French Bulldog
Information and Pictures
Biscuit the French Bulldog at 6 years old
Other Names
- Bouledogue Francais
- Frenchie
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The French Bulldog is a sturdy, compact, stocky little dog, with a large square head that has a rounded forehead. The muzzle is broad and deep with a well-defined stop. The nose is black, but may be lighter in lighter colored dogs. The upper lips hang down over the lower lips. The teeth meet in an underbite and the lower jaw is square and deep. The round, prominent eyes are set wide apart and are dark in color. The bat ears stand erect, are broad at the base narrowing in a triangular shape and rounded at the tips. The height at the withers to the ground should be approximately the same as the length from withers to the base of the tail. The tail is either straight or corkscrew. The chest is broad and deep with the front of the dog being wider than the back end, forming a pear shape. The dewclaws may be removed. The medium-fine coat is short and smooth. The skin is loose, forming wrinkles around the head and shoulders. Coat colors include brindle, brindle and white, cream, cream and white, fawn, fawn and white, fawn brindle, white, white and brindle, white and fawn, black, black and fawn, black and white, fawn and black, fawn brindle and white and gray and white. It can have a black mask, brindle markings, be piebald, spotted and/or have white markings.
The French Bulldog is a pleasant, easy-care companion who is playful, alert and affectionate. It is enthusiastic and lively, without being yappy and loud. Curious, sweet and absolutely hilarious, it has a very comical personality and loves to clown around. It is bright and easygoing. The Frenchie gets along fairly well with strangers and other animals and enjoys being with its owner. It plays well with other dogs. Those Frenchies that are allowed to believe they are alpha may become dog aggressive. This breed needs leadership and will not thrive without it. The Frenchie cannot be owned and ignored. When it senses an owner is meek or passive toward it, it will become very stubborn and even snappish. They can be trained if the owner is calm, but firm, consistent and patient. Proper human to canine communication is essential. Do not give them affection or sweet talk them if they are displaying any type of unwanted behaviors; instead correct them sternly with an air of calm authority. French Bulldogs are clean, and most will try to avoid puddles. Most cannot swim so take caution around water. This breed does best with considerate children who know how to display proper leadership. This breed may drool and slobber; however a good percentage of them do not. They are also a relentless hunter of mice. Do not allow this sweet little bully to develop Small Dog Syndrome.
Height, Weight
Height: 12 inches (30 cm)
There are two weight classes of French Bulldog: 19 - 22 pounds (9 - 10 kg) and 22 - 28 pounds (10 - 13 kg). Over 28 pounds is a disqualification.
Health Problems
French Bulldogs are prone to joint diseases, spinal disorders, heart defects and eye problems. Dams often have to deliver pups by cesarean section, because pups have relatively large heads. They often have respiratory problems. They tend to wheeze and snore and have trouble in hot weather. Prone to heatstroke. An overweight Frenchie may have trouble breathing, because of a swollen abdomen. Do not overfeed this breed. Putting them under anesthesia is risky because of their breathing issues. French Bulldogs are high maintenance and potential owners need to be aware that their vet bills may be high. Take this into consideration before choosing a Frenchie puppy.
Living Conditions
Frenchies are good for apartment life. They can be fairly active indoors and will do okay without a yard. They do not do well in temperature extremes.
The French Bulldog needs to be taken on a daily walk, where the dog is made to heel beside or behind the person holding the lead, as instinct tells a dog the leader leads the way, and that leader needs to be the human. Simply running around a large yard is not going to satisfy their migration instinct. Take care in hot weather. They love to run and play and can play for hours if you let them. Some have higher energy levels than others.
Life Expectancy
About 10-12 years.
Litter Size
About 3 to 5 puppies
Very little grooming is needed. Regular brushings will do. This breed is an average shedder.
The French Bulldog originated in 19th Century Nottingham, England, where lace makers decided to make a smaller, miniature, lap version of the English Bulldog that was referred to as a "toy" bulldog. In the 1860s, when the Industrial Revolution drove the craftsmen to France, they took their dogs with them. The toy bulldogs became popular in France and were given the name the "French Bulldog." The breed eventually made its way back to England for dog shows. The Brits were not happy with the name "French" given to a dog that was originally from England, however the name "French Bulldog" stuck.
Mastiff, AKC Non-Sporting
- ACA = American Canine Association Inc.
- ACR = American Canine Registry
- AKC = American Kennel Club
- ANKC = Australian National Kennel Club
- APRI = American Pet Registry, Inc.
- CKC = Canadian Kennel Club
- CKC = Continental Kennel Club
- DRA = Dog Registry of America, Inc.
- FCI = FГ©dГ©ration Cynologique Internationale
- KCGB = Kennel Club of Great Britain
- NAPR = North American Purebred Registry, Inc.
