среда, 23 мая 2018 г.


How to Install Interior Pre-hung Doors

Installing pre-hung doors is the most popular method of hanging new doors or replacing old ones. All you have to do is install the unit into a rough opening. Follow these steps to install a pre-hung door in your home.

Position Door

Place the door inside the opening. Position the door so it is plumb, and the door is able to swing open.

Photo by: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Table of Contents

When ordering a pre-hung door, you will have the choice of a right- or left-hand swing, as well as having the manufacturer drill the holes in the door for the locksets. If the unit arrives with a brace to keep the door and frame aligned, leave the brace on until the door unit is plumbed, shimmed and secured into place.

Trim Door Opening

Trim any excess drywall around the doorway to make sure the new door will hang plumb.

Photo by: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Trim Door Opening

Trim any excess drywall around the doorway to make sure the new door will hang plumb.

Check That Floor is Level

Check to see if the floor is level, then mark for any shims that are needed.

Photo by: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Check That Floor is Level

Mark for any shims that are needed under the level.

Determine Where Shims Should Go

Measure and mark against the jamb where any shims are needed.

Photo by: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Determine Location for Shims

Measure and mark against the jamb where any shims are needed.

Cut the door to the appropriate length.

Photo by: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Cut the door to the appropriate length.

Remove Door's Temporary Packaging

Remove the plug that comes on the pre-hung door, as well as the temporary trim on the bottom of the door.

Photo by: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Remove Packing Material

Remove the plug that comes on the pre-hung door, as well as the temporary trim on the bottom of the door.

Begin Installation

Begin installation by attaching a shim to the doorway to get started.

Photo by: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Attach Shim to Doorway

Tack one nail on a shim in the doorway to get started.

Position Door

Place the door inside the opening. Position the door so it is plumb, and the door is able to swing open.

Photo by: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Position Door

Place the door inside the opening. Position the door so it is plumb, and the door is able to swing open.

Secure the Door Jamb

Secure the door jamb to the opening with nails along its length.

Photo by: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Secure Jamb

Secure the jamb with nails along its length.

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Check Door Opening

Use a straight edge to check the door opening, ensuring that it has room to open and close (Image 1).

Photo By: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Adjust Door Opening as Needed

With the door closed, place a shim by the bottom hinge to accommodate any adjustments (Image 2).

Photo By: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Check and Adjust Door Opening

Use a straight edge to check the door opening, ensuring that it has room to open and close (Image 1).

With the door closed, place a shim by the bottom hinge to accommodate any adjustments (Image 2).

Check Door for Level

Check the top gap above the door, and check the door again to make sure it is level.

Photo by: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Check Top Gap Above Door

Also, check the door again to make sure it is level.

Nail Door in Place

Check the center shim and the gap to make sure the door is plumb. Nail the door in place, from the jambs through the shims.

Photo by: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Nail Door in Place

Check the center shim and the gap to make sure the door is plumb. Nail the door in place, from the jambs through the shims.

Use a nail set to set the nails beneath the wood, creating a smooth finish. Fill the holes with spackle.

Photo by: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Fill Nail Holes

Use a nail set to set the nails beneath the wood, creating a smooth finish. Fill the holes with spackle.

Open and Shut the Door

Open and shut the door to ensure that it works properly.

Photo by: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Open and Close Door

Check the door to make sure it opens and shuts properly.

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement, 2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Check that Door is Plumb

Place a level on the vertical surface to check that the door is plumb (Image 1).

Photo By: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Adjust the Door

If you need to adjust the door, try using a sledgehammer with a very gentle tap.

Photo By: DK - Do It Yourself Home Improvement ©2009 Dorling Kindersley Limited

Make Adjustments

Place a level on the vertical surface to check that the door is plumb (Image 1).

If you need to adjust the door, try using a sledgehammer with a very gentle tap (Image 2).

Livets kaos

14. februar 2016

DIY: Dekken til hund

Alltid hatt et ønske om å lage et helt eget og spesielt dekken til din egen hund helt selv? Det kan du få til. I dette innlegget skal jeg dele en oppskrift med dere på et fint dekken som ikke er altfor vanskelig å sy selv, og som jeg synes sitter bra. Dekkenet blir tilpasset etter din hunds mål og ditt fargeønske. Du kan til og med pynte det akkurat som du vil, kreativiteten er det lite som står i veien for. Som jeg pleier å si: så lenge det er behagelig for hunden å ha det på seg og ikke minst oppfyller sin funksjon kan det glitre så mye det vil.

- saks, målebånd, penn, papir

- stoff til dekkenet (her har jeg brukt to lag, et med fleece og et med Gore-Tex)

For å kunne sy dekkenet må en selvfølgelig få tegnet opp mønsteret først (jeg har brukt noe brødpapir til det). Det trenger vi en del mål til. Har hunden et dekken fra før som passer ganske greit kan du gjerne bruke det som mal og bare tilpasse der du føler behov for det. Ellers må du pent dra fram målebåndet og ta en runde selv.

  • Rygglengden (A til B)
  • Mål fra ca midt på baken og ned på låret (Hvor langt ned du vil dekkenet skal dekke på låret?)
  • Det samme gjør du sånn ca rett over skuldrene og ned på frambeina
  • B til C blir ca halve omkretsen av halsen (Hvor langt rundt ønsker du at kragen skal være?)
  • C til D får du ved å måle fra under hodet og ned på brystet
  • Mål fra brystet og ned langs magen til der du ønsker magestykket skal ende
  • Mål mellom frambeina for å finne ut bredden på den delen som dekker brystet
  • Finn så ut hvor lang delen må være rundt magen så du lett kan lukke den (pluss på noen cm)
  • Hvor bred lukkedelen skal være kan du bestemme selv, bare husk på at hele delen ikke kan være for langt bak hos hannhunder
  • Mål rundt halsen til hunden, kragen trenger ikke å rekke rundt hele halsen. Her er det smak og behag.
  • Velg en bredde på dette stykket som er behagelig for hunden. Maksimalt lengden fra bak hodeskallet til nakken.
  • Nå skal du sitte med de tre delene du trenger til dekkenet ditt og det begynner faktisk å ligne på noe. Ha klart borrelåsen, du trenger å ha minst 2, en til å lukke foran på brystet og en til å kunne lukke dekkenet rundt magen.
  • Fest del 1 og 2 til hverandre, legg på borrelåsen og sy de sammen. Du kan også ta det i to steg. Sy så på den andre delen av borrelåsen (husk på at de må sitte sånn at du får lukket og åpnet dem).
  • Sy også på borrelåsene på endene av delen som skal festet rundt magen.

