand.
Hanner 39-41 cm. Tæver 38-39 cm.
Helfarvede: Sort, rød, gylden, liver(chokolade), black-and-tan og liver-og-tan. Intet hvidt er tilladt undtagen en lille plet på brystet. Flerfarvede: Tofarvede, sort og hvid, orange og hvid, liver og hvid samt lemon og hvid. Alle farvevarianterne med eller uden småpletter. Trefarvede: Sort, hvid og tan samt liver, hvid og tan. Roans: Blue roan, orange roan, lemon roan, liver roan, blue roan og tan samt liver roan og tan.
Spaniels går tilbage til 1100-tallet og blev oprindelig ikke betragtet som selvstændige racer. Først i 1800-tallet blev de delt op i to grupper. Hunde over 11 kg var "starters", som skulle jage vildtet op. De mindre kaldtes "cockere", og de skulle både rejse og apportere. De brugtes fortrinsvis til jagt på skovsnepper (woodcocks). Cocker spaniel stammer fra Wales og Sydengland og blev anerkendt som race i år 1892. Den bruges fortsat til jagt, om end de fleste i dag holdes som selskabshunde.
English Cocker Spaniel.
Engelsk cocker spaniel HVALPE TIL SALG
Herunder finder du en oversigt over aktuelle kuld af racen Engelsk cocker spaniel, der pt. er til salg.
Husk også at læse guiden til, hvad du skal være opmærksom på, inden du køber hund.
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Cocker spaniel hund
Cav, Cavalier, and Cavie
American Cocker Spaniel, Cocker, and Merry Cocker
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a small purebred known for being affectionate, cheerful, courageous, gentle, and social. The most common colors for Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are . To keep it healthy, it will need to get exercise regularly. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel commonly participates in competitive obedience.
The Cocker Spaniel is a medium purebred known for being affectionate, lively, loyal, and social. The most common colors for Cocker Spaniels are . To keep it healthy, it will need to get exercise regularly. Known to be multi-talented, the Cocker Spaniel participates in a wide variety of activities such as agility, hunting, retrieving, and tracking.
Data sourced from the American Kennel Club.
- Medium
- Silky
- Moderate
Size and Life Expectancy
- Affectionate
- Cheerful
- Courageous
- Gentle
- Social
- Affectionate
- Lively
- Loyal
- Social
Data sourced from Animals 24-7 and Animal Planet.
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Engelsk cocker spaniel-ft
Denne race egner sig ikke udelukkende til et liv som selskabshund. Heller ikke for den aktive familie, der går og løber lange ture. Er aktiv, ofte i bevægelse og evigt glad. De er meget hengiven og pleasende i forhold til sin ejer. Opsøger arbejde og menneskekontakt så ofte som de kan få det. De har et stort behov for kontakt. Racerne har ikke tendens til udfarenhed overfor andre hunde. Vogtning af mad osv. vil sjældent forekomme.
Racerne er avlet som reelle brugshunde, og har et medfødt behov for at blive arbejdet målrettet med jagtligt arbejde. Når de bliver aktiveret korrekt, fungerer de godt som familiehund. Vær opmærksom på at racerne har en medfødt evne til at indtage et højt stressniveau og at en del af den daglige træning skal bestå af indlæring af ro og selvkontrol.
Racerne er avlet til at ?gå under haglbøssen? på jagt, hvilket vil sige, at hunden skal holde sig indenfor en radius af cirka 10 ? 15 meter fra ejeren/jægeren. Dette betyder dog at racerne har evnen til at lære det ? de kan det ikke fra fødslen. Vildtinteressen er stor og specielt rettet mod fugle, og den ligger lige under huden, så hunden skal tidligt lære grundlæggende lydighed med hovedvægt på indkald.
Langt de fleste individer har kortere pels end standard-typerne. Pelsen er glat og kræver oftest ikke andet end en let børstning med mellemrum, samt en klipning af pelsen imellem tæerne på poterne.
Nogle af individerne kan være meget blide og for enkelte kan blidheden tippe over i usikkerhed overfor mennesker og hunde. Vær obs. på racernes medfødte evne til både at være rolig og meget aktiv (lavt og højt stressniveau) ? og træn begge dele, så hunden ikke risikerer at få stressproblemer under indlæring og i hverdagen.
Hanner 39-41 cm. Tæver 38-39 cm.
Alle farver er tilladt.
Spaniels går tilbage til 1100-tallet og blev oprindelig ikke betragtet som selvstændige racer. Først i 1800-tallet blev de delt i to grupper. Hunde over 11 kg var "starters", som skulle jage vildtet op. De mindre kaldtes "cockere", og de skulle både rejse og apportere. De brugtes fortrinsvis til jagt på skovsnepper - woodcocks. Cocker spaniel stammer fra Wales og Sydengland og blev anerkendt som race i 1892. Den bruges fortsat til jagt, om end de fleste i dag holdes som selskabshunde.
English Cocker Spaniel - ft.
Engelsk cocker spaniel-ft HVALPE TIL SALG
Herunder finder du en oversigt over aktuelle kuld af racen Engelsk cocker spaniel-ft, der pt. er til salg.
Husk også at læse guiden til, hvad du skal være opmærksom på, inden du køber hund.
Cocker spaniel
Pе denne siden finner du bilder, erfaringer og informasjon om hunderasen Cocker spaniel. Du kan ogsе legge inn egne erfaringer om Cocker spaniel.
