четверг, 10 мая 2018 г.


Basset Hound

The Basset dog breed was bred for hunting small game such as rabbits and is still used for this purpose in some parts of the country. When he’s not on the trail of a bunny, he’s a laid-back family friend who loves kids.

See below for complete list of Basset Hound characteristics!

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Breed Characteristics:

Contrary to popular belief, small size doesn't necessarily an apartment dog make — plenty of small dogs are too high-energy and yappy for life in a high-rise. Being quiet, low energy, fairly calm indoors, and polite with the other residents, are all good qualities in an apartment dog.

Some dogs are simply easier than others: they take to training better and are fairly easygoing. They're also resilient enough to bounce back from your mistakes or inconsistencies. Dogs who are highly sensitive, independent thinking, or assertive may be harder for a first-time owner to manage. You'll get your best match if you take your dog-owning experience into account as you choose your new pooch.

Some dogs will let a stern reprimand roll off their backs, while others take even a dirty look to heart. Low-sensitivity dogs, also called "easygoing," "tolerant," "resilient," and even "thick-skinned," can better handle a noisy, chaotic household, a louder or more assertive owner, and an inconsistent or variable routine. Do you have young kids, throw lots of dinner parties, play in a garage band, or lead a hectic life? Go with a low-sensitivity dog.

Some breeds bond very closely with their family and are more prone to worry or even panic when left alone by their owner. An anxious dog can be very destructive, barking, whining, chewing, and otherwise causing mayhem. These breeds do best when a family member is home during the day or if you can take the dog to work.

Breeds with very short coats and little or no undercoat or body fat, such as Greyhounds, are vulnerable to the cold. Dogs with a low cold tolerance need to live inside in cool climates and should have a jacket or sweater for chilly walks.

Dogs with thick, double coats are more vulnerable to overheating. So are breeds with short noses, like Bulldogs or Pugs, since they can't pant as well to cool themselves off. If you want a heat-sensitive breed, the dog will need to stay indoors with you on warm or humid days, and you'll need to be extra cautious about exercising your dog in the heat.

Some breeds are independent and aloof, even if they've been raised by the same person since puppyhood; others bond closely to one person and are indifferent to everyone else; and some shower the whole family with affection. Breed isn't the only factor that goes into affection levels; dogs who were raised inside a home with people around feel more comfortable with humans and bond more easily.

Being gentle with children, sturdy enough to handle the heavy-handed pets and hugs they can dish out, and having a blasé attitude toward running, screaming children are all traits that make a kid-friendly dog. You may be surprised by who's on that list: Fierce-looking Boxers are considered good with children, as are American Staffordshire Terriers (aka pit bulls). Small, delicate, and potentially snappy dogs such as Chihuahuas aren't so family-friendly.

**All dogs are individuals. Our ratings are generalizations, and they're not a guarantee of how any breed or individual dog will behave. Dogs from any breed can be good with children based on their past experiences, training on how to get along with kids, and personality. No matter what the breed or breed type, all dogs have strong jaws, sharp pointy teeth, and may bite in stressful circumstances. Young children and dogs of any breed should always be supervised by an adult and never left alone together, period.

Friendliness toward dogs and friendliness toward humans are two completely different things. Some dogs may attack or try to dominate other dogs even if they're love-bugs with people; others would rather play than fight; and some will turn tail and run. Breed isn't the only factor; dogs who lived with their littermates and mother until at least 6 to 8 weeks of age, and who spent lots of time playing with other dogs during puppyhood, are more likely to have good canine social skills.

Stranger-friendly dogs will greet guests with a wagging tail and a nuzzle; others are shy, indifferent, or even aggressive. However, no matter what the breed, a dog who was exposed to lots of different types, ages, sizes, and shapes of people as a puppy will respond better to strangers as an adult.

If you're going to share your home with a dog, you'll need to deal with some level of dog hair on your clothes and in your house. However, shedding does vary greatly among the breeds: Some dogs shed year-round, some "blow" seasonally -- produce a snowstorm of loose hair -- some do both, and some shed hardly at all. If you're a neatnik you'll need to either pick a low-shedding breed, or relax your standards.

Drool-prone dogs may drape ropes of slobber on your arm and leave big, wet spots on your clothes when they come over to say hello. If you've got a laid-back attitude toward slobber, fine; but if you're a neatnik, you may want to choose a dog who rates low in the drool department.

Some breeds are brush-and-go dogs; others require regular bathing, clipping, and other grooming just to stay clean and healthy. Consider whether you have the time and patience for a dog that needs a lot of grooming, or the money to pay someone else to do it.

Due to poor breeding practices, some breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, such as hip dysplasia. This doesn't mean that every dog of that breed will develop those diseases; it just means that they're at an increased risk. If you're buying a puppy, it's a good idea to find out which genetic illnesses are common to the breed you're interested in, so you can ask the breeder about the physical health of your potential pup's parents and other relatives.

Some breeds have hearty appetites and tend to put on weight easily. As in humans, being overweight can cause health problems in dogs. If you pick a breed that's prone to packing on pounds, you'll need to limit treats, make sure he gets enough exercise, and measure out his daily kibble in regular meals rather than leaving food out all the time.

Dogs come in all sizes, from the world's smallest pooch, the Chihuahua, to the towering Great Dane, how much space a dog takes up is a key factor in deciding if he is compatible with you and your living space. Large dog breeds might seem overpowering and intimidating but some of them are incredibly sweet! Take a look and find the right large dog for you!

Easy to train dogs are more adept at forming an association between a prompt (such as the word "sit"), an action (sitting), and a consequence (getting a treat) very quickly. Other dogs need more time, patience, and repetition during training. Many breeds are intelligent but approach training with a "What's in it for me?" attitude, in which case you'll need to use rewards and games to teach them to want to comply with your requests.

Dogs who were bred for jobs that require decision making, intelligence, and concentration, such as herding livestock, need to exercise their brains, just as dogs who were bred to run all day need to exercise their bodies. If they don't get the mental stimulation they need, they'll make their own work -- usually with projects you won't like, such as digging and chewing. Obedience training and interactive dog toys are good ways to give a dog a brain workout, as are dog sports and careers, such as agility and search and rescue.

Common in most breeds during puppyhood and in retriever breeds at all ages, mouthiness means a tendency to nip, chew, and play-bite (a soft, fairly painless bite that doesn't puncture the skin). Mouthy dogs are more likely to use their mouths to hold or "herd" their human family members, and they need training to learn that it's fine to gnaw on chew toys, but not on people. Mouthy breeds tend to really enjoy a game of fetch, as well as a good chew on a chew toy that's been stuffed with kibble and treats.

Some breeds sound off more often than others. When choosing a breed, think about how the dog vocalizes — with barks or howls — and how often. If you're considering a hound, would you find their trademark howls musical or maddening? If you're considering a watchdog, will a city full of suspicious "strangers" put him on permanent alert? Will the local wildlife literally drive your dog wild? Do you live in housing with noise restrictions? Do you have neighbors nearby?

Some breeds are more free-spirited than others. Nordic dogs such as Siberian Huskies were bred to range long distances, and given the chance, they'll take off after anything that catches their interest. And many hounds simply must follow their noses, or that bunny that just ran across the path, even if it means leaving you behind.

High-energy dogs are always ready and waiting for action. Originally bred to perform a canine job of some sort, such as retrieving game for hunters or herding livestock, they have the stamina to put in a full workday. They need a significant amount of exercise and mental stimulation, and they're more likely to spend time jumping, playing, and investigating any new sights and smells. Low-energy dogs are the canine equivalent of a couch potato, content to doze the day away. When picking a breed, consider your own activity level and lifestyle, and think about whether you'll find a frisky, energetic dog invigorating or annoying.