Et voilà! Der har du fått sydd et kult dekken til hunden din helt selv :)

5 kommentarer:

Den må jeg bare prøve og sy, den var kjempe fin <3

Da lurer jeg på noe, hvor har du kjøpt Gore-tex i metervare? Googlet, men finner ikke noe :(

Hei Marianne :) Takk, jeg synes det ble skikkelig fint også og kommer nok til å sy noen flere. Gore-tex bør du egentlig få i de fleste butikker som har et større utvalg av stoff (har ikke sett det på Jysk eller Ikea). Jeg kjøpte det i en butikk på Hamar.

Hei :D Takk for svar, er det lov og spørre hvilken butikk på Hamar du har kjøpt stoffet?

Ja selvfølgelig ;) Det Gore-Tex stoffet kjøpte jeg på Varebørsen.

Tusen takk, den butikken har jeg helt glemt. Da blir det ut på tur i morgen og sjekke der :D

How to Install a Pre-Hung Exterior Door

Skill Level

Start to Finish

  • carpenter's pencil
  • 4' level
  • pry bar
  • utility knife
  • tape measure
  • drill
  • hammer
  • cement screws
  • deadbolt lock
  • solid-core door
  • doorknob
  • wood shims
  • wood trim
  • fourpenny nails
  • cut nails
  • pressure-treated lumber
  • latex caulk
  • doorknob hardware

Table of Contents

Brand New Exterior Door

DIY Network gives step-by-step instructions on how to install a pre-hung exterior door.

Step 1: Remove the Old Door, Molding and Frame

Use a pry bar and hammer to remove the brick mold. Pry away the door jamb, framing and threshold.

Remove the Old Door, Molding and Frame

Using a hammer and a flat screwdriver, remove the hinge pins and lift out the old door. Unscrew the hinges from the door.

Next, unscrew the hinge leaves and remove them from the jamb; keep the old hinge sets together, including all screws, hinge leaves and hinge pins.

Using a utility knife, score the caulking between the molding and the brick to break the seal. Use a pry bar and hammer to carefully remove the molding. Pry away the door jamb, framing and threshold.

Finally, scrape away old caulking.

Step 2: Calculate the Dimensions of the Rough Opening

To calculate the exact dimensions, measure the width between the side jambs, the head jamb to the seal under the old threshold and the thickness of the wall.

Photo by: Lucie Rowe

Calculate the Dimensions of the Rough Opening

To calculate the exact dimensions of the door opening, measure the width between the side jambs, the head jamb to the seal under the old threshold, and the thickness of the wall. The rough opening should be at least one inch wider and taller than the outside frame dimensions of the pre-hung door to be installed. Be sure to measure carefully.

Step 3: Dry-Fit the New Door

With the shipping brackets still attached, carefully set the door in place, centering it in the opening.

Photo by: Marietta Fargueson

Dry-Fit the New Door

With the shipping brackets still attached, carefully set the door in place, centering it in the opening. If necessary, add shims under the lower side jamb until the entire unit is plumb and level. With a carpenter's pencil, mark a line at the top of the door on the brick lintel, then carefully remove the door.

Step 4: Mark Plumb Lines Around the Opening

Use the level to mark plumb lines on the brick on both sides of the opening. These lines will serve as guides for the molding of the new door.

Photo by: Marietta Fargueson

Mark Plumb Lines Around the Opening

Use the level to mark plumb lines on both sides of the opening. These lines will serve as guides for the molding of the new door. Remove any remaining pieces of paneling around the door to ensure a clean opening.

Step 5: Install Additional Framing If Necessary

Take the measurements for the side jamb and cut the board to length. After checking for plumb, install the board using cut nails, designed for fastening to masonry. This board will act as additional framing for the new door.

Photo by: Lucie Rowe

Install Additional Framing If Necessary

For a very rough opening -- one that has concrete or cinderblock as the jamb -- pressure-treated lumber may be necessary to frame out the door. For this, take the measurements for the side jamb and cut the board to length. After checking for plumb, install the board using cut nails designed for fastening to masonry. This board will act as additional framing for the new door.

Step 6: Hang the New Door

Lift the door into the center of the rough opening, positioning the bottom seal first, then tilting the door into place.

Photo by: Lucie Rowe

Hang the New Door

Begin installation by first running a thick bead of latex caulk along the subseal at the bottom of the old door opening. Then lift the new pre-hung door into the center of the rough opening, positioning the bottom seal first, then tilting the door into place. Check for plumb and shim the frame as necessary.

Secure the door with cement screws at each shim location. For wood frames, use casing nails. Trim off excess shims using a utility knife and pry bar.

Remove the shipping brace and test the operation of the door. Finally, attach the long-anchor screws (provided with the door) through the hinges and into the door framing.

Step 7: Seal the Door and Add Insulation

Inside, insert fiberglass insulation into the voids between the door frame and opening. Attach trim to the door with fourpenny finishing nails.

Photo by: Lucie Rowe

Seal the Door and Add Insulation

To seal the exterior of the door, run a bead of paintable latex caulk around the entire door. Fill holes left by the screws with wood filler.

Inside, insert fiberglass insulation into the voids between the door frame and opening. Attach trim to the door with fourpenny finishing nails.

Once the caulk and wood filler have dried, you can apply paint to the door and wood trim to match the color of your home. Finally, attach the door handle and deadbolt to the new door.

Happy Holidays! Flexpetz.com DIY Dog Fence Experts

Does your dog like to run away from home? Does your canine friend bolt out the front door every time he or she has the chance? Do you have a fence that your dog tries to dig underneath or climb? Have you had a quote for a professionally-installed containment system only to find out that it was way out of your budget? We at FlexPetz are here to offer you a better, cost-efficient solution. Our DIY containment systems work just as well as the pros and they are within an affordable price range. Visit our in depth Electric Dog Fence reviews section to find the perfect fence for your unique dog(s) and property.

