четверг, 24 мая 2018 г.


Droncit hund

Droncit Vet., tabletter

1 tablet indeholder:

Praziquantel 50 mg


Anthelmintikum mod bændelorm hos kat og hund. Panziquantel tilhører gruppen af isoquinolon-pyrazinderivater.

Praziquantel har effekt mod voksne og juvenile stadier af alle aktuelle arter af cestoder, dog ikke mod juvenile stadier af diphyllobotrium.

Praziquantel absorberes hurtigt gennem parasittens overflade og fordeles jævnt overalt i parasitten. Parasittens integument skades alvorligt, hvilket resulterer i kontraktion og paralyse. Scolex slipper fra tarmen og afgår med fæces eller fordøjes i løbet af nogle timer. Den hurtigt indtrædende effekt skyldes praziquantels påvirkning af parasit-membranernes Ca ++ permeabilitet, hvilket medfører dysregulation af parasittens stofskifte. Praziquantel udøver desuden en anthelmintisk effekt ved at påvirke parasittens kulhydratstofskifte og energiomsætning (hæmning af parasittens optagelse af glucose).

Praziquantel absorberes hurtigt efter oral administration. Absorptionen sker i ventrikel og tyndtarm. Maksimale serum koncentrationer opnås efter ca. 1 time. Halveringstiden i plasma for praziquantel i uforandret form er ca. 2-3 timer. Praziquantel fordeles i alle organer og akkumuleres ikke i vævene.

Praziquantel metaboliseres i leveren, dels til et derivat af praziquantel, 4-hydroxycyclohexyl, dels gennem konjugering med glukuron- og svovlsyre. Udskillelsen sker indenfor 48 timer, den største del i form af metabolitter, der hovedsagelig udskilles gennem urinen, den resterende del udskilles gennem fæces.

Infestationer med bændelorm.

5.5 Særlige forsigtighedsregler vedrørende brugen

5.6 Drægtighed og diegivning

5 mg/kg legemsvægt (engangsdosis). Ved infestationer med Diphyllobotrium-arter dog 40 mg/kg legemsvægt. (Kun voksne orm påvirkes).

Emesis, specielt hos kat.

5.10 Særlige advarsler for hver dyreart

5.12 Særlige forsigtighedsregler for den person, der administrerer præparatet

Kartonpakninger med 2 og 10 tabletter i blisterpakning

6.5 Særlige forsigtighedsregler vedrørende bortskaffelse af rester af præparatet eller evt. affald

Beholder og eventuelt restindhold tilbageleveres til apotek/leverandør eller til kommunal modtageordning.

Bayer HealthCare AG

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Drontal ® Plus (praziquantel/pyrantel pamoate/febantel) Tablets

Drontal ® Plus is a broad spectrum tablet to treat tapeworm, roundworm, hookworm and whipworm infections in dogs and puppies that are at least 3 weeks of age and weigh at least 2 lbs. It treats tapeworm infections caused by Dipylidium caninum, Taenia pisiformis and Echinococcus granulosus and treats and controls tapeworm infections caused by Echinococcus multilocularis. It also treats roundworm infections caused by Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina, hookworm infections caused by Ancylostoma caninum and Uncinaria stenocephala and whipworm infections caused by Trichuris vulpis.

Key benefits

  • Number one best selling dewormer for dogs 1
  • Its broad-spectrum activity treats more species of intestinal worms infecting dogs than any other deworming product on the market †
  • Utilizes three active ingredients that work better in tandem to effectively remove worms
  • Can safely be used on puppies at least three weeks of age to get an early start on your deworming protocols
  • Tablets are scored for easy, convenient dosing
  • Also available in a beef flavored, bone-shaped chewables for increased compliance
  • Parasitology
  • Hookworms
  • Roundworms
  • Tapeworms
  • Whipworms

CAUTION: Federal law (U.S.A.) restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

DOSAGE: Not for use in puppies less than 3 weeks of age or weighing less than 2 lbs.

CONTRAINDICATIONS: The effects of Drontal® Plus on pregnant animals have not been determined.

Drontal ® Plus (praziquantel/pyrantel pamoate/febantel) Tablets FAQs

What are the packaging specifications for Drontal ® Plus Tablets?

