воскресенье, 20 мая 2018 г.



- Make as many robots as you can by tapping the robot.

- When you have enough robots, buy an upgrade from the store to help you make more robots when you click.

- Robots - buy robots to get more robots when the robot is clicked.

- Trades - trade your robots for battery power.

- Boosts - boosts can be bought with battery power and include an auto clicker and double robots.

- More robots & boosts

- Сделайте столько роботов, как вы можете, нажав на робота.

- Когда у вас есть достаточное количество роботов, купить обновление в магазине, чтобы помочь вам сделать больше роботов, когда вы нажимаете.

- Роботы - купить роботов, чтобы получить больше роботов, когда робот щелкнул.

- Торговля - торговля ваши роботы для батареи.

- Форсирует - форсирует можно купить питание от батареи и включают в себя автоматический кликер и двойных роботов.

How to Clicker Train Your Dog

Clicker training is a popular way to train your dog and reward his good behavior. It can be fun for you and your dog and often produces quick and effective results. [1] Clicker training is based on the scientific concept that an animal will continue to do a behavior that is rewarded. [2] Once your dog understands what the clicker is all about, you will be able to teach him all kinds of tricks with plenty of rewards along the way.

Steps Edit

Part One of Two:

Preparing to Clicker Train Your Dog Edit

Part Two of Two:

Training Your Dog With a Clicker Edit

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wikiHow's mission is to help people learn, and we really hope this article helped you. Now you are helping others, just by visiting wikiHow.

World Possible is a nonprofit organization focused on connecting offline learners to the world's knowledge. They work to ensure that anyone can access the best educational resources from the web anytime, anywhere, even if they do not have an internet connection.

Click below to let us know you read this article, and wikiHow will donate to World Possible on your behalf. Thanks for helping us achieve our mission of helping people learn how to do anything.

Community Q&A

  • He can still learn. They are never too old.
  • If your dog is pulling on her leash during a walk, stop walking and pause for a moment. If she comes closer to you, click and give her a treat. If she does not respond immediately, wait and be patient. She will eventually come back to you. Once she does, click and give her a treat.
  • Predict unwanted behavior, cue sit, reward. Keep rewarding as the other dog approaches. Over time your dog will associate other dogs with all of the praise and treats and it will turn into a wanted stimulus.
  • Start as early as possible so your dog will get the hang of it quickly. Puppies are very curious and eager to learn.
  • They are never too old. Dogs can learn at any age, but keep in mind that older dogs will struggle a lot more with training, so it's always easier to start when they're puppies. If you're training an older dog, be especially calm and patient.
  • You might want to pull him back and say No. If you let him go to the park, he will know that pulling always works in getting what he wants.
  • When they bite, say no and start pulling him/her away. Keep doing that until he/her reacts, and then press the clicker when he/she stops biting. Give them a treat.
  • Don't use a treat when you train him anymore. If you give him / her a treat every time, they will get used to that and not respond when you do it without it, so it might be time to put the Bacon Bits away. Try just doing it without the treat and with a toy.
  • Every time he goes to the bathroom in the right area, praise him with treats and click the clicker. Make him feel good when the clicker is clicked. Move onto only praise and clicker. Then, use only the clicker because by then, he will think the click is a reward.
  • You can get them at any local pet store or order them online.

Related wikiHows Edit

Help a Shy Dog Blossom Using Targeting and Clicker Training

Train Your Dog to Hunt

Make Dogs Love You

Respond After Hitting a Dog or Cat With Your Car

Clicker Train a Cat

Clicker Train a Puppy

Make Gelatin Clicker Treats for Your Dog

Made Recently

Upload a picture for other readers to see.

Expert Review By:

This version of How to Clicker Train Your Dog was reviewed by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS on April 14, 2017.

Deaf Dog Education Action Fund

Clicker Training for Deaf dogs

Yes, you can clicker train a deaf dog! This page is not intended to give all the details of how clicker training works (see the recommended list at the end of the page for that), but rather how it can be adapted for use with deaf dogs.

At its most basic, the clicker is really just a "marker." It tells the dog that "what you did right there is correct and you will be rewarded for it." The click is usually followed by a treat of some type, but can also be a favorite toy (and playtime). The marker should be quick, accurate, and the same every time. For hearing dogs, the clicker is typically a small plastic box with a metal strip in it that makes a "cli-click" sound when pressed and released. People also use squeaky toys or specific words. (A word can be somewhat problematic because our voices can vary. "Yes" in a calm voice is different from "yes" in an excited voice, or even in a loud voice.) There is an interesting article about this at the Diamonds in the Ruff website called Click vs. Word. In order for the marker to be most effective, it must always (every single time) be followed by a reward that the dog likes (not something you think he should like, but something that he actually likes very much).

