Hunde Informationen
Hier erfährst du alles Wissenswerte über Hunde! Pflege, Ernährung, Spielen, Gesundheit, etc. sind unsere Themen!
Die Hunde-Erkältung: Symptome und Hausmittel
Symptome für eine Erkältung
Es müssen nicht alle Symptome gegeben sein, damit der Hund eine Erkältung hat. Es kommt sogar häufiger vor, dass ein Hund nur 2 oder 3 der aufgelisteten Symptome hat.
Wenn du schon einmal eine Erkältung hattest, weißt du, wie dein Hund sich fühlt. Dein Hund fühlt sich schwach und schlapp und möchte am liebsten nur noch schlafen und sich erholen. Spaziergänge empfindet er als zu lang und das Toben mit anderen Hunden lästig. Er bewegt sich generell langsamer und wirkt weniger lebendig als sonst.
Viele Hunde, die an einer Erkältung leiden, haben so gut wie keinen Hunger. Auch das ist normal und kein Grund für eine allzu große Sorge. Die meisten Hunde fressen zwar nicht mehr ihren Napf vollständig leer, aber nehmen immer noch etwas auf. Das kannst du dir zunutzen machen, indem du deinem Hund versuchst, in das wenige, was er frisst, gesunde Dinge und vor allem Wasser zu mischen, das seinen Heilungsprozess erleichtert. Trinkt dein Hund nichts mehr, ist höchste Alarmstufe angesagt und ein Besuch beim Tierarzt unverzüglich einzuhalten.
Eine feuchte Nase ist nicht immer ein Indiz dafür, dass der Hund gesund ist. Im Falle einer Erkältung schon mal gar nicht, weil viele Hunde dann Schnupfen bekommen, welcher zu einem Ausfluss aus der Nase führt (wie man es halt von einem Schnupfen kennt. ). Solange der Ausfluss klar und flüssig ist, gibt es hier nicht zu befürchten. Wir der Ausfluss aber weiß, gelb, grün und/oder dickflüssig, sieht die Sache anders aus. Dann sind Bakterien im Spiel, die bewirken, dass der Schnupfen behandelt werden muss. Der Schnupfen führt in der Regel spätestens am zweiten Tag zu einer Rötung der Schleimhäute, die natürlich auch ein wenig schmerzhaft ist wegen der ständigen Reizung durch den Nasenausfluss.
Die Verschleimung, die bei einer Erkältung auftritt, führt auch durch die Anlagerung des Schleims in den Atemwegen zu Husten. Sitzt der Husten zu fest, kann es für den Hund schmerzhaft und anstrengend werden, sodass der Husten behandelt werden muss.
Die normale Körpertemperatur des Hundes liegt circa zwischen 37 und 38 °C. Liegt die Körpertemperatur bei 38,5 °C oder sogar mehr, hat der Hund Fieber und sollte mal beim Tierarzt vorbei schauen.
Fieber messen kann man übrigens sehr einfach selbst, indem man das Fieberthermometer des Hundes (er sollte schon ein eigenes haben!) rektal einführt und circa eine Minute wartet.
Kranke Hunde sollten so viel wie möglich trinken. Das liegt nicht nur daran, dass er durch Schnupfen etc. mehr Wasser als sonst aussondert, sondern dass kranke Hunde oft den Genuss am Trinken ein Stück weit verlieren. Ermutige deinen Hund, viel Wasser zu trinken und trickse ihn, wenn er von allein nichts trinkt aus, indem du sein Futter mit mehr Wasser als sonst anreicherst.
Du gehst auch nicht krank zur Arbeit (hoffen wir zumindest!). Mute deinem Hund nicht zu, genauso lange Spaziergänge wie sonst auch machen zu müssen. Eine Viertelstunde sollte es schon pro Gassi-Gang sein - denn frische Luft tut ja auch gut - aber bitte nicht viel mehr. Dein Hund muss sich ausruhen können und seine Energie in sein Immunsystem stecken können.
Vor allem mit anderen Hunden sollte dein Hund während seiner Erkältung nicht spielen. Es ist nicht nur viel zu anstrengend (beim Spielen überschätzen sich manche Hunde ja regelmäßig), dein Hund kann auch andere Hunde anstecken, was nicht wünschenswert ist.
Eine warme Umgebung sorgt beim Hund nicht nur für ein größeres Wohlbefinden, sondern sorgt auch dafür, dass der Körper weniger Energie aufwenden muss, um sich aufzuheißen. Dadurch ist mehr Energie für den Rest des Immunsystems da. Decke deinen Hund ruhig vorsichtig zu und drehe die Heizung auf!
Ein gut befeuchteter Raum ist vor allem für Hunde mit Husten ein Segen. Die feuchte Luft hilft ihm, den Schleim abzuhusten und so seine Atemwege zu kurieren. Du kannst den Raum einfach befeuchten, indem du entweder feuchte Handtücher auf der Heizung aufhängst, auf der Heizung Wasserbehälter (am besten aus Porzellan etc.) aufstellst oder eigens dafür einen Luftbefeuchter anschaffst.
Du kannst dem Immunsystem deines Hundes behilflich sein, indem du ihm beispielsweise eine Vitamin-C-Bombe zusammenstellst, die auch für uns menschliche Wesen lecker ist. Schneide zwei frische Äpfel klein, püriere sie anschließend, vermenge das ganze mit 3 Esslöffeln Honig und einem Becher Naturjoghurt und halte Bello das Ganze unter die Nase. "Nein!", sagen da nur wenige Hunde.
Kennel hoste/nysen hos hund
Hvert år i sensommeren og tidligt på efteråret er der mange hunde, som bliver smittet med det, der kaldes kennelhoste. Kennelhoste er en generel betegnelse for en betændelse i de øvre dele af luftvejene - i svælg, luftrør og næse.
Der findes mange forskellige bakterie- og virusarter, som alene eller sammen kan forårsage den meget smitsomme hostesygdom. Der kan som regel skelnes mellem to typiske symptombilleder. Ved det første har hunden en tør hoste, som kan give den kvælningsfornemmelser og nogle gange opkast. Motion, ophidselse eller træk på hundens halsbånd kan sætte hosten i gang. Den smittede hund har ofte været sammen med en større gruppe hunde (på udstilling eller i hundepension) 4 - 10 dage, inden hosten begynder. Symptomerne plejer at vare fra 1 - 3 uger, med mindre andre, sekundære betændelser udnytter kroppens svækkede immunitet. I de tilfælde kan den irriterende, men i sig selv harmløse kennelhoste, føre til lungebetændelse.