Cocker spaniel bilder
Erfaringer med Cocker spaniel
Her er det leserne har sagt om hunderasen sе langt. Skriv om Cocker spaniel
Andreas sier: Jeg vokste opp med verdens beste storebror, som var en rшd engelk cocker. Han kom in i familien pе min 1 еrsdag, og insisterte ogsе pе е varsle vжr gang jeg mеtte skiftes pе. Disse hundene har en god nese, sе min far slapp aldri ustraffet fra det heller. Sе lenge du er en aktiv person, som liker turer og vil ha en smart hund, sе er dette en perfekt allrounder og fin familiehund. Jeg ville ikke hatt kvaler med е anbefale cockere som fшrstegangshund til noen, sе lenge interessen for et sundt hundehold er viktigere enn en kosedott. De trenger mye mosjon til en sе liten hund е vжre, men йn langtur dagen, noen tisserunder og en god lekeшkt holder fint. De trives best nеr de har daglige oppgaver og rutiner i etter min erfaring, og det er selvsagt mye е tenke pе fшr man skaffer seg hund generellt som ogsе gjelder for cockere.
Da jeg flyttet til en liten leilighet i Oslo fikk jeg min fшrste cocker pе egenhеnd og vi trivdes kjempegodt. Min erfaring er at sе lenge man er aktiv er det ingen fare е bo i byen, og cockere er mest opptatte av е vжre i nжrheten av familien. Nе har vi flyttet tilbake til Bodш og stшrste forskjellen er bare at det er lengre mellom hunder е leke med.
Min Robin er litt usikker nеr han er hjemme alene mer en en fire timers tid, men han er fortsatt litt ung og ny i byen, sе det skal vi klare е riste av oss. Han har vжrt med pе jakt, men ikke som brukshund og bryr seg det klшpp om skuddet. Har vжrt med mange cockere, men ikke hatt noe erfaring med aggresjon utover det vanlige og synes genrelt at de er stabile hunder.
Helt enig om at man mе ha en positiv oppdragelsesform. De er en svжrt lжrevillig rase, men er svжrt avhengige av stшtte og tillit fra falilien. Merker fort at noen andre hundeeiere blander straff og oppdragelse, og dette fшrer etter min mening ofte til ustabile hunder som ikke stoler pе eieren. Vi mе avmyte hundeviskeren her og si at for de aller fleste vil dette ende katastrofalt. Jeg ga vel en tredjedel av maten som belшnning for god oppfшrsel de fшrste mеnedene, med heftige mengder kjжrlighet i tilegg. Kraftig utskjelling og streng doktriner er det siste denne rasen trenger, men en god forelder er viktig Alle mine har vжrt rolige familiehunder med kjempegemytt.
Engelskmennene snakker om noe de kaller Rage Syndrome, som kan vжre genetisk og forekommer hyppigst i rшde/blonde cockere. England har blitt kraftig kritisert for usunne avlsvaner lenge og man mе alltid vжre oppmerksomme og bevisste pе hvem man kjшper hund av.
Pelsen til de fleste cockere trenger mye stell, men om man ikke skal stille ut ville jeg annbefalt en kortklippt bruksfrisyre som lett kan gjшres selv etter litt reaserch. Da rшyter hunden ogsе mindre og er lettere е gre. Annbefaler е glemme litt av dette utstillingsfjaset, men vet det er litt kontroversielt. Let heller etter en oppdretter med fokus pе gemytt og helse sе er du sikker pе е fе en fin hund som vil vжre trofast og bli.
Og vann! Min elsker vann! Men det kan jo vжre veldig individuellt. Cocker spanielere er definitivt en rase man forelsker seg i, annbefales pе det sterkeste. Bare hold dere aktive ;)
Varsler nеr noen kommer og skal hilse pе alle, sperrer inngangen til de har hilst/klappet da slipper de inn.
Nеr vi hadde besшk av smеbarn 1-еr og oppover sе holdt hun alltid litt avstand samtidig som hun passet pе og varslet hvis noe skjedde som feks.: hadde gjort i bleia,ramlet og slo seg eller шdela blomstene sе kom hun inn og sa i fra.
Hvis ungengene ble litt masete mot henne sе trakk hun seg helt bort f.eks.: la seg pе vеrt soverom.
har hatt schefer tidligere.
Jeg har hatt en rшd engelsk cocker spaniel hann i kun to mnd, men er allerede helt forelsket i rasen.
Jeg vil si det aller viktigste er е finne en riktig god oppdretter som avler rasetypiske cockere, da skal man ikke ha noen av de problemene som mange snakker om angеende aggresjon, vokting, dеrlig helse etc. Man bшr absolutt treffe foreldrene til valpen og forsikre seg om at de er vennlige, snille, utadvendte dyr med god helse, da vil valpen utvikle seg slik ogsе.
Nummer to man mе vжre nшye pе er е oppdra valpen med en vennlig hеnd, aldri hшy rшst og absolutt aldri avstraffelse, da mister de tillit og man kan lett fе et eskalerende problem med bеde aggresjon, som egentlig bunner i at hunden ikke stoler helt pе eieren, eller vokting.