Obviously, a sound based clicker will not work for a deaf dog. There are a few choices for a substitute, each of which has both pluses and minuses. You will need to think about which will work best for you and your dog.

Using a hand sign can be the easiest, since, as they say, you always have your hands with you. Some people use a "thumbs up" and others use a "hand-flash" (closed hand, open quickly and then close again), but you can use anything you and your dog understand. One of the drawbacks to a hand sign is the same as using a word marker rather than a clicker with a hearing dog. For a hearing dog, the clicker has instant recognition, whereas a word has to be processed (and as stated above, voices can vary). A hand sign is much the same, it can vary slightly each time you use it, and the dog has to comprehend that this signal is different from any others that you use. You also will have to either get your hand in the dog's line of vision quickly, or he has to be looking at you to see the sign. It's very important to remember that a "click" is always followed by a treat, and not use this particular sign when you have no reward handy.


A flashlight probably most closely approximates a sound-based clicker. It will be the same every time and it's quick. The best kind to use are generally the ones meant to be kept on a keychain, or small penlights (like a doctor would use). They are small and easy to carry and use. You want to find one that allows you to just push a button or squeeze the sides (sliding a switch or twisting part of the flashlight will take too long, and the timing will be off). The idea is that the dog is watching for the "flash," not the spot of light it makes, so she can respond to seeing the light out of the corner of her eye.

There are drawbacks to a flashlight as well. If the dog is not looking at you at all, she may not see the light flash. The lights do not show up as much from a distance, or in very bright light (like a sunny day outside). You also need to be careful if you have a dog who is prone to compulsive behaviors (see our Other Links page for more information), since they can become more interested in chasing the light than anything else. There are also a few dogs who decide that flashing lights (such as from a camera) are scary, and they will not work well with a flashlight for a clicker either.

Vibrating Collar

There are a couple of things to keep in mind if you want to use a vibrating collar as a clicker. The first is that you cannot use it for both an attention-getting device (the most common use, see our page on Training Your Dog With A Vibrating Collar for more information) and a clicker - it will be too hard for the dog to tell the difference. Another thing to consider is how much elapsed time (lag) there is between the time you push the button on the remote unit and when the dog feels it. Timing is very important to clicker training, and you could end up reinforcing the wrong behavior if there is too much lag time (which will make training more difficult). Even so, if you are training a dog that is both deaf and blind, this may be your best choice (although a distinct touch signal could work as well).

Laser Pointer

Laser pointers are not recommended. The dot is really too small to be easily visible unless the dog is intently watching for it (which is not what you want for most training). You can hurt your dogs eyes if you accidently point it directly at them. It might work well for a target (to direct the dog to a certain point), but it's not very useful as a clicker.

Further Resources

  • Clicker Solutions
  • The Well Mannered Dog - with Shirley Chong
  • Click-L Home Page for the list, and contains a lot of good resources
  • Clicker Train
  • Classical and Operant Conditioning
  • Clicker Tales
  • Karen Pryor's Website - has a link to find a clicker trainer in your area

also see Training Archives for an article written by Karen Pryor for the AKC Gazette that mentions Maggie Mae and her mom Lin Gardinor, who were an inspiraton for many to try clicker training their deaf dog.

  • Learning About Dogs - Clicker Training in the UK
  • Clicker Training for Deaf Dogs - a personal page
  • E-mail Lists

    • Clicker Solutions E-mail List - a Yahoo!Groups List
    • Clicktrain List - with Shirley Chong - directions for joining
    • Click-L List - directions for joining

    Recommended Reading

    For a list of clicker training books, see our Resources area.

    Thema: Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    Wie sind Eure Erfahrungen?

    AW: Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    AW: Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    AW: Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    Ich finde es nun allerdings schwierig, da ich ja nicht mehr sowas wie Pfцtchen heben verstдrken muЯ, er weiЯ ja was Pfцtchen geben ist.

    Kann also nicht so richtig die beschriebenen Schritte durchgehen.

    AW: Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    AW: Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    Ist das besser, wenn ich erstmal alleine mit ihm ьbe? Im Buch stand, daЯ eine Ьbung von einer Person durchgefьht werden soll, um den Hund nicht durcheinander zu bringen.

    Ьberlege auch,ob ich die ersten Male einen Trainer dazuziehe, um nichts falsch zu machen, wir hatten nдmlich letzen Samstag einen zu Beratung da, der hat mir u.a. auch das clickern empfohlen. Aber wenn man sowieso immer nur kurz ьben soll, macht das wahrscheinlich keinen Sinn.