- NKC = National Kennel Club
- NZKC = New Zealand Kennel Club
A brown-brindle French Bulldog puppy
Angelicas dog Shorty the French Bulldog at 2 years old
Biscuit the French Bulldog at 6 years old
Harley the French Bulldog at 8 months old
Teddy the Frenchie
"These are my 2 Frenchies. Capone is the large black male, Kona is the little brindle. Capone is 10 months old in this picture and Kona is a 4-month-old puppy. Capone is a gentle giant. He is 35 lbs. and full of energy. Kona is much smaller right now, but is the roughest little puppy I've ever had. She chases Capone around all day nipping at his heals."
Cybele Venus Boji the black and white French Bulldog
Cybele Venus Boji the black and white French Bulldog
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Bulldog hund
Pit Bulls Debunked - An essay describing the myths, falsehoods, and misperceptions of this wonderful breed.
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Cane Corso
Topping out at nearly 28 inches at the shoulder and often weighing more than 100 pounds, with a large head, alert expression, and muscular frame, Cane Corsi are at a glance intimidating creatures. Bred as guard dogs for centuries, their imposing appearance is their first line of defense against intruders. As one writer put it, “An understated air of cool competence, the kind of demeanor you’d expect from a professional bodyguard, is the breed’s trademark” and completes the picture of a dog not to be trifled with.
- Dog Breeds
- Cane Corso
- Personality: Smart, trainable, and noble of bearing; assertive and confident, Corsi are peerless protectors.
- Energy Level: Corsi are smart, trainable, eager to please, versatile, and docile and intensely loyal with their humans.
- Good with Children: Better with Supervision
- Good with other Dogs: With Supervision
- Shedding: Seasonal
- Grooming: Occasional
- Trainability: Responds Well
- Height: 25-27.5 inches (male), 23.5-26 inches (female)
- Weight: Proportionate to height
- Life Expectancy: 9-12 years
- Barking Level: Barks When Necessary
meet theCane Corso
Did you know?
The Cane Corso's country of origin is Italy.
How similar
Breed History
The Cane Corso was officially recognized by the AKC.
Learn more about the Cane Corso breed standard.
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AKC Dog Ranking
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General Appearance
Ancient Italian breed medium-large size Molossus Dog. Sturdy, with a strong skeleton. Muscular and athletic, it moves with considerable ease and elegance. It has always been a property watchdog and hunter of difficult game such as the wild boar.
Molossus, large, its total length reaches approximately one third of the height at the withers. Planes of the skull and muzzle are slightly convergent; they are not parallel. The circumference of the head measured at the cheekbones is more than twice the total length of the head; skin is firm and smooth.Skull - Viewed from the front, skull is wide and slightly curved; width is equal to the length. From the side, a prominent arch begins above the eyes and then flattens backward toward the occiput. Viewed from the top, it has a square appearance due to the zygomatic arches and powerful muscles swathing it. Stop - Well-defined due to developed and bulging frontal sinuses and prominent arch above the eyes.
Neck, Topline, Body
Neck-Slightly arched, flowing smoothly into the shoulders with a small amount of dewlap. The length of the neck is approximately one third the height at the withers. Body - Depth of the ribcage is equal to half the total height of the dog, descending slightly below the elbow. Ribs are long and well sprung. Moderate tuck up. Chest - Broad, well-muscled, strong forefront. Back - Wide, strong, muscular. Highest part of shoulder blade slightly rising above the strong, level back. Loin - Well-muscled, and harmoniously joined to the back. Croup - Long, wide, slightly sloping. Rump should be quite round due to muscling.
Strong and muscular, well-proportioned to the size of the dog. Straight when viewed from the front or side; height of the limb at the elbow is equal to 50 percent of the height at the withers. Shoulders- Muscular, laid back. Upper arms - Strongly muscled, with good bone, powerful. Elbows - Held parallel to the ribcage, turning neither in nor out. Forelegs - Straight and with good bone, well muscled. Pasterns - Almost straight, strong but flexible. Feet - Round with well-arched toes (catlike). Lean, hard, dark pads and nails, except in the case of white toes. Front dewclaws - Can remain or be removed, if left intact should only be a single dewclaw on each leg.
As a whole, they are powerful and strong, in harmony with the forequarters. Straight when viewed from the rear or front. Thighs - Long, wide, angulated and well-muscled. Stifle - Should be moderately angulated, strong. Legs - Strong bone and muscle structure. Hocks - Wide set, thick and clean, let down and parallel when viewed from behind. Rear pastern - straight and parallel. Rear dewclaws - Any rear dewclaws are removed. Hind feet - Slightly more oval-shaped and less-arched toes.