Vеr valp er helt herlig, rolig, kosete, tillitsfull og elsker е vжre der vi er hele tiden. Han legger snuten sin i hеnden vеr og ser oss lenge inn i шynene, da smelter vi helt, noe nydeligere enn de mшrkebrune шynene kan jeg ikke forestille meg :-)
Cockere er veldig sosiale sе om man ikke vil ha en hund som er 100% del av familien trenger man ikke skaffe seg den rasen. De passer gjerne godt som familiehunder, men om man lar valpen/hunden vжre et leketшy for barna sine fеr man fort adferdsproblemer, enhver valp som kommer i en barnefamilie mе faktisk vernes pе lik linje som en ny baby ville ha blitt.
Egentlig vil jeg bare anbefale rasen til folk som har satt seg skikkelig inn i rasen, hva de trenger og er villige til е gi den masse oppmerksomhet og stell, for disse hundene er sе nydelige at de bare fortjener de beste eierene!
Jeanett sier: Hei! Jeg har kun hatt engelske cocker spaniel-hann hunder, og jeg synes det er en fantastisk hunderase.
Min fшrste hann hund ble 12 еr og mеtte avlives for 5 еrsiden pga problemer med hшrsel og шyne (dette var pga alderdom). Og nе har jeg en kjempe flott hann hund som er 1 еr. Begge hundene har vжrt utrolig sosiale, glade og livlige hunder men som ogsе kan slappe av til tider. Og elsker bеde andre hunder og barn! Men trening er viktig grunnet som alle andre hunder at de trenger е vite sin plass i hjemmet, ellers kan det oppstе dominanse.Men det er ogsе for deres egen skyld fordi da fеr du en slik hund du шsnker.
Hvis man шnsker denne flotte rasen mе man ogsе vжre oppmerksom pе at det er en del pelsstell.
jeg er ihvertfall allerede pе utkikk etter en til cocker spaniel som kan vжre lekekameraten til hunden min som jeg har nе :)
Hvis det er noe dere lurer pе/spшrsmеl, tips osv sе er det bare е skrive en mail: jeanett_bodin87@hotmail.com
dior sier: hei jeg har en engelsk cockerspaniel hun er 17 mnd verdens herligste kosete hund..men no er kneeyt mitt kaputt,sе her blir det nesten ingen gе turer som hun trenger..er det noen som kan tenke seg е kjшpe den er rшd-hvit. pris kr 6000 kr inkl alt utstyr..vist intr ring 955 55 652 ..bor pе nordmшre el email adr nina.stenberg@hotmail.com
Hanne K sier: Jeg fikk min aller fшrste hund, en Cocker Spaniel, da jeg var 11 еr gammel. Jeg er enebarn, og hunden ble min beste venn fra fшrste stund. Han var med pе alt. Han var fryktelig leken nеr han var valp, og sprang rundt med pipeleken sin i munnen:)
Den lille tabussen var med pе hytten, skogsturer og fjellturer, han elsket е fе komme seg ut og fе gе i skog og mark.
Han har fеtt en egen fin gravplass ute ved huset, slik at han skulle fе vжre der han hшrte til. Det er fint е ha en plass е gе til nеr savnet blir for stort. Det er bare to dager siden vi mеtte ta denne avgjшrelsen i skrivende stund, og sorgen etter е ha mistet min aller beste elskede venn er nesten uutholdelig. Men alle de gode minnene er sе fine е ha. Cocker Spaniel er en hunderase som jeg absolutt vil anbefale. Om noen еr vil jeg nok ha en slik hund igjen, det er ingen annen rase jeg heller kunne tenkt meg.
Beth sier: Hadde min fantastiske cocker spaniel i 11 еr, og familien min hadde en i 12 еr fшr det. Har hшrt at de kan vжre veldig aggresive, og regnes som den 2. mest aggresive i verden. Har ogsе hшrt at det er de rшde som er verst. Min var nydelig rшd, og verdens snilleste hund. Hun var trofast og kosete, men til tider litt rampete, men mest som valp :) Jeg tenker pе е skaffe meg en ny, men er fremdeles knust etter tapet av min forrige, sе jeg tror det mе gе noen еr fшrst. Men jeg vet at jeg skal ha flere cockere, for de er fantastiske turvenner i skog og mark! Kan med hеnden pе hjertet si at dersom noen tenker pе е fе hund, sе vil jeg anbefale cocker :)
siri sier: de er sе sшte vi skall snart fе en og det er jo meneskes beste venn jeg har lyst rе en grе cocker spaniel forde den er sе sшt de brune er ogsе veldi sшt
asd sier: Min venn har en Cocker spaniel og jeg har lest mye info om den og er ganske sikker pе at denne hunden vil jeg ha
Auto_hel123 sier: Det er en skikkelig kosehund. Jeg vil ha en sеnn nеr jeg blir stor.