    AW: Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    Ich fand diese Ьbung klasse zum anfangen. Anka hat ewig nicht gewusst was sie mit dem Kochlцffel soll, und voll gespannt vor mir gesessen. Irgendwann hab ich ein bisschen Wurst an dem Lцffel gerieben und dann ist sie mit ihrem Rьssel natьrlich ran &Click. Von da an ging es schnell. Und das ist wirklich eine ganz einfache Ьbung. Ich glaube nicht, dass Du einen Trainer brauchst. Du kannst auch mal auf

    www.spass-mit-hund.de schauen, da gibt es auch ganz tolle beispiele zum Clickertraining. Was auch sehr nьtzlich und irre lustig fьr den Anfang ist (steht allerdings auch auf dieser Seite) ist Clickertraining fьr Menschen. Man ьberlegt sich irgendetwas, was man von einem "Mitspieler" erwartet. Zum Beispiel er soll das Fenster цffnen. Zu Beginn clickt man fьr jeden Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Wie "warm - wдrmer - heiЯ" Spielchen, die man als Kind gespielt hat. da lernt man vor allem das richtige Timing, damit man nicht im falschen Moment bestдtigt. Und es ist echt irre lustig.

    AW: Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    Wir machen unsere ersten Schritte jetzt aber doch mit Trainer, dann kann nichts schiefgehen. Freu mich schon total.

    Danke fьr die Tips und Anregungen !

    AW: Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    Wenn Ihr mehr zum Clickertraining wissen wollt. Es gibt eine HP

    mit einem Forum.

    Ich glaube auch das in manchen recht schwierigen Fдllen bei Problemhunden der "Click" die groЯe Hilfe sein kann.

    Fьr mich ist das Clickertraining eine eisig kalte Geschichte.

    Absolut neutral, emotionslos und oberflдchlich wird die positive Bestдtgung gegeben.

    Wie gesagt das ist meine Meinung.

    Ich brauche meine Hдnde, meine Stimme und meinen ganzen Kцrper um meinem Hund etwas beizubringen.

    Ich finde ein warmes Streicheln und die lobende Stimme ist besser als ein eisiges "Click".

    Ist doch toll wenn ich fьr eine Ьbung lдnger brauche als wenn ich mit dem Clicker arbeite und es schneller geht.

    AW: Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    Erstmal habe ich jeden Schritt, den er auf das Objekt gemacht hat, geclickert. Dann muЯte er mit der Nase dran stubsen und es wurde geclickert. Natьrlich immer nach dem Click sofort das Leckerchen! Zum SchluЯ muЯte er auf mein Kommando "Warte" einen Moment am Gegenstand verweilen und bekam dann C & B. Mittlerweile klappt diese Ьbung hervorragend. Er hat endlich begriffen, was ich eigentlich von ihm will. AuЯerdem hatte ich vorher am Gegenstand "Platz" gesagt und habe gewechselt auf "Warte". Auch jetzt nehme ich immer noch den Clicker dazu. Es wird aber nur noch nach abgeschlossener Ьbung geclickert.

    Dies ist ein gutes Beispiel, wofьr der Clicker alles gut sein kann.

    AW: Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    Oh ja, da muЯ ich Dir aber Recht geben. In der Entfernung mag das Click schon einige Vorteile bringen.

    Ich habe ja auch nicht behauptet das clickern grundsдtzlich schlecht ist.

    Ich denke mal das es bestimmt noch einige Ьbungen mehr gibt wo das clickern in der Entfernung Vorteile bringt.

    Дhnliche Themen zu Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    hab da mal wieder eine Frage. Habe gestern angefangen etwas ьbers Clickertraining zu lesen, das Prinzip habe ich im groЯen und ganzen verstanden und.

    Hallo, ich hab mir jetzt schon viele Anleitungen und Artikel zum Thema clickern durch gelesen, aber ich kapier das einfach nicht so richtig. .

    Hallo, ich habe ьberlegt, ob ich mit meinem Hund in unserer Huschu ein Clickertrainingkursus mitmachen soll, da ich schon so viel positives darьber.

    Huhu! Also, ich habe mir ein bisschen was zum Thema Clickertrainig durchgelesen und wьrde gerne noch mehr darьber erfahren und lernen. Daher.

    huhu! habe jetzt ausgiebigst die boardsuche bemьht, aber meinen alten thread nicht wiedergefunden in dem ich schonmal das thema angesprochen.