A vigorous dog may or may not be high-energy, but everything he does, he does with vigor: he strains on the leash (until you train him not to), tries to plow through obstacles, and even eats and drinks with great big gulps. These dynamos need lots of training to learn good manners, and may not be the best fit for a home with young kids or someone who's elderly or frail. A low-vigor dog, on the other hand, has a more subdued approach to life.

Some breeds do fine with a slow evening stroll around the block. Others need daily, vigorous exercise -- especially those that were originally bred for physically demanding jobs, such as herding or hunting. Without enough exercise, these breeds may put on weight and vent their pent-up energy in ways you don't like, such as barking, chewing, and digging. Breeds that need a lot of exercise are good for outdoorsy, active people, or those interested in training their dog to compete in a high-energy dog sport, such as agility.

Some dogs are perpetual puppies -- always begging for a game -- while others are more serious and sedate. Although a playful pup sounds endearing, consider how many games of fetch or tag you want to play each day, and whether you have kids or other dogs who can stand in as playmates for the dog.

Vital Stats:

Height: Up to 1 foot, 2 inches tall at the shoulder

Weight: 50 to 65 pounds

Life Span: 10 to 12 years

He may be best known as the Hush Puppy dog, but the Basset Hound is much more than an advertising icon. With his placid personality and short-statured yet noble appearance, the Basset Hound is a popular family companion, as well as a slow-paced but keen hunting dog.

The name Basset comes from the French word bas, meaning low. And Basset Hounds certainly are low to the ground. Because their bones are heavy and they are muscular, they usually weigh 50 to 65 pounds although they typically are no more than 14 inches tall at the highest point of the shoulder. In reality, they are big dogs on short legs. Their short-legged appearance is the result of a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia. Despite his large size, the Basset believes he's a lap dog and will do his best to fit in yours.

Bassets are scent hounds, meaning that they were bred to hunt by following the scent of their prey. Their phenomenal sense of smell is second only to that of the Bloodhound.

Basset Hounds have smooth, short, hard-textured coats that are relatively easy to take care of. Most of them come in the classic tri-color pattern of black, tan, and white, but they can also be what's known as open red and white (red spots on a white coat), closed red and white (solid red with white feet and tail), or lemon and white. On occasion you may see a gray (also called blue) Basset, but this color is considered undesirable because it's thought to be associated with genetic problems.

The Basset Hound has a rounded skull with a deep muzzle and a lot of loose skin on the face, which is heavily wrinkled over the brow when the dog is tracking. This loose skin also causes Bassets to have a sad look, which many people think adds to their charm.

Because they were originally bred to be hunting dogs, many of the features of the Basset Hounds have a purpose. Their long, low-set ears drag the ground and pick up scents, while the loose skin around their heads form wrinkles that further capture the scent of whatever they are tracking.

Their short legs mean that they move more slowly than longer-legged dogs, which makes it easier for hunters on foot to follow them. Their tails are long and stand upright with a white tip at the end, which makes it easy for hunters to see when the dogs are in tall grass. Basset Hounds also have massive paws and their front feet turn outward slightly to balance the width of the shoulders.

Around the house, Basset Hounds are calm and rather lazy. They are loyal to their people and have a pleasant, friendly disposition. Because they originally were bred as pack dogs, they love to be with their families and also do well with other pets. Bassets hate to be left alone for long periods of time, and may become destructive and howl if left alone for too long. Their distinctive baying bark is loud and travels long distances.

Basset Hounds are hearty eaters, but because they aren't very active in the house, they can gain weight and quickly become obese, which can cause them to have back and leg problems. Regular exercise is a must. Bassets have a great deal of endurance, so they enjoy taking long walks.

When you're walking your Basset, be aware that he loves to track. If he picks up a scent that he wants to follow, he can wander off if not on leash. Bassets are singleminded when trailing a scent and will follow it into the street in front of a car if they're not leashed or confined by a fence.

Lots of Basset people channel their dogs' superb scent-trailing skills in organized tracking events called basseting, which take place primarily in Virginia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Bassets are naturals at earning tracking, hunt test, and field trial titles, but they've also been known to compete successfully in agility, obedience, and rally, given a patient trainer.

Patience is definitely a virtue when it comes to training a Basset. Unless you can persuade him that it's something he wants to do, he can be stubborn and difficult to train. Many Basset Hounds will obey commands when offered food, but won't obey if you don't have a tasty reward to offer them.

Housetraining a Basset is a challenge too, but with patience and persistence, you can train and housetrain your Basset. Just be sure to use gentle, positive training methods. Basset Hounds are emotionally sensitive and will shut down if treated roughly.

Basset Hounds have unique voices. They generally howl (sometimes called a bay) rather than bark. They also have a unique, murmuring whine that they use when they want attention or are begging for food. Thanks to their delightfully imploring expressions, they're often successful at winning treats of Chinese food, pizza, French fries, and other tasty junk food.

Well-bred Bassets are even-tempered, relaxed, and generally happy dogs. They are very gentle with children and other pets. Their biggest faults are their tendency to drool and to howl when lonely or to sound an alarm. If you can tolerate his idiosyncrasies, the Basset can make a wonderful family companion, as happy to lounge around the house as he is to be out hunting.


  • Like all hounds, Bassets can be stubborn and difficult to train and housetrain. Crate training is recommended.
  • If they catch an interesting scent, Basset Hounds may try to follow it, no matter how much danger it poses to them. Keep your Basset on leash when outside and not in a fenced yard. Also, take him to obedience class and be sure he responds well to the Come command. Use gentleness and patience to train him. Hounds of all types typically think for themselves and don't respond well to harsh training techniques.
  • One of the primary reasons that Basset Hounds are given up to rescue or for adoption is that they "drool too much." Because of the loose skin around their mouths, they also tend to make quite a mess when they drink. If you're a fastidious housekeeper who can't stand drool, a Basset Hound is not the best choice for you.
  • Basset Hounds often have flatulence. If this problem seems excessive, talk to your vet. A change in diet may help.
  • Obesity is a real problem for Basset Hounds. They love to eat and will overeat if given the chance. If they put on too much weight, they can begin to have joint and back problems. Portion out food relative to your Basset's condition, not by the recommendation on the bag or can.
  • Because Basset Hounds are prone to bloat (a potentially fatal condition), it's better to feed them two or three smaller meals a day rather than one large meal a day. Don't allow your Basset to exercise too strenuously after eating, and watch him for about an hour after eating to make sure he's okay.
  • Your Basset's long ears need to be checked and cleaned each week to help prevent ear infections. You may find that you need to wash the ear flaps even more often, because they can drag in puddles and pick up dirt as they drag the ground.
  • Basset Hounds can howl loudly, especially if they are left along for long periods of time.
  • Even though your Basset Hound is strong and amazingly agile for having such short legs, it's best to discourage him from jumping, for example, out of a car. Pick him up and support his back to ensure he doesn't get hurt.
  • Basset puppies can suffer from joint problems as they grow. Try not to allow your puppy to overdo things when he plays and discourage him from jumping on and off furniture.
  • With two-thirds of their body weight in the front of their bodies, Basset Hounds are not great swimmers. Don't allow your Basset Hound to fall into a swimming pool because he can quickly get into trouble.
  • To get a healthy dog, never buy a puppy from a backyard breeder, puppy mill, or pet store. Look for a reputable breeder who tests her breeding dogs to make sure they're free of genetic diseases that they might pass onto the puppies, and that they have sound temperaments.

