четверг, 3 мая 2018 г.



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Ace-tiere-in-not.de is tracked by us since July, 2015. Over the time it has been ranked as high as 347 999 in the world, while most of its traffic comes from Austria, where it reached as high as 2 653 position. All this time it was owned by Andre Heer of PCXPRESS, it was hosted by Infrastructure and Dedicated Server.

Ace-tiere-in-not has a mediocre Google pagerank and bad results in terms of Yandex topical citation index. We found that Ace-tiere-in-not.de is poorly ‘socialized’ in respect to any social network. According to Siteadvisor and Google safe browsing analytics, Ace-tiere-in-not.de is quite a safe domain with no visitor reviews.

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Ace-tiere-in-not.de domain is owned by Andre Heer PCXPRESS .


Owner since July 02, 2015

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Pet Dog Or Cat Controls Blood Pressure Better Than ACE Inhibitor, UB Study Of Stockbrokers Finds

By Lois Baker

Release Date: November 7, 1999

ATLANTA -- ACE inhibitors can keep high blood pressure under control if life is running smoothly, but they don't prevent it from rising when things get tense -- like when the bottom drops out of the stock market. That's when a person needs a friend.

And if a human friend isn't available, the four-legged variety will do nicely, a study of responses to stress in a group of hypertensive New York City stockbrokers conducted by University at Buffalo researchers, has shown.

Findings were presented here today (Nov. 7) at the American Heart Association annual meeting.

Karen Allen, Ph.D., UB research assistant professor of medicine, assessed the effect of social support on heart rate, blood pressure and renin reactivity in response to mental stress in a group of 48 stockbrokers, all of whom were being treated with lisinopril, an angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor used to treat hypertension.

She found that in 24 participants selected at random to add a dog or cat to their treatment regimen, these cardiovascular measures remained significantly more stable during stressful situations than in 24 participants in the non-pet-owner group, who served as controls.

"When we told the group that didn't have pets about the findings, many went out and got them," Allen said. "Social support is what I'm interested in," she added. "This study shows that if you have high blood pressure, a pet is very good for you when you're under stress, and pet ownership is especially good for you if you have a limited support system." All of the study participants had lived alone for more than five years.

Allen has shown in previous studies that a loved pet can exert a calming influence on blood pressure and heart rate when the owner is performing standard tasks designed to induce mental and physical stress. Her research also has shown that pet ownership can substitute for human companionship and provide physiological benefits similar to that of friends for older women who live alone, often in isolation.

Those earlier studies compared existing pet owners with non-pet owners. This is the first study to assess hypertensive subjects before and after acquiring a pet, and to assign participants randomly to pet ownership or to a control group.

The study group was composed of 24 male and 24 female stockbrokers in New York City who had pre-treatment blood-pressure readings higher than 140/90 hg/ml. All were non-smoking college graduates with no other medical conditions, lived alone and had not owned a pet in the previous five years. All participants had to be willing to acquire their choice of a dog or a cat if assigned to the pet-ownership group.

Blood pressure, heart rate and activity of plasma renin -- an enzyme that increases in response to stress -- were measured in all subjects before drug therapy began, and six months later when all were taking ACE inhibitors and those in the test group had acquired their pets. Measurements were taken in a physician's office after 15 minutes of rest and in participants' homes.

The home measurements were taken after an initial 15-minute rest period, once a minute during each of two five-minute stress tests and after a 15-minute rest period between tests. Stress tests involved performing mental arithmetic and giving a speech. Participants assigned to pet ownership had their dog or cat with them during the tests.

Results showed that before treatment with ACE inhibitors, the average resting blood pressure was 160/104. ACE-inhibitor therapy lowered it to an average of 123/83. Before treatment, the stress tests created, on average, the following increases: heart rate -- 21 beats per minute; systolic blood pressure -- 18 mm/Hg; diastolic blood pressure -- 18mm/Hg, and renin of 3.9 nanograms/ml/hr.

Six months later, when all participants were receiving ACE inhibitors, during stress the non-pet-owners' heart rate, blood pressure and renin increased nearly to pre-treatment levels. Pet owners, in contrast, showed increases in heart rate of 10 beats per minute; systolic blood pressure of 8 mm/Hg; diastolic blood pressure of 9 mm/Hg and renin activity of 1.6ng/ml/hr.

Joseph L. Izzo, Jr., M.D., UB professor of medicine, and Barbara E. Shykoff, Ph.D., research assistant professor of medicine, also contributed to this study. Allen conducted the research as a Waltham Research Fellow, funded by the Waltham Research Center for Pet Nutrition located near London, England.

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Jeder vermittelte Hund macht Platz für einen Hund, der jetzt noch auf der Straße leben muss.

Wir verfügen in unserem Tierheim nur über begrenzt Platz und haben auch nur die Genehmigung für eine bestimmte Anzahl von Hunden. Wir können nur die Ärmsten der Armen aufnehmen, versorgen und dann vermitteln. So viele Hunde kämpfen täglich ums Überleben. Nur wenn sie die Chance bekommen, aufgenommen und somit gesehen zu werden, bekommen Sie auch die Chance auf ein neues Leben. Deshalb geben Sie mit einer Adoption nicht nur einem Hund ein Zuhause sondern auch einem

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Katten ter adoptie

Wat fijn dat u overweegt een kat via ACE|SHIN te adopteren. In 6 stappen leggen wij u uit hoe een ACE|SHIN adoptieprocedure verloopt. Gedurende dit gehele traject is er ook altijd de mogelijkheid om telefonisch of per email contact op te nemen met het ACE|SHIN team.

Virtuele adoptie

U wilt graag een hondje maar heeft hier op dit moment de mogelijkheid niet voor? Of u heeft een hond geadopteerd en wilt graag nog een hond helpen? Adopteer dan een hond op afstand, ook wel virtuele adoptie genaamd.

Met ruim 42.821 bezoekers in de maand februari wordt u zeker gezien!

Dagboek van Fabienne

Ají wandelde alleen het dodenstation binnen.

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t.n.v. Animal Care Espana Honden In Nood

Solbank Banco Sabadel Calahonda

t.n.v. Animal Care Espana Honden In Nood


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