    Stichworte zum Thema Erfahrungen mit Clickertraining

    klickerztraining hund erfahrung

    erfahrungen mit klicker

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    How to Clicker Train Your Dog

    Clicker training is a popular way to train your dog and reward his good behavior. It can be fun for you and your dog and often produces quick and effective results. [1] Clicker training is based on the scientific concept that an animal will continue to do a behavior that is rewarded. [2] Once your dog understands what the clicker is all about, you will be able to teach him all kinds of tricks with plenty of rewards along the way.

    Steps Edit

    Part One of Two:

    Preparing to Clicker Train Your Dog Edit

    Part Two of Two:

    Training Your Dog With a Clicker Edit

    You're helping people by reading wikiHow

    wikiHow's mission is to help people learn, and we really hope this article helped you. Now you are helping others, just by visiting wikiHow.

    World Possible is a nonprofit organization focused on connecting offline learners to the world's knowledge. They work to ensure that anyone can access the best educational resources from the web anytime, anywhere, even if they do not have an internet connection.

    Click below to let us know you read this article, and wikiHow will donate to World Possible on your behalf. Thanks for helping us achieve our mission of helping people learn how to do anything.

    Community Q&A

    • He can still learn. They are never too old.
    • If your dog is pulling on her leash during a walk, stop walking and pause for a moment. If she comes closer to you, click and give her a treat. If she does not respond immediately, wait and be patient. She will eventually come back to you. Once she does, click and give her a treat.
    • Predict unwanted behavior, cue sit, reward. Keep rewarding as the other dog approaches. Over time your dog will associate other dogs with all of the praise and treats and it will turn into a wanted stimulus.
    • Start as early as possible so your dog will get the hang of it quickly. Puppies are very curious and eager to learn.
    • They are never too old. Dogs can learn at any age, but keep in mind that older dogs will struggle a lot more with training, so it's always easier to start when they're puppies. If you're training an older dog, be especially calm and patient.
    • You might want to pull him back and say No. If you let him go to the park, he will know that pulling always works in getting what he wants.
    • When they bite, say no and start pulling him/her away. Keep doing that until he/her reacts, and then press the clicker when he/she stops biting. Give them a treat.
    • Don't use a treat when you train him anymore. If you give him / her a treat every time, they will get used to that and not respond when you do it without it, so it might be time to put the Bacon Bits away. Try just doing it without the treat and with a toy.
    • Every time he goes to the bathroom in the right area, praise him with treats and click the clicker. Make him feel good when the clicker is clicked. Move onto only praise and clicker. Then, use only the clicker because by then, he will think the click is a reward.
    • You can get them at any local pet store or order them online.

    Related wikiHows Edit

    Help a Shy Dog Blossom Using Targeting and Clicker Training

    Train Your Dog to Hunt

    Make Dogs Love You

    Respond After Hitting a Dog or Cat With Your Car

    Clicker Train a Cat

    Clicker Train a Puppy

    Make Gelatin Clicker Treats for Your Dog

    Made Recently

    Upload a picture for other readers to see.

    Expert Review By:

    This version of How to Clicker Train Your Dog was reviewed by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS on April 14, 2017.

    Best Clicker Games

    Clicker Games

    Play idle Clicker Games at ClickerGames.Org

    Play Most Popular Clicker Games Online We Have Lot Of Collections of idle Clicker Games like ZombIdle, Destination Kepler, Cookie Clicker , Epic Clicker Saga Of Middle Earth , Galactic Clicker , Clicker Heroes , Cat Clicker MLG, Commodore Clicker and lot more Addicting Games at Clickergames.Org Playing games online is always interesting and fun. These online games have become very popular among kids and adults alike all over the world all thanks to the enhanced reach as well as fast connectivity of the Wi-Fi connection. You will get lots of games online for free. Of them, maybe the most played games are the clicker games. The online gaming field is thriving like anything. These kinds of games are enjoyed and played by kids and adults, regardless of their age.