Click Here to Learn About DIY Fencing! Read More »

DIY Dog Fences Offer Superior Quality for an Affordable Price

FlexPetz.com is an authorized dealer of PetSafe®, SportDOG®, Perimeter Technologies® and High Tech Pet® pet products. These brands offer high-quality solutions at prices you can afford. Our top-of-the-line containment systems are loaded with features and cost thousands less than Invisible Fence® brand, DogWatch® and PetStop® systems.

Not sure where to begin? Our helpful planning tools include sample fence layouts, FAQ’s and detailed product information that will guide you in helping you select the right containment system for your specific needs.

Would you feel more comfortable speaking to an expert? No problem! Speak with us on live chat by clicking the link above, or give us a call at 1-800-396-5517 to talk with us. Our knowledgeable technicians are trained professional experts with years of experience installing all brands of wired and wireless containment systems.

Selecting a Dog Fence System

In order to select the right dog fence system for you, there are many factors that come into play. It is important to choose a system that is best for your dog, as well as one that will work with your yard. Our product descriptions contain in-depth information and real reviews that will help you make the right decision. Look for details such as how much area the fence will cover, what size of dog it is designed for and the number of correction levels that are offered.

Quick Recommendations

  • If you have a small dog that weighs as little as 5 pounds, the PRO-Grade PetSafe® Elite Little Dog Fence comes highly-recommended. Its compact, lightweight receiver collar with gentler corrections makes it ideal for little canines.
  • If your dog is average to large in size, there are several systems that will work well. The PRO-Grade Perimeter® Ultimate is one of them. Its many unique features include contact points that are encased in rubber, offering optimal comfort for your dog. Another great choice is our BLUEFANG® 3-in-1 Train, Contain and Anti-Bark Kit. Controlled by your smartphone, this groundbreaking device is an electric dog fence, remote trainer and bark control unit all rolled into one.
  • For the largest of dogs, FlexPetz recommends the PRO-Grade SportDOG® SDF-100A. Designed specifically for big dogs, it is the only choice for very large rural properties. It is able to contain a larger amount of land than any other fence on the market.
  • The idea of a wireless dog fence may sound appealing to you, because you don’t have to bury any wire in the ground. However, there are several limitations that will interfere with the proper functioning of a wireless dog fence. To learn more, refer to our detailed product descriptions. With that being said, the wireless dog fence that we recommend in most cases is the PetSafe® Stay + Play.

Ensuring the Longevity of Your Electric Dog Fence

There are other aspects to consider when it comes to an electric dog fence. If you want your dog fence to be durable enough to stand the test of time, there are a few choices to make.

For example, the Dog Fence Wire that comes standard in most DIY dog fence kits is 20-gauge. It is quite flimsy and will snap easily. Upgrading your wire to a thicker, 14-gauge wire is highly recommended. While the cheaper wire will function, it isn’t designed to hold up against the elements like a thicker dog fence wire will. If you were having a professional company install a dog fence for you, they would be using the thicker wire. All of our PRO-Grade dog fence kits include the upgraded wire.

Something else to think about is lightning strikes. If your system gets struck by lightning, it can fry the transmitter. Some kits come with a low-grade surge protector to guard against power surges. However, the only way to be sure your fence is fully-protected from lightening is to choose a Heavy-Duty Surge Protector, which comes standard in our PRO-Grade dog fence kits.

Installing an Electric Dog Fence

To ensure that you have a successful installation, it is important to create a good plan. Begin by making a quick sketch of your property, marking where you would and would not like your dog to have access. To help you out, visit our Planning Guide section for layout suggestions as well as pitfalls to avoid.

Once you have planned your layout, it is time to choose how you wish to install the dog fence wire. You have the option of burying the wire with a machine, or by hand. It can also be attached to an existing physical barrier. You don’t even necessarily need to bury the wire. You can use garden staples to plant the wire on the surface of the ground.

Installing an electric dog fence is relatively easy thing to do. We provide you with everything you need to know about installing your electric dog fence in our Installation Guide. It outlines what to do step-by-step and also provides you with helpful tips and suggestions from professionals.

Training Your Dog

In order for your dog fence to successfully contain your dog, you will need to properly train him or her on the fence. You can’t simply open up the door and expect them to figure it out.

To begin, you will need a long leash and meat or moist dog treats. During the training process, which usually lasts about 2 weeks, you will be taking your dog out on the leash, getting him accustomed to where the fence borders are. About two training sessions that are 10-15 minutes long per day is a good start.

During the first week, you will be showing your dog the boundary vs. the street, and your neighbor’s yard for example. You will spend time establishing the area your dog is allowed to stay in, and showing them where the border is. During the second phase of training, you will be creating distractions to ensure that your dog is able to handle himself in everyday situations. Common distractions include cars, children, bikers and joggers.

For step-by-step instructions on how to train your dog on the fence, please visit our Dog Training section. We are also available to answer any questions you might have about training, installation, or selecting the perfect system for you and your dog by contacting us at 1-800-396-5517.

Wondering how these systems measure up against the Invisible Fence® Brand? The quality of the systems we sell are just as good. The only difference is that we sell DIY dog fences and Invisible Fence® installs their system for you. Installing your own electric dog fence will save you big bucks and you will get the same great results.

If you already have an Invisible Fence® installed on your property, we offer Invisible Fence® Compatible Batteries and Invisible Fence® Compatible Collars that cost a fraction of what you would pay if you bought them through Invisible Fence®.

Do you have an Invisible Fence® and are tired of buying expensive parts and paying for expensive service calls? Why not just use the wire that you have, and get a new transmitter and collar from FlexPetz? We offer a cost-effective solution, sold without wire, known as our Invisible Fence® Replacement System.

Whether you are starting from scratch or looking for products that work with your existing electric dog fence, at FlexPetz, we are eager to meet your needs!












Invisible Fence®

Watch Our Sales & Explanation Video Now

(*Exclude: Alaska & Hawaii)

  • I recently had the opportunity to bring a new member to our family, an adorable Miniature Collie named Madison! She is so precious! Well I live in a 55+ community and because she is just a puppy I wanted to make sure she wasn't tormenting the other residents of our neighborhood. Long story short I called Flexpetz.com and they were more then helpful with helping me find the perfect wireless fence for Madison. Thanks again for being so helpful!

    My husband and I purchased one of your fence systems back in 2009 and let me tell you it's been on ever since we first set it up! This has been one of the easiest solution for us to watch over our 2 rambunctious German shepherds.