Drontal ® Plus Tablets for puppies and small dogs: 50 tablets per box – 08713130

Drontal ® Plus Tablets for medium sized dogs: 50 tablets per box – 08713149

Drontal ® Plus Tablets for large dogs: 30 tablets per box – 08724639

Drontal ® Plus vs. competitors

See how Drontal ® Plus compares to Panacur ® C and Virbantel ® .

Advantage Multi ® for Dogs (imidacloprid + moxidectin)

A topical that provides broad-spectrum parasite protection in a convenient monthly application.

Advantage Multi ® for Dogs (imidacloprid + moxidectin)

Drontal ® Plus (praziquantel/pyrantel pamoate/febantel) Taste Tabs ®

Easy to give, flavored chewable tablet that provides broad-spectrum deworming against tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms in dogs.

Drontal ® Plus (praziquantel/pyrantel pamoate/febantel) Taste Tabs ®

Seresto ® for dogs

An odorless, non-greasy collar that kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months.

Seresto ® for dogs

†Based on label comparisons for intestinal parasites

1 Data on file. Bayer, Shawnee Mission, Kansas.

Drontal is a registered trademark of Bayer.

For U.S. Veterinary Professionals


Farm Animal Products

Pet Basics


About Bayer

©2018 Bayer, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66201. Bayer and the Bayer Cross are registered trademarks of Bayer.

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Drontal Dog Tasty Bone (Single & Multibuy)

Select from the following options:

  • Save 58%
  • Vet price £3.82
  • Our price £1.60

Estimated dispatch within 24 hours (subject to stock) See our delivery options

Drontal Dog Tasty Bone is for the treatment intestinal worms, including tapeworm, roundworm, hookworm and whipworm, in dogs. Treatment should be given every 3 months.

It is supplied as tablets, either individually or in packs of 102.

These Drontal tablets are light-brown to brown, meat flavoured, bone shaped tablets scored on both sides that can be divided into halves.

We sell Drontal from just £1.60

. Some types of adult females worms can product up to 85,000 eggs per day

. Certain types of worm can grow up to 4.5m long

How does my animal become infected with worms?

. Fleas are often infected with the larval stage of the flea tapeworm. If your animal ingests an infected flea, a tapeworm will develop in the gut.

.Faeces from an infected animal can have some type of worm eggs which can lay dormant for up to a year. If ingested by your animal, they will become infected.

. Female dogs can pass a roundworm onto their puppies before they are born. Almost all puppies will become infected by roundworm this way. They can also become infected when they drink their milk from their mother.

. If your pet eats a mouse, bird or rabbit, they can catch intestinal worms. Worm larvae are often present in these animals.

Dosage instructions: 1 tablet per 10 kg body weight every 3 months.

For each additional 5 kg body weight, administer an additional half Drontal for Dogs Tasty Bone tablet.

Drontal is also available as an oral suspension for puppies.

Dosage instructions are for guidance only. Always consult your Vet.

Drontal Tablets are available to buy from Pet Drugs Online at up to 61% cheaper than your vet.

For orders over £29 postage is free. For orders under £29 we charge £2.99 for postage

For Light items (under 2kg) our standard method is Royal Mail Second Class (there are a few exceptions, so if in doubt check our Delivery page).

For more information, view our Delivery page.

Feedback for Drontal Dog Tasty Bone (Single & Multibuy) has been compiled from 3049 customer reviews

Good price, excellent product

Helpful staff when I phoned with the intitial enquiry and Drontal is reassuringly effective, and best of all about 1/3 of high street vet prices

Easy to use website and efficient processing and delivery of goods. Cheaper than the shops I usually use

Always used it, never have any problems.

My canines eat these with no fuss and they seem to do the job. Recommended to me years ago and I buy them every time.

Have always used this easy to give

Great value for money and d always a well known product

Drontal is my usual doggy worming product and seems to work well

Big and the dog did spit it out so not really 'tasty but managed just as usual and seems to work

Excellent service without hassel

© 2018 Pet Drugs Online

A Registered RCVS Vet Practice (7159324) &

An Accredited Veterinary Medicines Internet Retailer (2033874)

Droncit hund

Marketed by: BAYER S.P.A.

Active ingredient: PRAZIQUANTEL

Other information: Orale - 50 mg

Available in: Italy

Source: Ministero della Salute - Italia


Marketed by: Bayer Hispania, S.L.