IRIS ELSE sier: Cocker spaniel regnes som en engelsk rase, men spanielrasene regnes е ha aner helt tilbake til antikken sе der er en viss usikkerhet rundt deres egentlige opprinnelse. Man finner omtale av spaniels i litteratur helt tilbake til 10.еrhundre fra Wales, og fra 13.еrhundre hvor den beskrives benyttet pе fugle- og smеviltjakt i samarbeid med jaktfalker og spurvehauker. Rasen har fremdeles mye av sine jakt-egenskaper intakt, til tross for at den i dag holdes mest som selskaps-/familiehund. Vi ser den fremdeles i dag benyttet til bеde fugle- og smеvilt-jakt, i tillegg til at den har vist seg god pе spor.
sara sier: Den fшrste hunden jeg hadde var en cocker spaniel. Hun hadde jeg i 8 еr. Da mеtte hun avlives fordi hun ble for aggressiv. Hun hadde veldig sterkt vokterinstink og ville vokte over alt hun kunne vokte. Hun var ogsе aggressiv mot fremmede mennesker. Dette gikk sе langt at hun til slutt bet en person. Hun var godt sosialisert og var med pе mange hundekurs for е fе hjelp med problemene. Det viste seg at hun hadde dеrlig syn pе det ene шyet.
karita sier: Dette er verdens fineste hunder! De er sе smе og sшte. En vennine av meg har tre men i familien min er det allergi sе vi kan ikke ha hund. viss ikke ville jeg hatt en cocker spaniel :)
Janne sier: Jeg har vжrt den lykkelige eier av en Cocker Spaniel i 11 еr, han mеtte vi avlive i april 2008, desverre. Det er en utrolig morsom hunderase som er helt nшdvendig pе tur i skog og fjell. Rasen er energisk og sterk tross liten kropp. De er rolige nеr de fеr en til to gode turer pr.dag, men som mange andre hunder blir rastlшse nеr de fеr for lite utfordringer. Vi sier at det er en hund med mye lyd, de bjeffer selvfшlgelig nеr det ringer pе dшra, det skjer jo noe og besшk er morsomt!!
De "prater" nеr de er glade og noen mennesker blir usikre pе disse lydene, de protesterer med en lyd osv.
Hunden vеr ble blind sе pass pе е sjekk шynene til foreldrene nеr du kjшper hund, at шynene ikke "henger" men at det nedre шyelokk er stramt og fint. Et godt rеd er е begynne tidlig med pelsstell, sett hunden pе bord og begynn med bшrsting og event.napping, venn hunden til hеr fшner og klippemaskin lyder tidlig. Kontroller шrer, hud шyne ofte. Det er en rase som har nesa konstant i bakken, den gеr litt i sin egen verden, men liker ikke е komme bort fra sin eier.Rasen er fin е trene spor med, den finner alt!! Rasen elsker е bade, uansett vжr og temperatur.
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General Information
About Cocker Spaniels
What you need to know if you think you want a
Cocker Spaniel but you haven't had one before
The good news is that there are many great things about Cocker Spaniels:
Cockers are one of the most beautiful breeds of dogs. Their long coats can be absolutely spectacular looking. All breeds of puppies are cute, but Cockers remain cute all of their lives. A well-groomed Cocker will definitely turn heads.
Cockers love people and are very devoted pets. It's a very people-oriented breed. Almost all Cockers love to be with people, and are usually happiest if they are right by the side of their owner.
It's a very happy breed. You'll often hear Cockers referred to as "merry". They just seem to be enjoying themselves most of the time. All you have to do is watch that tail wag, and you can tell when a Cocker is happy. which is most of the time. Most Cockers are playful and fun to be around. They'll often make you laugh. Imagine a dolphin, with fur and legs. A playful, happy, merry tail-wagger. that's the Cocker Spaniel.
Cockers are physically smaller than many of today's most popular breeds, such as Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and German Shepherds. This means you spend less on food, clean up less poop, can keep the dog in smaller areas, have an easier time physically controlling and transporting the dog, and that the dog will require less exercise.
It's not that difficult to find a Cocker available near you. There are breeders in most of the 50 United States, as well as around the world. Adult Cockers in rescue shelters are widely available, too, and technology has made it easy to find them. As long as you keep an open mind about what coat colors you will accept, you shouldn't have too much problem finding a Cocker available within driving distance. But if you get yourself locked in to thinking that you only want one of the more unusual Cocker coat colors, you'll have a hard time finding one!
The bad news is:
There are plenty of short-haired dog breeds out there. If you're not up to the challenge of keeping your dog's coat trimmed and looking good at all times, get one of those breeds instead of a Cocker! If you're allergic to dog hair. this is not the breed for you!
If you can't afford to pay a professional to give your Cocker a hair cut once a month, you'll need to fork over some money to buy your own electric hair clippers. While you can find budget-priced electric dog hair clippers at WalMart, you're far better off getting professional-quality equipment. It does a better job, and lasts a lot longer. The budget-priced stuff comes with a blade that can not be replaced. Unfortunately, the blade is the first thing to wear out! Take a look towards the bottom of my Cocker grooming page, and see what equipment I recommend for doing your own grooming. Factor these costs in to your decision to get a Cocker.
Besides monthly hair cuts, it takes a lot of brushing to keep a Cocker's coat from getting tangled and matted. There are days when all Cocker owners find themselves thinking that owning a Beagle would be a heck of a lot easier!
A neglected Cocker Spaniel that was turned over to a rescue organization.
Because they are so people-oriented, Cockers don't handle being alone very well. If you're like most people and you have to go to work or school all day, you'll have a lot of behavior problems if you just leave your Cocker alone all day. They may bark, chew everything in sight, dig in your garden, or pee & poop destructively. When you finally get home, a crazed monster is waiting for you. If you've heard that Cockers have a reputation for being hyper or a little crazy, it's because of all the people that have thought they could just leave a Cocker alone until they got home. Get a cat instead, and wait until you retire before you get that Cocker! Stay-at-home moms, people who work from home, retired people, and people who can take their dogs to work. these people will have great experiences with Cockers. People who leave the dog alone all day will not have a good Cocker experience, and will NEVER get another Cocker again! If you're away from home all day and still insist on owning a Cocker. your best bet is to allow the dog to stay with a neighbor, friend, or relative when you're gone.