    I found your site after getting an estimate from the Invisible Fence Company. They gave me a price of around $2500 to install a system on my 1 acre property for my two dogs. While stunned by the price I feared installing it myself and worried about the training in particular. I began searching on line for do it yourself kits and came upon your website. The Flexpetz staff was very helpful and provided excellent follow up and support I was very impressed with the entire process, needless to say we installed the system ourselves and saved $2000.00

    Very Happy with the Fence system I bought at Flexpetz. After talking to several pet sites who seemed to know almost nothing about their product, I chose Flexpetz.com and the Innotek 5100 because of its rechargeable collars and remote training feature. Couldn't be more happy with my choice. Have had the fence up for over a year for my boxer and it works flawlessly. The remote is almost as good as the fence and I have broken my dog of many bad habits like jumping up on the counter and stealing food.

    I have two 9 months old dogs. One is a miniature Aussie Shepherd about 20 lbs and the other is a golden retriever. I need to block off my formal dinning room and i am currently using baby gates but I don't like the look of all the gates. I also need to get them off my sofas and patio furniture. In addition there are different areas in the yard that they are digging up the sprinklers and I need to get them to stop. And Lastly, My little dogs barks non stop when there is another dog around and I need to teach him not to that. I needed to know what products you suggest so I know that I am purchasing the right items and how to use them. Once I was able to make my order I couldn't be more happier with the customer service. Thank You FlexPetz!

    Wow what great service, I love it! The service was excellent. I am really satisfied with my Rechargeable In-Ground Fence. Thank You!

    After installation it was easy to train my dog. The kids had fun helping with this and the fence has worked great since. I called back up one more time to give my thanks to the staff and how wonderful, but I felt like that wasn't enough for how much they put up with me. I am very thankful to find such wonderful customer service. You just don't find much of that anymore. I am very pleased with my overall experience and happy with the support they put behind their products and services.

    22 DIY Home Decor Projects for a Prettier Space

    A few quick changes are all you need.

    12 Stylish Tricks to Dress Up Your Coffee Table

    Skip the professional decorator and whip up your own homemade decor instead. With only a few supplies, these easy craft projects will spruce up the place in no time.

    Scalloped Wall

    Scalloped Wall

    It doesn't have to be hard to make a statement wall in your bedroom. This blogger used plywood and mounting tape to create this envy-inducing decor moment.

    Ruffle Accent

    Ruffle Accent

    When this blogger fell in love with an Anthropologie lamp shade, she decided to make her own for a fraction of the cost using linen fabric and a hot glue gun .

    17 Colorful Kitchens That Look So Inviting

    Scalloped Wall

    It doesn't have to be hard to make a statement wall in your bedroom. This blogger used plywood and mounting tape to create this envy-inducing decor moment.

    Ruffle Accent

    When this blogger fell in love with an Anthropologie lamp shade, she decided to make her own for a fraction of the cost using linen fabric and a hot glue gun .

    Shutter Side Table

    Skip painting and embrace a weathered finish for this tiny table. A set of rustic shutters provides the perfect base for a potted plant or a vase of blooms.

    What you'll need: shutters, $49 for a 2-pack, etsy.com

    Hand-Dyed Napkins

    Dress up plain white dishes the easy way with ombre linens. The faded hues look fresh as napkins, but can double as placemats too.

    What you'll need: fabric paint, $6 for a 6-pack, amazon.com

    Pom-Pom Trim

    Existing curtains or pillows look extra luxe with new fringe. Another quick fix? Use leftover wall paint to refresh the frame of an old chair.

    Candle Lampshade

    The dinner table shines a little brighter with a few clever "lamps." Just pop a LED tea light in a wineglass and top with a paper shade.

    What you'll need: scrapbook paper, $5, amazon.com

    Fabric-Covered Drawer Pulls

    Refresh existing hardware with pretty fabric swatches. It's a pop of color you'll notice (and use!) every day.

    What you'll need: fabric, $10 for a 4-pack, amazon.com

    Suitcase Table

    Vintage luggage adds both retro flair and clever storage to your home in three easy steps. Use them for stashing blankets or books at the foot of the bed.

    What you'll need: vintage suitcase, $44, etsy.com

    Print-Out Art

    Dress up bare walls with a trip to the photo shop. Get a favorite shot digitally enlarged and then add strips of wood along the top and bottom as a quick frame.

    What you'll need: hanging frame, 12, etsy.com

    Pendant Lights

    A set of nesting bowls can accessorize your shelf or illuminate the dinner table thanks to this bright idea. Bonus: You can make it in under an hour.

    What you'll need: nesting bowls ($35, amazon.com), nylon cord set ($29, westelm.com)

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    The DIY Hunter — @diyhntr The DIY Hunter's Hunting and Outdoor Adventure Journal — The Original DIY Hunter Established 2009

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    A Do-It-Yourself Hunter's Hunting and Shooting Journal

    About theDIYhunter.com

    Details Category: The DIY Hunter Info Created on Thursday, 01 October 2009 07:25 Written by The DIY Hunter

    I have never been good at keeping a journal and a really have never been good at writing, however, I do really enjoy hunting on one side and on the other I enjoy working on the Internet. What better place for me to keep my hunting journal than the Internet. This website is my Do-It-Yourself hunting and shooting journal.

    A good friend of mine has a journal that he writes his hunting experiences in. He can flip back through it and give me the details of the rifle, who he was with and his thoughts at the time of a mule deer hunt that happened twenty years ago. How cool will it be for his children to read about their father's experiences back in the good old days?

    Speaking of my writing abilities. I have never been good at writing so you are bound to find grammatical errors throughout the website. I'll keep the spell check on but it doesn't help much when you use the wrong wording. This is my journal and mistakes in grammar will abound.

    I really enjoy and work hard at being a successful big game hunter and success doesn't always mean putting antlers on the wall. Enjoying the experience is what it is all about in my book. You will find that what I write in this journal are my straight from the hip experiences in the field and on the range, enjoying the experience and freedoms we have to spend time in the great outdoors.

    I do take most of my kitchen passes to hunt mule deer and elk. I love backpacking into areas that require a little more effort to hunt than the average hunter cares to exert. I enjoy archery, muzzleloading and rifle hunting and try to hunt as much as I can on a limited budget, with very limited seasons lengths and in the limited public areas near where I live in Northern Utah. If you would like to learn more about me check out my Bio.