The coat is short, stiff, shiny, adherent and dense with a light undercoat that becomes thicker in cold weather.
Cane CorsoCare
Good nutrition for Cane Corsi is very important from puppyhood to his senior years.
Since Cane Corsi have short coats, they are light shedders.
Corsi are smart, trainable, eager to please, versatile, and docile and intensely loyal with their humans.
The Cane Corso is generally a healthy breed.
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Royal Doulton Bulldog Union Jack
On M's desk in SkyFall we can spot a small statue of a dog with a british flag. This statue is a Bulldog with Union Jack created by Royal Doulton, an English company producing tableware and collectables since 1815.
After M's Jack statue was destroyed in SkyFall and handed to Bond at the end of the movie, the statue makes another appearance in SPECTRE, where we will see the Jack statue in Bond's apartment.
The statue survives the attack on M's office and appears on her desk in the new underground offices. At the end of the film, when Bond receives the bulldog statue in a box, M's real name is subtly revealed. On a tag on the black box is written: "From the Estate of Olivia Mansfield Bequeathed to James Bond".
A reproduction of the original model seen in SkyFall was made available in October 2012. This new limited 007 SkyFall edition of the Royal Doulton Bulldog with British flag was available at the official Royal Doulton website for £50 (UK, sold out), €57 (Europe, sold out) or $70 in the USA (sold out). This edition is called 'Jack' and has a 007 backstamp and specially printed box sleeve.
You can still find it on, or take a look on eBay where usually some Bulldogs are available, but the price might be high.
A new SPECTRE edition of the Jack Bulldog has been released, which features SPECTRE packaging and an updated design, with 'restored after explosion' look. Read more here. The SPECTRE Jack is available at Royal Doulton in the USA for $70, Canada for CA$84, UK for £50 or in the EU for €73. Now only available on and or eBay.
The Jack and Royal Doulton Bulldogs Alfie and Patch figurines herald a new series based on the iconic Bulldog, which was originally modelled by Royal Doulton’s great art director Charles Noke and launched in 1941.
In 2014, a new member was added to the family: Bulldog Sam ($70), with an American Flag draped on his back.
After World War I patriotic bulldogs draped with Union Jacks were introduced into the Royal Doulton collection, because the bulldog was a symbol for the dogged determination of British people. The statues were reintroduced during World War II. These original statues can fetch high prices (see eBay for example) but be aware of many replicas that are also circulating.
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Bond Lifestyle is an unofficial information resource and is not linked to the official James Bond production companies.
© SPECTRE © 2015 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., Danjaq, LLC and Columbia Pictures, Inc.
© SkyFall © 2012 Danjaq, LLC, United Artists Corporation, Columbia Pictures, Inc. 007, James Bond and all other James Bond related trademarks © 1962-2015 Danjaq, LLC, licensed by EON Productions Limited.
Engelsk bulldog
En engelsk bulldog er venlig, hengiven og charmerende hund, som med rødder i kamphundesporten også kan blive meget vred, hvis den provokeres. Den kan skiftevis være overstrømmende glad, kærlig og egenrådig, grænsende til det stædige. Velegnet som selskabshund hos mennesker med hang til det excentriske og overbærenhed for snorken.
En daglig spadseretur i roligt tempo, gerne i spændende omgivelser, opfylder den voksne hunds motionsbehov. Den kræver til gengæld et godt socialt liv som familiens ubestridte midtpunkt.
Bulldogger er individualister, og der er store variationer inden for racen. Hunden bør dog generelt ikke udsættes for belastende aktivitet, da den kan rammes af åndedrætsbesvær især på varme sommerdage. Bevæger sig sjældent langt væk fra sin ejer.
Den korte, fine og glat tilliggende pels holdes nemt fri for løse hår med jævnlig børstning. De dybe hudfolder, især på hovedet, og de voldsomme læbefolder skal altid holdes rene og tørre for at undgå hudirritationer. Også øjnene med de løse rande kræver nogen pleje.
Det kræver en hel del tålmodighed at opdrage en engelsk bulldog, men man når langt med belønning, afveksling og træning i korte sekvenser. Den godmodige hund kan optræde aggressivt over for artsfæller, der udfordrer den.
35-40 cm. - dog ikke angivet i racestandarden.
Hanner 25 kg. Tæver 22,7 kg.
Ensfarvet rød i forskellige nuancer, fawn eller brindlet med eller uden sort maske eller hvide aftegninger.