Den anden form for hoste er en fugtig hoste. Hunden har feber, svingende appetit og udflåd fra øjne og næsebor. Når hunden hoster, kan man se på den, at det gør ondt. Dette er en mere alvorlig form for hoste hos hunde, som især hos hvalpe kan blive livstruende.
I de senere år har hundene været plaget af en tredje form for infektion, hvor de får en kraftig nysen. Hundene nyser i 7 - 14 dage, hvorefter sygdommen begynder at aftage. Hunden kan være nedstemt med svingende appetit og udflåd fra næseborene.
Inden behandling undersører dyrlægenhunden for at udelukke, at der kan være andre årsager til hosten eller nysen f.eks. dårligt hjerte, et fremmedlegeme, kræft eller andet. Derefter plejer man at give hunden en antibiotikakur. Antibiotika dræber eventuelt indblandede bakterier og beskytter mod andre bakteriers indtrængen. De hjælper dog ikke mod den del af betændelsen, der skyldes et virus - det må hundens immunforsvar selv klare.
Man kan også give hunden hostestillende tabletter eller saft. Selv plejer jeg ikke i første omgang at behandle med disse medikamenter med den begrundelse, at hosten muligvis hjælper med til at udrydde bakterier og virus og til - især i sygdommens tidlige fase - at beskytte mod deres yderligere vandring ned gennem luftvejene. Hosten og nysen kan dog også virke irriterende på luftvejenes slimhinder og sætte sig til enten en kronisk hoste eller nysen. Så hvis hunden stadig hoster eller nyser efter 4 - 7 dages behandling, bør hosten og nysen dæmpes med hoste-/nysestillende midler.
Det har i mange år været svært at forebygge mod kennelhoste. Som en del af mange af de vacciner, som sprøjtes ind under huden, indgår der en vaccine mod parainfluenzavirus, et af de vira, som kan forårsage kennelhoste. Der er dog blandt eksperterne bred enighed om, at denne vaccine mod parainfluenzavirus ikke er særlig effektiv, ihvertfald ikke særlig langtidsbeskyttende.
Der er for nyligt ( jan. 2008) kommet en ny og effektiv vaccine mod de to kennelhosteorganismer, der hyppigst er årsag til hosten/nysen. Det er en næsespray, som stimulerer dannelsen af antistoffer på overfladen af luftvejenes slimhindeceller, således at bakterier og vira ikke kan sætte sig fast. Fordi vaccinen beskytter luftvejenes overflader direkte er den meget mere effektiv og langtidsbeskyttende. Der går dog tre uger efter vaccinationen, inden der dannes fuld immunitet, og den holder i op til et år.
Det er ikke hundepensionens skyld
Der er mange, som bliver oprørt over, at deres hund er blevet smittet med kennelhoste i en hundepension. Men når man ved, hvor smitsom kennelhoste er, og at denne smitte findes i hundenes luftveje, ikke i bure og på f.eks. madskåle, må man konkludere, at en hundepension ikke kan bebrejdes, hvis en hund bliver smittet med kennelhoste, mens den opholder sig der. Det må medregnes som en mulig risiko ved at få hunden passet sammen med flere andre hunde. Det er dog en god idé at vælge en hundepension, som anbefaler, at alle hunde er vaccineret med den nye vaccine.
Sygdomsforløbet ved kennelhoste er heldigvis som regel godartet, bare man sørger for at få hunden behandlet, før hosten sætter sig i luftvejene som kronisk bronkitis eller lungbetændelse.
Royal Canins Veterinærprodukter er fremstillet specielt til behandling af sygdomme hos hunde og katte. Se på tilbud.
Bisolvon hund
Boehringer Ingelheim (Schweiz) GmbH
Pulver für Rinder, Kälber, Schweine, Hunde und Katzen
Excipiens ad pulverem pro 1 g.
1 Messlöffel enthält ca. 5 g Pulver (Packung zu 1 kg).
Fachinformationen Wirkstoffe (CliniPharm)
Eigenschaften / Wirkungen
Die Zeitspanne bis zur Genesung ist vom Grad der Erkrankung abhängig. Entsprechend ist auch die Behandlungsdauer zu wählen. Bei akutem Befall der Atemwege ist die 2 - 3malige Gabe einer Tagesdosis, evtl. über einige Tage fortgesetzt, ausreichend. Bei Übergang in das chronische Stadium ist eine Behandlung über eine bis mehrere Wochen notwendig. Ein durchgreifender Therapie-Erfolg kann bei irreparablen Veränderungen der Lunge naturgemäss nicht erwartet werden. Bei bakteriellen Erkrankungen der Atemwege wurde bei gleichzeitiger Anwendung von Antibiotika und Bisolvon der Krankheitsverlauf in überzeugender Weise beeinflusst. Gegenüber der Behandlung mit Antibiotika allein wurde eine wesentlich schnellere Genesung herbeigeführt.
Entzündliche Erscheinungen und mechanische Behinderung der Atmung nach Absaugen des Fruchtwassers bei Kälbern. Kälbergrippe, Händlergrippe (oft mit Antibiotika allein nicht zu beherrschen).
Schwein: Akute und chronische Lungenentzündung, Ferkelgrippe.
Hund: Akute und chronische Lungenentzündung, quälender trockener Husten, Hundestaupen (eine Viruserkrankung bei Hunden).
Katze: Akute und chronische Lungenentzündung.
Bei akuten fieberhaften Fällen gekoppelt mit der Gabe von Antibiotika und/oder Sulfonamiden.
Dosierung / Anwendung
Zur Gruppenbehandlung von Schweinen und Kälbern erhalten alle Tiere beim Auftreten der ersten Hustensymptome 1 g Bisolvon Pulver/25 kg Körpergewicht täglich 7 Tage lang. Das Pulver wird bei Schweinen über das angefeuchtete Futter gestreut. Bei Kälbern wird das Bisolvon Pulver in die Tränke eingerührt. Der Messlöffel fasst ca. 5 g Bisolvon Pulver.
Unerwünschte Wirkungen
Essbare Gewebe Rind: 3 Tage, nicht bei Tieren anwenden, deren Milch in Verkehr gebracht wird.
Sonstige Hinweise
Das Präparat darf nur bis zu dem auf der Packung mit "EXP" bezeichneten Datum verwendet werden.
Ausserhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren.
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Amoxicillin für Hunde
Hunde können verschiedenen bakteriellen Infektionen zu Opfer fallen. Amoxicillin ist ein beliebtes Mittel, um viele Infektionen bei Hunden zu behandeln. Das verschreibungspflichtige Medikament ist gegen bakterielle Infektionen der Harnwege, Harnblase, Haut und der Atemwege sehr wirksam. Amoxicillin ist auch zur Beschleunigung der Heilung einer Wunde oder Verletzung bei Hunden nützlich. Es wirkt, indem es die Bakterien zerstört und ihr Wachstum einstellt. Nachdem die Behandlung mit Amoxicillin begonnen hat, wird der Hund wahrscheinlich innerhalb von 7-10 Tagen genesen.
Amoxicillin ist in verschiedenen Drogerien in flüssiger Form und Tabletten erhältlich. Es kann auch intravenös verabreicht werden. Wenn der Hund unter Verdauungsproblemen leidet, dann sind Injektionen eine bessere Option.
Amoxicillin für Hunde bei Ohrinfektion
Ein Hund mit einer Ohrenentzündung kann auch mit Amoxicillin behandelt werden. Zunächst untersucht der Tierarzt das Ohr, um die Schwere der Infektion zu ermitteln und dann verschreibt er eine entsprechende Dosierung, in der Regel zweimal pro Tag. Das Antibiotikum ist nicht nur kostengünstig, sondern kann bei solchen Hundekrankheiten Wunder wirken, vor allem bei denen, die mit dem Gehörgang zusammenhängen.
Dosierung von Amoxicillin für Hunde
Bei der Festlegung einer Dosierung ist das Gewicht des Hundes zu berücksichtigen. Damit das Medikament wirksam ist, soll die vorgeschriebene Dosierung des Arzneimittels bei 10-25 mg pro Kilo bzw. 5-10 mg pro Kilo Körpergewicht liegen. Zum Beispiel, für einen Hund mit dem Gewicht von 50 £ beträgt die empfohlene Dosierung 250mg, d. h. die alle 12 Stunden, also zweimal täglich verabreicht ist. Doch wenn sich eine schwere Infektion vorliegt, kann die Medizin 3 Mal täglich verabreicht werden.
Nebenwirkungen von Amoxicillin bei Hunden
Obwohl der Einsatz von Amoxicillin ist eine sichere Option ist, können dabei einige Nebenwirkungen auftreten, wie z. B. Unbehagen in dem Eckzahn. Die spürbaren Nebenwirkungen von Amoxicillin bei Hunden sind folgende:
Magenprobleme : Amoxicillin kann bei Hunden zu einer Magenverstimmung führen. Diese Magenbeschwerden verursachen Schmerzen, die möglicherweise innerhalb weniger Tage nachlassen und kein Grund zur Besorgnis sind. Wenn dieser Zustand jedoch mehr als ein paar Tage dauert, sollte man den Tierarzt konsultieren.
Erbrechen : Dies ist ein weiterer Nebeneffekt von Amoxicillin, nachdem das Medikament eingenommen war. Wenn Erbrechen anhält oder sich verschlechtert, dann ist es notwendig, den Tierarzt zu konsultieren, um eine weitere Verschlechterung des Gesundheitszustandes vom Hund zu verhindern.
Durchfall : Das Medikament kann den Stuhlgang beeinträchtigen. Hunde unter Amoxicillin können flüssigen oder weichen Stuhl haben. Allerdings wird diese Nebenwirkung nicht lange dauern, wenn in der Ernährung vom Hund einmal Naturjoghurt enthalten ist.
Appetitlosigkeit : Da Amoxicillin Durchfall oder eine Magenverstimmung verursacht, beeinflusst es den Appetit vom Hund. Der Hund kann sehr wenig Nahrung im Laufe des Tages wegen Magenprobleme essen.
Schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen von Amoxicillin bei Hunden
Schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen bei Verabreichung von Amoxicillin sind eine Seltenheit. Die Hunde reagieren im allgemeinen recht gut auf Amoxicillin. Wenn Krampfanfälle, Blut im Stuhl und chronischer Durchfall bei Hunden während der Behandlung beobachtet werden, ist es schon ein Grund zur Besorgnis. Zu anderen schwerwiegenden Nebenwirkungen gehören:
Allergische Reaktionen : Bei einem sehr kleinen Prozentsatz von Hunden entwickeln sich allergische Reaktionen bei Einnahme dieses Medikaments, die gravierende Auswirkungen auf die körperliche als auch geistige Gesundheit des Hundes haben können. Zu Anzeichen der allergischen Reaktion, die bei Hunden beobachtet waren, gehören Hautausschläge, Fieber, Schwellungen in dem Gesicht oder an den Beinen. Andere Symptome sind Atemnot und Herzschlag. In solchen Fällen muss das Medikament sofort abgesetzt werden.
Die folgenden Themen enthalten Informationen über Hundekrankheiten:
- Hundekrankheiten
- Gesundheitsprobleme bei Hunden
Ein wichtiger Punkt ist, dass Amoxicillin für schwangere Hunde unsicher ist. Wie Studien offenbaren, rufe das Medikament Missbildungen bei den Neugeborenen hervor. Hier empfiehlt sich anstatt separat das Medikament zu verabreichen, es mit der Nahrung mischen, um das Risiko von Nebenwirkungen zu verringern. Dies könnte tatsächlich unerwünschte Reaktion auf Amoxicillin verhindern. In den meisten Fällen können Sie Nebenwirkungen von Amoxicillin bei Hunden reduzieren, indem Sie einfach die Dosierung verringern.
Furosemide Tablets
The information provided typically includes the following:
- Furosemide Tablets Indications
- Warnings and cautions for Furosemide Tablets
- Direction and dosage information for Furosemide Tablets
Furosemide Tablets
NADA 129-034, Approved by FDA
Furosemide Tablets are not USP for dissolution.
Furosemide Tablets Caution
Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.
Furosemide is a potent loop diuretic which is a derivative of anthranilic acid. The structure is:
Chemical Name: 4-Chloro-N-furfuryl-5-sulfamoylanthranillic acid. Furosemide is pharmaco-dynamically characterized by the following:
1) It is administered orally. It is easily absorbed from the intestinal tract and begins to act in 30 to 60 minutes after oral administration. 1 2
2) Is a loop diuretic which inhibits reabsorption of sodium and chloride at the ascending loop of Henle in the kidneys, enhancing water excretion. 3
3) A dose-response relationship and a ratio of minimum to maximum effective dose range greater than tenfold. 1
4) A high degree of efficacy, low inherent toxicity and a high therapeutic index.