    Often hunters have favorite calibers. My favorites are the 243 WSSM and 270 WSM and you will find my favorite hand loads and experiences on this website using these cartridges.

    When the 243 WSSM was introduced in 2003 it peaked my interest. A few years later I purchased my first rifle chambered for this round and I just loved it. Since then I have acquired two more rifles chambered in 243 WSSM. And when finances permit I have my eye on another rifle or two in this caliber. Since I'm hunting and shooting with these rifles a lot it felt like a perfect match for the domain name of my hunting journal, thus I went with 243wssm.com for my website address. After working on the site for some time I realized that 243wssm.com isn't the perfect match for all the do-it-yourself hunting that I do. I now have theDIYhunter.com as my primary domain which I feel better matches what my website is all about.

    Although I do have three 243 WSSM rifles I also hunt with my other rifles, muzzleloaders, and just love archery elk hunting, so not every journal entry on my website will contain experiences with the 243 WSSM. This is my DIY hunting and shooting journal website.

    If you have stumbled on this site looking for information on the 243 WSSM you should know that I am by no means the all-knowing expert of the 243 WSSM or the other WSSM calibers. I do really enjoy my 243 WSSM rifles and the excellent performance I get from them. In the WSSM's short history I can't help but feel that they haven't been given their fair shake. Maybe, as I ramble along sharing my experiences, you may gain a greater understanding of why, in my book, the 243 WSSM is a winner. For more thoughts on the 243 WSSM you can read my journal entry entitled: 243 WSSM and the 243 Win.

    I hope you enjoy the website.

    Additional information

    Article Categories

    Big Game Hunting

    Journal entries from hunting mule deer, elk and whitetail deer. You'll find hunts with 243 WSSM and 270 WSM rifles to muzzleloader and archery hunts.

    Scouting and Hunting With Trail Cameras

    Scouting for mule deer and elk with my Spec Ops, Range Ops and Recon Force Browning trail cameras.

    General Hunting and Shooting

    Journal entries covering general information related to hunting and shooting. Many of these journal entries are from shooting on the rifle or archery range. There are also entries related to my experiences with the 243 WSSM , rifles, optics and other equipment and products I use.

    Varmint Hunting

    Journal entries from hunting coyotes, rock chucks, prairie dogs and the like with 243 WSSM and 223 Rem . rifles.

    Backpacking and Camping

    Backpacking, Pack Wheel camping and other camping adventures.

    DIY Church

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Internet, Radio23, Org, Brian Droitcour, Jeffrey Scudder's Web Pages.

    Source: internet, tapes, cd s

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Internet, Cynetart Festival, Dresden, Hellerau, bricoleur’s paradise, 2014.

    Source: Cynet Art Festival 2014, Internet, cross media player, mixer

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Apary, Studios, Cementimental, Der Warst, Dan Hayhurst, Jonny Mugwump, Ambient.

    Source: Dan, Tim, Jonny, warst, efx ambient, apiary studios

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Internet, X-mas, Santa, Anne Dersen, Simon Schäfer, Fritz Bornstück, Caroline.

    Source: studio & street

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Room111, Steven Warwick, Kinderhook & Caracas, Berlin, Sicherheit, BVG.

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Internet, Radio, Reel 2 Reel, Tape, bended, Anne Öhrling Dersén.

    Source: Philips EL3510, mic, mixer, laptops , tapes, voice

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Room111, CoCo, brutal happy tapes, bei roy, amps

    Source: tapes, mp3, wav, mic, efx, 4 track

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Room111, Harald Sack Ziegler, Improv, Jazz, Bungalow, 092, Sack, Gesicht, Loop.

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Room111, 086, Pascal, Iris Dankemeyer, Michael Kiok, Sven, Zoophilia.

    Source: mic and voice and mind

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Internet, Radio, 282, Del Rex, Tongkwaï, Stream, Chicklette, DJ Puddle, grosser Hund.

    Source: Dj Puddle; Tongkwaï; Chicklette

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Reboot.fm, Unii, Sam Slater, Wilted Woman, Blue Stork, 1000 Laptops, virtual, digital.

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Room111, PICNIC, DJ, Mix, 2012, Pontone Mixtapes, PAN, Bill Kouligas.

    Source: MIXES, VOICES, MICS, Human Resources

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio, Internet, TimTim Tonträger, Java Delle, Fieldrecording, Noise, Doom.

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    Topics: DIYChurch, NNOI, 2016, Column One, Rex Joswig, Genesis O. Orridge, Hermann Bohlen, Ditterich von.

    Source: NNOI Festival und Umfeld

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Argh!, Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg, Kakawaka, Lesung, Elektronik, Geräusche

    Source: Kakawaka & Ditterich von Euler-Donnersperg

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Freeform Portland, Krafia, Waxteen, Billya, James K, Seth, Del Rex, French-core, Syrene

    Source: Krafia Waxteen; Ell & James K

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Freeform Portland, Internet, Radio, Stream, Draveng, Kellergeschichten, MaxMSP, Code

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    Topics: cheseball, NWOBHM, metal, UK, New Wave Metal, Glam, Raw, Messy, New wave of British heavy metal

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Blenno die Wurstbrücke, KPY, YPY, West Germany, travelling arists, berlin.

    Source: Blenno die Wurstbrücke, KPY, YPY, Internet, West Germany

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Providence, Internet, Thorns, Dedchil, Hobby, E-waste, Castle, Industry, Videocam

    Source: green penguin

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    Topics: DIYChurch, 319, Internet, Reboot, Container, DJ Pumkin, DJ Puddle, Berlin, Nuclear, All Stars.

    Source: dj pumkin, container, dj puddle

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Treeform, Freeform, Portland, Radio23, Internet, Plants, Plantasia, Mort Garson.

    Source: cheseball s library

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Reboot.FM, primitive language, Nick Klein, Profligate, Miquel Alvarino, Harsh Noise.

    Source: Nick, Noah; Miquel; Primitive Language; dark red performance hat;

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    Topics: DJ Terry, Aller-Eck, Berlin, Internet, Radio, Punk Rock, Vinyl, dj

    Source: DJ Terry s Plattensammlung

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Richardstrasse, Internet, Bobby Maracuja, Mythbusters, Iris Dankemeyer, Bernard Herman.