Kampe mellem hunde og andre dyr har været en kendt folkeforlystelse helt tilbage i det gamle Rom og videre middelalderen igennem. Betegnelsen bulldog - tyrehund - blev brugt allerede i 1600-tallet for en krydsning mellem mastiff-lignende vagthunde og hidsige jagtterriere. De skulle kunne bide sig fast i tyren uden at tabe vejret og være lavbenede nok til at undgå de sparkende klove. Dyrekampe blev forbudt i England i 1835, og de lynhurtige muskelbundter udviklede sig efterhånden til landets nationalrace.
Engelsk bulldog HVALPE TIL SALG
Herunder finder du en oversigt over aktuelle kuld af racen Engelsk bulldog, der pt. er til salg.
Husk også at læse guiden til, hvad du skal være opmærksom på, inden du køber hund.
Recent Comments
Den Franske Bulldog er très bien, spesielt når du leter etter en ny hund for å bringe hjem! Denne korte, tettvokst og bedårende lille karen ser alltid ut som det er i godt humør. Denne glade utseende kommer fra form, størrelse og benbygning av hodet, sine små flaggermus ører – og hvordan kan du motstå et ansikt sånn? Dessuten, disse elskelige klovner gjøre stor familie kjæledyr og elsker å spille like mye som de elsker å kose.
Bringe hjem en hund – en hund – er en stor beslutning, og du ønsker å gjøre det rette. Hvis du har lekt med tanken på en fransk bulldog (også kjent som en Frenchie), les videre for å finne ut med denne rasen passer perfekt for deg.
Til tross for navnet, ble den Franske Bulldog ansatt lacemakers i det 19. århundre Nottingham, England. Disse eierne selektivt avlet tidlig bulldog for en forminsket eller “leketøy” bulldog som en lap kjæledyr. Ved utbruddet av den industrielle revolusjon, gjort noen av disse lacemakers vei til Frankrike og tok hundene med dem. Snart disse leketøy bulldoger ble populært i Frankrike, og på slutten av 1800-tallet, ble denne rasen er kjent som Franske Bulldogs. Dens popularitet spre seg til Nord-Amerika når velstående amerikanere på Grand Tour ble forelsket i dem.
Den Franske Bulldog ble avlet fra den lille Franske Terrier og engelsk bulldog. Resultatet er en mindre, leken versjon som gjør en stor flik hunden.
AKC anerkjent fransk bulldog i 1898.
Fransk Bulldogs er kjent for sine følsomme mager, så du må være forsiktig med hva du mate kjæledyret. Mais og hvete kan lage din Frenchie kløende, så gå med premium hunden mat. Fransk Bulldogs elsker frukt, men bare mate pooch denne godbit i begrensede mengder.
Relativt lett å trene hunder, må du være konsekvent og slag når du arbeider med fransk bulldog. Denne rasen liker å behage sine eiere, men det er kjent for å ha en sta strek. Dette betyr at hvis din fransk Bulldog mener det gledelig deg, er det mer sannsynlig å handle lydig. Du vil finne at negativ forsterkning er ikke måten å trene en fransk bulldog.
Når det gjelder innbrudd, den enkleste måten å lære en fransk bulldog er ved hjelp av en kasse. I denne metoden, er hunden holdes i buret og la ut for å gjøre sin virksomhet. Fransk Bulldogs vil alltid være i nærheten av sine eiere, så det vil ta seg opp innbrudd regler raskt for å komme seg ut av kassen. Fordi ulykker kan skje, prøv å omdirigere og en slags irettesettelse.
Fransk Bulldogs trenger riktig sosialisering for å være lykkelig. Begynne å introdusere din Frenchie til mennesker, hunder og andre dyr fra en tidlig alder, ellers vil hunden foretrekker selskap av én person.
Både mannlige og kvinnelige Franske Bulldogs veie i 22 to £ 28 rekkevidde.
En fantastisk venn og en god familiemedlem, fransk bulldog er leken og har en søt og morsom personlighet. Selv om det blir sammen med alle, fransk bulldog danner vanligvis et spesielt bånd med bare én person. Ved innføring av den Franske Bulldog til andre hunder og små barn, bør du være forsiktig, så det kan av og til være aggressiv eller spille grovt. Kastrering hannhunder kan redusere sjansen for aggresjon.
Når du er konsekvent og mild, vil French Bulldog lære godt. Denne rasen liker ikke å bli behandlet strengt eller skreket til.
På grunn av sin rolige og happy-go-lucky personlighet, er den Franske Bulldog godt egnet for mange forskjellige levende miljøer, inkludert å bo i leilighet. The Frenchie gjør en god vakthund og vil informere deg om eventuelle besøkende.
Siden den Franske Bulldog er en mindre hund, er det viktig å holde vekten regulert. Luftveisproblemer er vanlig, og det forverres hvis det er overvektig, så buken sveller og presser mot lungene.
