94 hund
94 High Street Tumble SA14 6HD
Both dogs and children are welcome at 94 High Street a lovely award winning 2 bedroom terraced house holiday home. The house is well equipped with all you need to make it a home from home stay. Ideal for holiday makers, people working, or visiting friends and family in the area. Guests are welcomed with tea, coffee and Welsh cakes and dogs with dog bowls and dog towels. The enclosed garden provides a safe play area for both children and dogs with a recreation area behind with gorgeous views of woodland and over to the hills. There is off-road parking with access to the rear of the house.
Great for couples the house can also accommodate up to 4 people with a king sized double bed in the main bedroom and bunk beds, (sturdy adult), in the smaller room. On the ground floor there is a sitting / dining room, fully equipped kitchen and a rather gorgeous bath/shower room. The pretty garden has a terrace for sitting and eating out (with bbq), and a secure outbuilding for bike store. Being close to the cycle path to Llanelli it will be a great place to walk or bring your bike and explore the Millennium Path. There is super fast WiFi, TV with Netflix for relaxing after a busy day exploring this beautiful part of West Wales.
No 94 is in the village of Tumble which developed in the 19th century to house the anthracite miners who were employed at the nearby Dynant Fach and Great Mountain collieries. It is a really friendly place and has shops and takeaway restaurants within 5 minutes walk of the front door. Tumble is 1.5 miles from Cross Hands, 14 miles from Carmarthen, and 9 miles from Llanelli so well placed to explore the lovely county of Carmarthenshire.
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Hund Surname
Hund is an uncommon surname in the United States. When the United States Census was taken in 2010, there were about 1,442 individuals with the last name "Hund," ranking it number 18,928 for all surnames. Historically, the name has been most prevalent in the Midwest, especially in Kansas. Hund is least common in the southeastern states.
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Lower rank indicates higher popularity.
Ethnic Breakdown
The pie chart shows the ethnic breakdown of the surname "Hund" as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2010. It is heavily skewed towards the Caucasian population in the United States (94.94%).
Native American: 0.35%
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The Hunt (Jagten) (2013)
Critics Consensus: Anchored by Mads Mikkelsen's sympathetic performance, The Hunt asks difficult questions with the courage to pursue answers head on.
Critics Consensus: Anchored by Mads Mikkelsen's sympathetic performance, The Hunt asks difficult questions with the courage to pursue answers head on.
Critic Consensus: Anchored by Mads Mikkelsen's sympathetic performance, The Hunt asks difficult questions with the courage to pursue answers head on.
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Critic Reviews for The Hunt (Jagten)
You leave The Hunt unsettled in the best sense. Its images and implications are likely to stay in your head a long time.
The Hunt's inexorability feels derived more from thematic or ideological concerns than any organic necessity.
Thomas Vinterberg's The Hunt conveys the sinister swirl of persecution more vividly than any film I can remember.
Through it all, we see an idyllic-looking community, where glorious fall colors fade into twinkling December snow - a pretty frame for a terrifying story of a modern-day witch hunt.
It's hard to watch. It should be seen.
Vinterberg orchestrates the material impressively, increasing tension little by little until it becomes overwhelming.
This is a classic study of a lone individual standing up to the irrational forces of a mob.
Mikkelsen makes this personal horror show his own with a powerful and remarkably controlled performance.
What makes The Hunt so affecting is the way [Thomas] Vinterberg jangles the nerves of what first appears to be a strong community of caring neighbors and peels back the cover of civilized behavior to find tribal instincts kicking in.
The Hunt has left me more shaken than any other film I've seen all year.
It's moving, yet unsettling throughout, especially with an open ending that refuses to give the audience the closure that we foolishly think we'll get.
The Hunt is an extremely effective, skilfully put together psychological thriller, whose only tools are human character traits.
Audience Reviews for The Hunt (Jagten)
An extremely nerve-wracking thriller with a fantastic Mads Mikkelsen as a man going through a terrifying ordeal. However, it is impossible for me to overlook some major implausibilities, especially the character staying in that town against all good sense and the naive ending.
A teacher is falsely accused of molesting a young girl, his best friend's daughter. The highlight of this film is the tensely controlled performance by Mads Mikkelsen. He is appropriately morally outraged at times, and his face conveys a forced hope of dignity. The film moves slowly and could've probably been about twenty minutes shorter without losing much of its effect. The plot unfolds predictably, but it's Mikkelsen who keeps everything interesting. Overall, this film is strong primarily because of Mikkelsen.
A very scary film. Not because it's in the horror or thriller genre, but because it is a potent reminder of how humans can be bigger monsters than any creature you can invent. In the Danish film "Jagten (The Hunt)" Mads Mikkelsen, who's doing some incredible work on NBC's "Hannibal" is compelling as a man wrongly accused by a young girl of sexual molestation. This likable and responsible adult is viciously ostracized by a town that without reservation believe the accusation. What makes the story even more potent is that the town is filled with former friends and people that have known the main character for his whole life. The accuser is his best friend's young daughter so the difficult situation becomes even more desperate. "The Hunt" is a punch in the gut emotionally but as a film, it is strongly realized and will stay with you for a while.
A phenomenal, unforgettable little film about a kind, loving man (Mads Mikkelsen) who is wrongly accused of pedophilia by one of his students who is in Kindergarten, and how the community goes after him in a mean, violent fashion. Mikklesen, in the performance of the year and the turn of his career, is lights-out in a role that requires a lot from him, namely just convincing the audience that he can pull this character off after playing psychopaths for so many years. He carries the film, and the subject matter is heartbreaking, realistically portrayed, and ultimately very sad. The way the film ends is surprising and fitting given the title of the movie, and Mikkelsen's confused, shaken glare will not leave you quickly. This is a near-masterpiece and one of the finest movies from 2013.
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