    Recommended Multuplayer Games: Paperio game

    How To Play Clicker Games

    Clicker games are so easy to play and have got an extremely interactive as well as interesting setting. You will be astounded by the background music and the plot or theme. Virtually all clicker games need you to click on the different things or objects. On clicking the object, an action with come off.The fact that these games are very short times, as a result you need not sit to play them for longer hours. What is more, there are on hand for free, therefore you and your kids can enjoy them anytime and anywhere. A number of the most popular and most played clicker games today take account of Money Island, Zack and Wiki, Crazy runners and many more. These includes quirky puzzles to murder solving ones to room escape ones. When you visit online, you will see that there are lots of websites that offer various kinds of clicker games, the choice of games to play is countless.The overture of adobe flash programming has pushed the need of these kinds of games further. They also aid the purpose of connecting different video game fanatics. It is true that the clicker games are rising at a very fast pace. Aside from that, there is no need of downloading and installing them, as it is not needed to play the game. Just visit the web play and you can play all day you want. Flash games are ruling the online gaming these days. This trade has developed into multi billion dollars business and hundreds of clicker games are being made on a monthly basis.Not like earlier clicker Unblocked games online that had got blurred graphics and awful sound, at this point in time you will see superb and excellent graphics in them. There are also games that are 3D graphics. If You are getting tired and jaded at the workplace or searching for some way to pass time, then you should play these clicker games. Some clicker games also deliver a humors game play. Therefore, what are you waiting for? Simply log on to a reliable online gaming site and begin playing your preferred clicker game.The biggest benefit perhaps of playing clicker games is that you don’t have to be skilled or experienced player to play these games. These clicker games are easy to play that even when it is your first time, you will score very well. When you become used to it, then you can try playing the more challenging clicker games.

    Copyright © 2018 :: All Rights Reserved Clicker Games


    Videos zum Clickertraining

    In Fundgrube by Myrddin September 24, 2012 38 Comments

    Martina Gauer – Clickertraining

    Habe dieses Video zum Clickertraining gefunden. Auch wenn ich selbst nie clickern wollte finde ich interessant die einzelnen Lernschritte zu sehen.

    Teil 1 – Einführung ins Clickertraining

    Teil 2 – Belohnungen

    Markerwort / operantes Lernen

    Doku: Die mit den Tieren leben Ein Mann unter Wölfen

    Doku: Wolfsblut

    Hunde klüger als gedacht

    Doku: Vom Wolf und Hund

    Was hast du da für tolle Videos gemacht! Suuuper! <—– CLICK ^^ !

    Toll! Werd nachher mal n Kuli schnappen und mit dem Ratz loslegen^^

    Tolles Video! Einen Click für Sheila und Dich. Super Erklärungen.

    Tolle Einführung ins Clicker-Training!

    Wow, das ist echt Klasse….

    Finde das total klasse, dass Du Dich immer so aufrichtig freust… 😉 Merkt er sicherlich und ist deshalb auch so gut bei der Sache! 🙂 Weiter so…

    is ja süß XD JACKPOT!! ^^

    ich werd das mit unserem hund auch mal ausprobieren! wo bekommt man so ein clicker-ding denn?!

    ich habs im fressnapf gekauft

    : Du kannst alles verwenden was dem Hund gut schmeckt z.B. Milde Käse Würfel, wenig gewürzte Fleischwurst oder gleich Hundewurst, dann kleingeschnittene Leckerlis. Die Belohnung sollte so klein sein das der Hund nur kurz brauch um es zu fressen! Viel Spass

    Super gefällt mir sehr gut!

    super viedeo und dabei noch die leckere coca cola im bild mhhhh lecker aber danke für die tolle hilfe klappt alles supiii!!

    Tolles Video! Ich fange geade an mit dem Clickertraining und bin gespannt, wie meine beiden Katzen mitmachen bzw. ob sie überhaupt mitmachen werden. Sehr spannend das!

    Tolle Clickereinführung! Frage: Warum mit einem Targetstick anfangen anstatt mit der Targethand?

    Ich musste für das Video etwas völlig Neues nehmen, um wenigstens “etwas” Shaping zeigen zu können. Daher die Idee mit dem Kochlöffel.

    Beim Finger-Nasentouch wäre das nicht gegangen, bzw. das Video nur ca. 3 Sekunden lang geworden 😉

    Aha – nicht irgendwie etwas methodisches. Wir begannen gleich mit Hand-targeting und natürlcih hat’s eine feste Rolle in Dog Dancing und Abrufe eingenommen. Der Targetstick kamm erst nachher.

    Jepp – das hat keine “tieferen” Gründe.

    Man sollte erkennen können, wie der Hund sich das Verhalten erarbeitet, was mit dem Handtarget nicht gegangen wäre. Das ist ständig in Gebrauch, für alles Mögliche und gehört für mich auch zu den wirklich wichtigen Dingen 🙂

    Großartiger, Hoffnung-bereitender Clip. Ich hoffe schwer, daß es auch auch bei ambitionierten Katzen funktioniert…

    es macht tierisch 🙂 viel Spaß mit Katzen

    Sehr Interessant. Wir wollens nun auch probieren.

    Soll das alles wie im Video an einem Stück trainiert und erarbeitet werden?

    Oder schon ev. auch in Etappen (u.U. über Tage, zB bei sehr leicht abgelenktem Hund) ?