I tillegg til pusteproblemer, kan Franske Bulldogs lider av snorking, tungpustethet og øyeproblemer. Og siden valper pleier å ha store hoder, kan det føre til keisersnitt fødsler. Også se opp for tørr hud som kan resultere i skallet flekker på din Frenchie pels.
Fransk Bulldogs har en forventet levealder på 10 til 12 år.
Fordi Franske Bulldogs kan sette på ekstra vekt, er det viktig at hunden får nok daglig mosjon. Vær oppmerksom på at Franske Bulldogs er utsatt for varmerelaterte problemer og bør spille innendørs når det er varmt ute. Spille ball eller kjører rundt i en luftkondisjonerte miljøet er morsom og trygg – så lenge det er lek, ikke Frenchie bryr seg ikke hvor det er.
Når været er riktig, må du huske å ta French Bulldog ut en tur. Hold deg unna vann, da Franske Bulldogs er dårlige svømmere, takket være sin korte og stout kroppen.
The American Kennel Club sier dette om rasen: “Ofte beskrevet som« en klovn i dekke av en filosof, “den Franske Bulldog Opprinnelseated som, og fortsetter å bli brukt som en selskapshund. Verdsatt for sin kjærlige natur og selv disposisjoner, de er generelt aktiv og våken, men ikke urimelig støyende. ”
Sporting løs og rynkete hud på sine skuldre og hode, er den Franske Bulldog pels myk og kort. Det er noen Shedding, som er mer uttalt under endringen av årstider. Men siden dette er fint hår, kan Shedding ikke være veldig merk
Regelmessig bading er ikke anbefalt for fransk bulldog, på grunn av sin tørr hud, men det er viktig å pusse French Bulldog ofte. Bruk en våt klut til å rengjøre hundens hud, ører og ansikt (Franske Bulldogs tendens til å sikle) og få i vanen med å pusse tennene.
Det er viktig å sosialisere din fransk bulldog valp så snart som mulig. I tillegg bør det utvises ekstra forsiktighet rundt små barn, som valpen er liten.
Bulldog hund
Marine Corps Mascot : (excerpt from Warrior Culture of the U.S. Marines, copyright 2001 Marion F. Sturkey)
Thanks to the German Army, the U.S. Marine Corps has an unofficial mascot. During World War I many German reports had called the attacking Marines "teufel-hunden," meaning Devil-Dogs. Teufel-hunden were the vicious, wild, and ferocious mountain dogs of Bavarian folklore.
Soon afterward a U.S. Marine recruiting poster depicted a snarling English Bulldog wearing a Marine Corps helmet. Because of the tenacity and demeanor of the breed, the image took root with both the Marines and the public. The Marines soon unofficially adopted the English Bulldog as their mascot.
At the Marine base at Quantico, Virginia, the Marines obtained a registered English Bulldog, King Bulwark. In a formal ceremony on 14 October 1922, BGen. Smedley D. Butler signed documents enlisting the bulldog, renamed Jiggs, for the "term of life." Pvt. Jiggs then began his official duties in the U.S. Marine Corps.
A hard-charging Marine, Pvt. Jiggs did not remain a private for long. Within three months he was wearing corporal chevrons on his custom-made uniform. On New Years Day 1924, Jiggs was promoted to Sergeant. And in a meteoric rise, he got promoted again -- this time to Sergeant Major -- seven months later.
SgtMaj. Jiggs' death on 9 January 1927 was mourned throughout the Corps. His satin-lined coffin lay in state in a hangar at Quantico, surrounded by flowers from hundreds of Corps admirers. He was interred with full military honors.
But, a replacement was on the way. Former heavyweight boxing champion, James J. "Gene" Tunney, who had fought with the Marines in France, donated his English Bulldog. Renamed as Jiggs II, he stepped into the role of his predecessor.
Big problem! No discipline! Jiggs chased people, he bit people. He showed a total lack of respect for authority. The new Jiggs would have likely made an outstanding combat Marine, but barracks life did not suit him. After one of his many rampages, he died of heat exhaustion on 1928. Nonetheless, other bulldogs followed. During the 1930s, 1940s, and early 1950s they were all named Smedley, a tribute to Gen. Butler.
In the late 1950s the Marine Barracks in Washington, the oldest post in the Corps, became the new home for the Corps' mascot. Renamed Chesty to honor the legendary LtGen. Lewis B. "Chesty" Puller Jr., the mascot made his first formal public appearance at the Evening Parade on 5 July 1957. In his canine Dress Blues, Chesty became an immediate media darling, a smash hit!
After the demise of the original Chesty, the replacement was named Chesty II. He became an instant renegade. You name it, he did it. He even escaped and went AWOL once. Two days later he was returned in a police paddy wagon. About the only thing he ever managed to do correctly was to sire a replacement.
