Chihuahua, langhåret
Chihuahua, verdens mindste hunderace er helt uvidende om sin ringe størrelse. En lille hund, med et stort ego. Den er selvbevidst, nysgerrig og går ikke af vejen for ret meget. Den har rigelig med plads i selv den mindste bolig og er en kærlig og underholdende selskabshund, også for ældre mennesker. En chihuahua er meget spinkel og derfor mindre egnet i en familie med små børn.
En chihuahua er en aktiv lille hund, som glædes ved alt fra Agility til daglige spadsereture, men indretter sig helt efter ejerens aktivitetsniveau. Til gengæld har den brug for nær kontakt, masser af opmærksomhed og at lege med sin ejer.
En chihuahua samarbejder gerne med sin ejer om at løse opgaver, men er også nysgerrig og selvstændig af natur. Den kan være noget kuldskær og bevæger sig ikke gerne uden for i koldt og fugtigt vejr. Den er vagtsom og villig til at beskytte sin ejer. Overfor hunde af andre racer, vil den gerne være den, som bestemmer, hvilket kan skabe en farlig situation i forkert selskab.
Chihuahuaen forekommer i to pelsvarianter. Den korthårede er den oprindelige, mens den langhårede er opstået ved krydsning med kontinentale dværgspaniels. Begge pelstyper behøver kun jævnlig gennembørstning. Hold kløerne kortklippede og tænderne fri for tandsten.
Chihuahuaen er kvik og opmærksom og fuldt ud i stand til at lære alt, hvad ejeren finder hensigtsmæssigt og morsomt. Vær dog varsom med, at slippe den lille hund løs sammen med større artsfæller, som kan risikere, at forveksle den med et jagtbytte. Den skal, som alle andre hunde opdrages og motioneres. Den kan være noget gøende. Dette kan dels forebygges ved at den som hvalp og unghund får mange positive oplevelser med venlige hunde og mennesker og dels forebygges ved træning og belønning af ønsket adfærd.
Der er ingen regler for højde.
Idealvægten ligger mellem 1,5 og 3 kg.
Alle farver og kombinationer er tilladt undtagen merle
Chihuahua regnes for at være verdens mindste hunderace, og den bærer navnet på den største provins i Mexico (Chihuahua). Man mener, at disse hunde tidligere levede vildt, og at de under den toltekiske civilisation blev indfanget og tæmmet. Afbildninger af en dværghund, der kaldtes " Techichi" og levede i Tula, blev brugt som dekoration på byens arkitektur. Disse statuer ligner meget vore dages Chihuahua. Der er mange legender om racens oprindelse. Det eneste, man ved med sikkerhed, er, at den omkring 1895 blev "opdaget" af amerikanske turister. Den blev bragt til USA og videre ud over hele verden.
Chihuahua, langhåret HVALPE TIL SALG
Herunder finder du en oversigt over aktuelle kuld af racen Chihuahua, langhåret, der pt. er til salg.
Husk også at læse guiden til, hvad du skal være opmærksom på, inden du køber hund.
Brief historical summary: The Chihuahua is regarded as the smallest pedigree dog in the world and carries the name of the largest province of the Mexican Republic. One assumes that these dogs used to live in the wild and, at the time of civilisation of the Tolteks, were caught and domesticated by the inhabitants. Illustrations of a Toy dog called ” Techichi” which lived in Tula, were used as decorations on town architecture. These small statues are very similar to the present day Chihuahua.
General appearance: This dog has a compact body shape. Of great importance is the fact that his skull is apple-shaped and that he carries his moderately long tail very high, either curved or forming the shape of a semi-circle with the tip pointing towards the loin region.
Important proportions: Length of body slightly greater than height at withers. Desired, however, is an almost square body shape, specially in males. In bitches, because of pregnancy, a slightly longer body is permitted.
Behaviour / Character: Quick, alert, lively and very courageous.