ACTIONS: The therapeutic efficacy of Furosemide Tablets is from the activity of the intact and unaltered molecule throughout the nephron, inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium not only in the proximal and distal tubule but also in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle. The prompt onset of action is a result of the drug's rapid absorption and a poor lipid solubility. The low lipid solubility and a rapid renal excretion minimize the possibility of its accumulation in tissues and organs or crystalluria. Furosemide Tablets have no inhibitory effect on carbonic anhydrase or aldosterone activity in the distal tubule. The drug possesses diuretic activity either in the presence of acidosis or alkalosis. 1 2 4 5 6
Furosemide Tablets Indications
DOGS - Furosemide Tablets are indicated for the treatment of edema (pulmonary congestion, ascites) associated with cardiac insufficiency and acute noninflammatory tissue edema. In cases of edema involving cardiac insufficiency, the continued use of heart stimulants such as digitalis or its glycosides is indicated. The rationale for efficacious use of diuretic therapy is determined by the clinical pathology producing the edema.
Animal reproductive studies have shown that furosemide may cause fetal abnormality and the drug is contraindicated in pregnant animals. Furosemide is contraindicated in anuria, furosemide hypersensitivity, hepatic coma, or during electrolytic imbalances. Monitor serum electrolytes, BUN and CO2 frequently. Monitor serum potassium levels and watch for signs of hypocalcemia.
Corticosteroids cause an additive potassium-depletion effect.
Furosemide Tablets are contraindicated in anuria. Therapy should be discontinued in cases of progressive renal disease if increasing azotemia and oliguria occur during the treatment. Sudden alterations of fluid and electrolyte imbalance in an animal with cirrhosis may precipitate hepatic coma, therefore, observation during period of therapy is necessary. In hepatic coma and in states of electrolyte depletion, therapy should not be instituted until the basic condition is improved or corrected. Potassium supplementation may be necessary in cases routinely treated with potassium-depleting steroids.
Active or latent diabetes may on rare occasions be exacerbated by furosemide. Transient loss of auditory capacity has been experimentally produced in cats following intravenous injections of excessive doses of furosemide at a very rapid rate. 12 13 14
The concurrent use of furosemide with some antibiotics may be inadvisable. There is evidence that the drug enhances the nephrotoxic potential of aminoglycosides, cephalosporins and polymyxins and increases the ototoxic effects of aminoglycosides.
Sulfonamide diuretics have been reported to decrease arterial responsiveness to pressor amines and to enhance the effect of tubocurarine. Caution should be exercised in administering curare or its derivatives to patients undergoing therapy with Furosemide Tablets and it is advisable to discontinue Furosemide Tablets for one day prior to any elective surgery.
Dosage and Administration
Administer orally once or twice daily at 6 to 8 hour intervals. The dosage should be adjusted to the individual's response. In severe edematous or refractory cases, the dose may be doubled or increased by increments of 1.0 mg per pound of body weight. The established effective dose should be administered once or twice daily. The daily schedule of administration can be timed to control the period of micturition for the convenience of the client or veterinarian. Mobilization of the edema may be most efficiently and safely accomplished by utilizing an intermittent daily dose schedule, i.e., every other day or 2 to 4 consecutive days weekly.
Diuretic therapy should be discontinued after reduction of the edema, or maintained after determining a carefully programmed dosage schedule to prevent recurrence of edema. For long-term treatment, the dose can generally be lowered after the edema has once been reduced. Re-examination and consultations with the client will enhance the establishment of a satisfactorily programmed dosage schedule. Clinical examination and serum BUN, CO2 and electrolyte determinations should be performed during the early period of therapy and periodically thereafter, especially in refractory cases. Abnormalities should be corrected or the drug temporarily withdrawn.
Dosage: Oral
DOG: One-half to one 50 mg scored tablet per 25 pounds body weight. One 12.5 mg scored tablet per 5 to 10 pounds body weight.
Administer once or twice daily, permitting a 6- to 8-hour interval between treatments. In refractory or severe edematous cases, the dosage may be doubled or increased by increments of 1 mg per pound body weight as recommended in preceding paragraphs, “Dosage and Administration”.
How Supplied
12.5 mg Tablets - Each tablet contains 12.5 mg of furosemide
50 mg Tablets - Each tablet contains 50 mg of furosemide
Available in bottles of 500 tablets
TOXICOLOGY: Furosemide demonstrates a very low order of either acute or chronic toxicity. The drug is rapidly absorbed and excreted by both glomerular filtration and tubular secretion. The rates of excretion are of such magnitude that cumulation of furosemide does not occur despite repeated administrations. 15
The main effect observed in clinical toxicity is an abnormality of fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Ototoxicity resulting in transient loss of hearing has been reported with furosemide. 15
A safety study was performed in dogs to determine the effects of Furosemide Tablets at increasing dosages and time elements. The dosage levels were 2 mg/lb body weight (upper recommended dosage), 6 mg/lb body weight (3X upper recommended dosage) and 10 mg/lb body weight (5X upper recommended dosage). The treatment period ranged up to nine days in length. Results demonstrate a mild dehydration at the 5X level with a slight elevation of hemoglobin and hematocrit levels. Serum levels of potassium and chloride were slightly lowered in the higher dosage groups. Cumulative evaluation of the data demonstrates that Furosemide Tablets are safe when administered at the upper level of the recommended dosage for a duration of nine consecutive days.
NOTE: Store at controlled room temperature (59°-86°F).
1. Timmerman, R.J., F.R. Springman and R.K. Thoms, 1964. Evaluation of Furosemide, a New Diuretic Agent. Current Therapeutic Research, 6(2):88-94.
2. Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia. 27th ed. June 1977, The Pharmaceutical Press, London, 556.
3. Suki, W., F.C. Rector, Jr. and D.W. Seldin, 1965. The Site of Action of Furosemide and Other Sulfonamide Diuretics in the Dog. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 44(9):1458-1469.
4. Berman, L.B. and A. Ebrahimi. February 1965. Experiences with Furosemide in Renal Disease. Proceedings in the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 118:333-336.