    Es sollte immer an das Lerntempo des Hundes angepasst werden!

    Lieber zu wenig, als zu viel: für einen schnell erregbaren Hund, der sowas zum ersten Mal macht sind schon ganz kurze Einheiten sehr anstrengend.

    Dieses Buch erklärt die Grundlagen nochmal sehr schön:

    * Clickertraining: Andere Wege in der Kommunikation mit dem Hund

    von Monika Gutmann

    Kostet bei Amazon gerade mal 11 Euro 😉

    Und für neue Ideen ist die Hunde-Uni von Viviane Theby sehr empfehlenswert.

    armer, bald vor fettleibigkeit explodierender kalorienhund, ich hoffe die leckerlis sind kalorienarm!

    Super, mein Doggy hört Gott sei Dank auch auf den Clicker und erspart einem so einiges an Frust, wenn mans richitg macht.

    Wird leider immernoch unterschätzt, dieses kleine Kästchen =)

    Super, dass ihr es nochmal im Video zeigt wie es funktioniert, denn eine Beschreibung alleine reicht nicht aus, wie ich finde.

    Dein Hund ist echt intelligent.

    Wünschte unser würde sich so manchen Umweg sparen wenn er denkt ^^

    Super! Verlinke audf der +R/-P Dog Resource WebPage, sowohl bei den Filmen als auch unter “Auf Deutsch”.

    Muss man später auch nach jedem Klick belohnen? Dann bricht das Tier nach dem Klick ja sofort die Aufgabe ab, weil es sein Leckerli will!

    Nach einem Click folgt IMMER eine Belohnung, aber man schleicht zB die Anzahl der Clicks aus 😉 (Stichwort: Variable Bestärkung)

    Der Clicker bzw. Marker beendet die Aufgabe, das ist richtig, daher baut man eine Aufgabe so auf bis der Hund das gewünschte Verhalten eben solange ausführen kann, wie man es möchte und clickt erst dann!

    Durch das Belohnen von gewünschtem Verhalten steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass es öfter gezeigt wird.

    Will ich, dass mich mein Hund draussen öfter von sich aus anschaut, dann clicke ich das und belohne ihn mit etwas, dass er in diesem Moment will. zB die Freigabe zum Laufen, Buddeln, ein Spielzeug. So wird der Hund immer öfter zu mir schauen und ich kann die Dauer des “Anguckens” verlängern und etwas später clicken….

    Diese Videos zeigen einen verschwindend kleinen Teil von dem, was möglich ist.

    Ein sinnvoller Einstieg ist zB das Buch von M. Gutmann – Clickertraining: Andere Wege in der Kommunikation mit dem Hund.

    Ein guter Trainer, der sich anschaut was man treibt, ist Gold wert!

    Eine Auswahl guter Hundeschulen findet sich auf meiner Homepage frauhund.de unter Links 😉

    Belohnst du deinen Hund nie direkt aus der Hand? Gibt es da einen Grund dafür?

    Würde mich als Anfänger interessieren.

    doch – natürlich (ist auch im Video zu sehen 😉 )

    Sie bekommt die Belohnung aus der Hand, zum Aufsammeln auf dem Boden, gerollt, geworfen, verpackt, versteckt, in einem KONG….

    Da man hier leider keine Links reinsetzen kann – die Webseite findet sich bei einer google-suche nach:

    +R/-P Dog Resource WebPage

    Eine schöne Sammlung an Studien, Artikeln, Videos zum Thema Hundetraining.

    wo genau bekmmt man so ein clickergerät her? (=

    eigentlich in jedem Heimtierfachgeschäft.

    Du scheinst deinem/eurem Hund wirklich viel Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken.

    Finde ich toll! Nicht viele Menschen beschäftigen sich so ausgiebig mit ihrem Vierbeiner…

    Das macht schon allein mega Spaß euch beim Training zu zu schauen ^^

    rubbel ihm doch einfach jedesmal einen als belohnung <3 und schick mir das vid pls =) lg

    Vielen Dank, für diese kleine “Anleitung” zum Clickern. Ich habe es mit meinem Hund genau wie in dem Video gezeigt, aufgebaut und es hat super funktioniert. Jetzt kann ich im Winter schön auf der Couch sitzenbleiben, wenn der Hund reinkommt und die Tür offen lässt… dann sage ich ihm er soll die Tür zu machen und er macht’s.. 😉

    Der Kommentar mit dem Tierversuch hat mich zum Lachen gebracht 😉

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    My weekend with Emily Larlham

    I feel so lucky to have attended one of Emily Larlham’s seminars! Emily Larlham is such a great trainer! Out of all the trainers I know of, she is the only one I have yet to disagree with. I’ve liked all her training tips and ways of training, and it has been a true honor to finally meet her!