Trust the French to develop such a distinctive breed, with its "jolie" appearance, jolie meaning pretty-ugly, or unconventionally attractive. The name Basset means "low" and in France it refers to a distinct level of hound by height.

Bassets probably descended from the St. Hubert Hound, the ancestor of the present-day Bloodhound, and came about when a mutation in the St. Hubert strain produced a short-legged or dwarfed hound. Perhaps the dwarf hounds were kept as curiosities and later bred on purpose when their ability to track rabbits and hare under brush in thick forests was observed.

The first recorded mention of a Basset Hound was in an illustrated book about hunting, La Venerie, written by Jacques du Fouilloux in 1585. From the illustrations, it appears that the early French Basset Hounds resembled the present-day Basset Artésien Normand, a dog breed today known in France.

Basset Hounds were first popular with the French aristocracy, but after the French Revolution they became the hunting dogs of commoners who needed a dog they could follow on foot, not having access to horses. They made their way to Britain by the mid-19th century. Lord Galway imported a pair to England in 1866 and they produced a litter of five pups, but he didn't show them so they remained relatively unknown.

Then, in 1874, Sir Everett Millais imported a Basset Hound named Model from France. Millais promoted the breed in England and started a breeding program in his own kennel as well as in cooperation with breeding programs established by Lord Onslow and George Krehl. For his efforts in gaining publicity for the Basset Hound in England, Millais is considered to be the "father of the breed" in England.

He first exhibited a Basset at an English dog show in 1875, but it was not until he helped make up a large entry for the Wolverhampton show in 1880 that the public started to take note of the breed. A few years later, the breed became even more popular when Alexandra, Princess of Wales, kept Basset Hounds in the royal kennels. In 1882, the Kennel Club in England accepted the breed, and in 1884, the English Basset Hound Club was formed.

Although the Basset probably came to America in colonial times, the breed did not come into its own in the U.S. until early in the 20th century. The American Kennel Club (AKC) began registering Basset Hounds in 1885, the first one being a dog named Bouncer, but it wasn't until 1916 that the AKC formally recognized the breed.

The year 1928 was a turning point for the Basset Hound in America. In that year, Time magazine featured a Basset Hound on the front cover and ran an accompanying story about the 52nd annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Madison Square Garden written as if it was through the eyes of a Basset Hound puppy. The Basset Hound's charm was discovered, and from that point on, the Basset Hound started growing in popularity.

Bassets entered pop culture in a big way in the 1960s with their appearance in the advertising campaign for Hush Puppy shoes and the debut of the Fred Basset comic strip, which still runs today. The Basset Hound is currently ranked 28th among the 155 breeds and varieties registered by the AKC, a testament to his enduring popularity.

All throughout the U.S., Basset Hound people celebrate their love of the breed in ways that are as unique as their dogs' looks. Basset Hound picnics and waddles are traditions in many regions, sometimes drawing thousands of Bassets and their families.

Some of these events even crown King and Queen Basset Hounds. Most hold such fun competitions as contests to determine which Basset has the best "waddling butt." These events usually have a wide variety of Basset Hound memorabilia, which often are sold to raise money for Basset Hound rescue organizations.

Basset Hounds stand no more than 14 inches at the shoulder and weigh 50 to 65 pounds. They truly are big dogs with short legs. It's not easy to lift an adult Basset Hound, so take that into account before you acquire one for a home with lots of stairs. Will you be able to get the dog in and out easily if he's sick or old and needs to be carried?


The mild-mannered Basset is too laid-back to ever be sharp-tempered. He gets along with everyone, kids and other animals included, and the only thing that gets him really excited is a good scent trail. He's calm indoors but alert enough that he makes an excellent watchdog. Like all hounds, he can be stubborn when it comes to training and responds best to positive methods such as food rewards and food rewards. Bassets are pack dogs and will be unhappy if left alone all day. The company of another dog is helpful.

Like every dog, Basset Hounds need early socialization — exposure to many different people, sights, sounds, and experiences — when they're young. Socialization helps ensure that your Basset puppy grows up to be a well-rounded dog.

Basset Hounds are generally healthy, but like all breeds, they're prone to certain health conditions. Not all Basset Hounds will get any or all of these diseases, but it's important to be aware of them if you're considering this breed.

If you're buying a puppy, find a good breeder who will show you health clearances for both your puppy's parents. Health clearances prove that a dog has been tested for and cleared of a particular condition.

In Basset Hounds, you should expect to see health clearances from the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) for hip dysplasia (with a score of fair or better), elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism, and von Willebrand's disease; from Auburn University for thrombopathia; and from the Canine Eye Registry Foundation (CERF) certifying that eyes are normal. You can confirm health clearances by checking the OFA web site (offa.org).

  • Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV): Also called bloat or gastric torsion. This is a life-threatening condition that can affect deep-chested dogs like Basset Hounds, especially if they are fed one large meal a day, eat rapidly, drink large volumes of water after eating, and exercise vigorously after eating. Some think that raised feeding dishes and the type of food might also be factors in bloat. It is more common among older dogs, but can occur at any age. GDV occurs when the stomach is distended with gas or air and then twists (torsion). The dog is unable to belch or vomit to rid itself of the excess air in its stomach, and the normal return of blood to the heart is impeded. Blood pressure drops and the dog goes into shock. Without immediate medical attention, the dog can die. Suspect bloat if your dog has a distended abdomen, is drooling excessively and retching without throwing up. He also may be restless, depressed, lethargic, and weak with a rapid heart rate. It's important to get your dog to the vet as soon as possible. There is some indication that a tendency toward GDV is inherited, so it's recommended that dogs who develop this condition should be neutered or spayed.
  • Von Willebrand's Disease: This is a hereditary disorder that can cause mild to moderately severe bleeding and a prolonged bleeding time. If you suspect that your Basset has von Willebrand's disease, ask your vet to do a blood test and take necessary precautions before any surgical procedure.
  • Panosteitis (also called Wandering or Transient Lameness): This is an elusive ailment that is sometimes seen in young Basset Hounds. Its primary sign is sudden lameness and puppies usually outgrow it by the age of two years with no long-term problems. The lameness can be slight or severe. Many vets are not aware of this problem in Basset Hounds and may misdiagnose it as elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, or even more serious disorders. If misdiagnosed, the vet may want to do surgery on your dog that isn't needed. If signs occur, ask for a second opinion from an orthopedic specialist before allowing surgery to be performed.
  • Glaucoma: Basset Hounds are prone to glaucoma, a condition in which pressure builds up inside the eye. It can lead to blindness if not detected and treated early. If you notice your Basset Hound squinting, tearing, or rubbing at his eyes, or if the eye or eyes appear to be red or bulging, take him to the vet immediately for a checkup. Glaucoma can cause damage to the retina and optic nerve in a matter of hours, so a trip to the emergency room can definitely be warranted.
  • Allergies:Allergies are a common ailment in dogs. Allergies to certain foods are identified and treated by eliminating certain foods from the dog's diet until the culprit is discovered. Contact allergies are caused by a reaction to something that touches the dog, such as bedding, flea powders, dog shampoos, or other chemicals. They are treated by identifying and removing the cause of the allergy. Inhalant allergies are caused by airborne allergens such as pollen, dust, and mildew. The appropriate medication for inhalant allergies depends on the severity of the allergy. Ear infections are a common side effect of inhalant allergies.
  • Patellar Luxation: Also known as "slipped stifles," this is a common problem in small dogs. It is caused when the patella, which has three parts — the femur (thigh bone), patella (knee cap), and tibia (calf) — is not properly lined up. This causes lameness in the leg or an abnormal gait, sort of like a skip or a hop. It is a condition that is present at birth although the actual misalignment or luxation does not always occur until much later. The rubbing caused by patellar luxation can lead to arthritis, a degenerative joint disease. There are four grades of patellar luxation, ranging from grade I, an occasional luxation causing temporary lameness in the joint, to grade IV, in which the turning of the tibia is severe and the patella cannot be realigned manually. This gives the dog a bowlegged appearance. Severe grades of patellar luxation may require surgical repair.
  • Thrombopathia: This is another blood platelet disorder that is sometimes found in Basset Hounds. Like von Willebrand's, thrombopathia affects the ability of the blood to clot.
  • Eyelid and Eyelash Problems: Bassets are prone to ectropion (a turning out of the eyelids), resulting in a dry cornea, and entropion (a turning in of the eyelids), causing lashes to dig into the surface of the eye. Your vet should be able to determine if your Basset has either of these problems and can correct the problem surgically if needed.
  • Intervertebral Disc Disease: Basset Hounds are especially prone to having back problems. This may be due to genetics, moving the wrong way, or falling or jumping on or off furniture. Signs of a back problem include an inability to raise up on the rear legs, paralysis, and sometimes loss of bowel and bladder control. It's important to always support your Basset Hound's back and rear when holding him. If a problem occurs, treatment may consist of anything from crate confinement with anti-inflammatory medications to surgery to remove the discs that are causing the problem or even confining the dog to a doggie wheelchair. Some owners have found that they can help ward off problems by taking their Basset Hounds to chiropractors that have experience in working with dogs.
  • Ear Infections: Because the Basset's long ears don't allow sufficient circulation of air to the inside of the ear, infections can develop. Ward them off by cleaning your Basset's ears every week and taking him to the vet if his ears smell bad or seem inflamed.
  • Obesity:Obesity is a serious problem for long-backed breeds like Bassets. Although your Basset Hound is likely to be a "chow hound" and look at you pleadingly for more, find out how much you should feed him to maintain a healthy weight and stick to it for his own good.
  • Hip Dysplasia: Hip dysplasia occurs commonly in Basset Hounds. Many factors, including genetics, environment, and diet, are thought to contribute to this deformity of the hip joint. Affected Bassets may be able to lead normal, healthy lives, but some might require surgery to get around easily. This is a heritable condition in which the thighbone doesn't fit snugly into the hip joint. Some dogs show pain and lameness on one or both rear legs, but you may not notice any signs of discomfort in a dog with hip dysplasia. As the dog ages, arthritis can develop. X-ray screening for hip dysplasia is done by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals or the University of Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program (PennHIP). Dogs with hip dysplasia should not be bred. If you're buying a puppy, ask the breeder for proof that the parents have been tested for hip dysplasia and are free of problems. Hip dysplasia is hereditary, but it can also be triggered by environmental factors, such as rapid growth from a high-calorie diet or injuries incurred from jumping or falling on slick floors.
  • Cherry Eye: This is a condition in which the gland beneath the third eyelid protrudes and looks rather like a cherry in the corner of the eye. Your vet may need to remove the gland.

Basset Hounds are usually calm dogs that do well even in small houses and apartments. They should live indoors with their family, ideally with access to a yard. They're not suited to living outdoors in extreme heat or cold.

Bassets are inactive indoors, happy to lie in the sun all day, but they'll enjoy a long and meandering walk with lots of sniffing time. Don't be tempted to let your Basset become a couch potato. Bassets are prone to obesity, and too much weight can stress their joints.

When Bassets are outdoors, they should be in a fenced yard or on leash so they don't wander off after an interesting scent. Until he's a year old, discourage your Basset puppy from jumping on and off furniture and going up and down stairs, which puts extra stress on his front legs and back and can injure his joints. You may need to help a Basset of any age in and out of the car. He's not a very good jumper. Consider getting him a ramp or steps.

Bassets can be independent, with a mind of their own. Train them with kindness and consistency, using positive reinforcements that include food rewards and praise. The Basset who's treated harshly will simply become more stubborn and less willing to do your bidding. Your best bet is to keep training interesting. Bassets will develop selective hearing if there's something more exciting to pay attention to.

Recommended daily amount: 1.5 to 2.5 cups of high-quality dog food a day, divided into two meals.

NOTE: How much your adult dog eats depends on his size, age, build, metabolism, and activity level. Dogs are individuals, just like people, and they don't all need the same amount of food. It almost goes without saying that a highly active dog will need more than a couch potato dog. The quality of dog food you buy also makes a difference — the better the dog food, the further it will go toward nourishing your dog and the less of it you'll need to shake into your dog's bowl.

Bassets like to eat and are prone to obesity. Keep your Basset Hound in good shape by measuring his food and feeding him twice a day rather than leaving food out all the time.

If you're unsure whether he's overweight, give him the eye test and the hands-on test. First, look down at him. You should be able to see a waist. Then place your hands on his back, thumbs along the spine, with the fingers spread downward. You should be able to feel but not see his ribs without having to press hard. If you can't, he needs less food and more exercise.

Coat Color And Grooming

Basset Hounds have smooth, short hair that repels dirt and water. The coat is dense enough to protect them in all sorts of weather. The skin is loose and elastic, giving the Basset his classic droopy hound dog appearance.

The Basset Hound breed standard — a written description of how a breed looks and acts — allows all hound colors, but the most common colors are tri-color (tan, black, and white), black and white, brown and white, or red and white. Lemon and white is acceptable, but rarely seen.

Because the standard says that any recognizable hound color is acceptable, blue Basset Hounds (actually gray) may be seen, but that coloration is undesirable because it's the result of a recessive gene that has been associated with numerous genetic problems, such as periscoping intestines, skin allergies, and food allergies.

Except for cleaning their ears and facial wrinkles and wiping up the drool they leave behind, Basset Hounds are easy to groom. Their short coats repel dirt and water. They rarely need baths (unless they have rolled in something particularly stinky), and a good rubdown with a bristle brush, a coarse cloth, or a hound glove is all that's needed to keep their coats in good condition. Basset Hounds shed all year around, but if you brush them weekly, this shouldn't be a problem.

Basset Hound ears are long and drag the ground, so they can get very dirty. Ear infections are also an issue because air doesn't circulate well in the inner ear. Clean the interior of your Basset Hound's ears at least once a week with a solution recommended by your vet, wipe down the outside of the ears to remove any dirt, clean out the facial wrinkles with a damp cloth and thoroughly dry them, and check his large paws for sores between the toes.

Brush your Basset's teeth at least two or three times a week to remove tartar buildup and the bacteria that lurk inside it. Daily brushing is even better if you want to prevent gum disease and bad breath.

Trim nails once or twice a month. If you can hear them clicking on the floor, they're too long. Short, neatly trimmed nails keep the feet in good condition and protect your shins from getting scratched when your Basset enthusiastically jumps up to greet you.

Begin accustoming your Basset to being brushed and examined when he's a puppy. Handle his paws frequently — dogs are touchy about their feet — and look inside his mouth and ears. Make grooming a positive experience filled with praise and rewards, and you'll lay the groundwork for easy veterinary exams and other handling when he's an adult.

Children And Other Pets

Bassets are fond of children and get along well with them. If anything, you'll need to protect your Basset from being ridden or otherwise tormented by them.