Cranial region: Well rounded apple head (a characteristic of the breed) without or with only a small fontanel.
Stop: Very marked, deep and broad as the forehead is bulging over the set-on of muzzle
Nose: Any colour permitted. Nasal bridge moderately short, pointing slightly upwards.
Muzzle: Short, seen from side, broad at set-on, tapering towards the tip.
Lips: Lean and close fitting.
Cheeks: Moderately developed, very clean.
Teeth: Scissor or pincer bite. Overshot, undershot, as well as any other anomaly in position of upper or lower jaw must be strictly penalized.
Visit Chihuahua Kennel Van ‘t Eiland OuburgEyes: Large, roundish in shape, very expressive, not protruding, completely dark. Light eyes permissible, but not desired.
Ears: Large, upright, noticeably broad at set-on, gradually tapering towards their slightly rounded point. In repose slightly inclined laterally.
Neck: Upperline slightly arched.
Length: Medium length.
Shape: Thicker in dogs than in bitches.
Skin: Without dewlap. In the long haired variety, the presence of a neck-ruff with longer hair is highly desirable.
Body: Compact and well built.
Withers: Hardly marked.
Back: Short and firm.
Loin region: Strongly muscular.
Rump: Broad and strong without slope.
Chest: Ribcage broad and deep, ribs well sprung. Seen from front, roomy but not exaggerated. Seen from side, reaching to elbows. Not barrel shaped.
Lower line:Formed by a clearly tucked up belly. Slack belly is permitted but not desired.
Tail: Set on high, of moderate length; broad at root, tapering gradually towards the tip. Tail carriage is an important characteristic of the breed: carried either high in a curve or in a rounded semi circle with tip towards the loin region, which gives balance to the body.
Coat is according to variety and in keeping with body coat. In the long hair variety, the coat forms a plume. Tail is pendant in repose and forms a slight hook.
Forequarters: Straight and of good length; seen from the front, the front legs together with the elbows, form a straight line. Seen from the side, their stance is vertical with slightly sloping, strong and flexible pasterns. Visit Chihuahua Kennel Van ‘t Eiland OuburgShoulders are clean with little muscles. Angulation between shoulder-blade and upper arm is proportionate. Elbows firm and fitting close to body which ensures free movement.
Hindquarters: Well muscled with lengthy bones, vertical and parallel to each other with good angulation at hip, knee and hock joints, in harmony with angulation of forequarters. Hocks short with well developed Achilles tendons; seen from rear, they are straight and vertical in position, not close together.
Feet: Very small and oval with toes well apart but not splayed (neither hare nor cat foot). Nails specially well arched and moderately long. Pads well developed and very elastic. Dewclaws must be removed.
Movement: Steps are long, springy, energetic and active with good reach and drive. Seen from rear, hind legs should move almost parallel to each other, so that the foot prints of the hind feet fit directly into those of the front feet.
With increasing speed, the limbs show the tendency to converge towards the centre point of gravity (single track). Movement remains free and springy without visible effort, head raised and back firm.
Skin: Smooth and elastic all over body surface.
Texture off coat: In this breed there are two varieties of coat. Chihuahua long hair variety – Visit also Chihuahua Kennel Van ‘t Eiland Ouburg
- Short hair: Coat is short, lying close all over body. If there is an undercoat, the hair is somewhat longer; sparse coat on throat and belly permissible; slightly longer on neck and tail, short on face and ears. Coat is glossy and its texture is soft. Hairless dogs are not tolerated.
- Long hair: Coat should be fine and silky, smooth or slightly wavy. Not too thick undercoat desired. Coat is longer, forming feathering on ears, neck, rear of front and hind legs, on feet and on tail. Dogs with long billowing coat, as in a Maltese, will not be accepted.
Colour: All colours in all possible shades and combinations are admitted.
Height and weight: In this breed only the weight is taken into consideration, not the height.