This is the same Cocker pictured above, after getting his matted coat shaved off.
There are several health issues that "go with the breed". You might get lucky and get a Cocker with absolutely perfect health, but if you're going to get in to Cockers you need to be aware of the chance that your Cocker might deal with one or more of these common Cocker health issues:
- Cherry eyes (prolapsed gland of the third eyelid). Primarily a cosmetic issue, if you treat it quickly. Can cost several hundred dollars for surgery.
- Glaucoma and cataracts . These are serious eye conditions which can lead to blindness. Sadly, I do hear from quite a few people with an older Cocker who is blind. Extremely expensive surgery can sometimes improve the vision of a dog with cataracts, but I suspect most dogs with cataracts are allowed to go blind. Glaucoma treatments must be done over the lifetime of the dog, and get very expensive. (Suggestion: If you buy a puppy from a breeder that does CERF testing to their adult dogs, your puppy will be much less likely to have eye problems as an adult.)
- Conjunctivitis (eye infections). Very common in Cockers. Not as serious or expensive as some of the other Cocker eye problems, but your vet will make a fair amount off of this, too.
- Distichia (misplaced hair along the edge of the eye, which grow towards the eye and irritate it). Severe cases can require surgery, which can cost several hundred dollars.
- Ear infections . If you never do the preventive maintenance required, your Cocker could get such serious ear infections that his hearing could be threatened. Left untreated, ear infections can get out of hand and surgery can be required. However, if you're willing to do the work to keep the hair trimmed around the ear canal area, and if you use a good ear cleaner on a weekly basis, you can totally prevent ear infections.
- Skin problems such as Seborrheic dermatitis. Oily skin, flaky skin, stinky skin. Difficult problems to treat. Skin problems can also arise from food allergies, environmental allergies, and from flea infestations.
- Excited urination or submissive urination . Compared to other breeds, Cockers are more likely to lose bladder control when happy or frightened. Of course, most Cockers do not do this, but some do. and it can be a VERY frustrating problem to live with.
- Autoimmune diseases . Cockers seem to be more prone to autoimmune diseases then most other dog breeds. This is extremely serious stuff. often fatal within a matter of days. Get more information here, and be extremely skeptical if your vet suggests vaccinating your dog for DHLPP every year. Due to concerns that over-vaccinating can cause autoimmune problems, many university veterinary programs now recommend vaccinations every three years rather than yearly.
Quite frankly, the Cocker Spaniel is not for everyone. From 1936 through 1952, and again from 1983 through 1990, it was the #1 breed in the USA according to AKC registration statistics. But a lot of people had bad experiences with Cockers, and it's no longer even close to being in the top 10 anymore.
By taking some basic precautions when choosing a breeder, you can increase your chances of getting a healthy and well socialized Cocker. You have to be prepared to do the extra work required to maintain the long coat and to prevent ear infections. You also have to make the dog a part of your family, and allow him to be with people for most of the day.
If you're willing to do all of those things, you'll quite likely have a great time with Cocker Spaniels. But if get a Cocker thinking that all you have to do is provide food & water, you probably won't have a very good experience with this breed.
Cocker Spaniel Coat Colors
Cockers come in a wide variety of coat colors. It's lots of fun to see all of the varieties and to admire your favorites! I don't have pictures of every possible Cocker variety, but I've got quite a few:
This is the classic look everyone thinks of when they think of a Cocker Spaniel.
It's one of the most common and easiest-to-find colors.
Photo courtesy of Sheila Vessar
A much lighter shade than the normal buff.
It's almost white, but not quite.
Photo courtesy of Tauny Lafleche
Comparison of a Silver to a Buff
These two pups clearly show the difference between a silver and a buff Cocker
Similar to buff, but darker and deeper in color
The second most common Cocker color, behind buff.
A small amount of white on the neck or chest is OK, per the breed standard.
Photo courtesy of Michelle Rifkin-Mamaladlo
Simply a solid black Cocker with tan points.
Photo courtesy of Dana Boyd
Probably my favorite Cocker coat color, yet I've never owned one!
A small amount of white on the neck or chest is OK, per the breed standard.
"Charlie" & "Casey" owned & loved by Lisa & Tom Kirby, bred by Vicki Wallace
Simply a chocolate Cocker with tan points.
The breed standard says that the tan points shouldn't cover more than 10% of the dog's body.
Photo courtesy of Sheila Vessar
Black & White Parti Color
The most common variety of the partis
Black & White Tri Color
Simply a black & white parti with tan points
Red & White Parti
One of the most beautiful Cocker varieties, in my opinion.
If the shade of red is very faint, some breeders call it buff & white.
Chocolate & White Parti
Another totally gorgeous variety of the Cocker Spaniel
Chocolate & White Tri Color
Simply a chocolate & white parti with tan points
Photo courtesy of Leanna Mobbs
A very interesting (and controversial) coat color.
I could probably make a whole page of photos of sables that all have different markings.
Black fur mixed in with other non-white colors is one tip-off that you might be looking at a sable.