Always teach children how to approach and touch dogs, and always supervise any interactions between dogs and young children to prevent any biting or ear or tail pulling on the part of either party. Teach your child never to approach any dog while he's sleeping or eating or to try to take the dog's food away. No dog should ever be left unsupervised with a child.

Being pack dogs, Bassets enjoy the company of other dogs and can also get along fine with cats, especially if they're introduced at an early age.

Rescue Groups

Basset Hounds are often purchased without any clear understanding

of what goes into owning one. There are many Bassets in need of adoption and or

fostering. There are a number of rescues that we have not listed. If you

don't see a rescue listed for your area, contact the national breed club or

a local breed club and they can point you toward a Basset rescue.

Breed Organizations

Below are breed clubs, organizations, and associations where you can find additional information about the Basset Hound.

Around The Web

Breed Profile Finder

Dogtime is a property of TotallyHer Media, LLC, an Evolve Media, LLC company. © 2018 All rights reserved.

Basset Hound

​The Basset Hound has such a distinct look—a short, low-to-the-ground body with big, hanging ears—it’s no wonder it has inspired several cartoon characters (including one named, you guessed it, Droopy). But its incredible hunting instinct and scenting abilities are what first earned this breed its popularity. As pets, Bassets are extremely patient (especially with young kids who tend to yank at their ears when not supervised) and easy to train, and despite their plodding pace, they do well at various dog sports.

  • Dog Breeds
  • Basset Hound

  • Personality: Patient and low-key; a bit stubborn but always charming
  • Energy Level: Not Very Active; Bassets are not the most active breed but do need regular walks to stay healthy
  • Good with Children: Yes
  • Good with other Dogs: Yes
  • Shedding: Seasonal
  • Grooming: Weekly
  • Trainability: Responds Well
  • Height: up to 15 inches
  • Weight: 40-65 pounds
  • Life Expectancy: 12-13 years
  • Barking Level: Barks When Necessary

meet theBasset Hound

Did you know?

The foremost use of the Basset Hound in the United States is for the hunting of rabbits.

How similar

Breed History

The Basset Hound was officially recognized by the AKC

Learn more about the Basset Hound breed standard.

at aGlance

Energy & Size

AKC Dog Ranking


  • Charming
  • Low-key
  • Patient
Easygoing, laid-back, and even a bit lazy, Bassets are great family pets.


theBreed Standard

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General Appearance

The Basset Hound possesses in marked degree those characteristics which equip it admirably to follow a trail over and through difficult terrain. It is a short-legged dog, heavier in bone, size considered, than any other breed of dog, and while its movement is deliberate, it is in no sense clumsy. In temperament it is mild, never sharp or timid. It is capable of great endurance in the field and is extreme in its devotion.

The head is large and well proportioned. Its length from occiput to muzzle is greater than the width at the brow. In overall appearance the head is of medium width. The skull is well domed, showing a pronounced occipital protuberance. A broad flat skull is a fault. The length from nose to stop is approximately the length from stop to occiput. The sides are flat and free from cheek bumps. Viewed in profile the top lines of the muzzle and skull are straight and lie in parallel planes, with a moderately defined stop. The skin over the whole of the head is loose, falling in distinct wrinkles over the brow when the head is lowered. A dry head and tight skin are faults.

The rib structure is long, smooth, and extends well back. The ribs are well sprung, allowing adequate room for heart and lungs. Flatsidedness and flanged ribs are faults. The topline is straight, level, and free from any tendency to sag or roach, which are faults.


The chest is deep and full with prominent sternum showing clearly in front of the legs. The shoulders and elbows are set close against the sides of the chest. The distance from the deepest point of the chest to the ground, while it must be adequate to allow free movement when working in the field, is not to be more than one-third the total height at the withers of an adult Basset. The shoulders are well laid back and powerful. Steepness in shoulder, fiddle fronts, and elbows that are out, are serious faults. The forelegs are short, powerful, heavy in bone, with wrinkled skin. Knuckling over of the front legs is a disqualification. The paw is massive, very heavy with tough heavy pads, well rounded and with both feet inclined equally a trifle outward, balancing the width of the shoulders. Feet down at the pastern are a serious fault. The toes are neither pinched together nor splayed, with the weight of the forepart of the body borne evenly on each. The dewclaws may be removed.

The tail is not to be docked, and is set in continuation of the spine with but slight curvature, and carried gaily in hound fashion. The hair on the underside of the tail is coarse

The coat is hard, smooth, and short, with sufficient density to be of use in all weather. The skin is loose and elastic. A distinctly long coat is a disqualification.


The hindquarters are very full and well rounded, and are approximately equal to the shoulders in width. They must not appear slack or light in relation to the overall depth of the body. The dog stands firmly on its hind legs showing a well-let-down stifle with no tendency toward a crouching stance. Viewed from behind, the hind legs are parallel, with the hocks turning neither in nor out. Cowhocks or bowed legs are serious faults. The hind feet point straight ahead. Steep, poorly angulated hindquarters are a serious fault. The dewclaws, if any, may be removed.

The ears are extremely long, low set, and when drawn forward, fold well over the end of the nose. They are velvety in texture, hanging in loose folds with the ends curling slightly inward. They are set far back on the head at the base of the skull and, in repose, appear to be set on the neck. A high set or flat ear is a serious fault.

Basset HoundCare

Good nutrition for Basset Hounds is very important from puppyhood to their senior years.

A Basset hound’s short coat, which does shed, requires minimal grooming.

Not Very Active; Bassets are not the most active breed but do need regular walks to stay healthy.

Basset hounds are generally a healthy breed.

Training Basset Hounds

Basset Hound Training and Puppy Training, by Michele Welton. Copyright © 2000-2018

Dog Training – What Works, and What Doesn't

Some dog training methods are based on what makes the owner feel good, rather than what on actually makes sense to the dog. For example, "positive-only" dog training is a big fad right now. Now, treats can be great motivators for training Basset Hounds, but if your dog will only obey for a treat, then he is in charge of his obedience, not you. [read more]

These Dog Training Videos Turned Buddy Into a Good Dog

Sometimes it's easier to train your puppy (or adult dog) when you can see the correct training techniques in action. I recommend these dog training videos, which are based on respect and leadership. [read more]

Teach Your Basset Hound To Respect You

"Respect Training" is the dog training method I use and recommend for training Basset Hounds. A dog who respects you will do what you say and will stop what he's doing when you tell him "No." Teaching your dog to respect you means interacting with him in specific ways that encourage respect. [read more]

You Need Dog Training Help. But From Where? Private Lessons? Public Classes? Dog Training Books? Dog Training Videos?

So your puppy needs training. or your adult dog needs training. and you're looking for some help. Should you hire a professional trainer to come to your house? send your dog away to be trained? sign up for a group obedience class? read a book? watch a few videos? Here's my advice on where to get dog training help when you really need it. [read more]

Teach The Right Words In The Right Ways To Your Basset Hound

My method of training Basset Hounds includes teaching specific words in specific ways so that your dog not only learns the words but also develops the respectful attitude that makes him happy to obey you. Teach your dog words and he will understand what you say. Teach those words in the right ways and he will actually DO what you say. [read more]

Solving Basset Hound Behavior Problems

One of the most common questions dog owners ask me is: "How can I stop my dog from doing (a specific bad behavior)?" My answer is almost always the same, no matter what the misbehavior is. [read more]

Training Basset Hound Puppies

Just got a new puppy? Basset Hound puppy training starts the moment you bring your puppy home. If you use the wrong teaching method, your puppy will begin making decisions about how he wants you to fit into his life, and that's a recipe for conflict and behavior problems. Whatever your puppy does, you must react properly or he will learn the wrong things. Here's my recommended schedule (what to teach, when to teach it) for training your Basset Hound puppy. [read more]

Housebreaking Your Basset Hound

There are two keys to housebreaking. Just two, but you have to get them both right. And I mean 100% right, not 50% right. Otherwise you're going to end up with a dog who is 50% potty trained, and who wants that? So here they are – your two keys to housebreaking. [read more]

Socializing Your Basset Hound

Socializing means training your Basset Hound to get along politely with strangers and other animals. [read more]

To help you train and care for your dog

To learn more about training your dog to be calm and well-behaved, my dog training book is Teach Your Dog 100 English Words. It's a unique Vocabulary and Respect Training Program that will teach your dog to listen to you and do whatever you ask.