Weight: Between 500 gr and 3kg. A weight of between 1 and 2 kg has preference. Animals weighing more than 3 kg will be disqualified.
Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
- Narrow skull.
- Eye small, deep-set or protruding.
- Long muzzle.
- Too pointed ears.
- Short neck.
- Roach or hollow back (Lordose or Xyphose).
- Long body.
- Short limbs.
- Out at elbow.
- Too close behind.
- Narrow chest, flat ribcage.
- Sloping rump.
- Tail: incorrect set-on, short or twisted.
- Under- or overshot mouth.
- Absence of individual teeth.
- Deformed jaws.
- Double teeth.
- Luxating patellas.
- In the long hair variety: Dogs with very long, fine and billowing coat (as in a Maltese).
- In the short hair variety: Bald patches (alopecia).
- Drop ear or short ear.
- Absence of tail.
- Weight over 3 kg.
- Extremely long body.
- Slender, light, long cast, stag-like type.
Note: Male animals must have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Chihuahuas are tiny dogs that come in many different colors and markings, and can have either long or short coats, but they all have large, alert ears, big moist eyes, and huge personalities. Inside each little Chihuahua is a miniature king or queen ready to rule their realms, so they need to be taught what is acceptable in human kingdoms. They are intelligent and enthusiastic, so they usually don’t need extensive training.
- Personality: Graceful, charming, and sassy.
- Energy Level: Though Chihuahuas like to run and play, they are mostly an indoor pet, and do well in apartments.
- Good with Children: Better with Older Children
- Good with other Dogs: With Supervision
- Shedding: Seasonal
- Grooming: Occasional
- Trainability: Independent
- Height: 6-9 inches
- Weight: 3-6 pounds
- Life Expectancy: 12-20 years
- Barking Level: Barks When Necessary
meet theChihuahua
Did you know?
The Chihuahua comes in two varieties: long and smooth coat.
How similar
Breed History
The Chihuahua was officially recognized by the AKC.
Learn more about the Chihuahua breed standard.
at aGlance
Energy & Size
AKC Dog Ranking
- Charming
- Graceful
- Sassy
theBreed Standard
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General Appearance
A graceful, alert, swift-moving compact little dog with saucy expression, and with terrier-like qualities of temperament.
A well rounded "apple dome" skull, with or without molera. Expression - Saucy. Eyes - Full, round, but not protruding, balanced, set well apart-luminous dark or luminous ruby. Light eyes in blond or white-colored dogs permissible. Blue eyes or a difference in the color of the iris in the two eyes, or two different colors within one iris should be considered a serious fault. Ears - Large, erect type ears, held more upright when alert, but flaring to the sides at a 45 degree angle when in repose, giving breadth between the ears. Stop - Well defined. When viewed in profile, it forms a near 90 degree angle where muzzle joins skull.
Neck, Topline, Body: Neck - Slightly arched, gracefully sloping into lean shoulders. Topline- Level. Body -Ribs rounded and well sprung (but not too much "barrel-shaped"). Tail - Moderately long, carried sickle either up or out, or in a loop over the back with tip just touching the back. (Never tucked between legs.) Disqualifications - Docked tail, bobtail.
Forequarters: Shoulders - Lean, sloping into a slightly broadening support above straight forelegs that set well under, giving free movement at the elbows. Shoulders should be well up, giving balance and soundness, sloping into a level back (never down or low). This gives a well developed chest and strength of forequarters. Feet - A small, dainty foot with toes well split up but not spread, pads cushioned. (Neither the hare nor the cat foot.) Dewclaws may be removed. Pasterns - Strong.
In the Smooth Coats, the coat should be of soft texture, close and glossy. (Heavier coats with undercoats permissible.) Coat placed well over body with ruff on neck preferred, and more scanty on head and ears. Hair on tail preferred furry. In Long Coats, the coat should be of a soft texture, either flat or slightly wavy, with undercoat preferred. Ears - Fringed. Tail - Full and long (as a plume). Feathering on feet and legs, pants on hind legs and large ruff on the neck desired and preferred. (The Chihuahua should be groomed only to create a neat appearance.) Disqualification - In Long Coats, too thin coat that resembles bareness.