    The seminar was all through fantastic! After this weekend I am left with great motivation and inspiration, and I have learned so much more than I expected to. Emily possesses a huge amount of knowledge and she is very skilled in teaching this to others. The different subjects talked about were backed up with examples, either in live showing using our dogs, or via film clips from her computer or in told examples that were easy to understand. Not only is she good in teaching, but her personality is also sweet and easy going. That makes it easy to relax around her, and it also makes it easier to ask questions, because you don’t feel stupid for not knowing.

    It feels like I’m glorifying her right now, but I am so amazed after this seminar. I don’t feel like I’m exaggerating. She is such a great person and great trainer, and she really deserves all the credit! If you ever get the chance of attending a seminar or a lesson with Emily, I urge you to take it. Really! You will not regret it!

    Emily Larlham went through a great deal of different topics during the seminar. It spanned from basic teaching and progressive reinforcement to dealing with shy and/or reactive dogs. I am not able to remember all the things she talked about, but I know it will stick to me when I am in these different situations myself.

    My plan was originally to bring Hugin one day and then Luna the other day, but I knew Luna wouldn’t be ready for this. Training is so highly reinforcing for her, so she is yet not able to stand still and watch when other dogs are having fun training. She will bark and howl and jump uncontrollably around while lunging forward to where the fun is, and her stress levels will rise above the sky. We are, however, working on this, but it is quite a slow progress. It’s fine, cause I am in no hurry. Hugin is such a sweetheart, and I don’t mind bringing him with me for these kind of things, even though he doesn’t appreciate training as much.

    Hugin was very tired after the first day. I didn’t even have time to unleash him when we got inside before he collapsed on the bed and stayed there for the rest of the evening. He was even seriously tired the next day. I barely managed to get him up in the morning, and getting him to work on the seminar was out of the question. He just wanted to sleep, so I let him. There is no point in pushing him to do something he doesn’t want to. I don’t want to ruin the fun of training, so we’ll take it in his time. No biggie!

    «Oh my, gimme that treat. I want that treat, give it to me!»

    We did manage to try some of the practical work, though! We managed to get him to look at a specific point, getting him to somewhat enjoy being touched on the top of his head (well, WE didn’t.. Emily did!), and nose- and shoulder targeting. Or, at least the beginning of it! One need a lot of patience when working with Hugin. He is so easily distracted and he’s really slow, because it is very hard to motivate him. I am not complaining about it, though. I am very happy with my loving whippet. He is so well behaved, so calm and so friendly. Who cares if training tricks isn’t his thing? I have a bed warmer and he is my best friend. And now I’m off topic!

    To not make this blog post too long, I will end it now. Below I will post some of the pictures I took from these two days, and I might post another blog containing pictures later. I took so many pictures, and it will take me a very long time to edit them all.

    Thank you, Emily, for inspiring me so much and for taking the time to visit Norway. I wish you and your family (both four-legged and two-legged family) the very best in the future!

    To visit Emily’s website, click HERE !

    The chin rest

    Hugin is getting a well appreciated neck scratch!

    Lik dette:

    Hundetrener og hundeentusiast!

    8 comments on “ My weekend with Emily Larlham ”

    […] HER er linken til ein av dei andre. […]

    Great post Eva – I’ve heard it said so many times that getting a dog to carry out a mentally demanding task is much more tiring for them than a long walk.

    It sure is! However, Hugin is easily satisfied! 🙂

    So nice that you got the chance to attend her seminar! It is in my to do list 😀 Emily is awesome!

    How lovely…. and great pictures! 🙂 I wish we had such seminars here.

    Så morro at det gikk så bra da! Heldiggris! Og gøy at du har lært så masse – håper vi får noen smakebiter av det her/på den andre bloggen din 🙂

    Hei! Huske just at gå in på bloggen din å se etter bilder av Tesla fra seminariet. Men hun kom visst ikke med=( Herlige bilder ellers=)

    Dogmantics Dog Training


    Emily Larlham runs the dog training business Dogmantics Dog Training in San Diego, California. She is known around the world for her popular Youtube Channel ‘Kikopup’ where she has posted over 200 free in-depth dog training tutorials. She believes that by putting out free training tutorials that don’t involve any forms of physical or psychological intimidation, it will not only effect how people treat animals but also how people treat other human beings. Emily began her training career as an animal care-giver in a shelter about 12 years ago where she met her dog training mentor Kyle Rayon. After many years study, learning from both human and animal mentors, she began her own business. She combines her artistic background and training skills to invent creative, fast and reliable ways to solve problem behaviors as well as train complex behaviors and tricks. Emily has been invited to conduct seminars on her techniques for training dogs without intimidation in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Australia and Asia.