In contrast to his father, Chesty III proved to be a model Marine. He even became a favorite of neighborhood children, for which he was awarded a Good Conduct Medal. Other bulldogs would follow Chesty III (bulldogs don't live long). When Chesty VI died after an Evening Parade, a Marine detachment in Tennessee called Washington. Their local bulldog mascot, LCpl. Bodacious Little, was standing by for PCS orders to Washington, they reported.
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(b & e) by Genotype (PDF File)
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Canine Coat Color
VetGen DNA CHROMAGENE Coat Color Testing
For many years geneticists and breeders have been aware of several locations on the chromosomes, or loci, which are responsible for the color patterns we see in dogs and other mammals. As with all genetic traits, every animal inherits one copy of each locus from each of its parents. Each of these loci is responsible for one or more traits either independently, or in conjunction with another locus. All of them act on the pathways that produce the two major pigments, phaeomelanin and eumelanin, or affect the distribution of those pigments.
The combined effect of all these loci (Agouti, Brown, Extension, etc.) is the color of the dog. Due to the complex interactions of these genes, it is possible for dogs to carry hidden colors which may appear in their offspring. Over the past several years, scientists at VetGen and elsewhere have determined the actual genes associated with many of these loci, and identified the mutations responsible for the different versions (alleles) of these genes. The fruit of this work are the tests available for many of the common coat colors and traits.
The diagram below illustrates the relationships among the major loci (A, B, E and K) involved in determining coat color. The sections that follow describe the role these loci and others play in the coat color tests that VetGen offers. These tests demonstrate that while a dog may exhibit certain color or colors, it may also be carrying other hidden colors in its genetic code that can show up in later generations.
How do the A, B, E, and K loci affect each other in determining coat color?
The accompanying graphic helps to illustrate the interactions of the genes at these four loci in a hierarchy in terms of their role in coat color. If a circle is filled with color, it means the color of the dog has been determined at that point. If a circle is still white, it means information about an additional gene is required.
The first locus to look at is the E locus. The gene at this locus is responsible for black masks when present as well as most shades of yellow and red. Any dog that is "ee" will be some shade of yellow to red, and everything happening at the A, B, and K loci will be hidden until the next generation. If the dog has any E or E m alleles, then it will not be yellow and we must look next at the K locus.
There are three versions, or alleles, of the K locus: K B , k br , and k y . If a dog has even a single copy of K B (K B K B , K B k y , K B k br ) it will be solid colored in the pigmented areas, and we go directly to the B locus to determine color. Everything happening at the A locus in these dogs is hidden until the next generation. If a dog is k y k y , it will not be brindled, and we go next to the A locus to see which alleles are expressed. If a dog is k br k br , or k br k y , it will nearly always be brindled and we look next at the A locus to see the background color and pattern of that brindling.
The A locus has at least four alleles. There are direct tests available for A y (fawn or sable),"a" (recessive black), and "a t " (tan points). There is no direct test for the Wild type (think wolf pattern) allele which is designated a w .Any dog which has at least one copy of A y (and no K B ) will be fawn or sable, either with or without brindling.Any dog that is "aa" (and no K B ) will be black. Any dog that is a t a t or a t a (and no K B ) will have tan points, either with or without brindling.
The next stop is the B locus. Any dog which is "bb" will be have brown fur in those areas that would otherwise be black. This holds true for both solid colored and agouti-patterned animals.
The D locus (not shown in the diagram) can alter the intensity of pigment. Animals which are "dd" exhibit grey or blue fur in place of black, and light tan or "Isabella" in place of brown. This tan is similar to some A Y shades but lacking any banding or black tips on individual hairs.
The E locus is responsible for the black mask seen in many breeds, and more significantly, for the presence of the yellow to red coats of many dogs. The gene involved is known as MC1-R, which has at least three versions affecting the appearance of the dog, E, E m , and e. Dogs with two copies of e will be yellow, orange or red in their pigmented coat regardless of their genotype at all the other loci
Research at VetGen and independently at the University of Saskatchewan has identified two new alleles in the E locus, E g and E h . These mutations are responsible for a reverse mask or widow's peak appearance in the "domino" Afghan Hound and "grizzle" Saluki (E g ), as well as the "sable" English Cocker Spaniel (E h ). Research continues to determine if they are responsible for similar appearance in additional breeds.