    Source: Iris Dankemeyer; BirdBird; Mythbusters; Bobby Maracuja; Bernar Herman; Jens Einhorn

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Wizard Ashdod, Full Body Massage Records, Internet, Berlin, 332, Home, HiFi, HD, XD

    Source: full body massage records & Internet

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Freeform Portland, 283, IRUU, Virginity, Box, Blood, Loop, cellphone, Polizei, children.

    Source: IRUU & BOBBY AND HeathersLTD

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Internet, Radio, Berlin, More Records, Wilted Woman, Lolito, DJ ShluchT, 339

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Reboot.fm, Grimmuseum, Feelings, My, thatched hut, Fritz Bornstück, Der Warst, Wilted.

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Private Archive, Article Collection, Patch, VR, power electronics, EU tour, Vlog, dungeon

    Source: compile & article collection

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    Topics: DIYChurch, CX KiDTRONiK, Radio23, Baseck, Show Cave, McCarthy, Hazel, Douglas, Room111, 7-9 pm.

    Source: Douglas,Hazel,CX KiDTRONiK, BASECK, turntaple, tapes, laptop

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Reboot.fm, Kinderhook & Caracas, Oswaldo Lares, Venezuela, Archive, Archivo Lares.

    Source: Venezuela / Archivo Lares / the musicians

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Eve Essex, Juan Antonio Olivares, NYC, London, Berlin, Office, Start Up.

    Source: Eve & Juan

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Internet, Radio, Plebeian, Deflector, Tour, 2016

    Source: Plebeian & Deflector

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Walter Gross, 10Shun, Hip Hop, break, rap, video, Podcast, Internet, graff

    Source: 10Shun & Walter Gross

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    Topics: Athens, Will Cash, Thorn, Bridget Feral, Yung Yang, Wilted Woman, DJ ShluchT, GO Bar

    Source: Bridget Feral, Thorna, Wilted Woman, Yung Yang, go bar, dj shluh

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Internet, LiveStream, Berlin, Common Ground, Delmore FX, Die Reihe, Farewell my.

    Source: delmore fx, die reihe, farewell my concubine

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    Topics: DIYChurch, NYC, Wall Peeler, together alone, Internet, DJ, Vinyl, Tape, MP3, no adults please, air.

    Source: tape, vinyl, mp3 sticks;

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    Topics: DIYChurch, 330, Der Pöbel, Das West Germany, Berlin, Rumpeln, Daniel Door, Urthsla, Teplödröme.

    Source: der Pöbel im 17. Jahrhundert

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    Topics: DIYChurch, 238, Walter Gross, hospital, volunteering, produkts, tapes, mpc

    Source: Walter Gross Hospital

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Halifax, Room111, the last summer hole, Radio23, 3564, 666, 100, 1000, 2000, 3000

    Source: gespeaker & Hallifax

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, 164, Iku Sakan, Sun in your head, MAHER SHALAL HASH BAZ, ANDERS LAUGE.

    Source: SUN IN YOUR HEAD

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    Topics: DIYChurch, 327, P3RSON SINGULAR, Rohstoff, hungerkünstler, Imaginäre Freunde, Rohstoff


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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Org, Internet, Wastland, Twinning, Network, Dogged Lands, Alex Head, Wasteland.

    Source: Alex Head, Wasteland Twinning

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Internet, Radio23, Stream, 277, Tape Music, Pam Finch, Dj Puddle, Nonhorse, Museum.

    Source: Pam Finch & Nonhorse

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Internet, DJ, Streched, Paul Stretch, Home Alone, DJ Klock, Tapes, Hack, shy.

    Source: paul stretch & Dj Home alone tapes

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Piece of Paper, 279, Internet, Radio, Vape, Fruity Loops, Portland Freeform, plane.

    Source: Piece of Paper

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Reboot.fm, Internet, Noisekölln, Griesmühle, facebook, Sea Urchin, Garbage Mountain.

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio, Internet, Freeform, Portland, Berlin, Meier & Erdmann, Acid, electronic, Break

    Source: Meier & Erdmann

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Room 111, Tape, Staubgold, Markus Detmer, electronica, CD, Mic, Hinterhof, 082, Music.

    Source: cds, tapes & voice

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Reboot.FM, Exitrip, Ed Bear, NYC, Electronics, Radio, Emission, pirate

    Source: Ed Bear Exitrip

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Sara Lehn, Kottbuser Tor, Kotti.fm, WestGermany, 323, TJ Pont-Saucisse, Gebrochene.

    Source: City Dragon, Gebrochene Beine, Ocean Floor, TJ Pont-Saucisse

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Internet, Freeform Portland, Stream, Mix, DJ, No DJ, Boy, Girl, Vampyr, Romanian.

    Source: Ann Dunham; Eel & Andra

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    Topics: DIYChurch, ICE, Lolito, More Records, Internet, Radio, DJ, Stream, 317, Sunday, Black, Jamz.


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    Topics: Berlin, Westgermany, Belvin Blectum, scree fucking junk, Bridget Feral, Dj puddle, dj shlucht.

    Source: event @ WG

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Reboot.fm, Laser Poodle, Acud Macht Neu, Wilted Woman, L Lewis.

    Source: L Lewis Wilted Woman Mr Fishee Laser Poodle

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    Topics: Sculpture, loop, 2017, summit, music, tape, funkhaus, berlin

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    Topics: diychurch, Reboot.fm, internet radio, blogspot, DJ Kaputze, Cassette Boy, V/VM, POP mUsic, Radio.

    Source: dj kaputze - blogspot

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Internet, 258, Chroma Key, composing stradegies, Ann Dunham, 12 12 12, 23.

    Source: Ann, iris flat & instruments; Parallel Welpen

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Freeform Portland, 289, Internet, Radio, Dolphin, Bleu, Polis, Cover, Mix, Deejay, bad.

    Source: bad taste 4 life ; active listening; Eel of polis

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Tankstelle, Gasstation, Blues, Molly Nilsson, Jonas Raam, DJ WHY?, GO

    Source: molly nilsson & dj why?

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Reboot.fm, Radio, Internet, Iruu, Kalan, Laurie Penny, listen to colour, library, voice

    Source: Iruu & Kalan

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Tape, Collage, Paris, Parson, Art, Design, Anton Mobin, Harold Schellinx.

    Source: Anton, Harold & Blenno

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Freeform, Portland, ex-radio 23, Internet, scary, spooky, Ainize Sarasola, Film, movie.