My dog buying guide, Dog Quest: Find The Dog Of Your Dreams, will teach you everything you need to know about finding a good-tempered, healthy dog.

My dog health care book, 11 Things You Must Do Right To Keep Your Dog Healthy and Happy, shows you how to help your dog live a longer life while avoiding health problems and unnecessary veterinary expenses.

Copyright © 2000-2018 by Michele Welton. All rights reserved. No part of this website may be copied, displayed on another website, or distributed in any way without permission from the author.

Basset hunde

dhd24 ist eines der führenden Kleinanzeigenportale Deutschlands. Im Folgenden finden Sie eine kleine Auswahl von Anzeigen zum Thema "Basset Hound".

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24 Ergebnisse - Anzeige von 1-24

Ich suche einen "Parkplatz" für einen Bassetrüden. Es handelt sich um unseren Sergant (siehe bei Rüden). Sergant ist nur für jemanden geeignet, der ihn auspowern und gr Spaziergänge mit ihm machen will. Er ist ein starker [. ]

k.A. | 42279 Wuppertal

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wir freuen uns, Ihnen unseren neuen Wurf vorstellen zu dürfen! Unser Name ist Fortuna Kovazo, wir sind große Enthusiasten und Bewunderer der Basset Hounds.Unsere Hunde werden sorgfältig aus der [. ]

700,- | 33000 Virovitica

Unser Basset Hound Alfred ist bestens sozialisiert (komplett stubenrein). Er kennt Hotels, Auto fahren und liegt meist mit im Büro unserer Firma. Wir geben den Kleinen nur in allerbeste Hände ab ! Keine Zwingerhaltung ! Ein [. ]

950,- | 06749 Bitterfeld-Wolfen

Inka ist 9 Monate alt, ist sehr verschmust und liebt es auf Spaziergängen zu toben. Gegen vierbeinige Kollegen, ob Hund oder Katz, hat Inka nichts einzuwenden. Sie ist sehr auf Menschen bezogen und mag es mit ihrem Scharm [. ]

k.A. | 29553 Bienenbüttel

Jimmy ist ein 8 Monate alter und wunderschöner Basset Artésien Normand Rüde. Er ist sehr menschenbezogen und liebt es, auf Spaziergängen zu toben und mit seinen Menschen aktiv zu sein. Nach getaner Arbeit kuschelt er gerne [. ]

k.A. | 29553 Bienenbüttel

Wir verkaufen tricolor männliche Welpen. Mutter Import Polen, Vater Import Frankreich. Der Vater der Welpen arbeitet. Welpen eignen sich zur Zucht, Ausstellungen und als attraktiver Begleiter. Mehr unter www.of-darkness.com

1.000,- | 29477 Meceriz

Wir sind Kurti und Nele, zwei Bassets, und suchen dauerhaft ein neues schönes Zuhause. Ich, der Kurti, bin im Oktober 2014 geboren, meine Freundin Nele ein Jahr später. Da unser Frauchen uns so dolle lieb hat, sich aber [. ]

k.A. | 99947 Bad Langensalza

Liebe BASSET HOUND Fans, DER BASSET NOTHILFE e.V ist ab jetzt für alle Bassets - in - Not Ihr zuverlässiger Anspruchspartner! Wir haben durch unser BASSET HOUND Netzwerk in ganz Europa die Möglichkeit, Ihnen bei diversen [. ]

1,- | 45139 Essen, Ruhr

Die liebe Trudy sucht ein neues Zuhause. Sie ist gut 4 Jahre alt, sehr zutraulich und anhänlich. Trudi geht gut und gerne an der Leine spazieren. Sie ist noch nicht so lange bei uns, sir hat bis vor kurzem nur im Zwinger [. ]

500,- | 27356 Rotenburg (Wümme)

Der liebe Freddy sucht ein neues Zuhause. Er ist gut 4 Jahre alt, sehr zutraulich und anhänlich. Freddy geht gut und gerne an der Leine spazieren. Er ist noch nicht so lange bei uns, er hat bis vor kurzem nur im Zwinger [. ]

500,- | 27356 Rotenburg (Wümme)

Szczenieta ur. 04.10.17 Matka: Xenia z Polany Klapouchego Ojciec: Kalmar w Ciescie z Czanca Szczeni? urodzone w domowej hodowli. Ma kontakt z ludzmi, zwierzetami a takze z dziecmi. Szczeni? gotowe do odbioru z metryka [. ]

600,- | 09442 Rogozino

Die Babys sind da . Hallo liebe Basset Hound- Fans Die Welpen sind am 26.09.2017 geboren. Wundervolle Wesen ( Rüden und Hündinnen in trikolor suchen ab dem 21.11.17 neue Familien. Basset Hounds sind bei uns immer noch [. ]

950,- | 26388 Wilhelmshaven

Zuchtverein gesucht? Wir stellen uns kurz vor:

sie suchen einen Verein für Ihre Hunde/Liebhaberzucht?möchten sich nicht durch Vorschriften zu sehr einengen lassen? ..dann sind die bei uns Richtig! Bei uns wird in der Gemeinschaft individuell gearbeitet, das heißt, jeder [. ]

20,- | 03050 Cottbus

Mit großer Freude geben wir bekannt, dass in unserer Zucht Semper Cordis (FCI) 8 Welpen der Rasse Basset Artésien Normand - 3 Rüden und 5 Hündinnen - das Licht der Welt erblickt haben. Die Welpen wurden am 8. August geboren [. ]

Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem Basset Hound Rüden. Der Kleine sollte zwischen 8 und 16 Wochen alt sein,geimpft,entwurmt,gechipt Wir haben Hundeerfahrung,leben in einer 65qm Erdgeschoßwohnung und sind in 2 Minuten inmitten [. ]

800,- | 04916 Herzberg (Elster)

Wegen sehr lieber neuer Nachbarschaft geben wir schweren Herzens unseren Basset Artesien Rüden Japadapadu de la petite Dordogne ab. Jappa mag andere Hunde, er fährt gerne Auto, Kinder jeden Alters liebt er über alles. Er ist [. ]

700,- | 66564 Ottweiler

Wir haben wunderschöne Basset Hound Welpen. Mit FCI papiren. Für weitere Informationen rufen Sie uns bitte an

950,- | 7620 Lemvig

Unsere bassethoud ximba van de ballasthoeve hat am 28 april welpen bekommen de welpen haben einer impfung,chip europass und einer hollnadische ahnentafel NHSB nog 3 ruden und 1hundin website www.vandeballasthoeve.nl

1.200,- | 49824 laar

Basset Weibchen zum Paaren gesucht !

Monseur Bubble ist ein zweieinhalb fast 3jähriger BassetHound mit Papieren- Pass, Chip, , ganz fit und gesund, sein Familienstamm ist auch sehr gut bezeichnet. Bis jetzt hatten wir eine große und eine Kleine Ausstellungen, [. ]

Diese hund is kinderfreundlich.liebe kinders und andere hunds.er is ûber 6 monate mit eu pasport.für frage send mich an e mail oder sms.