Active ingredient: PRAZICUANTEL

Other information: COMPRIMIDO


Available in: Spain

Source: AEMPS - Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios


Marketed by: Bayer Hispania, S.L.

Active ingredient: PRAZICUANTEL

Other information: SOLUCIÓN INYECTABLE

. C/ CAMPEZO, 1 – EDIFICIO 8 28022 MADRID PROSPECTO Droncit 56,8 mg/ml solución inyectable . (Alemania) 2. DENOMINACIÓN DEL MEDICAMENTO VETERINARIO Droncit 56,8 mg/ml solución inyectable .

Available in: Spain

Source: AEMPS - Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios

Marketed by: BAYER S.P.A.

Active ingredient: PRAZIQUANTEL

Other information: Orale - 50 mg

Available in: Italy

Source: Ministero della Salute - Italia


Marketed by: Bayer Hispania, S.L.

Active ingredient: PRAZICUANTEL

Other information: GEL ORAL

Available in: Spain

Source: AEMPS - Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios


Marketed by: BAYER S.P.A.

Active ingredient: PRAZIQUANTEL

Other information: Topico - 20 mg (ciascun tubetto da 0,5 ml)

. illustrativo 1 FOGLIETTO ILLUSTRATIVO Droncit Spot on 20 mg soluzione . 2. DENOMINAZIONE DEL MEDICINALE VETERINARIO Droncit Spot on 20 mg soluzione . Impiego durante la gravidanza, o l’allattamento Droncit Spot on può essere somministrato .

Available in: Italy

Source: Ministero della Salute - Italia

Droncit 50 mg Tablette für Hunde und Katzen

Marketed by: Bayer Austria GmbH

Active ingredient: PRAZIQUANTEL

. 1 GEBRAUCHSINFORMATION FÜR Droncit 50 mg Tablette . 2. BEZEICHNUNG DES TIERARZNEIMITTELS Droncit 50 mg Tablette für Hunde . folgendes Dosierungsschema: Körpergewicht (Hund/Katze) Droncit 50 mg Tablette

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myHealthbox™ is a leading provider of health information services to consumers and healthcare professionals.

The efficacy of praziquantel against cestodes in animals

  • H. Thomas
  • R. Gönnert

Praziquantel (EMBAY 8440, Droncit ® ) is a new type of acylated isoquinoline-pyrazine. A single oral or subcutaneous dose of the compound is reliably effective against juvenile and adult cestodes in mice and rats.

For the first time, with praziquantel a compound is available that is also effective on cestodes in the bile-duct.

Using Hymenolepis nana in mice we were able to show that age, sex, strain and intensity of infestation of the host have no influence on the efficacy.

The onset of the effect of praziquantel in vivo is rapid. Within 10 min the parasites were immobilized and contracted and excreted within a few hours with the faeces.


Praziquantel (EMBAY 8440, Droncit ® ) ist ein neuer Typ eines acylierten Pyrazino-isochinolin. Eine einmalige orale oder subkutane Gabe ist zuverlässig wirksam gegen jugendliche und adulte Cestoden in Mäusen und Ratten.

Mit Praziquantel steht erstmals ein Mittel zur Verfügung, das auch gegen Gallengang-Cestoden wirksam ist.

In Versuchen mit Hymenolepis nana in Mäusen konnte gezeigt werden, daß Alter, Geschlecht, Stamm und Infektionsstärke des Wirtes die Wirksamkeit von Praziquantel nicht beeinflussen.

Die Wirkung von Praziquantel auf den Parasiten tritt in vivo sehr schnell ein. Innerhalb von 10 min sind die Parasiten bewegungslos und kontrahiert und werden innerhalb weniger Stunden mit den Faeces ausgeschieden.


Copyright information

Authors and Affiliations

  • H. Thomas
    • 1
  • R. Gönnert
    • 1
  1. 1. Institute of Chemotherapy Bayer AG Wuppertal-1 Federal Republic of Germany

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    Droncit hund

    T a p e w o r m s in Dogs and Cats

    by Chick Newman


    Tapeworms (cestodes) are multi-segmented flat worms that parasitize the intestine of the definitive host (dog or cat); each segment of the chain is a separate reproductive unit, the proglottid, which if broken from the main body, is capable of independent regrowth into a fully segmented worm (with multiple proglottids). With proglottids attached, the entire chain moves as a single unit, in rhythmic fashion.The tapeworm is anchored to the intestinal lining by one end of the chain via the scolex. The scolex is minute, maybe a less than one millimeter or a few millimeters, in comparison to the entire tapeworm chain which may be a few millimeters to several meters in length. The scolex contains various mouth parts or hooks for attachment.