5. Schmidt, H.A.E. Animal Experiments with S35 Tagged Lasix ® in Canine and Ovine. Radio-chemical Pharmacological Laboratory, Farbwerke Hoechst, Frankfurt, West Germany.
6. Haussler, A. and P. Hajdu. Methods Biological Identification and Results of Studies on Absorption, Elimination and Metabolism. Research Laboratories, Farbwerke Hoechst, Frankfurt, West Germany.
7. Antoniou, L.D., G.M. Eisner, L.M. Slotkoff and L.S. Lilienfield. December 1967. Sodium and Calcium Transport in the Kidney. Clinical Research, 15(4):476.
8. Duarte, C.G. April 1967. Effects of Furosemide (F) and Ethacrynic Acid (ETA) on the Renal Clearance of Phosphate (Cp), Ultrafilterable Calcium (CUfCa) and Magnesium (CUfMg). Clinical Research, 15(2):357.
9. Duarte, C.G. October 1968. Effects of Ethacrynic Acid and Furosemide on Urinary Calcium, Phosphate and Magnesium. Metabolism, 17:867-876.
10. Nielsen, S.P., O. Andersen and K.E. Steven, 1969. Magnesium and Calcium Metabolism during Prolonged Furosemide (Lasix ® ) Administration to Normal Rats. Acta Pharmacol, et. Toxicol., 27:469-479.
11. Reimold, E.W. July 1972. The Effect of Furosemide on Hypercalcemia Due to Dihydrotachysterol, Metabolism, 21(7).
12. Brown, R.D. and T.W. McElwee, Jr. Effects of Intra-Arterially and Intravenously Administered Ethacrynic Acid and Furosemide on Cochlear N1 in Cats. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 22:589-594, 1972.
13. Mathog, R.H., W.G. Thomas and W.R. Hudson. Ototoxicity of New and Potent Diuretics. Archives of Otolaryngology, 92(1):7-13, July 1970.
14. Mathog, R.H. and G.J. Matz. Ototoxic Effects of Ethacrynic Acid. Annals of Otolaryngology, Vol. 81, 1972.
15. Gilman, A.G., L.S. Goodman and A. Gilman, 1980. The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Sixth ed., MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York, NY, 903-907.
Distributed by: VEDCO, INC., St. Joseph, MO 64507
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Can I Give My Dog Mucinex?
Mucinex reduces many cold symptoms including congestion, cough and phlegm in the throat. Lots of folks give it to their dogs, but is this oral medication safe enough for a sick pup?
This popular over-the-counter expectorant has a high success rate for treating pet dogs. There are, however, a few important things you should know before administering it.
First off, and for your dog’s sake, do not experiment if you aren’t sure. You really should speak with a vet before using Mucinex. They can provide a definitive diagnosis.
Can I Give My Dog Mucinex? Answer: Yes, but it’s not a cure
It can clear up some symptoms, but it won’t help a best buddy with a chronic respiratory illness.
Mucinex, drug name Guaifenesin, generally works well for dogs but not for undiagnosed conditions. Something like Kennel Cough may appear to respond well to this expectorant but better treatment options exist. In any case, Guaifenesin products are considered safe for dogs when used appropriately. Regular Mucinex Expectorant and the DM version both contain lower doses of Guaifenesin which is good for safely reasons.
Another option to consider is Hound Honey which receives great reviews.
Options for Administering
Mucinex can be given to dogs orally in either liquid (syrup) or tablet form just like Robitussin. Both forms and brands are effective.
Choose one that’s easier to administer to your dog. Liquid forms are popular and you can either use a dropper directly, or mix the medicine into their food or drinking water.
Alternatively, you can break up the tablets and put them into dog food. Other owners are good at placing tablets down the throat. With this method you can give Mucinex to your dog in just a few seconds.
Proper Mucinex Dosing
We are hesitant to provide a recommended dose. There are many factors and each dog has their own situation. However, the general rule of thumb is 20mg per pound of body weight taken every 12 hours or so. Careful with Mucinex products as several kinds contain 1,200mg per regular dose!
On the flip side, be sure that your dog consumes all the food or water containing the Mucinex so the proper dosage enters their system. Otherwise, the medicine may not work as effectively. So it may be best to place the full dose in a small amount of food or water so it can be consumed in one gulp.
A Great Natural Remedy
One teaspoon of pure honey, given three times daily, may provide relief just as effectively as Mucinex. It can loosen up congestion and speed up a recovery. It’s safer and honey contains natural vitamins and minerals that may also strengthen your dog’s immune system.
Sometimes supplements are beneficial when a dog is sick or under stress. Vitamin C is crucial if they aren’t naturally producing enough of it. Speak with your vet about it!
Problems Linked to Coughing
Sure, Mucinex can ease certain chest and lung symptoms but it may be necessary to have a vet look at your dog. This is especially true if they’re frequently experiencing such symptoms.
Recurring issues, including a bad cough and excess phlegm, can be a sign of other pulmonary problems or even a heart condition. If this is a real concern, the veterinarian will perform some tests. Consider it peace of mind. Besides, Mucinex isn’t a cure-all.
Coughing with heavy breathing can be a sign of pneumonia which requires immediate veterinary care.
Conclusion on Mucinex
You can provide Mucinex to your dog if they’re dealing with a bout of excessive mucus-like Phlegm. But get your buddy to a vet if problems persist since they could have a chronic respiratory issue requiring prescription antibiotics and closer medical attention. If you do use Mucinex, go with the lower dose products. Otherwise, consider a herbal alternative made specifically for dogs.
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Dr. Stephanie Flansburg Cruz, a practicing vet, has reviewed and endorsed this article. She has 3 dogs of her own and cares about the welfare of all animals.
My dog has Adenocarcinoma. How much Mucinex can I give her? She is 64 pounds.
My dog is a 12 year old Australian Terrier. He has a choking cough, not to severe. Is it okay to give him Mucinex? I cannot afford to take him to a vet.
My 10 pound dog consumed a Maximum Strength Mucinex DM tablet. Should I seek care for him?
My Shih Tzu is 14 years, 5 months and 2 weeks old….every day counts! Anyway, in September I took her to the vet for coughing, difficulty breathing and small fever. They gave her a checkup and decided she had bronchitis.
X-rays looked okay, so they ruled out heart problems for now. She was given antibiotics and a pink cough syrup with codeine. She did better at first, but once she was through with the medicines she began to cough again.