Schöne gesunde Basset Hounde, warten auf liebevolle Besitzer. Ein is 6 Monate alt, ein 12 Monaten,alle sind geimpft und entwurmt. Besonders freundlich, lustig und geduldig. Geeignet für Familien mit Kindern, weil sie echte [. ]

750,- | 21000 Novi Sad

Hundewarnschild Basset Hound #2

Hundewarnschild / Hundeschild / Türschild mit Motiv: Basset Hound AluDibond-Schild für Haustür, Gartentor, Hofeinfahrt, Hauswand, Zwinger etc. Größe: 20x15 cm (A5) Druckmedium: Aluminiumverbundplatte (AluDibond) 3mm dick [. ]

20,- | 44869 Bochum

Der göttliche Gottfried ist nun zu einem stattlichen Rüden herangewachsen, der seiner Rasse schon rein optisch alle Ehre macht. Gottfried ist ein Halb-Amerikaner , von bestem Charakter und kerngesund. Er verfügt über ein [. ]

k.A. | 48351 Everswinkel

Der göttliche Gottfried ist nun zu einem stattlichen Rüden herangewachsen, der seiner Rasse schon rein optisch alle Ehre macht. Gottfried ist ein Halb-Amerikaner , von bestem Charakter und kerngesund. Er verfügt über ein [. ]

k.A. | 48351 Everswinkel

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Basset hunde


Very special show 2018

50 års jubilæum

  • Very special show 2018

    50 års jubilæum

    50 yers anniversary Show

    Basset Club Denmark

    Very speciel Show 29-30 june -1 july 2018

  • 50 yers anniversary Show

    Basset Club Denmark

    Very speciel Show 29-30 june -1 july 2018

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    fredag den. 29 juni-2018.

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    i forbindelse med Very Special Showet

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    ved RГёnhГёj Plantage ved Aars ,

    fredag den. 29 juni-2018.

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    Det er vort håb,at du ved hjælp af disse sider vil kunne finde svar på de fleste af de spørgsmål du måtte have omkring klubben og de 6 bassetracer. Menusystemet i toppen bruger du til at finde rundt i Basset Klubbens aktiviteter

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    Medlemskab - bliv medlem

    Hvorfor ikke tage springet og blive medlem af klubben? Som medlem af Basset Klubben får du en lang række fordele:

    • Du modtager Basset Bladet 4 gange årligt

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    For dette betaler du blot kr. 400.- ГҐrligt (danske medlemmer)

  • Medlemskab - bliv medlem

    Hvorfor ikke tage springet og blive medlem af klubben? Som medlem af Basset Klubben får du en lang række fordele:

    • Du modtager Basset Bladet 4 gange årligt

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    • Du har mulighed for at deltage i klubbens interne konkurrencer

    • Du får indflydelse på Basset Klubbens udvikling

    For dette betaler du blot kr. 400.- ГҐrligt (danske medlemmer)

    Seneste nyt

    Det må med beklagelse meddeles at bestyrelsen har ”sovet i timen”, da vi placerede den årlige generalforsamling i forbindelse med udstillingen d. 24.marts i Årslev hallen

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    i Basset Klubben

    SГёndag den 22. april 2018

    kl. 10.00 i Г…rslev Hallen

    Г…rets resultaterer 2017

    11. februar 2018


    Region Sjælland - Søndagstur ved Karrebæksminde strand
    - Г…rslev - Dommer: Birgit Sluiter, NL

    Birgit Sluiter, NL

    Generalforsamling 2018

    Bemærk Generalforsamling er flyttet til Søndag den 22 april 2018

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    Basset hunde


    • Maintenance: Both the Basset Hound and Black and Tan Coonhound will be easy to maintain. Their grooming needs are not demanding and they fit well for owners who are not willing to spend time and money on upkeep.
    • Shedding: The Black and Tan Coonhound sheds more . Shedding is a normal process to naturally lose old or damaged hair. Some owners might not find it desirable to find dog hair in their cars and homes.
    • Training: Training the Black and Tan Coonhound will be easier , and will be great for first-time owners or owners who like dogs willing to obey and listen well quickly. Owners will need more patience and perseverance to train the Basset Hound and might need to seek out obedience schools.
    • Adaptability: The Basset Hound has better adaptability . It can better respond and alter itself to its environment.
    • Exercise Needs: The Black and Tan Coonhound will require more exercise . Therefore, owners who are home regularly and enjoy exercise will have a wonderful companion by their side during their fitness activities.
    • For New Owners: The Basset Hound is better suited for new owners .
    • With Kids: Both the Basset Hound and Black and Tan Coonhound are good with kids. They can grow up with them and become great family pets.

    Adopt This Breed

    Breed Info

    Basset and Hush Puppy

    American Black and Tan Coonhound

    The Basset Hound is a large purebred known for being affectionate, alert, friendly, gentle, and sweet. The most common colors for Basset Hounds are . To keep it healthy, it will need to get exercise regularly. The Basset Hound commonly participates in hunting and tracking.

    The Black and Tan Coonhound is a large purebred known for being alert, friendly, gentle, independent, loving, and playful. To keep it healthy, it will need to get exercise regularly. The Black and Tan Coonhound commonly participates in hunting and tracking.

    Data sourced from the American Kennel Club.

    • Dense
    • Short
    • Thick
    • Water-Repellent
    • Dense
    • Short
    • Water-Repellent
    • Constant
    • Hound

    Size and Life Expectancy

    As large dogs, both the Basset Hound and the Black and Tan Coonhound have very similar growth patterns. By the end of the first year, both dog breeds will be nearly 1 feet at the withers. Growth requires proper nutrition and these dog breeds will need approximately 2.5 to 3 cups of dry dog food daily.


    • Affectionate
    • Alert
    • Friendly
    • Gentle
    • Sweet
    • Alert
    • Friendly
    • Gentle
    • Independent
    • Loving
    • Playful


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    Top Lists of Dogs

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    How to Raise a Basset Hound

    Because Basset Hounds are highly intelligent they can be very stubborn. [1] However, you can minimize this type of behavior by properly training your Basset starting in the puppy years. For a Basset Hound puppy, potty training and crate training are critical. Additionally, establishing a daily routine and teaching your puppy basic commands will also ensure that your dog grows to be an obedient and faithful companion.

    Steps Edit

    Method One of Four:

    Potty-training a Basset Edit

    Method Two of Four:

    Crate-training a Basset Edit

    Method Three of Four:

    Providing Basic Training Edit

    Method Four of Four:

    Grooming Your Basset Edit

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    Community Q&A

    • Bassetts are not generally aggressive dogs, but if your basset snaps at you or bites you, place your hand on the top of his nose, hold it there for four seconds and say "No!" twice. Do this every he bites. You should also provide him with lots of chew toys, especially the kind with treats you can put in the middle to keep him busy and happy.
    • Make sure you take your dog out much more frequently, as soon as she comes out of the crate. Let her come in after going to the bathroom and play, then put her in her crate and as soon as she comes out, rush her outside. After she does her business, give her treats and praise.
    • For the chewing, try bitter apple spray and spray it onto things. It tastes yucky and stops dogs from chewing. For the nipping, try to redirect his energy by pulling out a toy to distract him whenever he tries to nip. If that doesn't work then try yelping really loudly "OUCH!" (even if it doesn't hurt at all, just make a loud yelp) so you surprise the dog and he will stop biting.
    • Typically dogs howl in the morning when they wake up because they are either hungry, need to use the restroom, or get attention and alert you when they are awake. A way to help this is to just be sure that your dog has everything they need in the morning, but also reprimand the dog when they howl, and reward him when he listens.
    • Yes, your dog would appreciate that.
    • Put one arm under his chest and the other arm under his back end.