    Reproduction requires an intermediate host for development of tapeworm embryos; at maturation, the intermediate host will eventually contain some form of a cyst with one of more scolexes (each capable of forming a full worm) in one or more tissues; this infected tissue is usually eaten by the definitive host in which the contents of the cyst is released, followed by final development then infestion by the adult tapeworm. In some instances, humans can become an "accidental" intermediate host. with dire consequences (see Echinococcus, below).

    Diagnosis of tapeworm infestations may be via recognition of visible proglottids on the perineal skin; however, some tapeworms are very small. only a few millimeters including all segments. and may be missed. Alternatively, visualization of tapeworm eggs with standard fecal flotation methods may be accomplished. Microscopic examination of proglottid segments is useful in identifying the species of tapeworm.

    Introduction: The flea (Ctenocepalides species) tapeworm is called Dipylidium caninum. Dogs, cats and wild canids and felids are suseptible to infestation. In addition, there are reports of human infestation, principally small children who (playing close to the ground) ingest flea larvae or adults (containing devloping Dipylidium) in the environment, much like dogs or cats (see Life Cycle, below). However, the human flea (Pulex irritans) is also a vector for human infestation. Important point: Infection of pets or humans from direct contact with proglottids is highly unlikely!

    Life Cycle: The life cycle of Dipylidium caninum is illustrated on another page The embryonated eggs are consumed by developing (nymph [or adult ] dog louse or) flea larvae (the intermediate host) and develop there until the flea becomes an adult. If the latter is consumed, the flea is digested and the developed form of the tapeworm is released to eventually attach to the intestine and grow (multiple proglottid chain/segments).

    Clinical Signs: Light infections do not produce significant clinical signs, except an occasional visible proglottid crawling around the anus or tail (which may affect (i.e. "freak out") the pet owner) . Perianal pruritis (itching) resulting in "butt-dragging" or licking of the affected area is frequently seen. In heavier infestations, diarrhea, flatulence and mild weight loss with an ill-thrifty appearance are possible.

    Praziquantel (Droncit ® ): 5-10 mg/kg as a single dose

    Niclosamide (Yomesan ® ): 25 mg/kg as a single dose

    Bunamidine HCL (Scolaban ® ) (dog only): 50 mg/kg as a single dose

    ¥ Flea control of the environment and the animal is absolutely essential, or Dipylidium infestation will recur after treatment ¥ .

    Introduction: In general, the intermediate host for Taenia species is another vertebrate animal (the "prey"). In dogs, the most common intermediate hosts are rabbits (Taenia pisiformis), sheep (Taenia hydatigena, Taenia mulitceps) and deer and moose (Taenia krabbei). In cats, the most common intermediate host is the rodent (Taenia taeniaeformis).

    Life Cycle: Like all tapeworms, there is an intermediate and a definitive host (the dog or cat). For most of the Taenia species, the prepatent period ( time from infection to eggs production) is approximately two months. The general life cycle for the Taenia infestations of the dog is illustrated here.

    Clinical Signs: Proglottid may be seen in perineal skin and some pruritis in this area. Heavy infestation with some species (Taenia taeniaformis, Taenia pisiformis) may result in significant diarrhea and even intestinal obstruction. In general, most infestation of dogs with eitherTaenia multiceps, Taenia hydatigena and Taenia krabbei are considered clinically unimportant (these infestations rarely cause a problem)

    Taenia taeniaformis ( cat tapeworm; rodent intermediate host )

    Praziquantel (Droncit ® ): 2.5-5 mg/kg orally or by subcutaneous injection

    Niclosamide (Yomesan ® ): 157 mg/kg orally

    Fenbendazole (Panacur ® ): 50 mg/kg orally daily for three days.

    Mebendazole: 22 mg/kg orally daily for 3-5 days.