Two weeks ago I took her back in and they gave me a different cough syrup (green) also with codeine. I was to give it to her for 7 days and the last 3 doses as needed. I gave her a dose late last night and at 5:45 this morning she was coughing and hacking again. I feel so helpless not being able to give her another dose.
So here I am, online, trying to find out what I can give her. I have Tussin CF and Reli-On sugar-free cough syrup with diphenhydramine and hydrochloride. The Tussin has Guaifenesin 100mg and dextromethorphan HBr USP 10mg that I think she needs.
I have no idea how much to give her. She weighs 13 pounds. Please help. I can’t afford to take her back in and get more meds. I still owe the vet. I’m on Social Security so they are letting me pay each month.
My vet just told me to use 1 Mucinex (600mg) a day for my almost 50 pound Basset Hound. I believe he looked this information up on VIN. I noticed that Mucinex can be given twice a day. According the dosage recommended in this article this would be on the low end for my dog’s weight.
So I went to get Mucinex for my dog and as I am headed to check out, I see that it contains Acetaminophen which is Tylenol! Just three Tylenol can kill a full size dog via liver failure. I checked to see the amount and it said 325mg. Do not give this to your dogs!
You bought the wrong stuff. Look for the generic form of guaifenesin. Mucinex is a brand name. The bottle you have might say Mucinex Cold and Allergy. Stay away from those mixtures.
You were very smart to check the ingredients first. Also, be aware that liquid formulations for people often contain deadly (for dogs) sweeteners and such.
You’d have to have a complete list of ingredients and a veterinary degree! Steer clear of these unless you are specifically told they are safe by your vet.
Supply plenty of fresh water because Mucinex, or it’s generic version, has a drying effect. The extra fluids will help to move the mucus out.
My Aussie has nasal cancer. She is on a low dose of Prednisone and I don’t think we are far from having to put her down. Nasal mucus is the biggest problem. Once she sneezes, and gets rid of some of the mucus, she breathes pretty well. Can I give her Mucinex with the Prednisone to make her more comfortable and get rid of some of the mucus? Thanks for the help.
Hi Sara. You can give your dog some NAC (n-acetylcysteine) to help reduce the mucous build up. It works well for my dog’s cancer. Eucalyptus radiata taken internally, make sure to buy the one that is marketed for internal use, helps expel the mucus and also seems to be killing off the cancer in my dog’s lungs and heart. Andrographis paniculata is another amazing herb for cancer treatment which reduced the tumor in my dog’s tummy from a grapefruit to golf ball size in just a couple weeks. Artemisinin is another on my must have list.
I was planning on putting my dog down before starting these supplements but now he is almost back to his regular self after only a few weeks of starting these incredible herbs. I also give my dog CoQ10, chlorella, a multi-vitamin, vitamin-C, astragalus, echinacea and RSO (Rick Simpson oil). My friends are amazed at how great my Yogi is doing now compared to a month ago. I love him so much, I am just not willing to give up quite yet.
Please do look these herbs up online. A good place to check is called “Pubmed”. It’s loaded with peer reviewed medical research. You just search within the Pubmed site and you will find piles of useful info. But in my humble opinion, Prednisone is poison. I refused to give it to my dog as it destroys the immune system while reducing the inflammation. My choice for inflammation reduction treatment would include turmeric.
My 13 year old Miniature Pinscher weighs 15 pounds and has a heart congestion. She takes two meds but her cough has lasted 2 days and it’s so bad. My vet can’t see her for 3 weeks. I read about mucus and cough relief. Can I give something like that to my dog and how much?
If your dog’s cough is that bad, and your vet will not see her for three weeks, I would suggest finding a new veterinarian. Is there another clinic that you can take her to in the meantime? Your current one can send over their records to the new vet so that they can make a proper diagnosis and prescribe something for the cough.
I have a 60 pound female Boxer. I just heard her coughing last night and again today. After reading this article, I feel confident in giving her Mucinex. I’m just worried about the amount. Can you recommend a dosage until Monday when my vet comes back and can take a look at her. Or what about (Delsym) Dextromethorphan?
After spending thousands of dollars treating my dogs for pneumonia and chronic bronchitis, I bought Mucinex. Within 2 days she was bringing up all the phlegm that had been in her lungs. I give her 1/4 of a Mucinex twice a day for a 40 pound dog.
Is that in liquid or pill form?
What dose of Mucinex would you recommend that I give my Chihuahua?
The vet just told me, for my 5 pound Chihuahua, 100-200mg but with no Ephedrine.
I read your comment about your dog and use of Mucinex. How is she doing? I have a dog with the same thing. I’ve spent so much money without good results. Thank you.
My 10 pound Terrier-mix has been diagnosed with chronic cough due to allergies. He does not cough up anything, but his breathing sounds like there is congestion in his airway. He has been on Temeril-P for years, but it has Prednisone which can have bad effects on the liver. Does it make sense to try generic Mucinex for this type of problem? Thank you.
Our Border Collie has a respiratory sickness. 2 nights ago she coughed, hacked and sneezed two hours non-stop. She was in obvious pain. It was the weekend so a vet was out of the question. We had tried Robitussin liquid but it was very difficult to administer. She did not respond.
Yesterday I bought Mucinex tablets. It has 2 times the guaifenesin (expectorant) as Robitussin. We put it in a hamburger ball and she gulped it down. Last night she slept like a baby. This morning she is alert without one cough. This may not last but if the past 24 hours are any indication, it is nothing less than a miracle.
This is a follow up. I made a mistake on my last post. The pill we gave our Border Collie was not Mucinex. It was a generic version. My pharmacist at Walmart told me to try Mucus Relief Cough which is on the lower shelf and is only $2.48 for a 30 count, tremendously cheaper than Mucinex.
The pharmacist said Guaifenesin 400mg is what gets rid of the mucus. That is a tad lower than Mucinex but it worked like a charm. Our little girl is now on the mend after suffering for months. 5 vet visits, hundreds of dollars out the window when $2.48 did the trick.
How much does your Border Collie weigh and how often did you dose her? I have a 13 year old, 65 pound rough Collie with a productive cough from his throat with a lot of thick phlegm. Even though he’s not running a fever and his appetite is fine, I’ve started him on antibiotics empirically due to his age. It’s helping a lot, but I’d like to be able to thin the phlegm up so he could cough it up easier. I have the generic Mucus Relief 400mg. Thanks!