    ‘Dogs are the best teachers’ is Emily’s motto.

    My weekend with Emily Larlham

    I feel so lucky to have attended one of Emily Larlham’s seminars! Emily Larlham is such a great trainer! Out of all the trainers I know of, she is the only one I have yet to disagree with. I’ve liked all her training tips and ways of training, and it has been a true honor to finally meet her!

    The seminar was all through fantastic! After this weekend I am left with great motivation and inspiration, and I have learned so much more than I expected to. Emily possesses a huge amount of knowledge and she is very skilled in teaching this to others. The different subjects talked about were backed up with examples, either in live showing using our dogs, or via film clips from her computer or in told examples that were easy to understand. Not only is she good in teaching, but her personality is also sweet and easy going. That makes it easy to relax around her, and it also makes it easier to ask questions, because you don’t feel stupid for not knowing.

    It feels like I’m glorifying her right now, but I am so amazed after this seminar. I don’t feel like I’m exaggerating. She is such a great person and great trainer, and she really deserves all the credit! If you ever get the chance of attending a seminar or a lesson with Emily, I urge you to take it. Really! You will not regret it!

    Emily Larlham went through a great deal of different topics during the seminar. It spanned from basic teaching and progressive reinforcement to dealing with shy and/or reactive dogs. I am not able to remember all the things she talked about, but I know it will stick to me when I am in these different situations myself.

    My plan was originally to bring Hugin one day and then Luna the other day, but I knew Luna wouldn’t be ready for this. Training is so highly reinforcing for her, so she is yet not able to stand still and watch when other dogs are having fun training. She will bark and howl and jump uncontrollably around while lunging forward to where the fun is, and her stress levels will rise above the sky. We are, however, working on this, but it is quite a slow progress. It’s fine, cause I am in no hurry. Hugin is such a sweetheart, and I don’t mind bringing him with me for these kind of things, even though he doesn’t appreciate training as much.

    Hugin was very tired after the first day. I didn’t even have time to unleash him when we got inside before he collapsed on the bed and stayed there for the rest of the evening. He was even seriously tired the next day. I barely managed to get him up in the morning, and getting him to work on the seminar was out of the question. He just wanted to sleep, so I let him. There is no point in pushing him to do something he doesn’t want to. I don’t want to ruin the fun of training, so we’ll take it in his time. No biggie!

    «Oh my, gimme that treat. I want that treat, give it to me!»

    We did manage to try some of the practical work, though! We managed to get him to look at a specific point, getting him to somewhat enjoy being touched on the top of his head (well, WE didn’t.. Emily did!), and nose- and shoulder targeting. Or, at least the beginning of it! One need a lot of patience when working with Hugin. He is so easily distracted and he’s really slow, because it is very hard to motivate him. I am not complaining about it, though. I am very happy with my loving whippet. He is so well behaved, so calm and so friendly. Who cares if training tricks isn’t his thing? I have a bed warmer and he is my best friend. And now I’m off topic!

    To not make this blog post too long, I will end it now. Below I will post some of the pictures I took from these two days, and I might post another blog containing pictures later. I took so many pictures, and it will take me a very long time to edit them all.

    Thank you, Emily, for inspiring me so much and for taking the time to visit Norway. I wish you and your family (both four-legged and two-legged family) the very best in the future!

    To visit Emily’s website, click HERE !

    The chin rest

    Hugin is getting a well appreciated neck scratch!

    Lik dette:

    Hundetrener og hundeentusiast!

    8 comments on “ My weekend with Emily Larlham ”

    […] HER er linken til ein av dei andre. […]

    Great post Eva – I’ve heard it said so many times that getting a dog to carry out a mentally demanding task is much more tiring for them than a long walk.

    It sure is! However, Hugin is easily satisfied! 🙂

    So nice that you got the chance to attend her seminar! It is in my to do list 😀 Emily is awesome!

    How lovely…. and great pictures! 🙂 I wish we had such seminars here.

    Så morro at det gikk så bra da! Heldiggris! Og gøy at du har lært så masse – håper vi får noen smakebiter av det her/på den andre bloggen din 🙂

    Hei! Huske just at gå in på bloggen din å se etter bilder av Tesla fra seminariet. Men hun kom visst ikke med=( Herlige bilder ellers=)

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