    Espirantel: 2.8 mg/kg orally

    Bunamidine HCl (Scolaban ® ): 25-50 mg/kg orally or by subcutaneous injection

    Taenia pisiformis ( rabbit intermediate host )

    Praziquantel (Droncit ® ): 2.5-5 mg/kg orally or by subcutaneous injection

    Niclosamide (Yomesan ® ): 157 mg/kg orally

    Mebendazole: 22 mg/kg orally daily for 3-5 days

    Fenbendazole (Panacur ® ): 50 mg/kg orally daily for three days

    Espirantel: 5.5 mg/kg orally

    Dichlorophene: 220 mg/kg orally

    Bunamidine HCl (Scolaban ® ): 25-50 mg/kg orally or by subcutaneous injection

    Taenia multiceps ( sheep intermediate host )

    Praziquantel (Droncit ® ): 2.5-5 mg/kg orally or by subcutaneous injection

    Niclosamide (Yomesan ® ): 157 mg/kg orally

    Mebendazole: 22 mg/kg orally daily for 3-5 days

    Fenbendazole (Panacur ® ): 50 mg/kg orally

    Dichlorophene: 220 mg/kg orally

    Bunamidine HCl (Scolaban ® ): 25-50 mg/kg orally or by subcutaneous injection

    Taenia hydatigena ( sheep intermediate host )

    Praziquantel (Droncit ® ): 2.5-5 mg/kg orally or by subcutaneous injection

    Niclosamide (Yomesan ® ): 157 mg/kg orally

    Mebendazole: 22 mg/kg orally daily for 3-5 days

    Fenbendazole (Panacur ® ): 50 mg/kg orally

    Dichlorophene: 220 mg/kg orally

    Taenia krabbei ( moose and deer intermediate host )

    Praziquantel (Droncit ® ): 2.5-5 mg/kg orally or by subcutaneous injection

    Niclosamide (Yomesan ® ): 157 mg/kg orally

    Mebendazole: 22 mg/kg orally daily for 3-5 days

    Fenbendazole (Panacur ® ): 50 mg/kg orally

    Dichlorophene: 220 mg/kg orally

    Introduction: The species, Echinococcus granulosus, is a very tiny. only a few millimeters. tapeworm whose primary host is the dog and other canids and whose intermediate host may be a variety of grazing vertebrates.. The worm consists of just three or four segments, and only the terminal segment is capable of reproduction.. Echinoccus multilocularis is similar in size and appearance and may infect cats and other small vertebrates who hunt rodents, the intermediate hosts. While a rare occurence, humans may become inadvertent intermediate hosts to both E.granulosus and E. multilocularis, resulting in hydatid disease or alveolar hydatid disease, respectively. More about potentially fatal human forms of Echinococcus infestations can be found on this web site as well as many other internet resources, federal and state health offices, etc.

    Life Cycle: The life cycle of Echinococcus in the dog illustrated on a separate page. The perpetuation of Echinococcus so that infestation in dogs remains possible is via the wild, or Sylvatic cycle. This describes the continuation of the parasite in the wild via carnivore (e.g. wolf,fox, and their animal prey. ).

    Clinical Signs: Infestation with Echinococcus produces mild clinical signs in dogs (no signs or mild diarrhea and hydatid disease in intermediate hosts. e.g humans.

    Diagnosis: Fecal flotation may reveal tapeworm eggs (these look like eggs from other tapeworm species); history consistent with echinococcosis.

    Prevention: A putatively effective vaccination for Echinococcus granulosus has recently been reported in the literature; its efficacy and utility for pet dogs is questionable but if or when it becomes available, in years from now, it may be considered for dogs in regions at higher risk for exposure, in order to protect humans who contact these dogs from hydatid disease.

    Treatment of Animals: (treat all dogs is suspicious)

    Bunamidine (Scolaban ® ): 20-50 mg/kg; repeat in 2 days, then in one month

    Mebendazole: 22 mg/kg orally daily for 3-5 days

    Praziquantel (Droncit ® ): 25-50 mg/kg orally or by injection (note. this is 2.5-10 times the usual dose used for Taenia and Dipylidium)

    Do not feed infected sheep or wild ruminant viscera to dogs.