Do you have to give a lot of water with Mucinex?
Thanks for letting me know Mucinex is okay for dogs and for informing people that Advil is not good for dogs. As a former vet tech, I am asked that question all the time.
Hi Barbara. Thanks for kind words. If you would like to become a regular contributor to this site please let me know. We could use your expertise.
Thanks for the info, but could you add a general recommended dose per pound of the dog?
I would hesitate to offer dosage recommendations. Please consult with your vet on that!
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Worth Reading
Doctor Stephanie Flansburg Cruz, a practicing veterinary physician, has reviewed and endorsed this article. She has 3 dogs of her own and cares very much about the welfare of all animals.
Bisolvon hund
Hoste hos hund
Hvad er hoste?
Host er en refleks der udløses for at rense luftvejene og fjerne støv eller andet der generer i de øvre luftveje. Man kan ofte forveksle hoste med nys, opkast, åndenød eller ”baglæns nys” (reverse sneezing).
Hvorfor opstår hoste?
Hoste kan deles op i akut hoste, der opstår pludseligt, og kronisk hoste der har stået på i uger eller måneder.
Akut hoste
Her er de hyppigste årsager til akut hoste listet op:
- Den mest almindelige årsag til akut hoste er infektion i luftvejene. Infektioner kan skyldes virus, bakterier, parasitter og svampe (sjældent). Læs mere under kennelhoste.
- Indåndede (inhalerede) materiale der irriterer luftvejene, for eksempel røg eller støv.
- Parasitter såsom spolorm (Toxocara spp).
- Skade på lungerne efter påkørsel eller fald.
- Forgiftning, for eksempel fra rottegift. Rottegift giver blødninger der irriterer lunger og luftveje, hvilket udløser hoste.
- Sammenklapning af luftrøret (tracheal kollaps) hos små hunde. Ses især hos Yorkshire Terriers, Chihuahua, Pomeranier og Dværgpudler.
Kronisk hoste
Mange af årsagerne til akut hoste kunne også listes op under kronisk hoste, men herudover er der nogle sygdomme,der giver en persisterende kronisk hoste:
- Kronisk bronchitis. En akut betændelse i luftvejene kan udvikle sig til at blive kronisk, men kan også skyldes langtidspåvirkning fra passiv rygning eller forurening.
- Broncho-pneumoni er en kronisk betændelse i lunger og luftveje, der oftest skyldes en primær skade, hvorefter den normale bakterieflora har opformeret sig og inficeret vævet.
- Kræftknuder i lungerne ses især hos ældre hunde.
- Hjertesygdom. Hvis hjertets pumpekraft er nedsat, ophobes der væske (ødem) i lungerne, hvilket giver hoste.
Hvad er symptomerne på hoste?
Hvis hunden hoster noget op, det kunne være slim, blod eller pus, vil hunden som regel sluge det, så man som ejer ikke får det at se. Hvis man ser hunden hoste blod op kan det være tegn på en alvorlig sygdom såsom kræft eller dårligt hjerte. Det kan dog også skyldes mindre alvorlige lidelser, såsom et fremmedlegeme eller lignende, der har lavet et sår i luftvejene.
Hvordan stiller dyrlægen diagnosen?
Akut hoste
Dyrlægen vil lytte til sygdomshistorien og lave en fysisk undersøgelse af hunden. Det kan kræve mange og lange udredninger at finde årsagen til hoste, og yderligere undersøgelse kræver som regel bedøvelse af hunden. Da infektion er den hyppigste årsag til hoste, vil dyrlægen ofte vælge at behandle hosten for dette i første omgang. En sådan infektion kaldes ofte ”kennelhoste”.
Kronisk hoste
At finde årsagen til kronisk hoste kræver ofte mange og lange udredninger. Foruden at dyrlægen lytter til sygdomshistorien og udfører en fysisk undersøgelse, kan følgende undersøgelser komme på tale: røntgenbilleder, bronkoskopi (hvor man kigger ned i luftvejene med et fiberoptisk endoskop), prøver af slimet i luftvejene eller biopsi.
Hvordan behandles hoste?
Hvordan hosten behandles kommer helt an på årsagen.
Hvis hosten skyldes en bakteriel infektion, behandles der med antibiotika, hvis den skyldes parasitter gives hunden en ormekur, og hvis der sidder et fremmedlegeme i luftvejene fjernes dette.
Når hosten skyldes hjertesygdom, kan der behandles med forskellige typer af hjertemedicin alt efter problemets art.
Når hunden har tør hoste, kan det være en god idé at give noget hostestillende for at give hunden (og dens ejer!) lidt ro.
Hvordan forebygges hoste?
Kennelhoste der skyldes bakterien Bordetella bronchiseptika kan forebygges gennem vaccination.
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Dosering Bisolvon ?
Dosering av Bisolvon till hund, ml / kg hund ?
Veterinären svarar
Det finns ingen exakt dos. Om man använder sig av lösningen (0,8 mg/ml) ger man 1/2 till 2 1/2 ml en gång dagligen. Man lägger sig i nedre dosintervallet om det är en liten hund, i övre om det är en stor hund. Bisolvon är slemlösande och används t ex vid kennelhosta. Jag skulle rekommendera att du kontaktar din veterinär som känner till din hund för att höra vad hon eller han rekommenderar för dos.
Hoppas svaret är till hjälp!
79 kr pГҐ
Veterinären svarar om Hund
Hej Ber om ursГ¤kt fГ¶r ett kanske fГ¶r lГҐngt mail. Men sГҐ hГ¤r ligger det till, jag fick uppsГ¶ka veterinГ¤r fГ¶r min Golden retriever pГҐ 9 mГҐnader dГҐ han hade feber, ГҐt inte mat och var allmГ¤nt slГ¶. Det upptГ¤cktes senare nГҐgot som verkar vara en infektion i ryggen, (vГ¤ntar fortfarande frГҐn CT undersГ¶kning). SГҐ som jag upplever det har jag inte mГ¤rkt av nГҐgra tecken pГҐ smГ¤rta i ryggen, utan det var febern som…
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vad kostar Vetoryl? Mvh Utti
Forum Hund
Att vaccinera sin hund mot parvo, valpsjuka, smittsam leversjukdom och kennelhosta är ett av de bästa sätten att hålla sin hund frisk. Fördelarna uppväger biverkningsriskerna
21 februari - 21:13
Våran hund är 8 månader nu och det är en shitzu blandat med malteser helt plötsligt efter jag och hunden lekte i baksidan av huset i snön och sprang när vi kom in märkte jag att han gick snett med benet?