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    Expert Review By:

    This version of How to Raise a Basset Hound was reviewed by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS on August 4, 2017.

    Basset Hound

    Basset Hound er en kortbenet middelstor hund, der oprindeligt blev avlet til at spore og jage bl.a. kanin og ræv. Navnet Basset stammer fra det franske sprog, og kan nogenlunde oversættes til “ret lav”. Basset Hound har en af de bedste næser blandt alle hunderacer i verden, og er derfor en skattet jagthund. I dag slår Basseten dog mest sine folder som charmerende familiehund.

    Basset Hounden har oprindelse i det franske

    Hunderacen Basset Hound kan spores helt tilbage til 1561, hvor en illustreret jagttekst fra Frankrig omtaler en hunderace ved navn Basset. Der er 6 anerkendte franske Basset hunderacer. Basset hunden blev avlet specifikt til jagt, og blev bl.a. ofte benyttet af Napoleon III. Det er også antaget, at USA’s første præsident George Washington modtog et par Basset Hounds som gave fra Marquis de LaFayette. Den Basset Hound vi kender I dag baserer sig på et mix af både en jagtlinie og en selskabslinie af hunderacen, som blev fremavlet i 1900-tallet. Da jagt har mistet meget af sin historiske popularitet i dag, udfylder mange Basset Hounds nu mest rollen som familiehund, og har mistet meget af det gamle jagtinstinkt.

    En Basset hund vejer ca. 23 til 29 kg. og har en højde på ca. 30 til 38 cm. En Basset Hound bliver gennemsnitligt mellem 10 til 12 år gammel. Hunderacen er kendetegnet ved de meget lange ører, som hænger helt ned til brystet på hunden. Hunden kan have en del løse hudflapper, der bl.a. kan bevirke, at ansigtet ser bedrøvet ud, hvilket er en del af hunderacens charme. Halen er mellemlang og kan have en hvid spids, der er eftertragtet af jægere, da det så er nemmere at se hunden under jagten. Hunderacen har korte ben men en mellemstor krop. Grundet sin længde kan en Basset hund som regel nå genstande, som andre hunde af samme højde ikke kan nå (f.eks. en velduftende kage på køkkenbordet). En Basset hund er som regel en dårlig svømmer grundet sin kropsbygning.

    En Basset Hound har som regel de tre farver: brun, sort og hvid – men andre farver er også acceptable. Hunderacen har en kort og skinnende pels, som fælder en del.

    Basset hunden er en god familiehund, der både er venlig og tålmodig med børn. Basset Hound har et udpræget jagtinstinkt og bør derfor kun luftes i snor. Bassets kan være stædige og lærer nemmest, hvis der er godbidder involveret i træningen. Bassets kan både gø eller hyle, når de vil have opmærksomhed eller gøre opmærksom på noget. Det kan være en udfordring at træne en Basset.

    Hvis du overvejer at anskaffe dig en Basset Hound bør du overveje følgende:

    - Hunderacen har et særpræget udseende, da en Basset er lang, lav og tungt bygget.

    - Basset Hounds er med i toppen af hunderacer med milde temperamenter.

    - Hunderacen har kun brug for moderat motion.

    Det der kan være dårligt, alt efter hvad du ønsker:

    - Jagtinstinktet gør det svært at lufte en Basset Hound uden snor.

    - Hunderacen er stædig og kan være en udfordring at træne.

    - Basset Hounds fælder en del og kan savle.

    - En Basset Hound kan godt lide at gø eller hyle, når der sker noget nyt, eller den gerne vil have opmærksomhed.

    Mere om Basset Hound

    Har du en Basset Hound? Så opret din hund i vores galleri og deltag i afstemningen om månedens hund

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    Fransk bulldog til salg Ualmindelig dejlige frengle hvalpe klar til nye udfordringer.. French bulldog hvalpe er absolut en skøn familiehund, som skal opleves med dens sjove personlighed og charmeDe er velafbalanceret nysgerrige .

    Kennel Wacherwheat’s har salgsklare hvalpe. Vi har erfaring med racen siden 1994. Hvalpene er nu 13 uger og klar til at finde deres egne familier. Jeg har 2 tæver og to hanner .

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    Det er med stor sorg, at jeg må skille mig af, med min elskede Sigurd. Sigurd er en pomeranian, med en lille snert af chihuahua. Han er verdens sødeste hund. .

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    Basset Hound

    “My hounds are bred out of a spartan kind; So flew’d so sanded and their heads are hung with ears that sweep away the morning dew! Crook kneed , and dew-lapt like Thessalian Bulls slow in pursuit , but match’d in mouth like bells each under each”

    Men den moderne Basset Hound kan føre sin historie nøjagtigt tilbage til en engelsk gravhundeopdrætter, som hed Everett Millais, der i dag regnes for Basset Hound’ens fader. Han var på ferie i Frankrig i 1874, hvor han besøgte en fransk hundeudstilling for at sammenligne sine gravhunde med de franske gravhunde. Ved siden af blev der udstillet et par Basset Artisen Normand. De fangede hans interesse meget, og det endte med, at han købte den ene af hanhundene ved navn Model, som han bragte med sig tilbage til England. Den anden af de 2 udstillede hunde var en hanhund ved navn Fino de Paris, som senere hen blev købt af en anden Englænder ved navn MR. George Krehl. Disse 2 hunde fik en stor betydning for udviklingen af Engelsk Basset Hound. Millais udstillede sin nye Basset Artisen Normand hjemme i England, og den fik mange beundre. En af beundrene var Lord Onslow, der tidligere havde fået et par lignende hunde tilsendt fra Frankrig. Han importerede tre nye eksemplarer. Andre fulgte trop, og snart var der et intensivt avlsarbejde i gang. På grund af det sparsomme alvsmartriale, blev der i 1892 krydset blodhund ind i racen, dette resulterede sig i en helt ny race: Basset Hound’en.

    Temperament & pleje – Basset Hound’en er en rolig og behagelig selskabshund. Det er en kærlig og børnevenlig hund, der trives rigtig godt i selskab med andre hunde. Den er selvstændig, men aldrig aggressiv. Den er glad for gode lange ture i naturen, men det er ikke et must. Pelsplejen er meget begrænset.

    Langt de fleste Basset Hound kan godt være alene hjemme. Der er nogle få som ikke kan, derfor er vi af den holdning, at man skal være positivt indstillet på eventuelt at have 2 hunde. Det betyder IKKE at vi mener man skal anskaffe sig 2 hunde på en gang – langt fra. Blot at man skal have i mente, at det måske, og kun måske, kan på komme på tale. Dette synes vi man skal have med i sine overvejelser, inden man anskaffer sig en Basset Hound.

    Fakta om Racen

    Kendt siden: 1800-tallet

    Oprindelig brug: kanin- og harejagt

    I dag brugt som: selskabshund og jagthund

    Forventet alder: 12 år

    Hvad kræver racen?

    Når du køber en hvalp?

    får du følgende med:

    • Stambog
    • Sundhedsbog
    • 3 x ormebehandlet
    • Vaccination
    • Chipmærket
    • Købsaftale
    • 2 års reklamationsret
    • 2,5kg hvalpefoder
    • Hvalpemappe

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