    Introduction: Spirometra infestations of carnivores occur frequently in the southeastern United States. More often in cats, but sometimes dogs are also affected. States in which cases have been reported in cats include, Louisiana, Florida, Georgia, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Hawaii. Many reported cases are in Florida and the Gulf Coast region most likely because of the rich acquasystems in that area in which the tapeworm must develop (see Life Cycle). A number of cases have been documented in South Carolina and Georgia.

    Life Cycle: The life cycle of Spirometra is significantly different from the tapeworms previously mentioned on this page, but similar to Diphyllobothrium latum. Eggs (not segments) are passed in the feces 10-30 days after infestation of the definitive host and, in the presence of water, each hatches into a free swimming form (they have moving "cilia"), the coracidium. When these are consumed by certain species of the genus Cyclops (a crustacean, the first intermediate host), they develop into a wormlike form, the procercoid. If any vertebrate other than the definitive host (carnivore) or a fish consumes the cylops, the procercoid further develops into a plerocercoid larvae in the muscle and connective tissue of the vertebrate (the second intermediate host). Then, when the second intermediate host is consumed by a cat (or wild feline), racoon and, occasionally, a dog the plerocercoid develops into an adult tapeworm in the intestine. up to 1500 cm (about 3.5 feet) in length. And the cycle repeats.

    The second intermediate host may also be eaten by another non-fish vertebrate rather than the definitive host; in this instance the plerocercoids migrate through the tissue of the new host but do not develop further. However, this animal is also potentially infective for the definitive host. In other words, if the second intermediate host is consumed, the consuming animal can also serve as an intermediate host. Regardless of which animal harbors the plerocercoids, when consumed by a definitive host, the tapeworm develops into an adult.

    In the definitive host, there may be no clinical signs, mild to moderate diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss.

    In the intermediate host, the presence of plerocercoids can result in tissue inflammation, and if migrated to organs, signs of organ inflammation. Sparganosis. Cases of migration to aberrant locations such as the spinal cord, brain, eye and urinary tract have been reported. Infestation with plerocercoids is known as Sparangosis. In some intermediate hosts, the pleroceroids have been shown to actually reproduce asexually and produce a condition known as Proliferative Sparganosis, The dividing plerocercoids grow in organs, causing inflammation, fibrosis and organ failure. This is particularly important because there is potential zoonosis, and humans can become inadvertent intermediate hosts.

    Fecal Flotation technique, using zinc sulfate solution (as described for Giardia) will reveal eggs whose appearance is markedly different in appearance than the eggs from the other tapeworms discussed thus far. These eggs look similar to the oblong-shaped eggs of flukes, in which there is an "operculum" at one pole

    Definitive Host: Standard antihelminthic drugs effective in the treatment of other tapeworms are not effective in the treatment of adult Spirometra! (in the definitive host animal).

    Praziquantel (Droncit ® ): at the standard 2.5-5.0 mg/kg is not effective.

    Praziquantel (Droncit ® ): at 25 mg/kg on two consecutive days may be effective in eliminating this tapeworm from the cat (note. this is 2.5-10 times the usual dose and twice the customary frequency [two consecutive days. instead of once])

    Intermediate Host: Medical treatment of Sparaginosis has not been rewarding. As this is of zoonotic potential, the absence of an effective treatment is worrisome.

    Humans can become infected by drinking water containing copepods with infective plerocercoids, ingesting plerocercoids in the flesh of an intermediate host or by migration of plerocercoids into a wound or across a mucus membrane. Manifestation of Spargangosis in humans is sometimes via the appearance of subcutaneous lumps in such sites as the scrotum or breast. Surgical removal is curative, However, on occasion, there is migration to and proliferation of plerocercoids in the brain and spinal cord, or urinary tract producing serious clinical problems, and even death. Proliferative sparangosis has definitely been reported in humans!

    Introduction: Diphyllobothrium are similar to Spirometra tapeworms, discussed above. Both species belong to the taxonomic family, Diphyllobothriidae.

    Life Cycle: The life cycle is the same as for Spirometra. When a fish eats another fish, the plerocercoid just invades the muscle of the second (paratenic host. another second intermediate host). and like before, in the second intermediate host, waits for a definitive (vertebrate) host, such as a dog, cat or human to consume the second intermediate (or paratenic) host animal in which it develops into an adult tapeworm..