Test for "e"
Analysis proves absence or presence of the mutation typically responsible for yellow, lemon, red, cream, apricot and some white in at least the following breeds and all dogs with these breeds in their lineage:
Afghan, Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepherd, Border Collie, Beagle, Brittany Spaniel, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Chinese Shar-pei, Chow Chow, Cocker Spaniel, Dachshund, Dalmatian, Doberman Pinscher, English Cocker Spaniel, English Setter, English Springer Spaniel, Field Spaniel, Flat-Coated Retriever, Foxhound, French Bulldog, German Longhaired Pointer, German Shepherd, German Shorthaired Pointer, German Wirehaired Pointer, Irish Setter, Labrador Retriever, Lowchen, Pointer, Pomeranian, Poodle, Pudelpointer.
Test for E m
Analysis reveals whether a dog with a mask has one or two copies of this version of the extension locus. Animals with a single copy can produce offspring with or without a mask, while those with two copies will only produce masked offspring. The test may also be applied to black dogs where it may not be possible to tell if there is a mask. It may be present in the following breeds and all dogs with them in their lineage:
Afghan, Belgian Shepherd, Boxer, Bull Mastiff, Cairn Terrier, Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Chihuahua, Chinese Shar-pei, English Bulldog,German Shepherd, Great Dane, Greyhound, Lakenois, Pekinese, Pug, Saint Bernard, Saluki, Staffordshire Bull Terrier,Whippet.
Test for E g and/or E h
Analysis reveals the absence or presence of the mutations responsible for "grizzle" in Salukis and "domino" in Afghans (E g ) or "sable" and "dirty red" in English Cocker Spaniels (E h ).
The B locus is responsible for the presence of brown, chocolate, or liver animals. It is also responsible for nose color. The gene associated with this locus is known as TYRP1. In breeds where the A locus does not come into play, any animal that has at least one B allele (and is not "ee"), will be black in pigmented coat. Those dogs, which have two copies of any of several b alleles will be brown. There are at least three such b alleles. Regardless of other loci, any animal with at least one B allele will have a black nose and pads, while those with any two b alleles will have a liver nose and pads.
Test for b
This test analyzes whether an animal has 0, 1 or 2 copies of the mutations typically responsible for brown, which is also known in some breeds as liver, chocolate, sedge, and less frequently, red. There are three primary "b" mutations that are responsible for nearly every liver or chocolate dog. A notable exception is the French Bulldog where in addition to these three mutations, there is a fourth cause of chocolate that has yet to be identified.
It can be present at least, but not exclusively, in the following breeds:
Australian Cattle Dog, Australian Shepherd,Bedlington Terrier, Border Collie, Brittany Spaniel,Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Chihuahua, Chinese,Shar-pei, Cocker Spaniel, Curly Coated Retriever,Dachshund, Dalmatian, Doberman Pinscher,English Cocker Spaniel, English Setter,English Springer Spaniel,Field Spaniel, Flat-Coated Retriever, Fox Terrier, French Bulldog,German Longhaired Pointer, German Shorthaired Pointer, German Wirehaired Pointer,Labrador Retriever, Lowchen,Miniature Pinscher,Newfoundland Pointer, Pomeranian, Poodle, Portuguese Water Dog, Pudelpointer,Scottish Terrier, Skye Terrier,Weimaraner, Wirehaired Pointing Griffon.
Any dogs that contain these breeds in their lineage.
The K locus plays a pivotal role in coat color. This locus is a relative newcomer in our understanding of canine color, and includes traits formerly attributed by some to other genes.
The dominant allele in the series is K B , which is responsible for self-coloring, or solid colored fur in pigmented areas. This trait was formerly attributed to the Agouti (A) locus as A S , but recent breeding studies had shown this not to be the case.
There are two other alleles, k br , and k y . K B is dominant to both k br and k y , while k br is dominant only to k y . k br is responsible for the brindle trait and for a long time had been considered to belong in the E locus. Recent breeding studies had also shown this to be incorrect. The recessive allele, k y , allows the basic patterns of the A locus to be expressed. So too does the k br allele, but with brindling of any tan, fawn, or tawny areas.
Any animal with at least one K B allele will be self-colored.
Any animal with at least one k br allele, and no K B allele will be brindled on agouti background (see A locus).
Any animal with two k y alleles will show agouti patterns (see A locus).
The mutations responsible for these alleles were identified and described primarily by Sophie Candille in the laboratory of Dr. Greg Barsh at Stanford University.
Test for K B and k y
Vetgen can presently test for these two alleles. In some breeds, where no brindle is present, this represents a complete analysis of the locus. An example would be the Pug. In breeds where the breed standard disqualifies all but self-colored dogs, testing for these two alleles is once again all that is needed. Any animal with two K B alleles cannot produce anything except self-colored offspring. A prime example here is the Labrador retriever. In breeds where many variations are allowed, these tests can help predict the probability of potential litters to include fawn, sable, tawny, tan point, tricolor or recessive black puppies.