Muscular, with hocks well apart, neither out nor in, well let down, firm and sturdy. Angulation - Should equal that of forequarters. The feet are as in front. Dewclaws may be removed.
Good nutrition for Chihuahuas is very important from puppyhood to their senior years.
Occasional brushing of the Smooth Coat variety of Chihuahuas to promote healthy skin and hair is recommended.
Though Chihuahuas like to run and play, they are mostly an indoor pet, and do well in apartments.
Ask your Chihuahua’s breeder and/or other toy breed owners to recommend a good vet.
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Chihuahua Dog - Chiwawa Dog Information
If you have ever had a Chihuahua then you know that they are not hard to love at all. These dogs are naturally small, rather than being bred down from a larger breed. There are two types of Chihuahuas; the long haired and the short haired Chihuahua.
The Chihuahua is between 3 and 7 pounds when full grown and stands between six to eight inches. The AKC standards of a Chihuahua require that it not exceed 6 pounds. This breed has a well rounded, apple like shaped head with a muzzle that is tiny in contrast to the head. The muzzle is also slightly pointed, and either will have a level or a scissors bite. There are times when puppies have a soft spot or a “molera” on the top of the skull. The bone usually closes as the dog turns into an adult. The trademark ears of a Chihuahua should be held erect most of the time, but may flare to the sides at a 45 degree angle when relaxed or calm.
Their eyes are full and round, and very expressive. It has been said that you can tell a lot about a Chihuahua just by looking into their eyes, which are set well apart and very luminous either in a black or ruby color. There are some Chihuahua’s that have light eyes in the case of a blond or white colored coat. The nose of a Chihuahua is usually blond or self colored when there is a blond or light colored Chihuahua; otherwise they have a black nose which is short and pointed.
The body of the Chihuahua can be described as stout, robust, compact or even short with well sprung ribs. It is longer than it is tall, because of the off-square shaped of the dog. In males, it is most likely that they will have shorter bodies as compared to the females. The neck is slightly arched, sloping into lean shoulders and then continuing down into a level topline. The front legs of the Chihuahua should be straight, short, and square shaped with the back legs considerably more muscular and thin. The feet are very tiny and even considered to be dainty. The tail is a sickle shaped tail which is curled over the back or to the side just barely touching the back of the dog.
The colors of the Chihuahua vary depending on whether it is short haired or long haired. The short haired variety is the most common. The colors include sand or blonde, fawn colored, chestnut, silver, steel blue, black and tan, or parti-color just to name the most common colors. There are some Chihuahuas in other more rare colors as well.
Chihuahua’s can sometimes be described as “teacup,” “pocket sized,” “tiny toy,” or “miniature” when in fact these terms are quite misleading. They are not bred to be a certain size; they are just born a certain size. They are naturally small dogs and no matter what size you have, they are all considered to be the standard size of the dog.
Many people also use the spelling Chiwawa to refer to this dog breed, and we use Chiwawa for our website address!
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The Rare Blue Chihuahua
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My Chihuahua Is Shaking
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Looking For Chihuahua Puppies
The Chihuaha Puppy. He might just be the cutest thing ever. Now that you have decided he’s the right dog for you, let’s look at how to find the perfect Chiwawa puppy.
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Grooming Your Chihuahua
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Chihuahua Temperament
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Can Chihuahuas Cure Asthma
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Bringing A Chihuahua Puppy Home
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Pros and Cons of Chihuahua Adoption
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Chihuahua Characteristics – Applehead, Teacup, Deer
Chihuahua Characteristics – Applehead, Teacup, Deer of one breed of dog. These all sound related to food, but they are descriptions of types of The Mighty Chihuahua!