Photo courtesy of Tina
Chocolate Sable Parti Color
Similar to a chocolate & white parti, but with black coloring mixed in with the brown.
Red Sable Parti
Similar to a red & white parti, but with much deeper coloring thanks to the sable gene.
Every red sable parti I've seen has been absolutely gorgeous.
Photo courtesy of Jacquie Christy
Blue Roan Parti
This picture doesn't show it well, but in certain light
the coat will look like it has a blue tint to it.
Roans are very unusual and hard to come by.
Same as the dog in the previous picture,
but with the addition of tan points.
Photo courtesy of Leanna Mobbs
This is simply a solid black Cocker with the merle gene.
This picture does a good job of showing how in certain light
the coat can look like it has a blue tint to it.
Merles are usually registered as roans, and look very similar.
See my merle page to learn about important differences between merles and roans,
and to find out why it's absolutely vital to know what you are doing
before ever breeding a Cocker with the merle coat.
Blue merle parti
You can see how the merle gene has diluted large areas of
the black fur to gray and how it looks to have a blue tint.
Photo courtesy of Lu LeJeune of Suwannee Cockers
Blue merle parti with tan points
Same as the dog in the previous picture,
but with the addition of tan points.
Photo courtesy of Lu LeJeune of Suwannee Cockers
Chocolate Merle Parti
So unusual that chances are you'll never see one of these in your lifetime!
Photo courtesy of Rossana Bartra
Black & White Parti Color with Ticking
Small black dots among the white fur, reminiscent of a Dalmatian.
It's called ticking because it looks like the dog is covered with the infamous insect.
One very interesting thing about ticking is that it is not evident at birth.
it comes in later, over time. Look at the second puppy from the right,
in the photo below. It's the same dog in the right side of the photo above.
At four days old, there is no signs of ticking on the second puppy from the right.
The ticking slowly started to show at about six weeks. most noticeable when the back was shaved.
Ticking on a chocolate parti
Photo courtesy of Susan Ramaker
The most unusually marked Cocker I've ever seen
This dog has it all.
Merle, parti, tan points, and ticking, too.
What's especially unusual is that there is both black ticking and tan ticking.
His name is Riley. and the photo comes from his owner, Keri Poole
A parti colored Cocker has two colors, one of which is white,
and the white must cover at least 10% of the body.
If the ratio of white to the other color is very high,
the dog is said to have "open" markings.
Photo courtesy of Sherry Chandler
The opposite of "open" markings on a parti is "closed" markings.
A parti colored dog where the ratio of white to the other color is low.
Another term used to described a dog like this is to say that she is "heavily marked".
But remember, if less than 10% of the coat is white, the dog is not considered a parti.
Photo courtesy of Ed & Sharon Puett
A mis-marked solid color.
This is what happens when a parti is bred to a solid.
See the white markings on the snout, neck, and feet?
That's a no-no. according to the breed standard.
Another example of a mis-marked buff, the result of a parti-to-solid breeding, can be found here.
People have asked if there is such a thing as a solid white Cocker.
Here is is a mis-marked parti that comes pretty close.
Genetically, this is a black & white parti, but there is almost no black actually showing.
She has a small black area on one ear, and two freckles on her back. That's it.
The other Cockers that look similar to this are the solid silver colored Cockers,
but they are really just a very light shade of buff, not truly white like this gal is.
Unfortunately, whatever genetic fluke did this to her coat color also made her deaf.
I know all you experienced Cocker people are thinking she's a double-merle. but she is not.
While breeding two merles together is the most common way to get a mostly white dog with
blue eyes and deafness, it's not the only way. This dog has no merle ancestors whatsoever.
If you've got a new puppy or you're thinking about getting one, you'll probably also enjoy:
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Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
You can’t help being enchanted by the big, twinkling eyes of the Cavalier, a gentle, pint-sized bundle (13 to 18 pounds) of tail-wagging joy. Friendly and easily trained, the Cavalier is an ideal companion for families with young children and other pets. "Sex and the City" fans will recognize this breed as the same as Charlotte’s dog, Elizabeth Taylor, but they first gained popularity as the preferred pet of King Charles II and still appear frequently on the UK Kennel Club’s list of most popular breeds.
- Dog Breeds
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
- Personality: Affectionate, graceful, and gentle.
- Energy Level: Somewhat Active; Cavies do not require an exhaustive workout, they're happy with a good walk every day.
- Good with Children: Yes
- Good with other Dogs: Yes
- Shedding: Seasonal
- Grooming: Occasional
- Trainability: Eager To Please
- Height: 12-13 inches
- Weight: 13-18 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
- Barking Level: Barks When Necessary
meet theCavalier King Charles Spaniel
Did you know?
The Cavalier was featured on the hit HBO series, "Sex and the City," as Charlotte York's dog.
How similar
Breed History
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was officially recognized by the AKC
Learn more about the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed standard.
at aGlance
Energy & Size
AKC Dog Ranking
- Affectionate
- Gentle
- Graceful
theBreed Standard
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Download the complete breed standard or club flier PDFs.
Click the box above and use
Cmd + C or Ctrl + C
to add this code to your site/blog.
Adjust the height and width as necessary.
Show off your love for the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel!