The A locus is responsible for a number of common coat patterns in the dog. Expression of all of them requires any combination of two k y or K br alleles at the K locus, and at least one E or E m allele at the E locus. The gene involved is the Agouti gene, and variations in it are responsible for fawn and sable dogs (A y ), wild type (a w ), tan points (a t ), and recessive black(a).
Test for A y
Analysis proves absence or presence of the mutation typically responsible for fawn or sable. In fawn/ sable dogs this test shows if other agouti alleles are present but hidden (only one copy of A y ). It also demonstrates how many copies of this allele are hidden in dogs, which cannot express agouti types (K B K B , K B k br , K B k y , at the k locus and/or "ee" at the E locus).
Test for “a”
Analysis shows whether a black dog is black due to “recessive black,” or the more common black at the K locus. It also reveals whether a non-black animal carries “recessive black.” Examples of breeds:
German Shepherd Dog, Shetland Sheepdog, Belgians (Tervuren, Malinois,Lakenois, Groenendael).
Test for “a t ”
Vetgen is now offering a test for a mutation that is found in all tan point, phantom, tricolor, and "black/tan, chocolate/tan and liver/tan" dogs. This mutation, a t , was identified and reported by researchers at the University of Saskatchewan.
In order to produce “a t ” pups, the pups need to inherit both an a t and a k y or k br allele from both parents, but no KB . In many breeds where the occasional tan point dog is viewed as unwanted, the k test is still warranted since the majority of dogs have two copies of this a t mutation, but do not express it because of the presence of an overriding K B .
The “a t ” mutation is also found in recessive black dogs, but does not cause recessive black (a). In breeds that do not have recessive black (most breeds), this test alone will indicate the presence of “a t ”. In breeds where recessive black is present, “a t ” can be determined by using this test in conjunction with the recessive black test, or by our previous process of elimination approach of testing for A y and recessive black.
It should also be noted that recessive black is present at a very low frequency in more breeds than we once thought (ie French Bulldogs, Poodles and Tibetan Mastiff).
Testing for this mutation along with A y and recessive black (a) also allows for the identification of a w alleles in those breeds where it is present.In breeds where only the A y and a t alleles are present, the A y test can be used to see if the fawn/sable dog is A y /A y (homozygous) or only has one A y (heterozygous). If it only has one, the other allele must be a t (ie Afghans,Collies,Cardigan Welsh Corgi, Dachshund, Norwich Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier).
In breeds where only A y , a and a t alleles are present, both the A y test and the "a" test need to be performed. Any alleles unaccounted for by these two tests will be a t . For example, if a dog is A y /A y both alleles are accounted for. If a fawn/sable dog only has a single A y , then the other allele must either be an "a" or an a t and this can be determined by running the recessive black ("a") test or the a t test (ie Shetland Sheepdog, Belgian Shepherd (Tervuren, Malinois, Lakenois, Groenendael).
The D locus is the primary locus associated with diluted pigment, which results in coats that would otherwise be black or brown instead showing up as gray, or blue in the case of black, and pale brown or Isabella in the case of brown. The melanophilin gene has recently been shown to be responsible, but not all of the dilute causing mutations have been identified yet.
The M locus is responsible for the merle and double merle color patterns seen in some breeds. The mutation which causes merle in all of its forms has been identified.
Coat Length
While it is not a color trait, the length of a dog's coat is of interest to many. It has recently been demonstrated that in many breeds, the FGF5 gene is responsible for whether a dog has a long coat (rough or fluffy), or a short (smooth) coat. The test Vetgen offers detects the presence or absence of the recessive allele that results in long coats when present in two copies, and as such allows dogs with short coats that carry a hidden "long coat" allele to be detected. In addition to the original coat length mutation, research at VetGen has identified some new mutations present in northern breeds (Akita, Chinook, Siberian Husky) that are responsible for the "woolly" long coat. These new tests are offered exclusively through VetGen.
The gene responsible for curly coat has also been identified. Most breeds are fixed for either curly or not-curly, but in breeds where there is variation, dogs may now be tested to see if they carry zero, one or two copies of the curly or non-curly versions of the KRT71 gene.
Furnishings refer to the longer facial hair around the eyebrows, moustache, and beard commonly seen in many breeds, including the wirehaired breeds. Presence of furnishings is dominant to the unfurnished version of the gene, which depending on breed may also be referred to as satin, or sleek. VetGen offers a test to see if a furnished dog carries the recessive unfurnished trait, which is considered unfavorable in some breeds.
The gene responsible for curly coat has also been identified. Most breeds are fixed for either curly or not-curly, but in breeds where there is variation, dogs may now be tested to see if they carry zero, one or two copies of the curly or non-curly versions of the KRT71 gene.
S Locus-testing for particolor, piebald, and extreme white.
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