    Clinical Signs: Infestation in cats and in dogs generally produces mild gastrointestinal signs or no clinical signs. Dogs and cats are, however, then a potential reservoir (though not through direct contact) of infection for humans.

    Diagnosis: Eggs are similar to those described for Spirometra. and diagnosis is also via the fecal flotation procedure.

    Treatment (Dogs and Cats): generally adult tapeworms are relatively easy to treat

    Praziquantel (Droncit ® ): 7.5 mg/kg orally or subcutaneously once

    Niclosamide (Yomesan ® ): 2 gm by mouth, once

    Praziquantel (Droncit ): 5-20 mg/kg by mouth, once

    Copyright © 1997-2017 N ewman V eterinary M edical S ervices ® , Seattle, WA

    DRONTAL Plus flavour pro psi a.u.v. 2 tablety

    Prodej výrobku skončil

    Produkt již není určen k prodeji na českém trhu

    Náhrada původního produktu

    DRONTAL Dog flavour pro psy a.u.v., 5-20 kg, 2 tablety

    Podrobné informace

    Informace o produktu

    Tablety Drontal Plus flavour chrání psy před všemi nejčastějšími druhy červů, kteří mohou

    napadat jejich zažívací trakt. Účinkují proti škrkavkám, tasemnicím, tenkohlavcům a měchovcům. Tablety mají masovou příchuť, takže je lze podávat jako pamlsek.

    Psi by měli být odčervováni každé 3 měsíce.


    Febantelum 150 mg

    Pyranteli pamoas 144 mg

    Praziquantelum 50 mg

    Odčervení psů po invazi škrkavek a tasemnic, tj. oblých a plochých červů (Toxocara canis, Toxoscaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Ancylostoma caninum,Trichuris vulpis, Echinococcus granulos, Echinococcus multicularis, Dipylidium caninum, Taenia spp., Multiceps multiceps, Mesocestoides spp.)


    Doporučená dávka je 15 mg febantelu, 14,4 mg pyrantelembonátu a 5 mg praziquantelu na 1 kg ž.hm., tj. 1 tableta na 10 kg ž.hm.

    Perorální podání, v krmivu nebo rozdrcené v potravě.


    U březích fen je třeba přesně dodržovat dávkování.

    Není určeno pro potravinová zvířata.


    Uchovávat mimo dosah dětí.

    Uchovávejte při teplotě do 25°C.

    Nepoužívejte po uplynutí doby použitelnosti uvedené na krabičce.

    Po použití přípravku si umyjte ruce.


    Všechen nepoužitý veterinární léčivý přípravek nebo odpad, který pochází z tohoto přípravku, musí být likvidován podle místních právních předpisů.


    Nepoužívat současně s piperazinem a organofosfáty, používanými jako ektoparazitika.

    Na trhu nemusí být všechny velikosti balení.

    Pokud chcete získat informace o tomto veterinárním léčivém přípravku, kontaktujte prosím příslušného místního zástupce držitele rozhodnutí o registraci.

    Recenze ( 30 )

    Recenze produktu DRONTAL Plus flavour pro psi a.u.v. 2 tablety

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    Daniela P.

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    Bohunka H.

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    Diskuze k produktu DRONTAL Plus flavour pro psi a.u.v. 2 tablety

    Zuzana Š. - váha

    pokud má 22 kilo ?

    Jana V. - 1 tbl na 10 kg - je to v dávkování

    1 tbl na 10 kg živé váhy psa, pokud má 7 kg, tak 1 celou tbl , pokud má 13 kg, tak 1 a půl tbl atd.

    Olga F. - Váha psa?

    Dobrý den. Nevidíte tu někdo, kde najdu informaci, pro jak velkého psa je výrobek určen? Kdejaké podrobnosti o výrobci a složení jsou mi v daný moment k ničemu, pokud nevím, jestli je výrobek určený pro mého psa.

    Přidejte ještě .

    DRONTAL Dog flavour pro psy a.u.v., 5-20 kg, 2 tablety

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    Drontal for Dogs

    Drontal for Dogs is available as Drontal Tasty Bone Tablets either sold individually or in packs and Drontal Plus XL Tablets for larger dogs, again either sold as individual tablets or as packets.