    Source: Ainize Sarasola; Movies and Popsongs

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Room111, 146, Oscar, der winzige, SOG, Sucked Orange, Berlin, Basement, DJ.

    Source: CD, VINYL, Tape, Minuit, efx

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Internet, Dunckerland, Schmacke, clive manning, Michael, dunckerstrasse.

    Source: the fake masters

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Freeform Portland, 278, Internet, Radio, Abraham Hicks, no Job, Money, antenna, low.

    Source: Abraham Hicks

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Argh!, Unii, Ememe, Internet, Radio, Freeform Portland, public, horny bucket, brian.

    Source: Argh! + Unii + Ememe + TOSHIYUKI + horny bucket

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Internet Radio, Radio23, Stream, Antenne, Daniel Kupferberg, Another Vacant Space, Sara.

    Source: Daniel, Sara, another vacant space, mics and playback material

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    Topics: DIYChurch, C Powers, CH Rom, station manager, MOM radio, pump media unlimited, 312, DJ mixes, Karim.

    Source: C Powers and CH Rom & Karim Waxteen

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Freeform Portland, 281, Internet, Radio, lll, dj, software, controller, comadrome, NYC.

    Source: lll & friends

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Reboot.FM, Stream, Internet, electricity, voltage, monoshop, gijs gieskes, kasia justka.

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, Internet, 276, Alles Klingt, Heathers Collection, Improvisation, acoustic.

    Source: Alles Klingt, der warst, kintrala

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    Topics: DIYChurch, RebootFM, Internet, Radio, Live, Sawada, Shizuku Aosaki, Karim Waxteen, Leila Al`rabi

    Source: Sawada, Shizuku Aosaki, Karim Waxteen, Leila Al`rabi

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    Topics: DIYChurch, Radio23, 094, Room111, Chat, Interview, Industrial, Experiment, Underground, Friends.

    Tag Archives: hund

    Pappbokstäver från JaBaDaBaDo kan användas till mycket. Det är en rolig detalj som kan lyfta de flesta rum. Välj själva om det skall vara färgglatt eller svart/vitt. Ni hittar hela alfabetet i webbshoppen.

    Den lyxiga hundfilten hittar ni hos Monimo.

    Ps. Gillar ni att pyssla själva? Kolla in denna underbara sänggavel en kund gjorde med träbokstäver.

    Puppy Deyna Pattern Amigurumi PDF Deutsch - English

    (no finished product)

    I used Catania Originals-Schachenmayr yarn and a 2-2.5 crochet hook size. The finished puppy is about 21 cm tall. Of course, the decoration is included in the instructions. A small PDF crochet school can also be downloaded.

    Sport -5ply / Fine (2) weight yarn (125m/50g): Cream, Gold, Signal Red, Black, Cinnamon, White, Baby Smile Lenja Soft: White (15 m), Craft Wool, Scissors, Needle, Hot Melt Glue, Safety Eyes 16 mm Glitter Black, Felt - White, Gold, Black and Pink, Pastel Chalk in Gold and Black, a gift box, blanket or fabric (40 x 40 cm) (optional).

    Stitches and techniques used:

    • sc = single crochet
    • st = stitch
    • Mr = magic ring
    • ch = chain
    • Tch-T. = turning chain crochet - turn
    • sl.st = slip stitch
    • inc = increase
    • dec. = decrease
    • Pict-P.= picture
    • Cc. = Color change

    Sale, duplication, exchange and publication (including translations) of the instructions (including publication on the Internet) are prohibited. The figures can be given away or also delivered against material costs. The local sale as well as the sale on the Internet is only allowed, if the figures were made by you and Colita as a designer is called.

    Do you like my instructions and would you like to stay up to date when I publish a new pattern? Then I invite you to subscribe / follow my shop.


    (no finished product)

    I used Catania Originals-Schachenmayr yarn and a 2-2.5 crochet hook size. The finished puppy is about 21 cm tall. Of course, the decoration is included in the instructions. A small PDF crochet school can also be downloaded.

    Sport -5ply / Fine (2) weight yarn (125m/50g): Cream, Gold, Signal Red, Black, Cinnamon, White, Baby Smile Lenja Soft: White (15 m), Craft Wool, Scissors, Needle, Hot Melt Glue, Safety Eyes 16 mm Glitter Black, Felt - White, Gold, Black and Pink, Pastel Chalk in Gold and Black, a gift box, blanket or fabric (40 x 40 cm) (optional).

    Stitches and techniques used:

    • sc = single crochet
    • st = stitch
    • Mr = magic ring
    • ch = chain
    • Tch-T. = turning chain crochet - turn
    • sl.st = slip stitch
    • inc = increase
    • dec. = decrease
    • Pict-P.= picture
    • Cc. = Color change

    Sale, duplication, exchange and publication (including translations) of the instructions (including publication on the Internet) are prohibited. The figures can be given away or also delivered against material costs. The local sale as well as the sale on the Internet is only allowed, if the figures were made by you and Colita as a designer is called.

    Do you like my instructions and would you like to stay up to date when I publish a new pattern? Then I invite you to subscribe / follow my shop.


    Purchase Crochet pattern

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    35 DIY Barn Doors + Rolling Door Hardware Ideas

    35 Beautiful Barn Doors + Rolling Door Hardware

    Barn doors are everywhere — and as Mandi puts it, they are like puppies, everyone loves them! We’ve been loving the rustic barn door for awhile (we built a barn-door inspired baby gate, then turned it into a full Dutch door) and when you add the sliding door hardware to the equation, it makes a statement that’s hard to beat. I think the rolling barn door style will stay around for some time, too. Why? Because on top of the stylish magazine look, a barn-door style hardware installation is less daunting than tearing up a wall to install a pocket door — both of which are great for conserving space in a small room like a bathroom. (If you do want to install a pocket door — we’ve got a tutorial for that.) And a sliding door is much prettier than the builder-standard bifold doors, too — but don’t worry, we’ll have more solutions those coming up, too! (Be sure to subscribe by RSS or email to get updates for every post of Shut The Front Door DIY week, and don’t forget to come link up your door-related projects here, plus tell us a knock-knock joke for a chance to win $25!)