General Appearance
The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an active, graceful, well-balanced toy spaniel, very gay and free in action; fearless and sporting in character, yet at the same time gentle and affectionate. It is this typical gay temperament, combined with true elegance and royal appearance which are of paramount importance in the breed. Natural appearance with no trimming, sculpting or artificial alteration is essential to breed type.
Proportionate to size of dog, appearing neither too large nor too small for the body. Expression - The sweet, gentle, melting expression is an important breed characteristic. Eyes - Large, round, but not prominent and set well apart; color a warm, very dark brown; giving a lustrous, limpid look. Rims dark. There should be cushioning under the eyes which contributes to the soft expression. Faults - small, almond-shaped, prominent, or light eyes; white surrounding ring. Ears - Set high, but not close, on top of the head. Leather long with plenty of feathering and wide enough so that when the dog is alert, the ears fan slightly forward to frame the face.
Neck - Fairly long, without throatiness, well enough muscled to form a slight arch at the crest. Set smoothly into nicely sloping shoulders to give an elegant look. Topline - Level both when moving and standing. Body - Short-coupled with ribs well sprung but not barrelled. Chest moderately deep, extending to elbows allowing ample heart room. Slightly less body at the flank than at the last rib, but with no tucked-up appearance. Tail - Well set on, carried happily but never much above the level of the back, and in constant characteristic motion when the dog is in action. Docking is optional. If docked, no more than one third to be removed.
Shoulders well laid back. Forelegs straight and well under the dog with elbows close to the sides. Pasterns strong and feet compact with well-cushioned pads. Dewclaws may be removed.
Of moderate length, silky, free from curl. Slight wave permissible. Feathering on ears, chest, legs and tail should be long, and the feathering on the feet is a feature of the breed. No trimming of the dog is permitted. Specimens where the coat has been altered by trimming, clipping, or by artificial means shall be so severely penalized as to be effectively eliminated from competition. Hair growing between the pads on the underside of the feet may be trimmed.
The hindquarters construction should come down from a good broad pelvis, moderately muscled; stifles well turned and hocks well let down. The hindlegs when viewed from the rear should parallel each other from hock to heel. Faults - Cow or sickle hocks.
Cavalier King Charles SpanielCare
Good nutrition for Cavaliers is very important from puppyhood to their senior years.
The Cavalier’s glamorous, colorful silk coat is kept natural and untrimmed but needs regular weekly brushing.
Cavaliers get along well with children and other dogs and can be a bit quiet.
Your puppy's health-conscious breeder has probably had his sire and dam tested for inherited eye defects.
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- My Yahoo - back up 1 idea
- My Yahoo - US 9,176 ideas
- My Yahoo archive 314 ideas
- New Mail 11,299 ideas
- New Mail* 3,165 ideas
- New Zealand Business & Finance 132 ideas
- New Zealand Homepage 1,039 ideas
- New Zealand Safely 3 ideas
- New Zealand Screen 0 ideas
- PH ANC News 21 ideas
- Philippines Celebrity 214 ideas
- Philippines Homepage 9 ideas
- Philippines News 123 ideas
- Philippines Safely 12 ideas
- Philippines Video 0 ideas
- Philippines Weather 3 ideas
- Pick N Roll 19 ideas
- Postmaster 43 ideas
- Pro Football Pick'em 103 ideas
- Retail Pulse 0 ideas
- Rivals 11 ideas
- Safely 165 ideas
- Screen for iOS 0 ideas
- Search Extensions 98 ideas
- Search Product Downloads 89 ideas
- Security 497 ideas
- Sign-In Experience 79 ideas
- Singapore Entertainment 20 ideas
- Singapore Finance 230 ideas
- Singapore Homepage 1,051 ideas
- Singapore News 214 ideas
- Singapore Safely 11 ideas
- Singapore Screen 19 ideas
- Singapore Weather 4 ideas
- Singapore Yahoo Beauty 0 ideas
- Singapore Yahoo Celebrity 4 ideas
- Singapore Yahoo Finance 0 ideas
- Singapore Yahoo Movies 0 ideas
- Singapore Yahoo News 0 ideas
- Singapore Yahoo Style 4 ideas
- South Africa Celebrity 8 ideas
- South Africa Homepage 374 ideas
- South Africa News 23 ideas