    Drontal Tasty Bone Tablet for Dogs (Single Tablet)

    Drontal Tasty Bone Tablet for Dogs contains 50mg Praziquantel, 144mg Pyrantel Embonate and 150mg Febantel. Drontal Tasty Bone Tablets have been developed specifically for efficient worm. [More info]

    Drontal Plus XL for Dogs Worming Tablets

    Drontal Plus XL for the control of gastrointestinal tapeworms and roundworms in larger dogs. Each Drontal Plus XL tablet contains 175mg Praziquantel, 504mg Pyrantel Embonate and 525mg. [More info]

    Drontal Tasty Bone Tablet Packs for Dogs

    Drontal Tasty Bone Tablet Packs for Dogs contains 50mg Praziquantel, 144mg Pyrantel Embonate and 150mg Febantel. Drontal bone tablets have been developed specifically for efficient worm. [More info]

    Drontal Plus XL for Dogs Worming Tablet Packs

    Drontal Plus XL is for the control of gastrointestinal tapeworms and roundworms in larger dogs. Each Drontal Plus XL tablet contains 175mg Praziquantel, 504mg Pyrantel Embonate and 525mg. [More info]

    Drontal Tasty Bone Tablets for Dogs (OUTER 102 TABLETS)

    Drontal Tasty Bone Tablets for Dogs (OUTER 102 TABLETS) is ideal for breeders or for households that have multiple dogs. Each Bone Shaped Drontal tablet contains 50mg Praziquantel, 144mg. [More info]

    Drontal Plus XL for Dogs (OUTER 48 TABLETS)

    Drontal Plus XL outer 48 tablet box is ideal for houses with multiple larger dogs or breeders. Each drontal XL tablet contains 175mg Praziquantel, 504mg Pyrantel Embonate and 525mg. [More info]

    Drontal Tasty Bone Tablets and Drontal Plus XL for Dogs Tablets Datasheet:

    Drontal wormers for cats and dogs Dosing Instructions

    Dosing rates for Drontal Cat

    The recommended dose rates are 57.5 mg/kg pyrantel embonate and 5 mg/kg praziquantel. This is equivalent to one Drontal Cat Film-coated Tablet per 4 kg body weight and 1 Drontal Cat XL Film-coated Tablet per 6 kg body weight.

    up to 2 kg 0.5 - Drontal Cat Tablet

    2 kg up to 4 kg 1 - Drontal Cat Tablet

    4 kg up to 6 kg - 1 Drontal Cat XL Tablet

    6 kg up to 8 kg 2 Drontal Cat Tablet

    8 kg up to 10 kg 1 Drontal Cat Tablet plus 1 Drontal Cat XL Tablet

    Dosing rates for Drontal Dog

    For oral administration only.

    The recommended dose rates are: 15 mg/kg body weight febantel, 14.4 mg/kg pyrantel and 5 mg/kg praziquantel.

    1 Drontal Plus Tablet per 10 kg (22 lbs) body weight.

    1 Drontal Plus XL Tablet per 35 kg (77lbs) body weight.

    Drontal Dog Tasty Bone Tablets

    Puppies and Small Dogs:

    3-5 kg body weight = ½ tablet

    5-10 kg body weight = 1 tablet

    10-15 kg body weight = 1 ½ tablets

    15-20 kg body weight = 2 tablets

    22-25 kg body weight = 2 ½ tablets

    25-30 kg body weight = 3 tablets

    30-35 kg body weight = 3 ½ tablets

    35-40 kg body weight = 4 tablets

    Dosing Intervals for Drontal Dog XL

    17.5 kg body weight = ½ tablet

    17.5 - 35 kg body weight = 1 tablet

    35 - 52.5 kg body weight = 1 ½ tablets

    52.5 - 70 kg body weight = 2 tablets

    Nursing Bitches

    For the control of Toxocara, nursing bitches should be dosed 2 weeks after giving birth and every 2 weeks until weaning.

    Puppies should be treated at 2 weeks of age and every 2 weeks until 12 weeks of age. Thereafter they should be treated at 3 month intervals. It is advisable to treat the bitch at the same time as the puppies. Not for use in dogs weighing less than 3 kg.

    Routine Intervals

    For routine control adult dogs should be treated every 3 months. In the event of a heavy roundworm infection, a repeat dose should be given after 14 days.

    If you are in any doubt about the health of your pets always consult your veterinary surgeon

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