    The biggest hangup to getting the barn door look — the price. But Remodelaholic and #ShutTheFrontDoorDIY are all about helping you make your boring builder-grade doors look like big bucks on a budget (bam, check out all that alliteration!) so, without further ado, we present to you 35 of our favorite barn doors and rolling door hardware solutions.


    page 1: DIY Barn Doors to Build

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    Barn-Style Doors You Can Build

    Any kind of door can be put on a track and/or casters to make it a rolling or sliding version, so if you have an old door hanging around, all you’ll need is hardware! No door? You’re a Remodelaholic — build one! Styles range from easy to more advanced, and the advantage of DIYing is that you can make sure your door is the exact size you need to fully cover the door opening.

    My (most recent) favorite door to build: this amazing door that our reader Emily shared with us! Get the tutorial to build it here (including the link to the hardware the Emily purchased inexpensively on eBay). So gorgeous, right? And the fact that the hardware is mostly hidden gives it a sleeker look — even though I do love the look of industrial hardware.

    And Emily was inspired by this tutorial over at The Accent Piece, which is hung with trolley-style hardware you can buy on Amazon.

    I saw this beautiful barn door at the local Parade of Homes (see more pics here) and I was smitten. The traditional barn style combined with the bright modern color (like this) — so lovely! And did you notice that the barn door hanging track is mounted right on the craftsman style door trim? (Just be sure that any hardware is appropriately secured to studs!)

    And, the best news is that it’s the same style door as this one from House Seven,

    and don’t miss the details of Anissa’s DIY rolling door hardware here.

    If you have a door and just want the barn door hardware look, check out this tutorial that 4 Generations 1 Roof shared with us — you can give your hinged doors the look of barn door hardware!

    This beauty of a door was built by the folks at Do or DIY (tutorial here) and then hung with DIYed $55 hardware using flat stock metal.

    Jaime lives in a reeeeeally old house, so she already had this great antique door that she installed on a pipe rail system with casters — but it’s an easy style to build yourself and she’ll teach you how to build and hang this door here.

    Impatiently Crafty added some extra metal and bold accents for a an extra rough industrial feel to their door (and did you see the pet door, too? 🙂

    This pantry door and DIY hardware have such a clean classic style!

    And I love the rough weathered look on this door that Jenna Sue Designs built! (and it’s hung on pre-made hardware that only cost about $100, too)

    And this 3-panel door from The Handmade Home looks a little rustic here, but you could just change up the finish to make it more rustic or more modern, too.

    You know I love yellow, and this barn door from Find It Make It Love It just makes me happy! (They also made their own hardware, tutorial here.)

    More like this lovely 5-panel DIY modern door by Paper Daisy Design (and read about their budget-friendly hardware here)

    And for a completely non-traditional look, follow this tutorial from Vintage Revivals to build a lightweight fabric barn door — easy to customize!

    See the next page for double and triple sliding barn doors –>


    page 1: DIY Barn Doors to Build

    About Cass

    Cassity started Remodelaholic with her husband, Justin, to share their love for knocking out walls together. Since then, Remodelaholic has become a great community and resource for all those wanting to know how to make their builder-grade home BEAUTIFUL on a budget!


    I was drooling through this whole post. LOVE. I really have no where for a sliding door, but I think I need to create a place because I love them!

    I agree! Love them!

    Thank you so very much

    I love these doors so very much!! I only wish I would of had one to share. One day….soon….I’ll return with a door and the blog that inspired it. One day!! 🙂

    We look forward to that day, Susie! 🙂

    Thanks for mentioning our barn door! It was a fun project and we love having the door in our home.

    It is great seeing all the different styles out there!

    Thanks, Laura! I love all the different options… the sky is the limit!

    Love this and your ideas! We have a sliding glass door leading to a back porch and are planning to make barn doors instead of drapes in front of it, what would we need for hardware for one to slide behind the other?

    Thanks, Teri! Yes, to have a set of doors slide behind one another, you’ll need to have two sets of hardware/rails. I’ve seen it done using bypass sliding door hardware (like you’d use on closet doors) or there are some other creative options here on the 2nd page of this article: https://www.remodelaholic.com/diy-barn-doors-rolling-door-hardware-ideas/2/

    I’d love to see pictures of what you end up doing!

    Cassity, I just have to tell you thank you! You came through for me again! From my very first project, the barn door baby gate ( which is still protecting my kitchen and wowing visitors), to my massive stair remodel; you continually inspire and encourage me. And. . . Thanks to you I just found the door style I will be hanging in my dining room! You all rock!

    Aww, thank you, Amy!! Be sure to send us pictures, pretty please!

    Wonderful article! We are remodeling a little Charlestonian cottage and need to separate and long open room into two rooms. We want to add three 6′ high x 4′ wide sliding barn doors, yet need them to be on a ceiling mount system. And we need to drop them / keep a 12″ distance from the ceiling for added ventilation. Any ideas!?

    * I found only one ceiling mount system online, but costs more than a $1000 per door! More than we want to spend.

    Maybe you could try something like the pipe rolling door rail on page 3? That seems like it might work. If you’ll message us over on Facebook with a photo and your question, we can post there and see if our fans have any ideas, too! https://www.facebook.com/Remodelaholic

    I really like the idea of a barn door. I would like to make one for a screen door. I have a single open french door going into my backyard and it does not have a screen. Any ideas are helpful. Thanks.

    I have an existing door I’d like to take off and then use on the same door as a barn door. Is there a way to do this, or will the door just be too short? I love the existing door, just may be short if we hang it. Ideas?

    Can u customize doors for shelves and over a tv, love your stuff

    Thanks for the comment, Mary!

    We are trying to build a large (10ft) screen barn door for our new screened in porch. The problem we see is how to completely bug-proof the door. Any suggestions?

    I am going to do barn doors on 3 rooms…thank you so much for these ideas.

    I could not afford the $300-500 For just one set of hardware. When using the pipe and hooks do you need to lubricate it to help it move smoothly?

    I haven’t used that technique personally, but I imagine a little lubrication would be helpful. You could ask Jaime over at That’s My Letter (included here in the roundup), she’s wonderful and I bet she could give you some more info.

    Thanks, we’ve fixed it now.

    Do you have any barn door that moves into the actual spot where the door was, meaning;

    When the door slides into place, do you have some kind of way to slide or push the door into its original spot to lock it?

    I haven’t seen doors like what you’re describing, but if you find some or build some, we’d love to see!

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