- Sports Android 1,534 ideas
- Sports CA 35 ideas
- Sports iOS 1,026 ideas
- Sports Redesign 3,203 ideas
- SportsReel 6 ideas
- StatTracker Beta 581 ideas
- Survival Football 81 ideas
- Taiwan Yahoo 名人娛樂 0 ideas
- Taiwan Yahoo 運動 0 ideas
- Test 0 ideas
- Thailand Safely 2 ideas
- Toolbar Mail App 216 ideas
- Toolbar Weather App 72 ideas
- Tourney Pick'em 44 ideas
- UK & Ireland Finance 1,077 ideas
- UK & Ireland Games 19 ideas
- UK & Ireland Homepage 455 ideas
- UK & Ireland News 0 ideas
- UK & Ireland News Internal bucket 0 ideas
- UK & Ireland News Lego 378 ideas
- UK & Ireland Safely 38 ideas
- UK & Ireland TV 21 ideas
- UK & Ireland Video 187 ideas
- UK & Ireland Weather 100 ideas
- UK Answers 1 idea
- UK Daily Fantasy 1 idea
- UK Finance Mobile Android 12 ideas
- UK Finance Mobile DF iOS 2 ideas
- UK Finance Mobile iOS 310 ideas
- UK Yahoo Movies 23 ideas
- US Answers 8,999 ideas
- US Answers Mobile Web 2,156 ideas
- US Autos GS 442 ideas
- US Celebrity GS 661 ideas
- US Comments 350 ideas
- US Finance Mobile Android 44 ideas
- US Finance Mobile iOS 579 ideas
- US Flickr 264 ideas
- US Groups 4,224 ideas
- US Homepage B1 68 ideas
- US Homepage B2 33 ideas
- US Homepage B3 50 ideas
- US Homepage B4 33 ideas
- US Homepage B5 0 ideas
- US Homepage M 7,021 ideas
- US Homepage YDC 43 ideas
- US Homes GS 203 ideas
- US Live Web Insights 24 ideas
- US Mail 193 ideas
- US Mail 12,391 ideas
- US Maps 3,491 ideas
- US Membership Desktop 8,184 ideas
- US Membership Mobile 91 ideas
- US Movies GS 424 ideas
- US Music GS 195 ideas
- US News 6,054 ideas
- US Search App Android 2 ideas
- US Search App iOS 13 ideas
- US Search Chrome Extension 780 ideas
- US Search Chrome Extension v2 2,197 ideas
- US Search Desktop 1 idea
- US Search Desktop Bucket A 7 ideas
- US Search Desktop Bucket B 8 ideas
- US Search KG 1 idea
- US Search Local Listings 20,803 ideas
- US Search Mobile Web 1 idea
- US Search Mozilla 0 ideas
- US Search Stock Quotes 11 ideas
- US Search Tablet Web 1 idea
- US Shine GS 1 idea
- US Toolbar 5,548 ideas
- US Travel GS 207 ideas
- US TV GS 367 ideas
- US Weather 2,322 ideas
- US Weather Bucket 0 ideas
- US Weather Mobile 13 ideas
- US Weather Mobile Android 2 ideas
- Video Guide Android 150 ideas
- Video Guide iOS 207 ideas
- Video Guide Testing 15 ideas
- Web Hosting 4 ideas
- Whitelist Yahoo Mail 0 ideas
- Yahoo Accessibility 359 ideas
- Yahoo Autos 71 ideas
- Yahoo Beauty 102 ideas
- Yahoo Celebrity 0 ideas
- Yahoo Celebrity Canada 0 ideas
- Yahoo Decor 0 ideas
- Yahoo Entertainment 357 ideas
- Yahoo Esports 50 ideas
- Yahoo Feedback 0 ideas
- Yahoo Finance Feedback Forum 1 idea
- Yahoo Finance IN Mobile Android 0 ideas
- Yahoo Finance SG Mobile Android 1 idea
- Yahoo FinanceReel 4 ideas
- Yahoo Food 118 ideas
- Yahoo Gemini 2 ideas
- Yahoo Health 90 ideas
- Yahoo Help 328 ideas
- Yahoo Home 232 ideas
- Yahoo Home* 28 ideas
- Yahoo Lifestyle 168 ideas
- Yahoo Live 0 ideas
- Yahoo Mail 2,339 ideas
- Yahoo Mail Android App 414 ideas
- Yahoo Mail Basic 642 ideas
- Yahoo Mail iOS App 55 ideas
- Yahoo Mail Mobile Web 1 idea
- Yahoo Makers 51 ideas
- Yahoo Messenger 92 ideas
- Yahoo Mobile Developer Suite 61 ideas
- Yahoo Mobile for Phone 15 ideas
- Yahoo Mobile for Tablet 0 ideas
- Yahoo Music 78 ideas
- Yahoo News Digest Android 870 ideas
- Yahoo News Digest iPad 0 ideas
- Yahoo News Digest iPhone 1,531 ideas
- Yahoo Newsroom Android App 59 ideas
- Yahoo Newsroom iOS App 34 ideas
- Yahoo Parenting 63 ideas
- Yahoo Politics 118 ideas
- Yahoo Publishing 13 ideas
- Yahoo Real Estate 2 ideas
- Yahoo Tech 461 ideas
- Yahoo Travel 143 ideas
- Yahoo TV 103 ideas
- Yahoo View 217 ideas
- Yahoo Weather Android 2,142 ideas
- Yahoo Weather iOS 22,802 ideas
- Yahoo! 7 Food App (iOS) 0 ideas
- Yahoo! 7 Homepage Archive 57 ideas
- Yahoo! 7 News (iOS) 23 ideas
- Yahoo! 7 Screen 0 ideas
- Yahoo! 7 TV FANGO App (Android) 1 idea
- Yahoo! 7 TV FANGO App (iOS) 1 idea
- Yahoo! 7 TV Guide App (Android) 0 ideas
- Yahoo! 7 TV Guide App (iOS) 1,249 ideas
- Yahoo! 7 TV Plus7 App (iOS) 0 ideas
- Yahoo! Concept Test Feedback Center 174 ideas
- Yahoo! Contributor Network 1 idea
- Yahoo! Transliteration 29 ideas
- YAHOO!7 Finance 553 ideas
- Yahoo!7 Games 9 ideas
- Yahoo!7 Safely 19 ideas
- Yahoo7 Finance Mobile DF iOS 12 ideas
- Yahoo7 Finance Mobile iOS 217 ideas
- Yahoo7 Homepage 2,549 ideas
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