Hej! Min boxer pГҐ 8 mГҐnader har en knГ¶l pГҐ Г¶rat sedan 3 veckor. Den vГ¤xer lГҐngsamt och Г¤r hГҐrd, vГ¤tskar sig inte. Han har inte besvГ¤r av den som jag mГ¤rker och han Г¤r pigg som vanligt. Ska man avvakta eller ГҐka in och visa den fГ¶r veterinГ¤r? HГ¤lsningar…
En tjänst där våra veterinärer svarar på dina frågor om sällskapsdjur.
Materialet på denna hemsida tillhandahålls enbart i informationssyfte och kan inte ersätta professionell medicinsk rådgivning, diagnostisering samt behandling.
International Cat Care
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How to give your cat a tablet
See our You Tube Channel for all our videos about giving a cat a tablet, including:
- Two people giving a cat a tablet
- Using a pill popper
- Hiding a tablet in a treat
- Crushing a tablet and mixing with water
- Crushing a tablet and mixing with wet food
The basics
Giving a tablet to a cat can be a daunting prospect for anyone, but with a calm and confident approach it is often much easier than you first think. The tips and tricks in this short guide will help you achieve this successfully and as easily as possible.
- First make sure you ask your vet (or check the manufacturer’s instructions) so that you know whether the tablet can be divided or crushed, and whether it can be administered with food
- Second find the simplest and easiest method to give the tablet to your cat.
- Third have a confident approach and keep calm at all times. If you run into difficulties or cannot manage, always contact your vet or vet nurse at your local practice – they are there to help. Make sure that you:
- Have everything you need prepared and ready in advance
- Have enough time and a clear plan of what you will do
- Be gentle with your cat, keep calm, and avoid putting yourself at risk
- If possible, always have a second person (preferably someone your cat knows) to help if you are going to administer the tablet rather than put it in with food
Try this first – keep it simple and give the tablet with food
First ensure that the tablet can be given with food - some tablets should always be given with food, and most can be given with food. However, some tablets must not be given with food - always check first.
If it is safe to give with food:
- Make sure your cat is hungry! Take all food away for 12 hours to make sure your cat will want to eat
Administering a tablet by hand – Gentle restraint:
If your cat will not take the tablet voluntarily or in with food, you will need to give the tablet by hand. Gentle, safe restraint of your cat is important, and it helps enormously to have two people – one person to give the tablet and one to hold the cat.
Restraining your cat with your hands
- Make sure your cat is on a stable non-slippery surface such as the floor; otherwise a firm table or work surface with a non-slip surface
Alternatively, restrain your cat with a towel
- This can be especially useful for very wriggly cats or if you don’t have a second person to help hold your cat
Administering a tablet by hand – giving the tablet:
Hold the angle of the jaw firmly
Tip the head back gently
Hold the pill and open the mouth
Place the pill as far back in the mouth as possible
Release the head and allow the cat to swallow
Syringe a little water after medicating
Having gently restrained your cat using one of the above techniques, you can now administer the tablet. Again, this is much easier with two people - one holding the cat and one giving the tablet. Make sure you have everything ready before you restrain your cat. Try to do this quickly but calmly, so that your cat does not get upset:
- The person giving the tablet should hold the tablet between the thumb and forefinger of one hand
Remember, if you have problems and/or your cat gets upset, contact your local veterinary practice and talk to the vet or vet nurse about how they may be able to help.
Tools and tricks that can help
A ‘pill-giver’ (available from your vet)
- This is a little like a syringe with a plastic plunger (and no needle!)
- The tablet will fit in the soft nozzle at the end of the pill-giver, and it is released by pushing down on the plunger (practise this before using it with your cat)
- A pill-giver can help you administer the tablet right at the back of your cat’s tongue while avoiding any need to place your fingers in your cat’s mouth
- With a little practice this can be very effective and many people find it quite easy to use
- Prepare the tablet in the pill-giver before restraining your cat, and make sure the plunger is just in contact with the tablet before use so that it is as easy as possible to release it at the back of your cat’s tongue
- The pill-giver can also be used with gelatine capsules
Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
A pill-splitter (available from your vet)
- This small device makes it easy to divide tablets accurately into halves or quarters. This can be useful when your cat does not need a whole tablet or when giving two smaller pieces may be easier than giving one whole tablet
- Always check first to make sure the tablet is suitable for dividing – some tablets have a special coating, for example, and must be administered whole and not divided. If in doubt, always check with your vet
- Place the tablet in the bottom of the “V” slot in the bottom half of the splitter. Closing the lid (which contains a sharp blade), results in the tablet being cut in half
- Keep track of all the pieces and ensure that the correct dose is given to your cat
Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Gelatine capsules (available from your vet)
- An empty gelatine capsule (which you can get from your vet) can be used to put two or more small pieces of tablet(s) inside so that they can be administered in one go
- This can be especially helpful if your cat needs more than one type of tablet (for example, you can put two small halves of two different tablets in one capsule), or if you break a larger tablet into smaller pieces (with a pill-splitter)
- Always check with your vet before giving more than one type of tablet at the same time – this can sometimes cause problems
- The two halves of the gelatine capsule can be pulled apart, the pieces of tablet placed inside, and then the two halves put back together
- The shape of the capsule means that it can be easier to administer, but lubricating it with a little smear of butter or something similar may also help
- The capsules can be administered by hand or with a pill-giver
Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
A pill-crusher (available from your vet)
- Always check with your vet that it is safe to crush a tablet and give it in this way
- Crushing a tablet to a fine powder may make it easier to mix in with a small amount of tasty food
- Some crushed tablets may be mixed with a little water or oil (eg, from a tin of tuna). This can then be sucked up into a syringe (without a needle) and dribbled gently into the side of your cat’s mouth – always check with your vet first before attempting this, it will not be suitable for all tablets
- Reducing a tablet to a fine powder without losing any of the dose is best achieved using a proper pill-crusher
- Place the tablet in the base of the pill-crusher and screw down the lid to crush the tablet. Unscrew the lid and the powdered tablet can then be used
Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
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The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) fully endorses the owner information on this website.
The information provided here has been put together by experts in feline health, behaviour and welfare. However, it is not intended to be used as a substitute for going to the vet.
If your cat is unwell, please seek veterinary attention.
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