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Best Chihuahua Names
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Chihuahua , hund, 7 år
Chihuahua , hund, 7 år
Cille er en dejlig og kærlig lille chihuahua uden stantavle på 7 år og 2,8 kg, som søger nyt hjem. Hun er vant til at være alene hjemme hele dagen når vi er på arbejde. Hun elsker børn, og at være sammen med mennesker, hun går fint i snor, og er vant til at køre bil. Hun har aldrig fejlet noget, men har siden fødslen haft en navlebrok som kan mærkes, men som ikke generer hende, så dyrlægen siger den ikke skal fjernes. Hun har pas, og er my vaccineret i januar, hun er vant til at være med på skiferie, men har det også fint med af blive passer :-) da jeg er nødt til at skille mig af med begge mine chihuahua hunde, vil det være muligt at købe dem samlet for 3500 kr. De er dog også i stand til at være alene hunde, eller tilpasse sig en ny flok. Der medfølger kurv, snor, lidt mad samt en transport kasse.
Chihuahua, hund, 2 år
o5aip32/s-l960.jpg" /> Se alle 8 billeder i fuld størrelse
Chihuahua, hund, 2 år
Hej, vi giver vores skønne chihuahua væk, da hun har ejerfornemmelse af os, og derfor bliver sur på vores anden hund og kommer op at slås med hende, så snart hun kommer i nærheden.
Hun bliver nervøs og gør af fremmede, men det går over igen efter et par sekunder, og så vil hun hellere end gerne kæles med.
Luna leder derfor efter et nyt hjem med en masse kærlighed og uden andre hunde, der kan stjæle rampelyset fra hende. Luna er en lille diva som har en masse personlighed, og hun elsker alt form for opmærksomhed. Hun har ikke særlig meget respekt for andre hunde, men hun har alt den respekt, hun skal have for sine ejere! Vi giver hende væk gratis, da vi bare ønsker at finde en god familie til hende, som vil passe godt på hende.
Luna blev født d. 26/08/2015, så hun er 2,5 år gammel, og har hele livet foran sig.
Hun har fået ormekur, vaccination og chip.
Hvis I har nogle spørgsmål, eller gerne vil møde Luna, er I velkomne til at ringe eller skrive på 30461610
Jag tycker… vad tycker du?
Testfakta om olika onödiga, nördiga och roliga saker
Hund chihuahua/pappilion
När man söker efter en ny familjemedlem, i detta fall en hund, så är valen många och att skaffa hund ska aldrig ske lättvindligt utan ska alltid tänkas igenom noga.
Färg: Finns i många färger och kombinationer
Lynne: Gladlynt, lugn, energisk, snäll
Päls: Finns både korthår och långhår och mitt i mellan
Fäller: Ja men i och med att de är små till storleken så blir mängden där efter
Allergivänlig: Som med alla hundar, en del klarar denna andra inte, vår allergiker klarar denna hund galant men det är ingen garanti för en annan allergiker då allergi är individuellt hur den slår mot olika raser.
Bra med barn: Ja men kan bli morrig och bitig om man itne som ägar lär barnen att respektera hunden, gör man det så får man en liten trasselsudd som älskar barn för de är barnkära i grunden.
Foderåtgång: Inte så mycket det är ju en liten hund = billig i drift ;O)
Skällig: Kan bli men är man noga från de är små så blir detta inget problem
Passar som familjehund: Ja
Läraktighet: Lär sej fort och gillar att lära
Motion: Stor hund i liten förpackning. De gillar att slappa och kräver inte så mycket men gillar ändå att få motion! och orkar betydligt mer än vad deras storlek ger sken av! Tex. gillar de ofta agility och att vara i skogen som vilken stor hund som helst :-)
Kelig: Ja, älskar att bli gosad med, buren och sitta i knätet
Värt pengarna:
Bästa köp jag gjort
Passar för barn: JA med vuxen som ansvarig
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